MTL - Doomsday Commander-Chapter 347 Goodbye night talk

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Chapter 347 Farewell at Night

The night wind blew gently, Li Wuyou spoke in Tang Zheng's ear, the girl's faint fragrance came, and the atmosphere was slightly ambiguous.

 But at this moment, Tang Zheng's thoughts were focused on Li Wuyou's words.

 He could feel Li Wuyou's deep concern and was a little touched.

 Gently wrap the other person's small hand with his big hand: "What if I say that I have some means to ensure my safety?"

Li Wuyou shook his head slightly, his hair swaying: "I don't know what level of protection you are talking about, but I have to remind you, ask yourself, is your protection relatively safe or absolutely safe?"

Having said this, Li Wuyou said seriously: "You probably want to annex the Tiger Empire, right?"

Tang Zheng nodded. This kind of thing cannot be hidden from anyone. Everyone can see it.

Li Wuyou continued: "Knowing that you have evil intentions, if I were in Jin Junji's position, I would definitely try my best to deal with you. The so-called negotiation is just an excuse. He should have said something to you, right? "

Tang Zheng thought for a while: "He said that as long as the deal is negotiated within the Tiger Empire, I will decide the time, place and number of people. It is because of this that I think it is feasible."

Li Wuyou thought for a while: "If that's the case, you have to consider whether he has a language trap. The Tiger Empire is not a big country, and they have not recovered many cities. Although I can't judge their specific plan, but if it were me , then I will definitely set a trap that no one can think of, and it must be attractive enough to you."

"Don't forget that when you are fighting and winning, your enemies are also studying everything about you. This kind of situation where we are exposed and the enemy is hidden is the most difficult to guard against."

Hearing this, Tang Zheng also felt alarmed.

The reason why he dared to go to the Tiger Empire was because he had an advantage that no one else had, and that was the ability of the system.

 His advantage is that he can raise troops at any time and fight at any time.

 But what if the enemy's advantage exceeds his ability to attack at any time?

The Tiger Empire definitely wants to kill themselves this time. If they dare to let themselves decide the time, place and number of people, it is conceivable that their plan must be very wrong.

 Are you being a little overconfident?

Thinking of what Li Wuyou said about relative safety and absolute safety, Tang Zheng also gradually thought that he was not actually absolutely safe.

You can make an assumption that you have decided on a location, but the enemy has deployed missiles hundreds of kilometers away from here, and suddenly launches a strike during negotiations. How should you respond?

Although the military strength of the Tiger Empire is not very strong, this possibility is still possible.

 After all, there are definitely more than one or two people who want to die.

By that time, I’m afraid it will be too late to temporarily build an air defense system. Even if it is, the enemy will still have the possibility of a saturation strike.

 This is just a hypothesis, there are many other situations, and no one can predict them all.

Thinking of this, Tang Zheng looked into Li Wuyou's water-cut eyes: "Your Highness, don't you want me to go?"

Unexpectedly, Li Wuyou shook his head slightly: "It's not that I don't want you to go, but I hope you can clearly weigh the pros and cons, especially the safety issue. If you are absolutely sure, then as you said, you can gain a lot by going. Benefits, then why not go?”

 “I just want you to be safe.”

As he spoke, Li Wuyou's mood became a little sad.

The alcohol surged up, causing her body to sway a little. Tang Zheng leaned towards her. Li Wuyou did not refuse and gently leaned his head on Tang Zheng's shoulder.

She looked at the lights of the Yuanjing base city below, and her voice became a little murmuring and broken.

"You know? I have been to this place many times. Every year in midsummer, it is very hot in Yuanjing City, so my father will bring people from the palace to the palace."

“Sometimes my father will bring his other concubines, and sometimes he will bring his mother, my brother, and me.”

“Whenever a few of us come here, we will sit here at night.”

  "When my brother is older, he doesn't like to hang around his father, the queen, and his mother, but when I am young, I always hang around them."

“At that time, my father, queen and mother were sitting on both sides, and I was among them. I felt that I was the happiest child in the world.”

“My father named me Wuyou because he wanted me to be carefree. I never thought that one day I would suddenly lose them.”

“This place, this position, is the first time I’ve come here since the end of the world. I didn’t dare to come here before, because I’m the only one here.”

“Looking back now, many times I don’t know how I got here.”

 Sensing Li Wuyou's somewhat sad mood, Tang Zheng said softly: "It's all over."

"It's in the past, but the past can never come back. Tang Zheng, do you know? Before I met you, I felt that I couldn't hold on many times, but that time in Chasing Light City, it was you who gave me gave me hope and strength, and at that time, I felt that you were mine."

Li Wuyou was about to speak but stopped, Tang Zheng smiled and asked: "What am I to you?"

However, Li Wuyou did not answer this question and instead said: "We are still hooking up."

Tang Zheng smiled: "I remember that we still have an agreement and a promise."

"Yes, but sometimes I am still very afraid, very afraid of losing. I don't have much anymore. Our agreement and commitment support me to move forward. If something happens to you, I... I'm afraid. "

 Feeling the girl's fragile emotions, Tang Zheng also felt sour in his heart.

 He and Li Wuyou had never expressed anything other than business matters to each other.

 But unknowingly, he felt the heavy responsibility on his shoulders.

 As he continues to grow stronger, he has become a towering tree.

 The princess in front of her is essentially just an eighteen-year-old girl, and she even has some feelings of dependence on him. And what Li Wuyou represents is not just her. She now represents the entire Han Yue and their entire nation.

 So the whole responsibility is really not something that ordinary people can resist.

His mind started to change and he began to think about this trip to the Tiger Empire.

 What if absolute safety could be guaranteed?

 Time passes slowly.

Tang Zheng’s previously vague thoughts began to become clearer.

I don’t know how long it took, but Tang Zheng found that his eyes had turned dark.

The lights in Yuanjing Base City began to gradually go out, and it was already very late.

And there was the sound of shallow breathing on his shoulder. Looking back, he found that Li Wuyou had fallen asleep.

The girl didn't seem to be sleeping peacefully. The night wind made her feel a little cold. Her beautiful eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and she looked like she was insecure.

Of course Tang Zheng couldn't let her sleep here, so he gently raised his hand, took the princess into a hug, and started walking down the mountain.

As a peak-level double mutant, Tang Zheng's strength and stamina are astonishing. He can easily hold Li Wuyou, who only weighs about 90 kilograms, without any pressure.

Maybe it was because Tang Zheng's body temperature was too warm, so Li Wuyou leaned into his arms twice, found a comfortable position, and fell asleep so deeply.

Tang Zheng took her all the way to the foot of the mountain. When he saw the maid waiting at the foot of the mountain, he handed Li Wuyou over to his maid.

Several of her maids all knew Tang Zheng. It can be said that these people were all saved by Tang Zheng when they were in Hezhou.

One of the maids who was also a mutant gratefully took Li Wuyou over, then touched Tang Zheng and expressed her gratitude before taking Li Wuyou back to rest.

Tang Zheng returned to the residence Li Wuyou had arranged for him and immediately planned his next move.

 Before dawn the next day, the guard company commander Ning Yuwei, who had been in Zhuguang City, came to Yuanjing Base City and joined in this action plan.

Tang Zheng asked about the progress of the prisoners' transportation and learned that the large army had escorted the prisoners of war from the Tiger Empire to the border areas of the Tigers.

It will take about three days to reach Qiushi City from the border. Tang Zheng also told Jin Junji of the Tiger Empire that the transaction will be carried out in Qiushi City in three days.

 The time is three days later, and the number of negotiators on both sides is only three.

Tang Zheng brought two followers, and Jin Junji could only bring two people.

 Before the transaction, the Tiger Empire can send people to the border to check the number of captives. Jin Junxian is also among the captives this time.

Tang Zheng also asked the other party to transport all gold, jewelry and other items to the trading location within three days.

 Doing this also ensures the sincerity of the transaction between both parties. If this cannot be done, there is no need to proceed with the transaction.

 After hearing the news about Tang Zheng, Jin Junji almost immediately agreed.

 The two parties determined the time and place for the transaction, and Tang Zheng was immediately ready to set off.

 Although the transaction will not start until three days later, Tang Zheng needs to go there in advance and make some preparations.

Since it was determined that each of them could only bring two people, Tang Zheng thought about it and decided to take Ning Yuwei and He Xue there.

Hearing this news, Ji Yuntian, who had been following Tang Zheng, was a little confused.

He came here this time to accompany Tang Zheng to the Tiger Empire. Why did Tang Zheng set off with only two girls when things came to a close?

However, Tang Zheng did not intend to explain this matter. He had his own plan.

 Looked at the time, it was just seven o'clock in the morning.

Tang Zheng and the two girls immediately set off from their residence and took a car to the airport.

 After arriving at the airport and getting on the plane, Tang Zheng made a call to Li Wuyou.

 She was drunk last night, so let her rest more.

 The call was connected, Tang Zheng said goodbye to Li Wuyou, and thanked her for her hospitality.

Li Wuyou seemed to have expected his sudden departure. She knew Tang Zheng's character. Since she decided to go to the Tiger Empire, her decision would not be affected by some external factors.

Just like when she was in Hezhou, if the people in Hezhou didn't evacuate, she would never leave first.

On the phone, Li Wuyou's tone was a little dull.

 “Tang Zheng, come on.”

“Thank you, Your Highness, your words helped me a lot last night. Don’t worry, I will be fine.”

Tang Zheng hung up the phone and the plane took off.

What he didn't know was that Li Wuyou was currently in the terminal building of Yuanjing Airport, silently watching Tang Zheng's plane take off and leave through the brown glass.

 “Have a safe journey, my hero.”

 (End of this chapter)