MTL - Doomsday Commander-Chapter 321 Hero unit

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Chapter 321 Hero Unit

 On Didui Island.

Tang Zheng saw the news on the TV news that representatives from the Tiger Kingdom and the Gaoling Empire went to Triton City to meet with people from Dayan and Orochi.

Several parties held friendly talks on TV and prepared to hold a week-long symposium to sign alliance matters.

 Halfway through watching it, Tang Zheng turned off the TV.

“Inform all ministries to come to my place for a meeting.”

 Tang Zheng has not held a formal meeting since he came to Didui Island for so long, but today, he felt that he could not wait any longer.

After a while, a large number of generals from the Zhuguang Army came to Tang Zheng's residence.

At the conference table of the former Joint Law Enforcement Bureau, the first meeting of the Light Chasing Army's entry into Didicui Island began.

Tang Zheng personally presided over this meeting. At the beginning, he explained the theme of the meeting concisely and comprehensively.

“Today’s news, I believe everyone has seen it, is that the four countries Dayan, Gaoling, Orochi, and Tiger are about to form a strategic alliance. Please express your opinion on this matter.”

The first person to speak was Luan Junfeng, the commander of the second fleet of the Light Chasing Army stationed at the Didicui Island military port.

Luan Junfeng said directly: "General, I don't think we can sit idly by. The four countries uniting together will be very disadvantageous to us. Their first goal may be to capture Li Haocheng's troops who are lingering in Heishui Province, but next time Coming down, they only have two attack targets, one is to attack Li Wuyou's territory from the west, and the other is to attack us from the south, so I think we should take the initiative to attack."

Liu Zhenfeng, the leader of the Aviation Regiment, also said: "That's right, General, it has been more than a month since we came to Didicui Island. Our troops have also been trained to a considerable extent during this time. Even the fighter jets of the Aviation Regiment are mostly the same." They are all stars, and there are some two-star ones among them, so they are ready for a real battle."

 With the captains of the navy and air force taking the lead, the rest of the generals also spoke one after another.

  Basically, they elaborate on the harm caused by the alliance of the Four Powers and require the initiative to go to war.

 Seeing that everyone had a clear understanding, Tang Zheng nodded, very pleased.

However, he still told everyone: "Everyone must see clearly that once we start this war, it will not be over in a short time, so we must be prepared for a comprehensive war, and the entry point for this first battle, everyone Wherever we think it is best to put it, we will do nothing if we don’t take action. Once we do, we must hit it hard and hurt the opponent. Let’s not mention those small attacks for now.”

 Hearing that the general had decided to take action, everyone was very excited and began to discuss the entry point of the war.

 Some people proposed to attack the capital of Dayan, while others proposed to go west along the Haojiang River to attack Huijing, the capital of Gaoling.

Some people also proposed to go to Yuanjing, join forces with Li Wuyou, and have a big battle near Dongyue Province or Haiwei City.

Some people even took a different approach and felt that they should support Li Haocheng, because as long as Li Haocheng did not fall, some of the forces of the Four Nations Alliance would be contained.

Facing various suggestions from his subordinates, Tang Zheng just smiled and said nothing and listened to everyone.

At this time, Tang Zheng cleared his throat: "Everything you said has its own truth. Every method is actually good, but in my opinion, none of them can be considered the best."

“You can think about it, where is the most powerful force of the enemy at present and the force that poses the greatest threat to us?”

 Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and finally came to a unanimous conclusion.

 That is their naval fleet.

 At present, there are a large number of enemy warships gathering on the Haiwei City and Lianzhou lines, as many as 70 or 80 ships.

If a war begins, these warships will pose a great threat to Didui Island.

 Does the general have any ideas about these warships?

Everyone’s eyes lit up. If this is true, then this move is huge.

Tang Zheng pointed at the map and said to everyone: "As we all know, the reason why Dayan has been quiet since the end of the world is because they are waiting for the navy to appear. Now they have a navy, and with the cooperation of Orochi's more powerful navy, their naval power It's a threat to us, so we have to address it."

"Killing the opponent's navy is equivalent to cutting off one of their legs, especially the island country of Orochi and even the tiger country. Their main reliance is the navy. Without the navy, they are just toothless tigers. At the very least For the time being, we no longer have the power to threaten our Didui Island."

“Ji Yuntian, has your intelligence department launched an investigation into their military port?”

Ji Yuntian from the Military Intelligence Bureau immediately said: "General who has investigated, we still have some people lurking over there, and we have a rough grasp of the situation there."

“Tell me, if I want to attack this military port, what is the biggest threat to us?”

Ji Yuntian immediately said: "If it is a land attack, it will be the opponent's military camp. If it is an air attack, it will be the opponent's air defense position."

Tang Zheng thought for a while: "Air attack."

Ji Yuntian came to the front of the map and pointed to a place near the bay: "General, this is the air defense position of Didui Island. This was laid out by the Dayan people a long time ago. The whole is a semi-arc shape, with a depth of five It's about 1,000 kilometers, basically covering the area around the docks and shipyards. If we attack them with air strikes, this position will have to be removed, but at this time the problem arises."

Ji Yuntian coughed: "Their air defense position consists of hundreds of anti-aircraft guns and more than a dozen missile defense systems. There are alarms and monitoring probes everywhere, as well as many guards. It is almost impossible to prevent them from issuing alarms. It is impossible, so we have to fight quickly, but this is very difficult. Their military camp is still nearby. Once the surrounding soldiers support us, our people will be easily thrown there, so it is not impossible to enter this air defense position. The difficult part is how to intercept the soldiers who come to support them, we need a certain amount of time."

 Hearing Ji Yuntian's words, everyone understood. People from the Military Intelligence Bureau are confident of entering the air defense position and destroying the air defense facilities there, but they must block the entrance to the position to prevent the opponent's large forces from coming to support them.

 This matter is very difficult. It is almost impossible to do this without dispatching large troops, and there is no concealment when dispatching large troops. This is a contradictory thing in itself.

 Unless there is a warrior like a superhero who can block the enemy's attack with one man, blocking the opponent's large army for a period of time, then it is possible to succeed.

 But that kind of superhero does not exist. Even the current level 2 mutants and even the heroic units of the Light Chasing Army cannot do this.

Tang Zheng also thought of this, but he had something else in mind.

 He turned his attention to Guo Yun.

“Director Guo, if I remember correctly, we have a heroic unit in our army, right?”

Guo Yun nodded: "Yes, there is also a bottle of potion that can cause hallucinations. I have already given it to her."

Daliao, a volcanic city.

 It is now the beginning of May, and spring has arrived in the northern region.

The ice and snow have melted, and ice platoons have begun on the Tongtian River.

 The river has frozen and melted, so it is now possible to cross the river by boat.

 Normally speaking, Light Chaser City and Volcano City are in a hostile relationship, so the current situation should be relatively tense.

But Ferdinand is not worried about anything, because Tang Zheng went to Didicui Island, and the Light Chasing Army has also been inactive during this period. Apart from constantly killing zombies in the surrounding area, they have basically not provoked any trouble. The two sides now seem to have a tacit understanding. , each other's wells do not interfere with each other's rivers.

 Ferdinand is happy to live this life because he now has a woman he loves.

 A woman named Direna, she was the most beautiful Daliao woman he had ever seen.

In order to pursue this woman, I don’t know how much Ferdinand spent his efforts. Finally, his hard work paid off. Recently, this woman finally agreed to live in his city hall.

However, the hard work is not enough, and the most critical step has not been achieved yet.

 But it’s almost over. Direna invited him to have dinner today, which should be the opportunity.

 At night, Ferdinand happily rushed to Direna's residence.

Direna has prepared exquisite dishes for him, and also opened Daliao's specialty wine.

The two of them exchanged cups, and Ferdinand felt more and more that he could succeed today.

After three rounds of drinking, Ferdinand wanted to spend the night with Direna, but Direna said that she was not ready yet and did not want to do that kind of thing with him yet.

Ferdinand had nowhere to vent his lust, and he had to hold it back.

Direna was not in a hurry at all, but picked up a book to read.

Ferdinand took a look at the book Direna was reading and found that it was actually a book about military weapons. He asked, "Nana, you are a girl. How come you like to read this kind of book?" Where are the books?”

Direna said calmly: "I have liked all kinds of advanced military weapons and technology since I was a child, especially people who can invent new weapons. I have dreamed of marrying a person like that."

Ferdinand immediately became energetic when he heard this, and took the initiative to say: "What's the matter? My Volcano City is also developing new weapons and troops. To be honest, two of them have been completed."

"Really? What's all that?" Direna asked with bright eyes.

Seeing Direna show such admiration for the first time, Ferdinand couldn't help but feel a little arrogant, and said ostentatiously: "One is the training of the war bear, which has been completed now, and the other is even more powerful, which is radiation warfare. car."

Direna continued: "What is a radiation tank?"

Ferdinand gestured and said: "It is a very powerful chariot. The whole is made of radioactive materials. It can be used as a normal car at ordinary times, but after the radiation is activated, it can dissolve at a fixed location. The dissolved During the process, anyone with flesh and blood who comes within 100 meters of it will be immediately harmed by radiation. The strong radiation wave will vaporize people in a short time. No one can get close until it completes dissolution. It is extremely powerful."

As soon as she heard this, Direna suddenly became energetic: "I want to go and have a look. Take me to see it."

Ferdinand shook his head hurriedly: "That's not possible. This is a military secret. It's just a bunch of people."

Direna was immediately unhappy: "So in your eyes, I'm just an idler? Then forget it, go away, I don't want to see you."

Ferdinand suddenly had a headache, but when he thought about it, it was already night time, and there was no one in the laboratory. Besides, what could an ordinary woman understand after entering the laboratory?

For the benefit of tonight, Ferdinand gritted his teeth and went!

 (End of this chapter)