MTL - Dragon God’s Dumb Lover-Chapter 100 Laughing, cheering (on)

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After thinking about it for a while, Xiaoya felt that the reason why Kailian said that sentence should be to tell herself: no matter what kind of person, as long as he becomes the protagonist that attracts everyone's attention, then he will become the leader of every bard. The protagonist that poets talk about.

And after trying to understand this matter, Xiaoya finally understood why Kailian didn't explain it directly to herself, but told herself the reason of this incident in a roundabout way. Because Xiaoya knew that with his own temperament, if Kailian had explained it to him directly at the beginning, then he would definitely not listen to Kailian's words and go to the graduation test, and he might even hear Kailian's words. After Lian explained this, she asked Ada to take him away from the Albert family and return to the forest on the spot.

But after standing in the crowd and experiencing Kailian's meaning personally, Xiaoya was aroused a strong interest because of it.

Not for anything else, just for Kailian's next sentence after that sentence: "Although you don't understand what I mean now, Xiaoya, when you understand what I mean, you will understand why I Will tell you that on the first day of class five years ago—the troubadour is always the closest to the truth."

Yes, he finally understood why troubadours are the people who are closest to the truth, because in order to ensure the authenticity of the facts, in order to be able to find the material for creating songs, in order to write the most moving songs, in order to write To create songs that can make people feel like they are in it, troubadours must have experienced it in person to write songs that give people a personal feeling.

If it is something that even the troubadour himself has not personally experienced, then how can he talk about how to move others, how to touch the heartstrings of others?

After she figured it out, Xiaoya no longer resented being in contact with these hypocritical people in front of her.

However, it is one thing to no longer repel it, but it is another thing to dislike it. Although she no longer rejects dealing with hypocritical people, Xiaoya is unwilling to contact hypocritical people when it is not necessary. So seeing Ah Da beside him considerately pushing away the crowded crowd to prevent them from colliding with her, Xiao Ya heartily showed a sincere smile to Ah Da, making those who have been paying attention to him and Ah Da The man took a sharp breath.

After all, compared with a gentle smile on the surface and a sincere smile, there will always be a big difference in lethality. Sure enough, sometimes temperament is indeed a deadly weapon to seduce others. After the big kid who didn't attract much attention back then really grew up, even though his appearance could only be regarded as upper-middle-class, he was still moved by his outstanding aura, which made people unable to understand. Not attracted to it.

However, Xiaoya, who has really grown up and undergone a great transformation, makes Ada extremely annoyed, because it means that many people will be watching his little prey, just like the current situation.

Originally, the dull face exuded deep dissatisfaction because passers-by had been staring at Xiaoya. Now, after seeing Xiao Adam Street showing such a seductive expression to him, Ah Da is not just dissatisfied at this time It was so simple, he even wanted to kill all those passers-by who saw Xiaoya's attractive expression on the spot!

hateful! Xiao Ya was obviously his little prey, how could those people see the beautiful side of his little prey? How dare he spy on his little prey? This is too much! And...and how could Xiaoya show such an expression in public? Doesn't he know that this will attract more people's attention to him?

The golden eyes looked viciously at Xiaoya who was smiling softly, and Ada, who seriously felt that his "turf" was being invaded, stretched out his hand and hugged Xiaoya vigorously. That possessive arm made passers-by who were paying attention to them gasp one after another, for the relationship between Ada and Xiaoya, and for the boldness between Ada and Xiaoya.

As I said before, although people in this world are very open about same-sex romances, for the sake of inheriting the family line, male-to-female love has always been out of the question. So public intimate behavior like Ada and Xiaoya will naturally arouse huge repercussions, not to mention that Ada and Xiaoya are not a couple of men and women, but a couple of men and women.

In this unrestrained yet paradoxically conservative world, holding hands in public is okay, but if it's like Ada and Xiaoya hugging and walking together in public, then it's...

And that's why at the beginning, Ah Da and Xiao Ya just walked together side by side, instead of hugging each other as intimately as they used to, because they are no longer the two opposite each other five years ago. Ada and Xiaoya who don't understand the common sense of life at all. In order not to cause trouble for themselves, Ada and Xiaoya followed Kailian's advice after they left the house, and they didn't do any intimate behavior, just walked together like two ordinary friends.

But this kind of hard work finally failed under Ah Da's jealousy.

In fact, for Xiaoya who no longer cares about other people's eyes, Xiaoya doesn't care what other people think about his intimacy with Ah Da. Just as Ah Da only cares about Xiaoya, so does Xiaoya. I only care about Ah Da's feelings. The reason why they didn't walk together intimately before was because Kailian said "excessive intimacy will cause unnecessary trouble". Knowing that Ah Da doesn't like trouble, that's why Xiao Ya didn't take the initiative to hold her close like before. Ah Da's arm, and Ah Da seems to be obediently obeying Kailian's advice because of his laziness and dislike of trouble.

It's just that without Ah Da's possessive intimacy, someone feels a little lonely.

No matter how lazy you are and how much you hate trouble, you shouldn't be so lazy that you don't even care about your lover's feelings, right?

Looking down at Ada hugging her arm full of possessiveness, Xiaoya's golden eyes flashed bursts of secret joy and complacency.



In this way, under the baptism of astonished and shocked eyes of passers-by, Ada and Xiaoya came to the venue of the world magic academy competition. Under the incredulous eyes of the conductor, Xiaoya calmly bought two tickets and walked into the arena with Ada.

It's probably because the world magic academy competition didn't attract as much attention as the world magician competition, so even though Ada and Xiaoya left their doors very late today, they still got the middle and front seats. After casually buying some snacks from the mobile shop in the aisle, Ada and Xiaoya sat in their seats and waited for the start of this World Magic Academy competition.

Seeing that most of the spectators are basically groups of relatives and friends from participating colleges, Xiaoya nodded slowly and looked at Ada: Sure enough, what Kailian said is absolutely right, the people who come here to watch the competition are not groups of relatives and friends It is the envoys from various countries who are here to inquire about the strength of the students of magic academies in various countries.

Stretching out his hand to gently touch Xiaoya's head, Ada yawned and nodded in agreement.

Looking angrily at Ah Da whose upper and lower eyelids are constantly lingering, Xiaoya took the snacks in Ah Da's arms, and waved casually: "Okay, okay, you go to sleep, anyway, the person who writes songs and lyrics It's me, you just need to be in charge of singing... Heh... Uh...

After the waving hand finished waving, he half-covered and half-covered his slightly open mouth. It seemed that the old saying was true-yawning was indeed contagious. After Xiaoya finished yawning, she looked at Ada with tearful eyes who immediately fell asleep leaning on her shoulders after waving her hands, her golden eyes were full of joyful smiles.

Ah Da, you lazy guy, if sooner or later I become as lazy as you, it will be your fault! (Wolf: Child, you have already been harmed!)

However, the only person who can make you sleep so peacefully is me.

Ah Da fell asleep, and Xiao Ya, who had no one to chat with, rested her chin on her chin, nibbling snacks in every possible way and waiting for the competition to start, while recalling all the things that Kailian had told herself about the World Magic Academy competition.