MTL - Endless Fall-Chapter 119 See you again after many years

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   Chapter 119 See you again after many years

   He seemed to be in a state of madness, laughing wildly at a life video.

   Pei Zhi interrupted the goose-like voice: "Are you going to the country with us tomorrow?"

   "Are you fishing?"

   "No." He briefly explained the situation without mentioning his work: "You remember to wear sportswear, not a watch."

   "Why can't I wear a watch?"

   "The road over there is not easy to walk. If you accidentally fall, it is easy to break it."

  Chu Yuzhou believed his words.

   He put on his sportswear the next morning, and carried the two old men to keep up with the cars in front, away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

  The quiet mountain path has a unique flavor.

  The warm sunshine poured in through the lush trees, and there was a feeling of relaxation and joy when the breeze was blowing.

   "Stop this way." Pei Zhi pointed to the concrete floor.

   He picked up the gift box and waited for Chu Yuzhou to stop, and then opened the back seat: "The road ahead is too narrow, you can only walk over."

   "How long?"

   "Ten minutes."

  Chu Kui looked towards the yellow dirt road ahead.

   He pointed to the fenced yard: "Is that old man Lin's home?"

   "Yes." Lin Jiao supported Pei Zhen and walked forward.

   She always pays attention to the road under her feet, lest he accidentally trip over: "There is a river behind the yard, and you can also fish."

  Chu Yuzhou stopped abruptly.

   He went back and took out the fishing rod from the trunk, ran wildly to catch up with them, and stared at the morning glory on the fence.

   "You'd better not pick it." Seeing him holding out a hand, Pei Zhi reminded in time: "If you pick it up, you will be beaten."

   "I didn't want to pick it."

   "Take your claws back before you say that." Chu Kui glared at him and walked into the yard first.

   He shouted into the room, "Old Man Lin!"

   This breathless voice startled Lin Kanglu, who was sitting in the living room reading a newspaper.

   He looked at the two old things through the window, and the corner of his mouth raised a nostalgic smile, but he pulled it back in the next second.

   "Are you addicted to being a shrewd tortoise? Why don't you come out now!"

   "Who are you calling the bastard!?"

   "Old man Pei, listen to me." Chu Kui dragged Pei Zhen to sit at the table: "His ears are not good enough."

  Lin Kanglu put down the newspaper with a snap.

   He walked up to the two old things, and when he saw their smiling faces, he couldn't scold them again: "Who let you two in?"

   Pei Zhen pointed to the open courtyard door: "You opened the door yourself and won't let anyone in?"

   "You are talking nonsense with your eyes open in broad daylight?"

   "Stop arguing." Chu Kui, who was scolding first, waved his hand to interrupt them: "I'm dying of thirst, please pour us a cup of tea first."

   "You deserve to die of thirst!"

  Lin Kanglu glanced at him, turned his head and entered the room.

   Hearing his intentional movement, Pei Zhen stretched his neck and shouted, "I want to drink Pu'er!"


   "Then change to dark tea."

   "It's good if you have a drink, you still choose?" Lin Kanglu said so, but in fact he still made a pot of Pu'er and brought it out.

   He greeted a few juniors to sit down: "I don't have time to entertain you two, hurry up after drinking tea!"

   "I heard the rooster crowing." Chu Kui didn't answer him at all, he looked at Chu Yuzhou: "Go to the backyard and catch one."

   "I didn't catch it."

   "It's easy to catch." Pei Zhen ordered Pei Zhi: "You go with Pei Zhi, pick only the fat ones and stew."

  Lin Kanglu patted the table: "Do I agree?"

   "Jiaojiao agrees." Chu Kui smiled kindly at Lin Jiao: "Really?"

   (end of this chapter)