MTL - Doomsday Commander-Chapter 356 ocean beast

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 Chapter 356 Ocean Behemoth

 “Ticui Island TV, Didui Island TV.”

 “Hello everyone, I am the host Xiao Dili.”

  The Hua Dan who was the head of Zhuguang TV Station has now come to work at Didui Island TV Station.

The host of Zhuguang TV, now General Tang Zheng’s sister Tang Ni.

Little Dili reported to the camera with a solemn expression.

"Now I have some bad news to report to you. According to the drone footage of our coastal areas, two fleets from Dayan and Binhai were discovered. They are attracting a large number of sea monsters by using blood to attract them. Arrived near Didui Island."

“In order to protect the lives and property of the people of Didui Island, our troops have now launched an attack on those cargo ships. Please see the specific pictures.”

In the picture, the belated Light Chaser fighter jets took off from the island and launched missiles at the mighty cargo ships approaching.

 Cargo ships were concentrated one after another, caught fire and sank.

 However, the number of cargo ships is a bit too large, and some cargo ships still continue to move forward. More than ten kilometers ahead of them is the land of Didui Island.

The Light Chasing Army was also rude, firing missiles continuously and sinking cargo ships.

  The farthest cargo ship sailed fifteen kilometers away from Didui Island, and the nearest cargo ship was only three kilometers away from Didui Island when it was sunk.

Along the way, many cargo ships sank, and bright red blood continued to float on the sea, dyeing the nearby sea water red.

 The people on these cargo ships had no chance of survival after falling into the water.

 Because behind those cargo ships are a large number of sea monsters.

Huge monsters are like hills, swimming back and forth on the water.

Anything that can be eaten will be swallowed by them.

The people on these cargo ships were quickly devoured. After losing their target, some sea monsters began to devour the smaller monsters around them, while some of the smaller ones fled quickly.

At this time, there are more sea monsters on the sea east of Didui Island, smelling the smell of blood, and they are almost seeking death if they run back.

 So those small sea monsters quickly fled towards the direction of Didui Island.

The small ones fled and the big ones chased, gradually forming a huge swarm of sea monsters and swarming towards Didui Island.

From a distance, those giant ocean beasts even caused huge waves, like natural disasters.

 Such a scene was broadcast on television, and many people were shocked.

They know that there is a war going on recently, and several forces are fighting to the death.

 But they never thought that there would be such an operation to attract sea monsters to attack Didui Island.

 Many people couldn't help but curse when they saw this situation.

“Son of a bitch, this is what that **** Chen Hongchang did.”

 “No matter Chen Hongchang, there is still Zhang Yupeng.”

“We ordinary people don’t care how you fight, but have you ever thought about the fact that there are still nearly 20 million people on Didui Island?”

“Even if you don’t care about those foreigners, there are still millions of Hanyue people, and these are human lives.”

“It’s a shame that such a person can become the emperor.”

"I hope you will be defeated soon, die early and be reincarnated..."

In Didicui Island, Zhuguang City, Yuanjing, and many other places, people are dissatisfied with the inhumane practices of Chen Hongchang and Zhang Yupeng.

It is true that after Tang Zheng's death, all sorts of monsters and monsters appeared. At this time, people missed Tang Zheng even more.

 While people were watching in horror, a swarm of sea monsters approached the coast.

  When those sea monsters showed their true colors in the ocean, people were extremely shocked.

All marine life has been infinitely enlarged. Not to mention those whales and sharks, even the humble shrimps in the past have now grown to three or four meters long, and they are showing their teeth and claws as if they want to eat people.

  A huge deep trench was dug out on the coast of Didicui Island.

This deep ditch was dug day and night over the past few days.

Since many people have been captured by implanting chips, the Light Chasing Army has learned about the plans of Dayan and the Binhai Empire.

After all, the arrival of the fleet also requires some internal and external coordination, and they would not have thought that the Light Chasing Army could have such technology, so it is reasonable for the plan to be leaked.

After learning the news, the Light Chasing Army began emergency operations.

Even the Marine Corps members put down their guns and got into intense work.

Residents along the coast were evacuated and some houses were demolished. After the land was leveled, a huge deep ditch was dug.

 The trench is fifty meters wide and thirty meters deep. Groundwater has been dug out in many places.

 The deep ditch is two kilometers away from the coast. The distance between these two kilometers is now basically a flat beach.

When the giant ocean beast comes ashore, the first to open fire are the shore defense troops of the Light Chaser Army.

Those forts erected on the top of the mountain finally have a use.

 This kind of fort that can be assembled with naval guns is not generally powerful.

Even the third-level Tyrannosaurus zombies can't resist the frontal bombardment of naval guns, and neither can the giant ocean beasts.

In addition to the whale-level ocean monster that can resist a few more hits, the shark was hit by the naval gun and was also beaten to a **** pulp.

 Intensive artillery fire continued, setting off a **** storm on the beach.

Every time a cannonball falls, it will cover a radius of hundreds of meters in smoke.

However, such intensive artillery fire cannot completely prevent the landing of the ocean giants. Ocean giants are mutant beasts, not zombies, and they still know how to be afraid.

 Among them, fire is what they are afraid of.

There are countless marine giants landing on Didui Island, and the water behind them is impenetrable. In order to avoid the gunfire, they can only move forward quickly.

Those big fish swayed their bodies and twisted forward on the beach.

 And on these beaches, there are also arrangements left by the Light Chaser Army long ago.

 Rows of sharp metal blades were buried deep in the ground, with blades more than one meter high exposed on the ground.

 Many big fish squirmed on it and were immediately disemboweled.

The more you squirm, the faster you die.

Over the Didicui Island, the planes of the Light Chaser Army also began to take off in batches.

Although the ocean behemoth is powerful, its lack of air defense is also a fatal weakness.

There are only some seagulls flying in the sky, but without the command of the Corpse King, these seagulls are all focused on the feast on the ground, and no seagulls will take the initiative to attack those fighters.

Therefore, fighter planes can drop bombs unscrupulously, causing tons of damage to the sea monsters on the ground and along the coast.

 In an instant, the beach turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the fierce bombing shook the earth.

This is the difference between having a Corpse King and not having a Corpse King. No matter how powerful the giant ocean beast is, in the face of modern artillery fire, there will still be corpses scattered all over the place.

Some ocean giants broke through the death blockade, but fell into the deep ditch.

A city wall stood above the deep trench. The Light Chaser's machine guns turned their muzzles and fired ferociously at the giant ocean beast with powerful firepower.

 It is difficult for non-crustacean fish to resist the strafing of this 30 mm caliber cannon and will be beaten to pieces.

Crustacean turtles, conchs, crabs, shrimps, etc. cannot resist for long. They cannot escape in the deep ditch and will eventually be killed.

 Under this repeated strafing, a large number of ocean giants were killed.

However, this process is not easy, especially when some humpback whales, sperm whales, blue whales, killer whales, great white sharks, deep-sea giant squids, even giant jellyfish, etc. appear, the battle of the Light Chaser Army becomes difficult.

Some of those humpback whales even grew to seventy or eighty meters or even hundreds of meters long. Their huge fins have obviously evolved and can actually propel them to crawl on the beach.

Whenever such giants appear, it is difficult for naval guns to quickly deal with them. At this time, fighter planes must concentrate their firepower, continuously attack with missiles, and bomb with aerial bombs.

Some giant squids and octopuses waved their long tentacles and quickly climbed onto the beach. It is not easy to kill these molluscs. At this time, the Light Chaser Army's fighter planes will release thermobaric bombs.

 When a thermobaric bullet is dropped, flesh and blood will fly all over the sky, and it can even fly hundreds of meters into the air to kill some marine life in an area.

 But it won’t kill too many, because some sea creatures are too huge.

These are the reasons why the light-chasing army's firepower is fierce enough to suppress the offensive of the ocean beast.

This kind of battle is not only shocking to those who watch it, but also to the Light Chasing Army itself.

If the Corpse King can control marine life, these huge sea monsters, and cooperate with the seagulls, petrels, seabirds and other seabirds in the sky, Didicui Island will definitely not be able to defend it.

The Light-Chasing Army's aircraft, naval guns, missiles, aerial bombs, aircraft cannons, machine guns, thermobaric bombs, rocket launchers, flamethrowers, etc. were all put into battle. The ferocious firepower was like fighting a world war, and the situation was kept in a stalemate.

 This is the first time in history that humans have had a head-on confrontation with a giant ocean beast.

The thrilling battle continued, and people gradually saw some clues.

This is the Light Chasing Army. If it were replaced by another army, it would have collapsed by now.

Only the Light Chasing Army seems to be able to hold on for the time being, but I don’t know how long it will last, because the deep trench seems to be filled sooner or later.

The outcome of the battle with the giant ocean beast is unpredictable, but if there is any interference from outside forces, it will be really dangerous.

 “Zizi~~! Zizi~~~!”

“All departments, please pay attention, all departments, please pay attention.”

“The battle on Didui Island ahead has lasted for nine hours, and the battle is coming to an end.”

“Please prepare your units, we will approach the coast of Didui Island in two hours. The battle should be over by then, and we are about to enter the battlefield.”

Fu Yuqiang from Binhai picked up the walkie-talkie and reported the situation to Dashe.

 After putting down the walkie-talkie, Fu Yuqiang was not in a relaxed mood.

  Victory cannot be won without force.

He also didn’t expect that the light-chasing army’s firepower was so ferocious that it could withstand the attack of the giant ocean beast and try to keep the Didicui Island front intact.

But the Light Chasing Army also had a hard time. After the deep trench was filled, they also experienced considerable pressure.

 In some places, the city walls were collapsed by giant ocean beasts, and a giant octopus even crawled over.

If a larger giant octopus hadn't suddenly appeared and attacked another octopus like a convulsion, perhaps Didui Island would have been captured.

At the end, their carrier-based aircraft and battleships all appeared on the scene, attacking the ocean beast from the side and rear, relieving the pressure on the front line.

There are still not enough ocean monsters, and I don’t have much experience in getting them for the first time. It would be better if we add a hundred more freighters.

Fu Yuqiang sighed, but it was useless to think about it at this moment. Although the Light-Chasing City withstood the attack of the ocean monsters, their attack was absolutely unstoppable by the powerful Light-Chasing Army.

Moreover, Dayan's 150,000 army troops were quietly approaching on the southwest shore of Didicui Island.

As soon as the navy attacks here, the army will immediately force a landing. The fate of the Light Chasing Army seems to be doomed.

 (End of this chapter)