MTL - Doomsday Commander-Chapter 355 Tang Zheng breaks through again

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Chapter 355 Tang Zheng makes another breakthrough

 Tiger Empire, Qiushi County.

 At the place where Tang Zheng died.

 Having experienced a nuclear reactor explosion, a thick layer of dust has accumulated here, just like volcanic ash piled on the ground after an explosion.

Two beauties, Ning Yuwei and He Xue, stood there in dusty clothes wearing radiation protection suits.

Their eyes have been falling on a few people over there.

Guo Yun led his scientific research team, also wearing radiation protection suits, to temporarily build a hospital bed here, as well as numerous equipment.

On the hospital bed, Tang Zheng was lying there with his eyes open, occasionally looking at Guo Yun: "Old Guo, are you okay yet?"

“You’ll be ready soon General, prepare the crystal.”

  Someone took the box and there were two crystals in it.

 These are two second-level zombie crystals, obtained during the siege of Chasing Light City.

Tang Zheng looked at the crystal and finally let out a long breath.

 Finally it’s time to upgrade again. It’s really too difficult for him to upgrade himself.

If it weren't for the opportunity of this explosion, the potential in his body was forced out, and he doesn't know when he would be able to upgrade to a second-level mutant.

At that time, the nuclear reactor exploded, and Tang Zheng had fully calculated it.

Since talking to Li Wuyou in Yuanjing, Tang Zheng has made repeated calculations and finally discovered that the greatest danger to him may come from the nuclear reactor.

 He immediately asked Guo Yun to make calculations to see if the small Iron Curtain could withstand the impact of a nuclear reactor explosion.

Guo Yun calculated the power of the blast, the distance, and even the wind direction, etc., and finally concluded that it could be withstood.

Hence Tang Zheng's operation later, which is why he took Ning Yuwei and He Xue there.

There were so many people that the Iron Curtain couldn't cover it, and three people could barely cover it.

And it must be very crowded. Tang Zheng thought that he and Ning Yuwei should just squeeze in and don't bother the **** men.

After the nuclear reactor exploded, this place became a no-man's land. However, under the impact of the explosion, Tang Zheng's potential was stimulated and he was on the verge of another breakthrough.

Guo Yun came over to check Tang Zheng's situation and told him that if he gave up the breakthrough now, he didn't know when the next opportunity would come.

Tang Zheng thought about it and decided to upgrade his body to the second level mutation first.

It is indeed troublesome to upgrade him, and Guo Yun plans to directly push his strength to the second level peak. The preparations for this time have been done for several days, and today he can finally upgrade.

 After taking the power crystal and the agility crystal successively, Tang Zheng began to make a breakthrough.

 About an hour later, the breakthrough was complete.

 The combined power of the two crystals allowed Tang Zheng to make a lot of progress on the road to second-level mutation.


Tang Zheng felt that he was in good condition and immediately asked to continue.

Level 2 crystals are difficult for ordinary people to get, but they are very easy for Tang Zheng. Whether they are gorilla zombies or lickers, the Light Chasing Army has already killed many of them.

Tang Zheng repeatedly swallowed the crystals one by one, and the power accumulated in his body became stronger and stronger.

 After swallowing twenty crystals in a row, the power in Tang Zheng's body finally reached saturation.

His body muscles seemed to expand suddenly, and then returned to normal.

 When he opened his eyes again, two rays of light shot out of his eyes, and then disappeared.

 “General, how do you feel?”

Tang Zheng stood up and moved his arms, with an incredible look in his eyes.

 “My strength has become much stronger.”

Tang Zheng's feeling at this moment was that he could withstand the impact of a heavy truck. That was not an illusion, it should be that he had this strength.

Guo Yun checked Tang Zheng, and after the inspection, he confirmed this.

“General, at this moment, you are almost as strong as a level three mutant, but there should be no level three mutations in this world yet, and there are very, very few peak level two mutants.”

“Ordinary thermal weapons such as firearms are no longer effective against you. Your own defense is almost as strong as that of a second-level gorilla zombie. You should be able to run 100 meters within three seconds now.”

Tang Zheng is very satisfied with the current results. With this strength, his personal safety has been greatly improved.

 No matter what kind of assassination attempts are made in the future, it will be difficult to really hurt him.

“What does a third-level mutation look like?” Tang Zheng asked again.

Guo Yun thought for a while: "Level 3 mutation is definitely difficult. First of all, crystals are difficult to obtain. We only have one crystal in hand for level 3 zombies. It was left over when the little zombie girl attacked the city. Others are almost impossible, and if you want to complete the third-level mutation, you must first reach the peak of the second-level mutation, and you also need chance and luck, so it is very difficult.”

“But after completing the third-level mutation, you will become almost like a superman. According to my calculations, after the third-level mutation, the human body will stop aging.”

Hearing this, Tang Zheng was stunned for a moment and stopped aging.

Isn’t that eternal life?

 He shook his head slightly, wondering if he would ever complete the third level mutation one day.

But now is not the time to think about that matter. Tang Zheng asked the correspondent about the situation in the past few days. Because this is the radiation zone of the nuclear explosion, the battle for the Tiger Empire has not started here. In the past few days, Tang Zheng has been cooperating with Guo Yun to upgrade, and he is not very clear about the external situation.

 The correspondent immediately reported all the recent events.

After listening to this, Tang Zheng felt quite heavy.

I didn’t expect that in just one week, the country would be in such chaos.

Tang Zheng did not expect that Li Wuyou would unilaterally announce that he would marry him.

 He ​​admitted that there was some ambiguity between him and Li Wuyou, but neither of them said anything, and it was far from the level of discussing marriage.

 But Li Wuyou did this, and Tang Zheng was still very moved.

He couldn't let Li Wuyou just bear the name of marrying a dead person. It seemed that he was going to find an opportunity to have a real wedding with her.

 But the current situation of the Light Chasing Army is also a bit serious.

On the Tiger Empire's side, the Light Chasing Army and Jin Junxian's troops have joined forces and have reached the capital of the Tiger Empire. It is estimated that in about ten days, Jin Junji's troops will be completely defeated.

 The real problem lies with Dicui Island and Chasing Light City.

Over at Zhuguang City, Lu Chen led a multinational force from the Mobei area to prepare to attack Zhuguang City.

In the volcano city north of the Tongtian River, Ferdinand is also ready to make a move. Once the multinational forces arrive, he will immediately send troops to coordinate the attack.


The situation on Didicui Island is not optimistic either. The three countries of Dayan, Binhai and Orochi colluded together and actually came up with such a vicious way to deal with Didicui Island.

Tang Zheng immediately decided to go to Didui Island first.

Before setting off, Tang Zheng looked at Guo Yun: "Don't tell me that your scientific research institute hasn't come up with a new high-tech technology for so long."

Guo Yun smiled: "There is indeed one, but it is not high-tech. It is an original military unit and has finally been included in the production sequence. The general will see it when he opens the military unit page."

Tang Zheng immediately opened the arms page and saw the new arms.

 【Deep sea giant octopus: selling price is 5000 gold. 】

Looking at the octopus pattern, Tang Zheng recognized it at a glance, wasn't it Tangtang?

I didn’t expect that people like Guo Yun were really good at including Tangtang, a big octopus, in the production sequence.

 The price of five thousand gold is not cheap, but Tang Zheng now has a huge sum of money, so he can still afford it.

Tang Zheng was a little hesitant: "The enemies are all warships. These newly purchased octopuses are not powerful. What threat can they pose to the warships?"

No one can give him an answer to this question. After all, Tang Zheng researched the specific combat command and combination of troops by himself.

 He just babbled, then boarded the plane and headed straight for Didui Island.

On the plane, Tang Zheng had time to think, and gradually figured out how to use the octopus.

 An-124 large transport aircraft broke through the sea of ​​clouds and quickly approached Didui Island.

 At this time, the situation on Didicui Island was also somewhat urgent.

Those merchant ships are carrying a large amount of frozen food, attracting a large number of sea monsters to approach Didui Island.

Tang Zheng is on the plane at the moment and has also made contact with the ground on Didui Island.

“General, those merchant ships are approaching the island, do you want to attack them immediately?”

Tang Zheng picked up the walkie-talkie: "Where is the enemy's fleet?"

“It has set off from Chongsheng Island Military Port and is currently about 1,300 kilometers away from Didui Island.”

 “Is the number of their fleet determined?”

“Confirmed, there are a total of eight aircraft carriers, sixteen battleships, more than sixty other warships, and hundreds of transport ships. Those transport ships carry 200,000 troops.”

Tang Zheng nodded. Upon hearing this, his goal was determined.

“Have the shore defenses been prepared?”

"We are ready. Everyone on the east side of the coastal highway has been forced to evacuate. There is currently no one in the depth of about seven or eight kilometers. Our existing troops have also arrived on the coast, and the artillery and missile troops have also done so. Ready."

"Okay, don't attack those merchant ships. Wait until they reach the shore before attacking. Let those sea monsters go ashore and snipe the sea monsters from the shore. It's time for our coastal defense forces to step in."

Having said this, Tang Zheng thought about it for a moment: "This is the first time that our Light Chasing Army has faced a giant ocean beast. We need to make more preparations and don't rely solely on the power of firearms. Many unexpected little things can actually be used in the battle." It plays a huge role in the war, allowing the scientific research troops to use their brains, and the engineering troops to deploy immediately."

“Understood General, we will think of a solution immediately. What about the enemy’s fleet?”

Tang Zheng sneered: "If you don't do this, how can those fleets get close to Didui Island? As long as this fleet is eliminated, the navy on Orochi's side will be almost wiped out. And the Binhai Empire dares to do so at this time Declaring war on us, then pay the price for their declaration of war.”

Tang Zheng hung up the phone and quickly rushed to Didui Island.

At this time, Zhuguangjun’s TV station in Binhai also started live broadcast.

Since the enemies have gone to great lengths to attract sea monsters to destroy Didicui Island, they naturally have to cooperate.

Moreover, this is the first head-on confrontation between humans and sea monsters, and it is also a rare and precious material.

 (End of this chapter)