MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 65 Buried Land (10)

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Luo Jian could not surface again.

He felt that the water in the cistern was extremely heavy, and his body seemed to be filled with lead, and it sank down, no matter how hard Luo Luo flicked his limbs, the water above his head was getting farther and farther away from him.

This will drown.

Luo Jian was just full of such thoughts. He didn't know how deep the cistern was, nor whether there was a diversion channel under the pond. Even if it did, the risk of rushing through was too great. Luo Jian did not have the courage to take his own life. Gambling, just to the point where he does not want to bet, he can only let go.

The water was so heavy that Luo Jian couldn't float at all, just sinking blindly, and there was a weird smell in the water. Luo Jian was a little scared, wouldn't this water be poisonous?

When Luo Jian was struggling in the water, the phosphorite on his body fell out, and the light emitted by the stone in the water was more vigorous, reflecting Luo Jian's surroundings into a dark blue. The suffocated Luo Jian stumbled to reach out to grab the stone, but I don't know if it was the cause of the water waves, but the stone was getting farther and farther.

Somehow Luo Jian felt an impulse in his heart. He was desperately swimming in the direction of the stone. Luo Zhong felt that he seemed to swim into a water hole. It was a very narrow water channel. Luo Jane helped the wall inside the water cave to swim forward, and the phosphorite rocked along with the wave of the current. Luo Jian tried to grasp the stone, but couldn't catch it.

Luo Jian didn't understand why he was so obsessed with trying to grab the stone, but he was uncomfortable without grasping it, so he swam hard in the water hole, followed the stone all the way forward, and the water began to flow quickly for some reason As a result, Luo Jian was rushed forward by the water accidentally. In the confusion, he seemed to feel that he finally caught this **** phosphorite, but his consciousness became blurred due to suffocation and other reasons.

When Luo Jian woke up, he seemed to have been washed ashore by the water, lying on the edge of another cistern with his whole body, still holding the phosphorite tightly in his hand. Luo Jian lay on the ground dull for a long time, half of his body was still immersed in the water, it took a long time to slowly get up and get out of the pool.

Everything was soaked and felt very heavy. Luo Jian coughed twice, forced her lungs to spit out a few mouthfuls, and closed her hair ** to cover her forehead. Then she took a closer look at the surrounding environment. .

Luo Jian found that he was no longer near the previous cistern. I am afraid that it was taken by the water to another place along the water channel in the pond. It was also next to the cistern, but there were no five large clay pots around it. Now, in front of Luo Jian was a huge stone gate.

There are two dragon and tiger statues on the left and right sides of Shimen. The dragon carving mouth contains the night pearl, the dragon body is in a ball, and the eyes are closed. The tiger carving also has the night pearl in the mouth, lying on the ground and lazy; Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

In the middle of the two statues, the huge stone door is three meters high. The door is carved with extremely complicated patterns. The door seems to be lined with the same phosphorite stone that Luo Jian holds in his hands. With a faint blue light, the entire stone gate was illuminated.

Luo Jian sighed and approached Shimen with a whole body. He didn't know where it was, but the door looked very majestic. Could it be the main tomb of the tomb? Luo Jian, who was thinking in this way, came to Shimen and observed the carved pattern on Shimen carefully.

The pattern on the stone gate is almost the same as the pattern of the matrix map that Luo Jian saw in the six tombs before. The only difference is that the small holes in the matrix are embedded with luminous phosphorescence. Stone ... No, one of the holes was empty, and no phosphorite was embedded in it.

After seeing this empty hole, Luo Jian subconsciously glanced at the stone he was holding tightly in his hand, and murmured, "Is this a coincidence?"

But whether it was a coincidence or not, Luo Jian felt that it was worth a try, so he clenched the phosphorite in his hand, and was about to put the stone into the empty hole, but soon Luo Jian realized that This matrix map is too big. The empty hole is higher than Luo Jian's head at the top. Luo Jian's body and arms are out of reach. Stepping stones.

However, when he was looking for stepping stones all over the floor, he accidentally glanced at the dragon and tiger statues on both sides, and immediately saw Luo Jian startled because he found that the two statues actually looked different. !! !!

The dragon sculpture is no longer closed eyes and sacred, shouting the night pearl, but at this moment it is raising his head, widening his eyes and looking at the position where Luo Jian is standing! The same is true of the tiger eagle, no longer lazily looking at the ground, but twisting his head and widening his eyes to look at the position where Luo Jian is standing, staring at Luo Jian from left to right.

Luo Jian was really scared this time. Look at the dragon sculpture on the left and the tiger sculpture on the right. He remembers that the two statues were not like this! What's wrong? Can the statue move too? !!

Luo Jian suddenly felt an ominous hunch in his heart. This review could not find any stepping stones. He bounced the phosphorescent stones into the array chart on the stone gate, just before the stones were inserted. At the moment, Luo Jian heard the sound of the activation of the organ from the ground again, and the stone door raised a burst of dust, and opened loudly in front of Luo Jian!

Shimen just opened a small crack, but it was enough to allow a person to walk in. The dark piece inside could not see anything. Luo Jian took out the flashlight from his pocket, thanks to high technology, He was carrying waterproof flashlights in his own back room.

Luo Jian first took a picture with a flashlight into the gap in Shimen, but it was really too dark inside, and the brightness of the flashlight had a feeling of not being able to shine. Unknown things in the stone gate made Luo Jian's heart frightened. Luo Jian hesitated for a while and stood still and refused to move.

But when Luo Jian looked at the statues on the left and right again, Luo Jian was again surprised to find that the statue had changed again without his attention. The tiger sculpture had completely stood up, not only watching Luo Jian but also Fangs grinned, and one paw was raised, making the movement towards Luo Jian.

Turning his head to look at the dragon carving on the left, the body is no longer huddled up, the upper body of the dragon actually floats, and the same teeth dance, as if they can fly towards Luo Jian at any time.

Luo Jian was really frightened by the two statues. Now he is no longer hesitant. He immediately walked into Shimen with a flashlight. Shimen didn't know what kind of mechanism was set up. He automatically closed after he entered, and Dang After he entered, the two statues were in places he couldn't see, and they immediately returned to their original state.

Luo Jian, who entered Shimen, found that he was in a very wide space, such as a huge cube-shaped tomb with a width of more than ten meters, with a high platform in the center of the tomb. There seems to be a coffin on the platform. There are stairs around the platform that can be climbed up. Round circular lamp stands are built around the stairs. There are a number of long lamps on the lamp stand, but all the long lamps are off.

In addition to this high platform, Luo Jian's position is below the platform. Luo Jian saw a lot of things similar to terracotta warriors and horses, that is, the ancient tomb sculptures, the statues made by the technique of burning ceramics. However, it is not appropriate to say that these are terracotta warriors Luo Jian, because these sculptures are not carved like soldiers or carriages, but are strangely shaped like monsters.

There are big and small magpies, some are little ghosts, with limbs like children, very sharp faces, only one eye, and a lantern in their hands. Some are very huge monster-like things, for example, the upper body is a human, the lower body is a horse, the wings of an eagle are still on the horse, and the tail is the shape of a snake. Luo Jian also saw the bull's head and the horse's face, but the human body had a cow's head or a horse's head, and he had a spear and a sword in his hand.

These tomb-carving monsters are very scary, wielding weapons in their hands, and they are ready to attack at any time.

Luo Jian has not seen any terracotta warriors and horses. He has only seen pictures of terracotta warriors with a computer, but the shock to him alone is huge enough. The neatly arranged huge terracotta warriors in the tomb have different expressions. So Luo Jian also thought that if he was free, he would have to go to the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum once to see the terracotta warriors and horses.

But to this day, Luo Jian saw an even more shocking thing in an unknown grave.

There are not many tomb sculptures of these monsters. About 50 such sculptures have been counted in the past, but some of the sculptures are really huge and occupy a large area. These sculptures all focus on the same direction. It is on the most central platform in this huge tomb.

"Anyway, it's very likely that this is the main burial chamber." Luo Jian carried a flashlight through these statues of different sizes, and slowly walked towards the platform in the center of the cemetery. The platform was very high, Luo Jianyang No one could see the coffin above.

But with a look into the mood, Luo Jian carefully walked up the stairs of the platform, approaching the highest coffin step by step. Luo Jian knew that it was likely to be described on the slip in the coffin ... that nation The gods they believe in.

But Luo Jian still had some doubts. He just got to the main tomb as simple as that? Although he had been trapped by various agencies for a long time with Feng Yulan, and was almost killed by poisoning, Luo Jian thought he would have to go through more dangers to reach the main cemetery, or ... this is not actually What main burial chamber?

While thinking, Luo Jian has stepped onto a high platform and walked to the coffin.

Luo Jian found that the coffin was not made of ordinary wood. It was a sarcophagus with decorative patterns engraved on it, which made Luo Jian somewhat surprised that the sarcophagus seemed to have been opened. Because the coffin lid was removed a slit, the dark inside could be seen faintly.

"Is anyone ready to get on the sprint?" Luo Jian put his hand on the coffin. It is normal to think so. In this huge tomb, not only Luo Jian and others, but also people from the enemy team, Luo Jian knew that the enemy team was Unlike his own team, it is likely that it was not a temporary patchwork, but a team that cooperated with tacit understanding. Their mobility and judgment were far above that of Luo Jian's team.

However, Luo Jian was still lucky. He pushed the lid of the sarcophagus hard. The lid of the sarcophagus was very heavy, about a few hundred pounds. Luo Jian pushed hard for a long time before finally pushing the lid of the coffin. Turned on most of the time, then took a flashlight into the coffin, under such a photo, Luo Jian suddenly darkened.

Xing Yan stared at him with a pair of red rabbit paper eyes.

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