MTL - Dungeon Survival: Get a Spike Skill at the Beginning-Chapter 9 Suddenly realized, the king of the underground palace rat

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  Chapter 9 Suddenly realized, the Rat King of the Underground Palace

   All the way forward, the mosquitoes, rodents and ants are all wiped out.

   Fighting with the underground palace creatures for two consecutive days, Liu Yang's combat experience has become more and more proficient.

   Now, there is no problem with dealing with underground mice even if he does not activate the instant kill skill.

   At this time, his instant kill skill is more inclined to a kind of confidence, rather than a normal method.

   Of course, this is also related to the current situation.

  If you can use it arbitrarily, that's another story.

  【You cut the belly of the underground palace mouse with one knife, and the underground palace mouse died. 】

  【Congratulations for killing the underground mouse, get book page x1, pickled pepper chicken feet 180g x1, potato chips 80g x1, psionic energy x1. 】

   "Hold the grass, hold it hastily."

   "It's been three days, and it's a book page. I thought I had to beat the boss to explode. It turns out that the mobs still exploded."

The acquisition of the    page made Liu Yang jump in surprise.

  What is the most urgent thing right now, food comes first, followed by pages.

   In Liu Yang's heart, he actually prefers book pages.

   Although there are many blames that he can deal with himself.

   But don’t forget, now is just the initial underground palace. Will there be more dangerous underground palaces in the future?

   Just like at the beginning, without the instant kill skill, how difficult is it for others to start.

   It can be said that Liu Yang's ability to start so fast is all thanks to his spike skills.

   seems to have little effect now, why? Not because of the low skill level.

  Why slow down the pace of exploration?

   It's not that he lacks confidence, and he is afraid of encountering monsters he can't beat.

   "Since fighting mobs can explode, should I place an order to buy it for a long time?"

   "With such a large base, there should be a lot of people bursting into it."

  Weighing the pros and cons, Liu Yang decided to take the initiative.

   If you wait for other people to demand it, you will have to spend a lot of money to buy it.

   The main thing is that he can now afford long-term acquisitions.

   So he paused his exploration and went back the same way.

   Back in the house, the psionic faucet was still dripping water.

The water in the small wooden barrel below    is about halfway through.

   "There is no container, and I don't know if I can directly put the water on the shelf and let the buyer bring their own container."

  Yes, Liu Yang intends to trade water.

  After all, water has a long-term source, but food does not, so it is more reasonable to sell water.

   Thinking of his own thoughts, Liu Yang clicked on the auction page.


  【Seller: Liu Yang. 】

  【Trade items: 50ml of drinking water (please bring your own container). 】

  【Requirements: Book page x1. 】

  【Inventory: 20. 】

   was successfully put on the shelves, and the corner of Liu Yang's mouth rose slightly, and he was very proud.

  This person, you can't always stick to the rules, think about what others don't dare to think about, so that you can walk ahead of others.

   If you follow the old old ways, you still don’t know when you want to have enough containers.

   Although he didn't know if anyone changed.

   "Big Liu Yang has appeared again. This time, instead of selling food, he sells water."

   "There are 20 in stock, 50ml per serving, 1000ml in total, what kind of character is this Liu Yang boss, he sells food or drink."

   "People can't be compared with each other. I am troubled by hunger and thirst all the time, but others have begun to trade them."

   "When you sell water, you sell water. The question is, what are the pages of this book? It's a book together?"

   "Don't ask me, I traverse the chat channel, and I have collected a lot of information, but I have never heard of the book page."

   "This Liu Yang's heart is really bad, so many people are not eating or drinking. Since there are so many, why don't they know how to share it with everyone? It is also a human being, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda!"

   After about ten minutes passed, Liu Yangzou frowned.

   "Huh? There's been no movement for so long, so no one else has exploded? There are billions of people."

   "Or someone exploded it, but just kept it for himself?"

   After thinking for a long time, Liu Yang had some conjectures in his heart.

   "Most people are still fighting mosquitoes and ants. Without weapons, it is absolutely difficult to deal with more advanced monsters."

   "According to the online game routine, the lower the monster level, the lower the explosion rate."

   "If you think so, there are not many people who have the chance to explode."

   "If that's the case, should I make some weapons to sell? Just double the price."

   "It's not right, it's not right, people will develop faster when they have weapons. When they don't have absolute strength, this will only increase their own crisis."

   All kinds of thoughts came in one after another.

   In the end, Liu Yang was no longer in a hurry and planned to maintain the status quo.

   As for whether he can change the page, he does not force it, but advertisements cannot be avoided.

  So, he sent his first chat message.

  World Chat.

  Liu Yang: "If you buy book pages for a long time and exchange for drinking water if you wish, you can enter the auction page to trade on your own.

   If you have special requirements, you can chat privately, I will take the time to reply, but don’t open your mouth.

   In addition, it has nothing to do with this topic, so I will not reply.

   Those who are in bad condition will be blacklisted. "

   and then posted it again in the regional chat.

   "My God, Liu Yang is alive."

   "Boss Liu Yang, ask for advice, how can I safely fight monsters?"

   "Please tell me, what's the use of this book page? What's wrong?"

   "That's right, what's wrong with it, I'll fight it if I know it, and I'll trade with you when I hit the page."

   "Wow, boss Liu Yang is in the same area as us, boss, please lead me."

   "I am willing to give up this body of fat and only want to meet Liu Yang."

   Looking at a bunch of people asking for advice, Liu Yang thought about it and felt that he should give them some pointers.

  Sometimes, a little kindness can make a big difference.

   So he edited another message and sent it in regional chat and world chat.

   Liu Yang: "If you want to fight monsters safely, please use the cabin flexibly. For details, please refer to the card slot fight monsters in the online game.

   As for the source of the pages, I personally tested that the rats in the underground palace are explosive, but the rats are ferocious, please do what you can. "

   ". I'm still killing ants, and the big guys are killing mice?"

   "Hey, I can kill mosquitoes without injury."

   "I didn't believe in evil and killed a bedbug, but the acid was almost vomited out of my stomach."

   "I wish I could meet the boss. If I can, I just want to say that the boss is still missing a pendant on his leg?"

   After Liu Yang sent the second message, he set the prompt and closed the game interface.

   Then pick up the steel knife, go out of the house, and go to the location you explored earlier.

   On the way, he killed a few ants that came from nowhere, and he came to the original place again.

   Keep going and clear all the dungeon creatures you see.

  Suddenly, a creature much larger than the dungeon rat he had encountered before was lying in the center of the distant passage.

  【Dungeon Rat King lv5: The king of the dungeon rat race, he has the skill to summon the rat swarm, danger perception, he likes to have more enemies than few, but he is cautious and cherishes his life. If he feels a hint of danger, he will directly flee for his life. 】

   "Escape, run away before he finds it."

   Seeing the message, Liu Yang's body trembled and his hands and feet became cold.

   Against level 5 dungeon creatures, he has no chance of winning.

   Moreover, with a difference of 5 levels from the seckill skill, the seckill skill also loses its effect.

   Not to mention it can also be called a helper.

   Even if it doesn't do it by itself, just summoning the younger brother can solve him.

   Quietly retreated, seeing that the Rat King did not find it, Liu Yang shouted in his heart that he was lucky.

   However, he did not see it.

  After he retreated, the Rat King opened his eyes.

   The tip of his nose sniffed, and then he glanced in the direction where he was retreating.

   (end of this chapter)