MTL - End of World’s Businessman-Chapter 161 public

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Daqin spit out the ring in surprise, and the second one did not even abandon it. He took a napkin from the table and wiped the ring clean. He proudly held the ring and said, "Come on, I will wear it for you, and later you will be mine." People!"

Although the two did not cover up, Daqin still saw the tension and embarrassment in his eyes, and his heart could not help but be a mess, but Daqin did not reach out and instead took out a delicate black box from his pocket. Opened, the black flannel is also a pair of platinum-gold men's rings. The difference is that Wu Ye's ring is carefully carved with a leaf pattern. The ring prepared by Daqin is two simple rings. Polished and engraved, without any extra modifications.

"Aye, I also prepared a ring." Daqin's heart was sweet and sorrowful and said helplessly.

Two less Lai Pei said: "No, the ring is clearly I took it out first, I must wear it for me." Two young hearts also have their own little ninety-nine, what is proposed is generally 'husband' to prepare the ring, absolutely can not let Daqin grab The location of the head of his family.

Two little thoughts, Daqin simply did not need to see all the clear, he smiled: "Of course you have to wear what you prepared, but what about the pair I prepared? I wanted to give you a birthday. surprise……"

Secondly, I saw the faint loss of Daqin’s eyes. I immediately compromised and lost. "What should I do?"

Daqin smiled and put the handsome face together. "Take a kiss and tell you."

Two less rudely gave birth to two paws and began to lick Daqin’s face. He laughed and said: “I’m still playing with me, hurry up, or see how I can clean you up!”

Daqin raised his eyebrows, put down the chopsticks, and packed the people directly into the upstairs room. He smashed it from inside to outside. He had already practiced two things on some things, and he was very enthusiastic and active. I will not sleep until the middle of the night. Two less tightly wrapped around Daqin, forgetting the things of the ring early.

The next night, Daqin took out two rings of very high similarity, one was a polished metal ring with a platinum-shaped metal wrapped around a circle-shaped pattern on the bottom of the ring; the other was just the opposite, with a leaf-shaped pattern ring. Bottom, surrounded by a circle of polished platinum-colored metal. Under the light, the two rings are beautiful and beautiful.

"How? Satisfied?" Daqin asked with a smile.

Two little holding the ring for a moment, nodded with a little bit of trouble, and then took out a leaf-shaped bottom ring that was obviously a big circle, grabbed Daqin's left hand and began to set on the ring finger, set a good look for a long time, very satisfied Nodded, and then stared seriously at Daqin: "You will be the wife of Laozi in the future, and you are not allowed to give me three hearts and minds, understand?"

Daqin nodded from the good, and put another ring on the ring finger. Then he twisted the cheeks of the two little meats and smiled. "You are the same. Don't always laugh at others, I will be jealous." ""

Two less stunned, and thought of something, then haha ​​laughed: "You will be jealous? You really will be jealous?"

Daqin’s heart showed a bad feeling, and then nodded very seriously.

"Then I laughed a lot later, vinegar died you! Hahaha... I found out today that you are so vinegar, hahaha..."

Daqin looked at someone who couldn’t stand the waist, and the ear tip was a rare red tide. The next moment, he let the second less come to experience what is called ‘no-zuo-no-die’.

The relationship between Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua is basically semi-open in Yucheng, but they rarely do intimate moves in public. Although everyone knows that they live together, Qin Wuhua always has everything to Wu Ye. First, many people think that they are only a master-slave relationship.

Now both of them have put on a ring that looks like the same paragraph on the ring finger, and no one is lucky.

The pro-guard team's character is more lively and loyal, and Qian Xin, headed by them, is clamoring for the boss to treat. Two less hands and one wave, wrapped in the hotel in the Xiangxiang restaurant, please kiss the family and some of the high-level management system in the Yucheng management system, this is not a formal wedding, but it is also equivalent to close people Clear relationship.

The guys who were careful about Qin and Wu in the dark completely broke their minds and could only toast the two with a cup. However, the second amount of alcohol is not covered, and there are water-based abilities to cheat. The trick is to drink more than 100 people including Daqin. It’s not the most sad reminder to work hard to get people back. The most sad reminder is that the guy who was drunk and turned into a beast’s 'destroyed' over and over again, two less slumbering before going to sleep, biting the corner and swearing, three days without Asshole talk!

As a result, the next morning, when the ‘bastard’ was carrying a steaming buns to the front, the two swearing oaths were forgotten.

By the end of June, the security zone of Yucheng was expanded to 100 kilometers. There were several waves of small-scale insect tides that did not cause any harm. Under the aid of the energy hood, it was easily solved. After these small-scale attacks, the worms and corpses began to migrate northward, and the city was surprisingly calm. Even the zombies of the zombie walls seemed to be less than in the past.

After Yucheng temporarily settled down, Wu Ye was not willing to kill the zombies every day and slowly accumulated points and crystal nucleus. He then discussed with Qin Wuhua. "You said, we are using a safe jet to go to other settlements to do business better, or to attack the next one. county seat?"

After attacking Qingyi County, Wu Ye originally thought that when the city stabilized, it would continue to explore the next city. I know that in the following year, various things happened one after another, and I have been unable to complete this. plan.

Qin Wuhua has already considered this issue these days. "I think we can now consider the planned cloud purple city before attacking. It is important to make a business to earn crystal nucleus. But if you want to really develop it, we must get more Multi-industrial equipment."

Yunzi City is located more than 220 kilometers east of Yucheng City. It belongs to prefecture-level city. The urban area is more than five times larger than Qingyi County. Before the end of the world, the population of the city alone reached more than 1.6 million. After the end of the world, it is simply A giant zombie nest. This is exactly the same distance at the beginning. Zhou Sheng, they would rather choose the smaller and more backward Qingyi County, and dare not touch the reason of Yunzi City.

The risk factor of Yunzi City is high, but once it is attacked, the wealth that can be obtained is absolutely considerable. However, Wu Ye and Da Qin value the material that is not inside, but the machinery and equipment of Yunzi City.

Yes, Yunzi City is an industrial city. The light and heavy industries around the city are very developed. If you can get those machines and equipment, it will have a huge impact on the future development of Yucheng.

Wu Ye is now a space ring with a big one. It is not too difficult to move from another world to the machine. However, he took out the machines and equipment for a long time. It will always lead to suspicion, a bad one. Maybe it will cause unnecessary trouble.

After all, Yucheng is getting bigger and bigger, and there are always other forces that will be in the eye of Yucheng. Wu Ye and Da Qin are in that position, and not too many people staring at them. Instead of sneaking out the machines and equipment from another world, it is better to try to attack the city here and use the materials in the city to be bright and straightforward.

Obtaining supplies, machinery and equipment is only a part of the benefits. More importantly, if the zombies and insects are increasingly murderous today, the city can also capture the city, which itself will form a huge appeal, not afraid of survivors. Come here.

Between the major settlements of the last days, it is still manpower to fight this fight to fight for the final fight. The end-time environment almost makes the survivors become a valuable non-renewable resource. Only by condensing more survivors can they truly Powerful and gain the power to compete with the zombies.

"I think so too," Wu Ye nodded. "Then we will explore the bottom of Yunzi City in the next few days."

"it is good."

In the next few days, Qin Wuhua and Qian Xin took turns to open a safety plane, and Wu Ye and other guards continued to fly over Yunqi City. They took detailed photos and videos of Yunzi City on the plane. Count the total number of zombies and high-level zombies in Yunzi City, draw a detailed map of the terrain, and find the most suitable attack location.

While exploring Yunzi City, Wu Ye gave Professor Li two green scorpions, which he made into two energy hoods, one for his top-class war building hidden in the city.

The speed of evolution of human abilities is not necessarily up to the zombies, but the human brain will invent more things to make up for the deficiencies.

The preparations for attacking Yunzi City are proceeding in an orderly manner. The most difficult thing in the city is not a million zombies and various variants, but a terrible six-level fusion zombie. In the city of Yunzi, there are not only terrible six-level zombies, but also more than 30 ordinary and integrated zombies, and hundreds of four-level zombies.

The six-level fusion zombie's appeal to low-level zombies is amazing, and it is not only extremely fast, but also more intelligent. Once it organizes the giants of the meat mountain to join forces to attack their chariots, they are likely to even cloud purple. The inner circumference of the city will not be able to return.

So to enter Yunzi City, you must first kill the six-level zombies, and the more than thirty five-level zombies. As for the four-level giant zombies, many of the pro-guards have reached the fourth-order level of abilities, and there are intermediate-level zombie eviction agents, which are completely unnecessary. Of course, it is not enough to get rid of the six or five zombies. You must also get their nucleus completely. Otherwise, once their nucleus falls into other zombies or bugs, they will be white.

How to hunt these five or six zombies?

The author has something to say: follow-up on the last non-responsible small theater:

It’s not a bad thing to break the teeth, but it’s the collapse of the front teeth! ! !

Daqin: "..."

Two less: "..."