MTL - Dragon God’s Dumb Lover-Chapter 55 save? Do not save? save it!

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Seeing that Kaifei had already been injured in several places, and even Mark and herself were restrained, Kailian knew very clearly that the other party came prepared this time, otherwise, why would they kill the mercenary as soon as they came up? How many masters and main players in the regiment, even including yourself, restrained immediately? It seems that these people have already investigated their details.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be so bold as to oppose their Feilian mercenary group. These people are not afraid of being retaliated by the Albert family at all!

These people... had no intention of letting them go from here at all!

How to do?

Are they going to die here today?

Watching the brothers who had been born and died for many years fell down one by one, wounded and died, Kailian, who always maintained her demeanor even in battle, could no longer maintain her demeanor this time. Looking at the man in black who surrounded her with bloodshot eyes, Kailian quickly played the instrument with ten fingers, ignoring the **** fingers, and kept playing life-threatening notes from the instrument in her hand!

Playing the music with all his strength made Kailian's strength rise rapidly, and the enemies who surrounded him in front of him all lost their ability to fight on the spot because of his life-threatening music. However, in the end, Kailian is just a person who lives for music, and he still can't kill people without caring like his sister.

Music should not be used for this kind of thing; music should be used to bring happiness to people...




Thinking of happiness, Kailian gradually sank into crazy rationality and finally regained a trace of clarity. He thought of the boy who just left today who liked his music.

Seeing that everyone else is in a hard fight, and because of his increased strength, he has attracted more enemies to besiege him. Even the bearded man who has only stood on the outside since the start of the fight, also because of his movements And look over. This kind of situation made Kailian very clear that even if he finally made up his mind to use the music to kill, his ten fingers were still no match for the seemingly powerful enemy, and it might even speed up his own death.

Do you really want to pin your hopes on those two people?

Thinking of the canceled wanted arrest in the black area, Kailian knew that since those two people could survive under the wanted arrest in the black area, they must have some extraordinary skills. But Kailian didn't know if those two people would come to rescue them. After all, they were neither relatives nor relatives, at most they were just traveling companions who had been on the same road for a while, and more importantly, Kailian didn't know if they would come to help them Wouldn't it just add two innocent lives to this disparate battle?

No matter how powerful the two fists are, it is hard to beat the four hands!

But the war will not stop just because one person needs to think. When Kailian was hesitating, Kaifei finally had a problem!


Kaifei, who was exhausted, was almost pierced by the enemy's sword at that moment, and the one who rescued Kaifei from the crisis was none other than Mark, who replaced Kaifei and was pierced by the enemy's sword. .

Seeing Mark, who had watched her grow up since childhood, fall down, Kailian, who had been hesitant before, finally decided to seek help from those two people who had been with them for nearly three months!

Regardless of whether those two people will come or not, doing something is better than doing nothing!

From counterattack to dodge, Kailian sang a silent song softly while dodging the sword that was stabbing at her.

Friends who have left, where are you now? Can the rubbing shoulders in the past become a reason for you to help...

A song with only lips but no sound can be conveyed to a distant destination better than a song with sound.

Originally, she thought that the strong smell of blood would have nothing to do with her, but Xiaoya didn't expect that she had just sat down when she suddenly heard a singing voice that sounded like nothing but felt very real from afar. Blinking her eyes in astonishment, Xiaoya lowered her head and looked at Ah Da's suddenly opened eyes: Ah Da, did you... hear anything?

"Yes." Ada looked at Xiaoya seriously.

In fact, even without Ah Da's answer, Xiao Yaguang knew that it was not his hallucination just by seeing Ah Da's reaction. But how is this possible? They were obviously far away from that group of mercenaries, so how could they still hear that all-too-familiar singing voice?

Ah Da, is this the ability of a troubadour? The sound can be transmitted very far, very far. Xiaoya looked at Ada a little at a loss and curiously.

But Ah Da obviously couldn't explain this question, because he only knew the basic information of the troubadour, so how could Ah Da know something that was likely to be a personal secret technique? So Ada said frankly to Xiaoya: "I don't know."

Didn't Ah Da know? Ada, who has always been as perfect as "One Hundred Thousand Whys", unexpectedly has something he doesn't know, which makes Xiaoya re-interested in the profession of troubadour.

Just looking at Xiaoya's glowing eyes, Ah Da immediately knew what Xiaoya was thinking. Stretching out his hand to play with the silver hair that fell to his ear, Ah Da asked affirmatively, "Do you want to save them?"

Um! think! Originally, he didn't intend to help Xiaoya, who completely ignored Kailian's life and death, but now his face was full of interest: I'm curious as to why the bard's singing can travel so far, so I want to save him and ask After all.

After thinking about it, Ah Da nodded: "Okay, go back and save people."

Seeing that Xiaoya is so interested in the troubadour, the other party just sang for help. Xiaoya, who originally didn't plan to save people, changed his mind and wanted to go back to save people. This made Ah Da very upset. dissatisfaction. But even though his heart was full of unhappiness, Ada nodded readily and agreed to Xiaoya's request.

Because Ah Da felt that the person who tied the bell was needed to untie the bell, and the best way to make Xiaoya no longer interested in that troubadour was to let Xiaoya also learn the musical instrument of that troubadour, so that Xiaoya could learn the musical instrument Afterwards, naturally, he would no longer think about the troubadour.

Even if you can't speak, you can still learn an instrument, right?

Ah Da would never have imagined that such a decision of his would cost himself who originally wanted to stay out of the matter.


At the same time, just when Ada and Xiaoya decided to set off to seek help, Kailian's strange behavior of having a mouth shape but no singing voice finally attracted the attention of the enemy.

Seeing that Kailian was playing the instrument, her mouth seemed to be singing but she didn't make a sound, even the enemies who besieged him didn't see anyone injured, the bearded man who had been standing outside the battlefield as a bystander finally Something was wrong. Considering that every troubadour has their own unique housekeeping skills, although the bearded man doesn't know what Kailian is going to do, he knows that if Kailian is not stopped immediately, the consequences will be disastrous.

There is no room for any mistakes in this plan!

Seeing that although the man in black has the upper hand on the surface, he still cannot get any benefits because of the steadfast defense of the Feilian mercenary group, and there is also a troubadour whose ability cannot be found out, the bearded man feels that I can't wait any longer.

"Go and deal with the others! I will deal with this guy!" Ordering the man in black who was besieging Kailian to help the other men in black, the bearded man killed Kailian with an unstoppable murderous aura.

"Brother!" Seeing the unstoppable bearded man rushing towards Kailian, while protecting the seriously injured Mark, Kai Fei, who resisted the enemy's attack, uttered a sharp cry.

Her brother... is going to... is going to...

Just as the dagger shot by the bearded man flew towards Kailian at lightning speed, a branch suddenly stopped in front of Kailian and blocked the dagger with fighting spirit.

Staring blankly at the dagger that fell to the ground, and then stupidly looking at that ordinary branch, all the men in black, even the bearded man, never thought about it—a blow full of his fighting spirit His dagger was blocked by a branch so simply.

This is an all-out blow from a thirteenth-level junior fighter!

Looking up slowly along the branch, the person holding the branch is a man with long dark blue hair, a pair of majestic golden eyes, as tall as an orc, and the most important thing is that he only uses a single Holding a branch in hand can block the bearded man's dagger.

The bearded man looked in disbelief at the man who had blocked his dagger, and was holding a grown man in his left hand? ! He actually blocked his full blow with only one hand, and the bearded man clamped a dagger between the ten fingers of both hands in an instant, and the brimming yellow light on the eight daggers repeatedly showed that they were full of blood. The vindictiveness of the earth attribute.

"Who are you?"

This man should not be a member of the Feilian mercenary group, otherwise there would be no information on him, let alone his appearance until now! And... the bearded man deeply felt that the man in front of him who had blocked his dagger exuded an aura that made him tremble.

Such a person is absolutely invincible and can only be outsmarted, and it is even better not to fight against him.

Slowly retreating a few steps, the bearded man looked warily at the man who suddenly appeared in front of him, and the smile on his face clearly meant to discuss: "May I ask if you are also thinking about this caravan's goods? If If you want it, my lord, I am willing to withdraw unconditionally from this robbery and give you all the goods. But can you tell me, my lord, what is your name?"

Ignoring the bearded man's words, Ah Da carefully placed Xiao Ya on the messy and dirty ground due to the battle: "Be careful."

Gently nodded, Xiaoya looked at Kailian with a smile, and waved: I'm here.

"Uh..." Seeing the boy in front of her who loves her music waving at her, Kailian, who had no idea what it meant, habitually raised a smile, subconsciously expressing her friendliness and rush to Xiaoya. Thank you for coming to save yourself: "Hello, thank you for coming here."

no thanks! Xiaoya waved her hand with a smile, then looked at the injury on Kailian's body, tilted her head and thought for a while, then waved to Kailian: May I help you heal the injury?

Looking at the boy who was waving again in front of her in embarrassment, Kailian was dumbfounded and didn't know what to say: what does this mean?

Seeing Kailian's embarrassed face, Ah Da, who didn't want to hurt Xiaoya's heart, said for Xiaoya: "He means to help you heal."

Seeing Ah Da who was talking to her unexpectedly, Kailian suddenly realized why the embarrassment on her face turned into a gentle smile in an instant. Looking at Xiaoya who was waiting for her answer, Kailian said to Xiaoya full of tenderness but without sympathy: "Okay, I'm sorry to trouble you."

From Kailian's eyes, Xiaoya knew that the other party should have understood her situation. But seeing that there was no discrimination or extra sympathy in the other party's eyes, Xiaoya blinked at Ah Da with satisfaction and joy: Ah Da! This troubadour is good!

Patting Xiaoya on the head, Ada was also very satisfied with the troubadour's performance.

Fortunately, this guy didn't show that kind of expression to Xiaoya, otherwise...
