MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 64 Buried Land (9)

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When the mechanism was started, the three people looked at each other with surprised eyes. Duan Li was the first to start the action. He immediately opened a secret door in the back room. Sure enough, the back of the secret door was no longer familiar. The tomb is a dark passageway, and I do not know where it leads.

"It's an institution." Duan Lili stepped out of the dark door and walked into the passage. He took the flashlight and shot it deep into the passage. He couldn't see the bottom of it. You will find some lamp stands on the walls, but the lights have gone out. This channel is obviously not the same as the channel where Luo Jian met the ghost before.

"There is no danger." After Duan Li inspected for a few weeks, she turned her head and squatted beside the back door, calling Luo Jian and Feng Yulan to hurry up, so Luo Jian pushed Feng Yulan to let him pass.

The secret door in the tomb is relatively narrow, and only one person can pass at a time. And because the hidden door is set in a lower corner, you usually have to squat to crawl over! Each time Luo Jian passed through the secret door, he silently groaned in his heart. He did not know how the person who constructed the tomb had conceived it. He wanted to set up such a troublesome secret door.

But soon, Luo Jian knew why this secret door was set up like this.

Because Feng Yulan passed through the secret door smoothly, and also squatted across from him to say Luo Jian, Luo Jian had just squatted down ... Suddenly! He heard the sound of the activation of the underground institution again! And just at the moment when the sound appeared, the door of the secret door suddenly fell down by itself! Luo Jian opened his eyes and watched the dark door close quickly. Feng Yulan on the other side had no time to reach out and shouted Luo Jian, and then the thick dark door closed tightly.

Luo Jian was completely frightened by this sudden change. He immediately started to open the secret door subconsciously. There is something similar to a button on the edge of the secret door. Every time you press the secret door, it will open. After the staff member passes, press the opposite button again to close the door.

If you leave it on purpose, the door will automatically close in about a few minutes.

But Luo Jian did not encounter this situation, and no one touched the mechanism, but the door was closed by himself! Luo Jian naturally desperately pressed the button on the wall to try to open the hidden door again, but I don't know what happened this time. The mechanism of the hidden door became extremely dull. Why did Luo Jian press the button and the door closed deadly It wasn't until the vibration of the underground organ that Luo Jian heard stopped, and the door banged open.

However, behind the opened dark door, there was no Feng Yulan and Duan Li, nor was it the new dark channel! But Luo Jian was very familiar, and the same tomb room as Luo Jian was in.

As Luo Jian saw, the three coffins were neatly placed side by side, and the murals on the wall still told the story of the evil spirit. Luo Jian understood that he was back in that terrible formation again. Six tombs seemingly endlessly circulating.

"What the **** is going on?" Luo Jian was frightened at this moment. Although he still had a lot of secret rooms, he still felt inexplicable about this situation, because all of a sudden he was left alone. Duan Li and A Lan were both missing, and there were only three large caskets in the dark tomb to guard him.

Luo Jian swallowed. He felt he couldn't sit still anymore. He remembered the vibration sound that was heard when the weird institution started before, and it was because of this sound that the secret door suddenly closed. Luo Jiansi I don't understand what it is all about.

So Luo Jian returned to the mural and looked at the circular array diagram used by that institution. It was only then that Luo Jian found out that this array of maps had returned. Before Luo Jian turned the array, the new door was behind the opened secret door, but the opened secret door closed in a few minutes, and the map automatically turned back. Luo Jian looked at the map for a long time, heart If he turns again, I don't know if he can find Alan them.

Acting heartily, Luo Jian immediately pressed his hand up and tried to rotate the matrix map again, but this time Luo Jian found that he could not turn to the right, but only to the left. The matrix map turned in a different direction than before.

After turning the array to the left for a half circle, there was a sound of starting of the agency soon. After Luo Jian waited for the sound to stop, he ran to open the dark door. After opening the dark door, there was a line behind the door. The deep passageway, but did not see Duanli, Luo Jian hesitated, climbed through the dark door, and walked into the dark passageway.

Shortly after Luo Jian climbed out of the dark door, the sound of the agency's activation followed, and the dark door closed.

"What the **** is this **** place?" Luo Jian found that the closed door seemed to be unable to open after closing, because there was no button to open the hidden door, Luo Jian had to bite the bullet in the passage. Walked, but after walking for a long time and still did not see the way out, until he accidentally kicked something, he flashed the flashlight to the ground and found that the thing he kicked was a long light.

Very familiar long light.

Luo Jian was chilling all over, he squatted down, picked up the long lamp, and looked at the light of the flashlight carefully. He suddenly realized that this was the long light that had fallen from Feng Yulan before! After they were poisoned by the monster, Duan Li took them away, but left the lamp here.

This is the channel that met the monster before hitting the monster!

"Paralysis, I'm back again." Luo Jian felt himself sweating coldly, the flashlight in his hand began to tremble unconsciously, the circular light flickered on the wall, and now he has no way out. There is also a terrible monster roaming in the channel where the ghost hits the wall. Maybe there is someone from the enemy team that I met before.

How to do? What should I do? Luo Jian was thinking about this problem. He was not segmented. I do n’t know how Duan escaped this narrow passage. He could n’t return to the tomb with three coffins and murals. He lost all his partners, and was alone, facing an attack from the dark.

There is no escape route, if you are afraid, you will only be more afraid. Luo Jian thought about turning off the light of the flashlight, and took out the luminous phosphorite he had originally got from his pocket. I remember that Alan said that the monster was sensitive to light and sound. Your own sense of existence is the best. Then Luo Jian walked slowly forward.

This channel is still in the state of ghosts hitting the wall. After walking for a long time, Luo Jian realized that his footsteps were gone, but he was not as surprised as when he discovered it for the first time. Shi, holding the wall in one hand and walking slowly forward, it was about ten minutes later, Luo Jian walked to the place where Feng Yulan first woke up, the place with the cistern and five large clay pots.

Feng Yulan's statement was true. Five large clay pots were opened, and one of them was broken. The strange black liquid flowed to the ground, and a lot of liquid also flowed into the nearby cistern. The cistern Occupying a large area, the water in the pool was dark under the shroud of darkness.

The cistern is probably specially designed in the tomb, because there will be groundwater, and in the wet environment, there will be standing water in many tombs. When the tomb was built, such a reservoir and a channel for water diversion were specially built. In addition, Luo Jian saw that the note on the note once said that this tomb was connected to an underground cave. The underground cave Not much to say, there must be an underground river or something, maybe it can be connected to the river outside ...

"If I follow the current, I might be able to go out." Luo Jian was a little enlightened, and immediately squatted next to the cistern to see the direction of the current. This pond is not large, and the water does not seem to be standing water. A small vortex was formed to shake it, but sometimes it would rise up and flow all over the ground. Luo Jian envisioned that there must be a diversion channel under the pool, but he didn't know where this channel led? The aisle is not large or long, can it allow the next person to swim in? Luo Jian might be drowned if he can't come out for ventilation.

Luo Jian squatted beside the cistern for a long time, and at the moment he hesitated, the accident happened again! Because Luo Jian once again heard a sound coming from behind, which was the kind of cracked pottery, Luo Jian decisively looked back and found that one of the four intact large pots was broken for unknown reasons, and the liquid inside Immediately sprinkled the ground, and a black mass of meat fell out.

This incident scared Luo Jian upright and covered his hair, and immediately pulled out his knife and squatted beside the pool, looking around vigilantly. The light of the phosphorite is too faint. Luo Jian, who has become accustomed to the darkness, has gradually started to learn to judge things without relying on his own eyes. He listened intently to a little sound, subtle or more subtle sounds around him.

Just when he felt nervously that his hands holding the knife began to tremble, his keen intuition made Luo Jian feel that something on the right was coming at an inhuman speed, although the surroundings were too dark. It's not clear, but he felt something murderous, and immediately slashed his sword to resist it!

Luo Jian felt that his blade was really blocking something, but it was not important anymore, because the collision force was very strong when that thing came over. Although Luo Jian resisted the attack, the lower plate was unstable. , Was directly knocked backwards, and Luo Jian's back was the dark pool of water.

Water is very gentle, and it is also very cold. When the water overflowed the top of his head, Luo Jian seemed to clearly feel the death, and the **** of death wielded his cold sickle, and harvested human life without mercy . 2k novel reading network