MTL - Dungeon Survival: Get a Spike Skill at the Beginning-Chapter 8 water problem solving

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  Chapter 8 Drinking Water Problem Solving

  The location of the cockroach nest is approximated.

   Now there is a problem to be solved.

   That's how to get there.

  If there is no connecting channel nearby, you can only give up.

  It is impossible to break through the wall.

  Because he tried many knives and couldn't break the wall.

   Liu Yang guessed that there might be some restrictions on human beings.

   As for whether the lair will be on the other side of the map that cannot be displayed, he thinks it is unlikely.

  Because one side of the wall is at most about 3 meters thick, and the other side is more than 10 meters thick.


  He found a lot of holes near the left wall, but not on the right.

   used to be more inclined to the nest of ants or other creatures.

  Now, he thinks there is a passage through which cockroaches will come.

   Clarify your thoughts and continue to explore forward.

   After killing six mosquitoes and two mice, the energy value was completely used up.

   went home, Liu Yang called out the game interface.

  【You create a small wooden barrel, wood -4, iron block -1. 】

  【Congratulations for getting a small wooden barrel x1. 】

  【Small wooden barrel: A small wooden barrel that cannot hold too many things. 】

  【You create a common wooden bed, wood -8, iron block -2. 】

  【Congratulations for getting a normal wooden bed x1. 】

  【Ordinary wooden bed: The structure is simple and not particularly strong. Do not exercise vigorously on it to avoid falling apart. 】

   Make two items in a row, and the hard-earned wood inventory is 4.

  Iron is even rarer, with 3 remaining.

   First place the wooden bed against the wall.

   Then use a knife to dig a small hole in the wooden rail at the end of the bed.

   Then take out the medical gauze as raw rubber, wrap it around the psionic faucet a few times, and twist it out of the small hole.

   Finally done, the psionic faucet is installed very securely.

   "Let me see how the water flow is now."

   clapped his hands, Liu Yang steadied the wooden barrel, which was no more than 30 cm high, at the water outlet.

  Turn the valve and a beep sounds.

  【Starting a normal psionic faucet requires psionic energy, do you need to use psionic energy? 】

   "Put in."

  【It has been detected that you have a total of 8 psionic power points. May I ask how much you invested this time? 】

"a little."

  【Successfully invested in psionic power, one point of psionic power can last for 6 hours, please remember to replenish it in time. 】

   "It's over, now let me see how it goes."

   After saying that, Liu Yang squatted down and looked straight at the water outlet of the psionic water faucet.




   Liu Yang: "."

  I saw the water from the faucet ticking down at a rate of one drop per second.

   "A minute 60 seconds, 6 hours is 21600 seconds."

   "Generally speaking, there are about 20 drops per milliliter of water."

   "According to this, a little psionic energy can produce about 1080 ml of water in 6 hours."

   "For 24 hours, that's 4320ml."

   "Enough, absolutely enough."

   "After a few more days, maybe there will be extra water for bathing."

   "Then what is missing is psionic power."

   "The first time you get psionic power is when you kill a cockroach, and you must kill a mouse."

   "Then it can be concluded that starting from level 1 monsters, psionic energy should be a must."

   Liu Yang was so excited that he could wash his face and take a bath soon.

  Although he is not obsessed with cleanliness, he has a long-standing habit of taking a bath every day.

   "Mad, the thought of taking a bath makes me itch, I can't think about it anymore, go to sleep, hurry up to sleep."

   So he took out the barbecue and coke, and ate a delicious meal.

   First, take out a pile of hay and spread it on the bed, and then take out a few pieces of linen and spread it.

   tidy up and lay down quietly.

   "Cool! With a bed and cushions, lying down is comfortable."

   "By the way, we have to look at the energy value."


  【Name】: Liu Yang.

  【Age】: 24 years old.

  【Level】: 1 (84.3%)

  【Location】: No. 100086 of the initial underground palace.

  【Physical condition】: Healthy.

  【Energy Value】: 0/120.

  Sleep until you wake up naturally.

  I don't know how long it has been since Liu Yang woke up.

   took out the fluorescent grass and came to the window by the weak light source.

  Slightly opened the slits and looked out, and there was a faint glow outside the house.

   "I woke up early enough, and it wasn't quite light yet."

   As for why it was morning, it was because he saw that the psionic faucet had stopped running at this time.

   Remembering the task before going to bed, Liu Yang called out the game interface and entered the status page.

   Looking down, the energy value has all been restored.

   "Remember that after triggering the instant kill skill for the first time, until the energy value is completely used up in the evening, it has not recovered a bit."

   "Then that means that this energy value is not slowly recovered by the passage of time, but refreshed once a day."

   "Well, another possibility is how much you recover every day."

   "It's just that my level is low now and my energy value is low, so it seems that I can directly refill it every time."

   Liu Yang touched his chin and fell into contemplation.

   After roughly having a conjecture, he began to prepare for today's exploration.

   Looking at the water in the small wooden bucket, after thinking about it, he made another bucket with the remaining materials.

   Poured half of the water into the new bucket.

   Then he cut a small piece of burlap.

  I dipped in some water, washed my face first, and then wiped my body again.

   Only then did he show a satisfied smile.

   "If I was known to wash my face and body with water, I would probably be scolded for being a waste."

   Looking at the turbid and black dirty water in the wooden barrel, Liu Yang was very proud.

   Maybe that water could save a life, but he had no idea of ​​giving it to others.

   If you don’t eat or drink, then you will fight for your own life.

  If you want to sit back and enjoy it, how can there be such a beautiful thing.

   In the past, he had never seen anyone take the initiative to help him when he encountered difficulties.

   Therefore, it is impossible for him to be kind.

   Unless one day is in a good mood.

   Or a beautiful woman who can make him look good.

   Yes, he is so vulgar.

  It is nothing new for men to smile for Bomei people when they have the ability, or to increase their goodwill.

   He is still far from that level.

   And the sage has something to say, full of warmth and thinking about that.

   Now that his drinking water problem is solved, food is not difficult to get, even some thoughts are normal, after all, he is a fully functional adult man.

  If you don’t have any ideas, then you have to find a doctor to take a good look.

   Let’s see if it’s a psychological problem, or something wrong with my little brother.

   Take out a big meat bun, plus an apple, this is Liu Yang's breakfast.

   So far, the only food left for him is a sausage, a pack of instant noodles, and two apples.

   "If you don't work hard today, you might be hungry tomorrow."

   "Continue to explore where there are many mice first, and don't activate the spike skill unless it is absolutely necessary."

   "If you run out of energy, turn around and go the other way."

   "Although the explosion rate of level 0 monsters is not high, basically every monster can also have an item, and the accumulation will add up, in case a good thing explodes."

   After eating the food, I also made a plan for today.

   Liu Yang is full of energy.

   (end of this chapter)