MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 76 Escaping the buried land (6)

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"It's a crow again." Feng Yulan raised his head and looked at the sky. It should be a vast sky. At this moment, it was covered by dense branches and leaves. No bird could be seen. Only the dull bird call came. As if in a very close place, it seems as if it is far away.

"Regular things refer to crow barking, this is obvious." Shadow said so.

"But what does this mean?" Feng Yulan was still puzzled. At this moment, he wished that his IQ could soar in an instant, and one mind could be used as hundreds of smart computers. However, it was unrealistic to think about it, which made Feng Yulan very frustrated.

Shadow didn't seem to be able to come up with any answer and shook his head. He took Feng Yulan's hand and dragged him forward. Two people bypassed this poor confused soul wearing a bracelet and handcuffs, while Feng Yulan instinctively read the book he couldn't understand. The small pocket book of Guwen was tucked into their arms, and they had to set out to find more clues.

While walking on the road, I saw several dead bodies hanging from the tree, all of which were surrounded by layers of spider silk and surrounded by a huge white cocoon, one by one hanging on the trunk of a branch. The situation was spectacular.

Feng Yulan and Shadow both stopped at the same time and stood watching under the cocoons. The shadow said, "I'm afraid this is also the so-called ... regular thing?"

Feng Yulan and Shadow had to study on those cocoons for a long time. The amazing thing is that sometimes, some of the cocoons still shake from time to time. This makes Alan realize that the possibility of being wrapped by cocoons and Not all corpses.

"It's still moving ... Is it alive?" Alan was provoked by curiosity. He walked under one of the hanging cocoons, found a big rock to step on it, and stood on the rock, reached out and touched it. The huge cocoon, the cocoon shook slightly a few times under his touch, but soon recovered its calmness and hung there motionlessly.

A Lan quickly retracted her hand. After retracting it, she felt sticky. She looked down and noticed that some spider silk was stuck in her palm. It was different from those that can usually be seen. These spider silks were thicker than that. The kind of thin rope is almost the same, and it feels sticky to the touch. Alan pulled it for a long time before removing it, but there was still the slimy secretion fluid on his fingers.

This time and again, and delayed a lot of time, Alan paused, and heard a crow cry.

It's boring.

"Once every fifteen minutes." The shadow uttered suddenly.

"What do you mean?" Alan was surprised when he heard what he said, and paused: "Do you mean this crow calls every 15 minutes?"

Shadow nodded and said, "It's about this time. I don't have a timer so I can't figure it out, but I just noticed it. It should be about the same. When you woke up from the beginning, the sound rang a total of four times, about an hour. . "

"That said ..." Alan glanced at the shadows: "This back room is limited for three hours, and we have two hours left, right?"

"That's it."

Alan opened her hands, and a sticky patch on her hand: "The crow's voice symbolizes time, so what do these spider silks represent?"

"What do you think of spider silk?" What does it mean? "


Shadow smiled: "Here is the edge of hell, the transitional place when he went to hell, the confused souls are bound here, but they can never stay here forever, they are going to **** ... but such a dark place, no There are no signs on the road. How can I get there? "

Alan suddenly realized: "People who lead the way?"

"Maybe it's not an individual, let the coal fly." The shadow floated beside Alan, and touched Alan's hand. The temperature of the shadow was very cold. Once again, Alan couldn't bear a chill, and Alan shivered for a while, then said "It's not human ... would it be a big spider?"

There are only large cocoons bound by spiders, and they are hanging very high. Almost everyone in the forest is a giant tree. The trunk is so thick that several people can't hold them around. It may be very difficult to climb up. Alan turned to look at the shadows and asked, "What should I do?"

"Come over that spider."

"Attracting spiders? In other words, do I have to be a prey?"

"The spider is sensitive to its own silk, and as soon as the prey touches it, it will quickly detect it."

So Feng Yulan raised her head and looked at it for a long time. How could she go up?

"In fact, don't worry." The shadow easily saw Alan's thoughts and said, "You just touched the cocoon, I'm afraid it will also be detected by the spider. Maybe I'll pick you up later ... Here, to be safe, we need to make some preparations. "

"Ready?" Alan looked at the shadow in confusion.

"I'll take you up." Shadow answered inexplicably, smiled thoughtfully, raised his head and looked up and reached out his arms and hugged Alan's armpit, holding Alan fluttering closer. How big is Feng Yulan? When approaching it, it is almost as if the sky is getting close. You can clearly see the sticky cobwebs hanging on the branches and leaves. There will be spider silk on every tree.

After about the same position, the shadow made A Lan reach out and grabbed a spider silk. The spider silk's unimaginable stickiness and elasticity made it hard to loosen after A Lan grabbed one hand, and then the shadow released Alan, let Alan go up.

"It's very possible that the spider will entangle you into that kind of cocoon," said Shadow. "So no matter what happens next, how to get rid of these spider silk is very important."

"If you have spider silk, do you want to burn it with fire?" Feng Yulan shook his body and held him by one hand to hang the spider silk, which made him feel a little struggling, but if he hangs his whole body, it will be difficult to move.

"We don't have fire, how to burn?" The shadow wafted in front of Feng Yulan, and his fingers drew a few symbols in the air, then shook his head regretfully: "It is really bad, in this strange secret room, we can't use Charm. "

"But you can fly?" Alan said very curiously.

The shadow replied: "That is my innate trait. As long as you are alive, I can live. As long as your mental strength is still alive, I can fly naturally."

"You are me?"


Alan shook his head in fog, "No, right, I should say, you are my magic instrument."

"Stop it! This issue doesn't need to be discussed any more." Shadow said: "We need to find a way to make you escape even if you are tangled into cocoons."

"Can't you help me untie the spider silk?" A Lan looked at the shadow expectantly, but the shadow shook her head sadly: "No, the only thing I can touch is you, I can't touch anything else. "

The shadow said like this, and gave Alan a demonstration performance. His hands and his body penetrated the cobwebs of the sky, penetrated the lush branches and leaves, and made a circle in front of Alan, and then turned Came back and continued to wander in front of Alan.

Alan looked at the shadows for a long time, and suddenly had a clever move: "It doesn't matter, even if I am entangled with spiders into a cocoon, as long as you can move, can I not move? Since you can only touch me, then You just have to hold me and fly. "

The two talked for a while, and suddenly there was a dense crawling sound in the forest. It was as if there were many and many insects crawling. It was very small, but they were very loud.

Feng Yulan and Shadow looked at each other, and the shadow said, "I'll hide first." After he said it, the figure suddenly disappeared. Although he couldn't see where he went, Feng Yulan was very relieved because he It feels like the shadow has always been by his side, with a strange flesh in his heart.

Immediately after, Feng Yulan saw ... overwhelming little spiders!

Yes, on all the surrounding trees, on the ground, spider silk is densely covered with various palm-sized spiders, one by one crowding out like tides, there are so many of them that it is difficult to calculate and the sound of crawling Can ring through Feng Yulan's eardrums.

Alan is not afraid of creatures such as insects and doesn't feel much about spiders, but so many spiders gather together still make people feel a horrible scalp horror, which can make goose bumps go off the ground Illusion, this makes Alan can not help but shiver again.

Fortunately, these dense little spiders did not approach Feng Yulan, but stopped near him, and soon afterwards, Alan heard a relatively loud snoring noise. He saw a very huge, huge spider on a trunk in front of his eyes!

I do n’t know how to describe it, Feng Yulan is basically a giant spider that has been enlarged n times. When crawling on a tree, it can shake the branches and trunks. The spider Feng Yulan grabbed with one hand Silk also felt that kind of fierce shaking, which started shaking him all over.

The giant spider was close to Feng Yulan, and was very close. This allowed Feng Yulan to clearly see every hair on the spider, with three pairs of spider feet, and it had many eyes, which grew on its head and counted. Counting eight eyes, they were crowded together, and Feng Yulan couldn't help shuddering again.

The spider didn't seem to have much interest in Feng Yulan. It was very light and very light. He broke through Alan's clothes with two spider feet, dragged him up and lifted him up, and then started spinning. Somewhere in its belly, white spider silk was constantly ripped out.

The giant spider wrapped the spider silk one by one on A Lan's body. A Lan scarcely moved. He realized that the spider did not bite him or give him poison or the like, but wrapped the cocoon with spider silk, and The entanglement speed is very fast, and soon Lan feels that he can't move all over his body, and his sight is blocked by the spider silk one by one.

The feeling of being tightly wrapped, the spider ribbon was unparalleled in elasticity, and Alan tried to struggle twice, but felt very weak, as if his strength had been exhausted, and slowly began to have a strange The drowsiness made him hardly open his eyes.

Although the spider silk obstructed his vision, Alan's hearing was still alive. After feeling that the giant spider had entangled the cocoon, he treated Alan like the other large cocoons, and seemed to hang on a tree. Then Alan heard the sound of the spider's ebb, and the sound gradually disappeared, indicating that the big spider and its little spiders had quickly left.

"How do you feel?" After a while, Alan heard the shadow's voice and said to him.

"It's tight, and ... I don't know why I feel almost powerless, very sleepy, and want to sleep." Alan said honestly how she felt.

"Be patient, don't fall asleep ... The spiders haven't gone far, I'll take you to follow them." After the shadow said, he reached out and grabbed Alan, his hand can be grasped directly through the shell of the cocoon. Alan, and flew along with him staggering.

The author has something to say: Cavan has no limit, ah qaq

It ’s a bit busy at the beginning of school, and the update is slow. Do n’t worry, I will work hard! 2k novel reading network