MTL - Dragon God’s Dumb Lover-Chapter 99 who is the protagonist

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Looking at the interrogative sentence on the paper in Xiaoya's hand and the doubts on Xiaoya's face, Kailian was a little taken aback but also took it for granted. Although Kailian never thought that Xiaoya would ask herself such a question, after thinking about the source of Ada and Xiaoya's knowledge, Kailian was relieved.

After spending so long together, how could Kailian and the others not understand where Ada and Xiaoya's knowledge came from? This is not to mention the careful observation of Ada and Xiaoya by the elf Wayne who has lived for nearly a thousand years.

Things like the World Magic Academy Competition have never been recorded in the book. Therefore, people like Ah Da and Xiao Ya who only rely on reading to absorb knowledge are naturally impossible to know these common senses that are not recorded in books, but in fact, are basically known by all highly intelligent creatures in the world.

Taking the paper from Xiaoya's hand, Kailian looked at Ada who opened his eyes and stared at her unblinkingly with a wry smile, shook her head helplessly and sighed: Here we go again.

No matter how dull some things are, as long as they have experienced a lot, they will naturally be clear at a glance, just like Kailian now. Because Kailian made a lot of jokes when she first got along with Ada and Xiaoya formally, which led to accidentally becoming Ada's reverie rival in love. As a result, only Xiaoya had doubts and sought solutions When the object of confusion is Kailian, Ah Da will often stand up to solve Xiaoya's confusion immediately (Kailian: As for Wei En's situation...cough, it can only be said that he is unlucky). However, Ah Da couldn't explain it like this, and at the same time, when the object of Xiaoya's inquiry was Kailian, Kailian was often on pins and needles under such circumstances.

No one can sit peacefully under Adana's majestic and murderous eyes. Whenever this time, Kailian really wanted to grab Ada's skirt and yell at Ada: You have no common sense and knowledge and can't answer Xiaoya's questions, none of my business! Don't you know that staring at someone like that can easily lead to nightmares at night? !

However, even though Kailian really wanted to yell at Ah Da like this, he had a wicked heart and no guts! So poor Kailian had no choice but to put on a bitter face, and explained to Xiaoya as quickly as possible under the cheeky and smiling eyes of those inhuman guys like Kaifei and Wayne, so that she could get out of Ahda as soon as possible. Freed from that horrible look in his eyes.

"The World Magic Academy Competition is actually a literal meaning. All the magic academies from all over the world gather here in the Magic Empire to hold the Magic Academy Competition every five years, so as to select the best magic academy of the year. "Kailian quickly explained to Xiaoya, but seeing that Xiaoya wanted to lower her head and write something on the paper, Kailian understood what Xiaoya wanted to ask next without even thinking about it, so she didn't wait for Xiaoya to tell her what she wanted to ask. After writing the question, he quickly opened his mouth and continued to explain: "As for why neither you nor Ada have read about the World Magic Academy Competition in the book, it is because after the World Magic Academy Competition is over, the next thing will be It is the World Magician Contest that often appears in the book every five years. Because of various purposes, almost all magicians will come to visit the world magic academy competition, so the Magic Empire will take advantage of it This opportunity is to hold the World Magician Competition after the World Magic Academy Competition. It is because of the limelight of the World Magic Academy Competition that naturally, no one will pay too much attention to the World Magic Academy Competition."

After talking so much in one breath, even Kailian, who could sing continuously for hours, had to stop to take a breath. However, I don’t know if it’s because God doesn’t want to see Kailian live comfortably. Just when Kailian thought that Xiaoya needed time to accept her explanation, Xiaoya immediately raised the paper with a question and stared at the pair of circles curiously. Liu Liu looked at Kailian with eyes.

Kailian, since everyone doesn't pay much attention to the world magic academy competition, why do you still let Ada and I sing about it? Instead of letting us sing the praises of the World Magician Contest?

Seeing Xiaoya's question, Kailian suddenly felt like he was going to die. He seemed to be able to foresee the result of Ada shooting him into pieces with his eyes in the next second. Xiaoya, don’t be such a bully, I know you will have some doubts after listening to my explanation, but you should always act like you need to think, so that I can take a breather time!

Just when Kailian thought she was dead this time (Kailian: Because Ada never asked me to answer Xiaoya's two questions in a row!), Ada finally took action. It’s just that Ada didn’t cut him into five horses as Kailian thought, but looked down at Xiaoya tenderly and explained: “The anthem of the World Magician Contest must be composed of one or several authoritative troubadours. Poets write songs and words, and then distribute them to other troubadours to sing, to ensure that the poems in the songs will not change any truth about the competition. The World Magic Academy Competition does not have a strong power to change this The political situation in the world, and the world magic academy competition is equivalent to a contest between countries, so this kind of thing that will be affected by politics does not need to ensure its authenticity at all, and the music and lyrics can be exaggerated expression, only the troubadour who creates the words and music is responsible for it.”

After listening to Kailian's online explanation, the smart Ada remembered what Kailian told him about the troubadour's lyrics and music must be signed by himself, and two copies must be signed by the troubadour association. Keeping one copy and the troubadour holding one, I immediately understood the reason why Kailian asked them to sing the praises of magic schools all over the world.

Obediently listening to Ada's explanation, Xiaoya nodded understandingly, then took back the paper on her head that made Kailian want to cry without tears and was sweating profusely, and held up another piece of paper, only to see: Karen, I'm fine.

After seeing Xiaoya's "saying", Kailian breathed a sigh of relief immediately, and collapsed on the chair with exhaustion, looking helplessly at Xiaoya whose face was full of innocence, and smiled far-fetchedly: "Heh, heh, heh... as long as there is no problem, as long as there is no problem. Then the study will officially start tomorrow. As for today... you can do whatever you want. Tomorrow I will let the housekeeper guide you to the study room."

Nesting in Ah Da's arms, because she finally figured out all the things about her studies, Xiaoya put all her thoughts on Wolf and Kailian, tilted her head, looked at Kailian first, and then looked at Lian. Looking helplessly at Kailian's wolf on the ground, he suddenly thought of Horse 1 and Horse 2 in a flash. These days, Ma 2, who is a bit of a dick, always looks at Ma 1 eagerly, and the wolf's eyes at Kailian are very similar to Ma 2's. Could it be...

Xiaoya, who seemed to finally realize and understand something, smiled and wrote on the paper: Then Ada and I will go back to the room to rest first, and as for the wolf, I will continue to ask Kailian to take care of you.


Looking at the paper thrown by Xiaoya in front of her, Kailian stared in astonishment at the seats of Ada and Xiaoya who disappeared in an instant, her head was full of confusion.

Isn't the wolf Ada's Eudemons? Because I want to talk about love, so let him take care of it for a day or two. Why do you want him to take care of Ah Da's phantom beast when you have a busy study session starting tomorrow?

Ke Fei and Wei En, who had never said anything beside them, had different expressions after seeing what Xiaoya left behind. Kai Fei was a little aware of something, but she was not sure because the wolf was Ah Da's phantom beast and it was also a demon wolf, but the look in Wayne's eyes was ambiguous that would never be mistaken.

Beast oh, oh oh oh oh~

Ah Da, Xiao Ya... Are there any wolves?

interesting! Really interesting!

Sure enough, there is what kind of owner, there is what kind of pet. (Wolf: Pet your sister! I raised Ada, I'm not some **** pet!)

What Kailian and the others think is their business. As for what Xiaoya and Ada think, this is of course the matter of Ada and Xiaoya.

Being hugged by Ah Da in his arms, she returned to the small garden where the carriage was located in the blink of an eye. Xiao Ya lay on the green grass and looked at Ma 1 and Ma 2 who were grazing not far away, and smiled with Ah Da. Eye contact: Ah Da! Ah Da! Tell me quickly, did the wolf treat Kailian that and that?

Although at a later time, because Xiaoya suddenly thought of Ma 1 and Ma 2, he was a little aware of the wolf's thoughts on Kailian, but Xiaoya still didn't dare to do that before she got Ada's affirmation. A conclusion has already been reached. Xiaoya is self-confident but not arrogant. Although occasionally he will pretend to know everything because of Ada's teasing, but in many things that don't require stubbornness or face, Xiaoya will often use Ada's conclusion serves as a reference for his final decision.

Because in Xiaoya's mind, Ah Da is perfect without any flaws.

Really fulfilled the sentence: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Gently touching the silver head resting on his lap, Ah Da nodded affirmatively: "Yeah."

real? ! After getting the affirmative answer, Xiaoya's eyes widened immediately, but after the excitement and shock, the golden eyes were full of mischief... Cough, no, it should be a look of matchmaking.

As for the matchmaker, he has never been a matchmaker before. I don't know if being a matchmaker for the first time can make the wolf and Kailian blossom and bear fruit?


Under Xiaoya's silent smirk, the five-year study journey between him and Ada finally officially started.

But even though it was Ada and Xiaoya's study, in general, only Xiaoya was the one who was really learning. Ah Da, the guy who is so smart that people are enviable and jealous, often as long as Kailian and Wayne throw him a book about learning courses, then whether it is a practical class or a theoretical class, Ah Da can draw inferences from one instance and behave very well. Excellent, even so outstanding that after a year, he was even more outstanding than the two teachers in name, Kailian and Wayne.

This really made Kailian and Wayne not so jealous that they wanted to strangle Ah Da to death.

As for why Ada, who doesn’t learn magic, also learns from Wayne, it’s because what Ada learns from Wein is not magic, but all kinds of common sense about this world, as well as intrigue and political matters. Although Ada always thought that after he and Xiaoya finished their five years of study and life here, they would return to the forest to live their ordinary life, but there was always a voice telling Ada : From the moment he and Xiaoya met Kailian, the ordinary days have gone away.

Therefore, in order to be prepared for all kinds of changes, Ah Da had to learn those things that in Ah Da's eyes only represented troubles for the future of him and Xiaoya.

But sometimes even Ada has to admit that although being smart is a very troublesome thing (Ada: because a smart person means there are many things to do), it does bring him more possibilities. lazy time. Because after a year later, Ah Da learned everything that Wayne and Kailian taught, his wisdom saved him four years of study time for him to be lazy.

This kind of Ada made Wei En a year later envious and jealous. We must know that under the threat of Ada, Wei En didn't dare to hide the wisdom accumulated for a thousand years, but he didn't expect What he learned for thousands of years, Ah Da only needed one year to learn.

This made Wayne say such a sentence in a sour tone every time he saw Ah Da in the next four years: "People are dead compared to others, and goods are thrown away~"

And every time at this time, Kailian would nod repeatedly and look at Ah Da jealously, because compared with Wayne's one year, Ah Da only spent a month on learning troubadours. Learned all. Even the voice that sounded perfect at the beginning, but still had some shortcomings due to dullness, became perfect within that month, thus creating a music room that would always be heard whenever Ah Da practiced as a troubadour. There will be full of attendants who come to listen to Ah Da's singing, even the housekeeper who was very dissatisfied with Ah Da and Xiao Ya became a loyal fan of Ah Da after a month.

This situation did not stop until Ah Da received Kailian's perfect score in the second month, so that no practice was needed, and the Albert family was no longer allowed every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and July , There was no one servant to be found anywhere except the music room.

Of course, compared with Ada, Xiaoya's performance allowed Kailian and Wayne to regain the confidence they lost in Ada.

It's not that Xiaoya's learning situation is so bad. After all, Xiaoya is not as smart as Ah Da. This does not mean that he is a complete idiot. You must know that Xiaoya can be regarded as a little genius compared with ordinary people. up. It's just that such a young genius, in front of Wayne and Kailian, two absolute geniuses in their respective fields, seems a bit clumsy.

As a result, Kailian and Wayne naturally found their confidence in Xiaoya, and let them understand that a guy like Ada who is so smart that people and gods are angry with each other is absolutely the only existence in the world, and it is not at all. These ordinary geniuses of them can be compared.

But compared to Kailian and Wayne who were hit by Ah Da, Xiaoya's mentality is obviously much better than theirs. Not to mention that Xiaoya and Ada have been together for so many years, it is enough for Xiaoya to understand that Ada's intelligence is not comparable to him, but Xiaoya has already understood it from his own defects since he was a child. , There is no comparison between people and there is no comparability.

Because everyone has his strengths and weaknesses, Xiaoya never feels inferior to Ah Da's infuriating wisdom, but instead works hard to learn what he wants to learn under the guidance of Kailian and Wayne. Knowledge. Of course, studying hard means studying hard. This does not mean that Xiaoya will forgive Kailian and Wayne for regaining their confidence in him. Xiaoya, who is spoiled by Ah Da, does not allow others to do it to him. To do this kind of thing is an insult to his intelligence.

Therefore, except for Xiaoya's study time, which is quiet, Albert's mansion is generally in a state of chaos.

For example: Occasionally, guards will find that the great saint elf Wayne will dance in the garden in the middle of the night for no reason, and that dance...well, it is a dance that dwarves can dance, the reason why only dwarves Only people can dance, because the dwarves dance very beautifully, but if it is danced by other races, it will be a bit... poof... cough, it should be said to be very funny and funny, especially if this kind of dance is performed by beautiful people. If the sprites are displayed, the funny and funny effect will be multiplied a hundred times. As a result, it was spread throughout Albert's mansion shortly afterwards that the great sage elf Wayne had a hobby of dancing dwarves.

Occasionally, members of the Albert family would discover their great little master—Kelin. At night, Albert would hug Ah Da's phantom beast and wolf in the garden with a fascinated and intoxicated face, and talk about love in the garden, and it was the kind of love talk that made people's hairs stand on end. As a result, it was not long before the entire Albert mansion was circulated-Kailian. The reason why Albert has no lover at such an age is not because he can't meet the one he loves, but because he likes to engage in human-animal romance.

Occasionally, some people would even discover that Ada's Eudemons Wolf was in heat with Saint Elf Wayne in the garden. As a result, soon after Albert's mansion came out that the sage elves Wayne, Kailian and wolf, this elf, one person and one monster, were engaging in a shocking love triangle across races!

As for these kinds of rumors and rumors, although Wayne, Kailian and Wolf were very angry, but because the originator was an existence they could not overcome, they could only express deep helplessness in the end. And when it is absolutely not necessary, they will never step out of the room half a step, lest they will vomit blood and die from anger from those eyes full of various inquiries.

So time has passed five years in such a hurry.

In the past five years, there is no need to say much about Ada's achievements, and Xiaoya has also become an excellent musician and light magician through his own efforts. Of course, during these five years, Xiaoya and Ada have played tricks on Wayne, Kailian and Wolf, but he decided to be a matchmaker five years ago to match Kailian and Wolf. And the failure, on the contrary, really made such a little achievement because of his evil tricks.

Of course, let’s talk about Kailian and Wolf’s relationship between humans and animals in the future when we have time. Now we’re going to talk about the graduation test of Ada and Xiaoya.


Because of the arrival of the world magic academy competition and the world magician competition, the magic empire, which has always been prosperous but not distorted, has a false atmosphere. On the streets where people come and go, there are countless people who do not belong to the people of the Magic Empire, and it is these people who have been wearing false masks all the time, who have given the Magic Empire a false atmosphere and filled the Magic Empire everywhere with a false smile.

And on this street full of falsehoods, two people with outstanding temperament are walking slowly on the street. Their faces have a leisurely look that is completely different from the faces of other people's contests and falsehoods. Passers-by looked curiously at these two special guys out of the corner of their eyes.

One of these two guys is a strong man with long dark blue hair, golden eyes, and a height of more than six feet. He is wearing a sleeveless bodysuit that can fully show his powerful figure. , so that some people who like strong men can't help leaving a lot of saliva. However, because of the familiar atmosphere emanating from the strong man, and the handsome face of the strong man who is completely expressionless but makes people feel scared from the bottom of his heart, those who want to strike up a conversation or seek a one-night stand are discouraged. , If such a terrifying strong man really wants to get in touch, who knows if he will still have the life to see the sun the next day?

And another person who attracted attention was a gentle and beautiful man with long silver hair, golden eyes, tall but a bit thin, and neutral appearance, and the gentle and beautiful man's face was so gentle Feeling the warm smile from the bottom of my heart, some people who like beautiful men couldn't help swallowing hard, and those green eyes were as if they were going to eat the gentle and beautiful man. However, no one dares to approach and strike up a conversation with such a gentle and handsome man like the previous strong man, because the gentle and beautiful man is the companion of the terrible strong man, so who would dare to approach and strike up a conversation?

And such a combination, I believe everyone can guess who they are, right? That's right, they are Ada and Xiaoya five years later!

Five years may not be long or short, but it is enough for a person to undergo earth-shaking changes.

Ah Da’s words are still so lazy, but because of the relationship between practicing Dragon God, so even though he has grown up for a long time, Ah Da’s body is still growing and developing, and Ah Da has grown stronger and stronger in five years Almost comparable to orcs. As for Xiaoya, he is just an ordinary person, so his growth has become slow and gradually stopped after adulthood, but although the physical development has gradually stopped, Xiaoya's temperament and inner life are still A lot has changed in these five years.

Five years ago, Xiaoya was a playful guy with a temper like a big child; but five years later, Xiaoya is still a playful guy, but his publicity has become restrained, which can make people see through everything There was already a gentle smile on Xin Xin's face, which was exactly the same as Wayne's, as if the sky would not be distorted even if the sky fell.

In the words of the wolf, this kind of Xiaoya is: if you are close to vermilion, you will be red, and if you are close to ink, you will be black.

However, for Ah Da, no matter what Xiaoya becomes, Xiaoya will always be his little prey, and will always be the little prey who needs his protection, who needs his company all the way and will never be separated.

It has been five years since I saw a trace of false Xiaoya, and I couldn't help frowning deeply when I saw such a magic empire. Thinking that the first song composed by herself should rely on these people to provide material, Xiaoya, who had been looking forward to it, was really hard to be happy.


"Every troubadour is a supporting role for others, because every troubadour exists to complement others."

The above is what Kailian said to Xiaoya solemnly before letting Xiaoya and Ada go out to take the graduation test. Before going out, Xiaoya didn't quite understand what Kailian meant by her words, but when Xiaoya stepped out of Albert's house and saw all the situations before the start of the two major competitions, Xiaoya began to gradually understand what Kailian wanted to express to him.

Regardless of character and morality, no matter whether it will bring disgust to others or bring harm to the world, as long as someone has made some outstanding or earth-shattering performances and deeds, then no matter whether he is good or bad, He will be the protagonist in every bard song. Because troubadours are silent existences who want to convey good and bad messages to the world, and sing praises to the world but no one cares about them. They have no right to choose who will be their protagonist. The only choice they can make is to sing or not to sing. , and sometimes it is not their choice to sing or not to sing in certain situations.

Is that what Kailian meant?

Xiaoya lowered her eyes and thought about this question seriously.

However, no matter whether it is Xiaoya at this time, or Kailian who is teaching Xiaoya, they never imagined that in the future, the troubadour, who can only play a supporting role for others, will be because of the relationship between Ahda and Xiaoya. Since then, he has become the protagonist in other people's mouths.

Who knows who is the protagonist and who is the supporting role?