MTL - Doomsday Commander-Chapter 348 Tiger (third update, make up for yesterday’s)

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Chapter 348 Tiger (Third update, make up for yesterday’s update)

 A transport helicopter, protected by an Apache formation, flew over the border between Han Yue and the Tiger Empire.

The territory of the Tiger Empire was not large. The helicopter flew for a while and arrived at the destination of Tang Zheng's trip, the sky above Qiushi County.

This place is very remote. In the distance are stretches of barren bald mountains and piles of rocks. Even though it is already June, there is still not much green to see.

As soon as the plane approached Qiushi County, Tang Zheng and three others got off the plane.

 The plane landed in a deserted mountainous area, and Tang Zheng opened the system page.

 He first built a radar station here.

This mountainous terrain is hidden and is a typical uninhabited area. It is more convenient to build radar here.

 After the radar was built, a radius of 500 kilometers was covered by the radar.

 Including the location where the deal was negotiated, as well as the location of the nuclear reactor that Tang Zheng was eyeing.

 The radar produced by the system is different from ordinary radar.

General radars are air defense radars, mainly used to monitor the sky. If there is an aircraft approaching, it can be detected.

 There are some radars that are more advanced and can detect large vehicles on the ground.

  However, there are almost no radars that can accurately detect people, except for the light-seeking army.

 Once this radar is established, all surrounding life forms can be displayed on the radar.

Tang Zheng even saw zombies far away, but around the trading location, there was not a single zombie, only some light spots representing mutant birds occasionally flying in the sky.

However, there are some vehicles moving around near the trading place, which should be transporting gold there.

There are still two days left for the transaction. Tang Zheng asked Jin Junji to transport the gold jewelry, and the other party was already doing it.

Tang Zheng was quite satisfied when he saw this. Although the other party must have a plan that he didn't know about, the prerequisite for this plan was that they had to transport the gold in place, otherwise Tang Zheng would not be able to release the prisoners.

The current prisoners have entered the territory of the Tiger Empire under the **** of the Light Chasing Army, but they have not gone too far.

Tang Zheng looked at the situation at the nuclear reactor again and found that there was no one there now.

Tang Zheng opened the system again and purchased a Polaris all-terrain vehicle.

Ning Yuwei and He Xue followed Tang Zheng and got into the car together.

The rest of the planes began to take off and retreat. Tang Zheng asked them to land at the edge of radar surveillance and find a hidden area to stop. They would never be discovered and would not affect this transaction.

Ning Yuwei was very happy to return to Tang Zheng's side, and took the initiative to take on the task of driving the vehicle.

 The car moved forward and headed straight to the nuclear reactor.

In the car, Tang Zheng bought several more sets of radiation protection suits.

He wanted to get some enriched uranium before the transaction officially started. This was also the purpose of Tang Zheng choosing Qiushi County this time.

 When entering a nuclear reactor to enrich uranium, radiation protection must be done well, otherwise even if you are a mutant, you will be harmed by nuclear radiation.

 After getting the enriched uranium, one-third of the goal this time has been accomplished, and the next step is to get the gold.

Get the gold to release the prisoners and let them return to the Tiger Empire. As long as they can re-enlist and obtain weapons, then this plan will basically be successful.

 Some of the senior officers among the prisoners were also implanted with chips and bombs by Guo Yunhe Xue and others during their return. This unit was basically under the control of Tang Zheng.

As long as they return to the capital base city of the Tiger Empire and Jin Junxian can still take power, the rest of the matter will be easy to handle.

The large forces of the Light Chasing Army will cooperate with them inside and outside, launch a mutiny in the Tiger Empire, and completely control this place.

As a result, the situation in the northeastern region will undergo earth-shaking changes. With the cooperation of the Tiger Empire, whether it is Orochi, Dayan, or Li Haocheng and the Daliao people in the north, they will face Tang Zheng's military front .

 The capital of the Tiger Empire.

The city of Wilkie.

 In the city hall, several people were discussing matters.

One of them is Kim Jun-ki, the current leader of the Tiger Empire.

 In fact, just before the Han Yue Civil War, the Tiger Empire was jointly controlled by Kim Junki and Jin Junxian, and even Jin Junji was still at a disadvantage.

But Jin Junxian wanted to die himself, thinking that the coalition forces of Tang Zheng and Li Wuyou would be defeated, so he decided to lead his troops into Hanyue and get involved with Chen Hongchang, Tian Mingfei and others.

 If he wins, the throne will really belong to him, but if he loses, the matter is full of uncertainty. Now sitting next to Jin Junki, there is a man wearing glasses, who is in his fifties.

In front of them, there is a TV screen with many small pictures on it, which are surveillance cameras one by one.

One of the cameras is being watched repeatedly by them.

 In the surveillance screen, an all-terrain vehicle drove past at high speed.

 The picture is frozen and enlarged again and again to identify the people in it.

After several observations, the man’s face was frozen on the screen.

Tang Zheng!

When Jin Junji saw this, he waved his hands and fisted excitedly: "Tang Zheng is indeed here!"

The officers sitting next to him also became excited and kept congratulating Jin Junji.

Jin Junji ignored the officers' flattery and gave a thumbs up to the old man next to him: "Dr. Zhu, that's awesome. Thanks to your arrangement this time, otherwise how could we have discovered Tang Zheng's arrival."

Dr. Zhu chuckled: "I accept your flattery. If you rely on you alone, there is really no way to detect Tang Zheng's early arrival, but we have studied Tang Zheng for a long time, and his light-chasing army investigation ability is very strong. I don’t know what means are used, but it seems that I can always discover the opponent’s arrangements in advance and make judgments. So this time I tell you to evacuate all the people in Qiushi County, leaving only some hidden in the rocks. This is the only way to avoid being discovered by Tang Zheng. Now it seems that I did the right thing."

Jin Junji was also very happy. He said to Dr. Zhu: "Doctor, how do you judge that Tang Zheng will definitely go to Qiushi County?"

  Dr. Zhu’s eyes showed a hint of pride: “It’s very simple, because there is a nuclear reactor there.”

Seeing that a few people still didn't understand, Dr. Zhu continued to explain: "We have been observing the Chasing Light Army for a long time. Although the inner city of Chasing Light City has never been able to enter, it is certain that they have strong military manufacturing capabilities, and all manufacturing Among the weapons that came out, the most powerful ones are small nuclear bombs. You should also know this, Tang Zheng has used small nuclear bombs to turn the tide of the war many times."

 Jin Junxian and others nodded frequently, this is true.

Tang Zheng used small nuclear bombs in the siege of Zhuguang City, the rescue in Hezhou, or the bombing of Triton City Airport.

Dr. Zhu continued: "The manufacture of small nuclear bombs requires enriched uranium. Tang Zheng is just a local warlord. He has not found a nuclear power plant. He cannot have too much enriched uranium. Otherwise, if he throws small nuclear bombs casually, his His power has already taken off, so he must be in urgent need of this kind of thing. Based on this, I judge that he will definitely choose Qiushi County."

Jin Junji and others carefully looked at the direction in which Tang Zheng's all-terrain vehicle was driving, and confirmed that he was indeed going to the nuclear reactor. They couldn't help but admire Dr. Zhu even more.

"Doctor, I listened to you this time and placed the five enriched uranium I could find at the nuclear reactor. Do you think Tang Zheng's access to the enriched uranium will give him more power?"

Dr. Zhu shook his head: "No, Tang Zheng will not leave after getting enriched uranium. He also has an extraordinary desire for gold and jewelry. For the gold and jewelry this time, he will definitely stay."

An officer from the Tiger Empire said: "Is this person one of those dragons in the West? He just likes shiny things and collects so much gold to bring into the coffin? What do you want me to say, let's go to the nuclear reactor while he is now and kill him directly. never mind."

Dr. Zhu's face immediately darkened: "Nonsense! I'm the one making arrangements this time, so you just have to obey. If you go out now, Tang Zheng's side will definitely know about it, and they will immediately turn around and run away, and the plan will be in vain. "

Jin Junji also scolded his men: "Shut up! Listen to the doctor, if you had a brain, would you still be an artillery regiment commander now?"

 The men immediately shut up, and Dr. Zhu's face looked better.

"The transaction location this time is relatively empty. Tang Zheng will definitely make some arrangements in advance. I guess he will not let the artillery enter within a hundred kilometers of the transaction range. Moreover, the Light Chasing Army has electronic interference vehicles that can interfere with missiles. Operation trajectory, before there are ballistic missiles, the effect of tactical missiles will not be good."

"We can't send many people over yet, so there are only three people who have gone over. In this case, **** Tang Zheng is a difficult problem."

Jin Junji and others looked at Dr. Zhu awkwardly, wondering what he was going to do to kill Tang Zheng under such harsh conditions.

 Dr. Zhu kept it secret for a while, and finally revealed the core part of the plan.

"When the transaction begins, let Tang Zheng and the others inspect the supplies, and we will also inspect the prisoners of war. Everything is going on normally. Don't make Tang Zheng suspicious."

“No matter what conditions Tang Zheng puts forward, such as border inspections or the deployment of electronic jamming vehicles, Leader Jin Junji will agree to it unconditionally.”

“Tang Zheng ignored a crucial point, which is the distance between the transaction location and the nuclear reactor.”

“The distance between the two is only a dozen kilometers.”

“We don’t need to attack Tang Zheng then, we only need one missile to cause the nuclear reactor to explode, and Tang Zheng will definitely die!”

"No matter how prepared he was, he couldn't have imagined that the target of our attack was not him in the first place, but the chain reaction caused by the explosion of the nuclear reactor. Then all his previous arrangements would be in vain."

"We have also built an air-raid shelter underground at the trading location. In the hands of Jin Junji, you only need to enter the air-raid shelter unexpectedly and take shelter, then everything will be settled and the sky will clear up!"

 Hearing Dr. Zhu finish explaining his plan, Jin Junji and several of his generals couldn't help but open their mouths.

This plan turned out to be so bizarre and unexpected.

Even those of them in the Tiger Empire had not thought of it, and it was even less likely that Tang Zheng would have thought of it.

 When the missiles are launched and the nuclear reactor explodes, this strongman who has had smooth sailing after the apocalypse will only appear in the history books as a villain.

I made a mistake. I didn’t know that it was a double monthly pass. I planned to pay 900 extra for this month, but now it’s over 1,000. That’s it, no days off this month!



 (End of this chapter)