MTL - End of World’s Businessman-Chapter 162 Attacking Yunzi City (on)

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Based on the information collected from Yunzi City, Wu Ye and Daqin decided to seduce the six-level zombies in Yunzi City and their five-level zombie brothers outside the city after repeated research.

The terrain environment in the city is very complicated, and there are many low-level zombies. The so-called ants are more than dead. They only have more than forty people. Without the elimination of the fifth and sixth zombies, once they are deeply trapped in the zombie lair, there is only a dead end. One.

If the six-level zombies can be taken out of the city and the terrain is wide open, the younger brothers who can bring them out of the city are relatively limited. As long as they can quickly resolve the six-level zombies, the latter things will be much easier.

Wu Ye, Da Qin, Rabbit Boss, and Big Gray have all reached the level of the sixth-order power. The four of them add up, and the front contends with no match for a six-level fusion zombie. More troublesome is the fifteen five-level fusion zombies, twenty-three five-level ordinary zombies, and the five-level abilities in the Guards are only Zhao Qianyu and Qian Xin, and they are confronted directly against the 38 five-level zombies. reality. And by the time the six-level zombies can't just take the five-level younger brother out of the city, there will be countless other levels of zombies.

Therefore, it is not enough to hunt the six-level zombie list to lure it out of the city.

It is the strength of Daqin to trap targets, set traps, and develop operational plans. His carefully selected guards, not only the powerful talents, but also many former veterans, the ability to analyze combat is better than other ordinary survivors. Qin Wuhua concentrated people, brainstormed, and used the functions of computing, prediction, and simulation of a new generation of brains to try to develop the least costly combat plan.

It took a full ten days before and after collecting information to finalize the operational plan.

The surrounding area of ​​Yunzi City is dominated by plain terrain. There are very few mountainous areas around it. Due to the looting of zombies and insects, coupled with the high temperature and drought in summer, many places outside the city have rare vegetation. Once the six-level zombies are out of the city, The environment will greatly weaken its advantage of agile, set traps in advance, and can also minimize it and its younger brother.

Before the final plan was finalized, Wu Ye, Qin Wuhua, Rabbit Boss, Da Gray, Zhao Ganyu, and Qian Xin began to draw 200-700 ml of blood every day. The rabbit boss was small and contributed the least, and the big gray was big and contributed the most. . After collecting blood every day, Wu Ye will give you a system card with no side effects and high-priced hematopoietic pills. After eating a blood-making pill with a price of physical fitness pills, you can quickly replenish your body's blood loss, which is usually used for first aid on the battlefield. The total dose should not exceed 25 times a year, and should not be taken more than 12 times in a row.

Although there are no side effects, the body loses blood and regenerates blood every day. It is impossible to have no effect at all. The rabbit boss has a lot of jealousy. Every time he sees the blood-sucking needle, he struggles or pleads for mercy. The small appearance does not mention much pity. On several occasions, Li Xiazhi almost did not go, but in the end, he still slammed his head. Blood volume.

Don't look at Wu Er Shao, who is quite abandoning the rabbit boss. When he saw the rabbit boss being sinned, he was still very distressed. In order to appease the rabbit boss, he also specially redeemed the points and crystal nucleus system to exchange a few rabbits who liked the rabbit's favorite animal food. At night, he also allowed the rabbit boss to climb to the bed and sleep with him. Thick hair is hot. The rabbit boss saw that the taste and effect of the animal food were very good, and the master had a rare good for it, and finally it was the last.

By the time their battle plan is finalized, they have collected nearly 50 pounds of blood.

After the plan was finalized, Yang Lina and several other guards were responsible for dividing the blood and the blood of other abilities in the city into small portions, and then fully soaking the meat of the dead mutant beast to ensure these large and small meats. The block is full of the taste of the five or six powers and the mutant beast.

The sixth-level zombies are smart, and the system is divided into zombie levels. It is only an intermediate zombie. It is smarter than other zombies, but it does not reach the level of 'wisdom.' It has been trapped in the city, it is impossible not to covet the fresh flesh and blood, especially the flesh and blood of the sixth-level abilities!

After the battle plan was finalized, Qin Wuhua mobilized thousands of city defense guards to go to the battle site they planned to spend two days to arrange traps.

When the trap is done, Professor Li has made two micro-energy hoods according to Wu Ye’s meaning. Wu Ye took the person to go to Qingyi County to cover his treasure-type energy from the underground garage. He was able to withstand the siege of 500 zombies below the third level, two 4th-level zombies, and a full-scale attack of a five-level ordinary zombie. Although the function is far less powerful than the energy chariots in Wu Ye, the defense is already against the sky compared to the armored vehicles in other settlements.

As early as last year, Qin Wuhua arranged for people to whisper, Ji Yun and Professor Li, who had the gold abilities and fine-tuned the chariots. The Li Minsheng team also upgraded the intelligent system of the chariots to make the chariots have certain Self-identification ability, playing a stronger auxiliary role in the battle.

Everything is in place, and Qin Wuhua has let several of the guards who joined the team finally go to the battle site.

At noon, the eight security aircrafts in the city were rebuilt with safety hoods, and the survivors’ horrified eyes flew out of the city’s energy cover.

After the fighters took off, they quickly marched. The scattered zombies and mutant flying insects in the sky followed suit. The taste of the intermediate zombie eviction agent dispelled the zombies. The intermediate insect repellents exchanged at high prices also had mutations. The miraculous effect, zombies and flying insects spread quickly. The plane quickly reached the sky above Yunzi City, and then began to slow down and hover, the energy cover can change shape, and hundreds of small remote-controlled aircraft suddenly fell on the bottom of the fighter.

These planes are advanced electric simulation toys that Wu Ye bought from another world. Li Minsheng led his team and has intelligently implanted these remote-controlled aircraft. These small toys can be controlled through the intelligent system on the fighter. After the fighters scanned the position of the six-level fusion zombies, they immediately issued instructions to let the remote-controlled aircraft turn on the intelligent flight mode. According to the preset route and plan, it began to scatter in all directions of Yunzi City.

The flesh of the remote control aircraft's internal devices and the strong abilities of the abilities are simply more tempting. The places where the smart RC planes pass are all roaring.

Unlike humans and beasts, zombies are rarely trapped in the city, and the wings give them more freedom and more open space. The same is true for mutated flying insects. They prefer to wander their wings to other places to find delicious food than in cities without food.

The same is true of Yunzi City. There are almost no zombies and mutant flying insects in the dead city. The RC planes are almost provocatively passing over the heads of the zombies. The zombies who have been trapped in the city for more than three years have not tasted the taste of fresh flesh and blood, and they are all crazy at once. The glass of countless office buildings in the city is cracked and shattered in the roar of the corpses, and they are all over the sky. More zombies flew directly out of the building, trying to catch the remote control aircraft.

Few of the RC planes were thrown, silently fell into the corpse of the corpse below, and the hungry zombies tore the plane, and the fresh meat soaked in the blood of the abilities fell out, and countless zombies fell into the fight. .

Suddenly, two toy planes flew to the top of the six-level fusion zombies. The six-level zombies smelled the sweetness of the food. They lifted their hands and grabbed the two planes easily. The plane blew open without warning. The six-level zombies were blown up with two hands and the skin was bruised and bruised. Both hands were dark red blood.

The six-level fusion zombie suddenly stretched out a half-meter long, barbed tongue, and smashed it in both hands. The two dead gray eyes actually smashed up, revealing a near-indulgent look. After three or two mouths cleaned the blood on his hands, the wound on his hand had disappeared. It screamed in the sky, the sound was not too big, but a strange sound wave opened in the sky above Yunzi City, being a toy plane. The corpse that blew up the pot calmed down, and almost all the zombies squinted their heads, looking at the direction of the six-level fusion zombies in a very distorted posture.

The six-level fusion zombies suddenly moved, chasing the toy airplanes in front of them all the way, and their younger brothers gave way to it, chasing behind it and running with it. However, just as the six-level fusion zombies were single-mindedly chasing the taste of the six-level abilities, more toy planes blew themselves up in the sky, and the flesh and blood that fell from the sky immediately dragged the footsteps of a large number of low-level zombies, causing the corpse to fall into chaos and some not yet blew. The toy plane managed to lure the five-level zombies away from the six-level integration of the zombies, and flew away in other directions outside the city.

The six-level fusion zombies are smarter. After chasing the toy plane for a while, it seems that they are not quite right. When it hesitates to stop chasing, there are several small planes that blew themselves in front of it. The fresh meat of the blood of the abilities exudes an incomparable mellow taste. The six-level zombies swept the tongue and shredded the low-level zombies who tried to compete with them for flesh and blood. After eating the meat, they did not hesitate to move toward the toy plane. The direction is chasing out. When it was not discovered, it has gradually left the city center and suburbs of Yunzi City, all the way out of the city. In its army, only a very small number of zombie brothers followed, and chased them out.

The six-level fusion zombies use the long tongue and the corrosive mucus to catch the toy planes in succession. Seeing that the number of toy planes is getting less and less, the six-level zombies are chasing after chasing. They have not found that they have stepped on the loess under the foot and made a huge hollow. A spider-like crack appeared on the soil. In a flash, the six-level fusion zombie fell into a giant crater that was several tens of meters deep. The bottom of the pit was a brown viscous liquid, and the six-level fusion zombie could not touch it. Dropped into the bottom of the pit, rolling under the effect of inertia, the whole body is covered with this mucus.

As soon as it stood up and stood up, the palm of the hand was about to climb up on the rock wall, and a bomb fell from the sky...