MTL - Doomsday Commander-Chapter 320 The sudden outbreak of war (third update, six hundred months

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 Chapter 320 The sudden outbreak of war (third update, 600 monthly votes added)

On Didui Island, Tang Zheng was watching the military exercises between Dayan and Orochi.

At this time, more than ten days have passed since the battle on Didui Island, and the situation on the island has gradually calmed down.

 After the entry of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Tang Zheng's subordinates carried out a series of convenience measures with extremely high efficiency.

 The entry of Guangyuan, the exchange of gold, various convenient welfare, and the vast resources in Tang Zheng's hands all ensured the various daily necessities on the island.

 People succumbed to the pressure of hunger and had to go out of their homes and obey the leadership of the Light Chasing Army in exchange for many necessities of life.

Gradually, people also discovered that the leader of the Light Chasing Army seemed to be good.

  Putting aside racial differences, they even did a much better job than the original Joint Law Enforcement Bureau.

 At least the chaos on the island is calming down day by day.

During this period, the Secret Service and the Military Intelligence Bureau joined forces to attack criminal activities and tried their best to crack down on criminal activities. Those who caused trouble on the island were arrested in batches, and many were tried on the spot and executed.

Thousands of people are captured or killed every day. Under the iron-blooded suppression of the Light Chasing Army, criminal activities are decreasing day by day.

Those rebels living among the people were constantly reported and captured. In this process, the Hanyue people on the island played an important role as informants.

 There were two large-scale rebellions, which were caught by the Light Chasing Army. These two rebellions eventually turned into two massacres, which greatly damaged the arrogance of the rebels on the island.

So Tang Zheng is not too worried about the situation on the island now. He can see in the system that the number of people who recognize his rule and become his subjects is constantly rising every day.

When he first occupied the island, he had more than nine million people under his command. Now, more than ten days later, this number has risen to more than fifteen million.

 This means that now half of the people on Didui Island have recognized him, which is a good sign.

It is estimated that within a few months, there will be very few dissatisfied people left.

And now Tang Zheng's attention has also shifted from inside the island to outside the island.

Chen Hongchang and Orochi's people have formed a strategic alliance, which is bad news.

Especially after seeing the combined naval power of the other party, Tang Zheng also felt a lot of pressure.

 The fleets of both sides unite, and the number of large warships exceeds sixty. A fleet of this size is not so easy to deal with.

Even though they look a little old and their performance is not that strong, you still have to be careful because there are too many ants to bite the elephant to death.

 After watching the other side's joint military exercise, Tang Zheng thought for a while.

He is now almost certain of one thing, that is, war is about to break out.

 Chen Hongchang's rebellious nature and the greedy nature of the Orochi. They gathered together and created such a large formation that it was impossible to end it just by practicing.

 Perhaps they will launch an offensive in the near future.

 But it’s hard to say where exactly they will attack.

It is possible to attack Didicui Island, it is possible to attack Li Haocheng's tribe in the Yunhua Empire in the north, it is also possible to go deep into the hinterland to attack Zhuguang City, it is even possible to attack the Yuanjing area where Li Wuyou is located, and completely overthrow Han Yue.

This kind of thing is hard to predict. After all, Tang Zheng is not a roundworm in the opponent's stomach, and he can judge everything accurately.

 He could only inform Li Wuyou to take precautions, and then prepare himself as well.

During the phone call, Li Wuyou told Tang Zheng that she was trying to get Li Haocheng of the Yunhua Empire to surrender. After all, Li Haocheng was also facing military pressure from the Orochi Empire, and his own safety was in great doubt.

It's just that Li Haocheng is a little hesitant now. He has betrayed Han Yue and became independent. In such a short period of time, he surrendered again after being frightened. What will others think of him?

 He is capricious, timid, incompetent and other words that will be applied to him.

 He didn’t really want to become a joke in people’s mouths, but he was worried about the current situation, so he was hesitant.

 Tang Zheng knew about this, so he didn't say much. He could only ask Li Wuyou to be more careful. The current situation is unknown.

He still needs some time now to allow his troops to upgrade their stars as much as possible and reach their best combat effectiveness, so that they can cope with the war that may break out next.

 Under his frequent mobilization, the navy, land and air force of the Light Chasing Army took action to kill the zombies as quickly as possible.

Even the aircraft carrier battle group has been mobilized to the no-man's land on the coast, operating along the edge of the city, constantly killing zombies, and working hard to raise stars.

During this process, the funds in Tang Zheng's hands are also constantly increasing, and now exceed 60 million, including income from killing zombies and exchange income on the island.

 He was seizing the time, racing against time, hoping that the war would come a little later.

 No one could have imagined that the war would come so quickly.

Dayan and Orochi originally announced that the military exercise would last for three days, but on the night of the third day, the war broke out without warning.

In the past two days, under the cover of military exercises, Orochi has been transporting troops day and night into the Lianzhou area in northern Ningbo.

 After Dayan launched its naval fleet, the army troops that had been stationed here also headed north under the starry night.

 The two troops advanced quietly at the same time, approaching the Yuanjing area silently.

On the evening of April 25, troops from both sides launched a flanking attack from the east and west and suddenly attacked Yunjing Province, where Li Haocheng was located.

Dayan’s more than 200 fighter planes took off from Triton Airport and launched an air attack on Yunjing at night.

 The Orochi Empire's fighter planes also took off from the aircraft carrier and acted together with Dayan's fighter group.

 High explosive bombs, incendiary bombs, and white phosphorus bombs, these deadly weapons of war, were all thrown at the Yunjing base city. And in the Yunjing base city, there are obviously their spies, who reported the location of their opponent's anti-aircraft weapons.

After paying a certain price, the fighter groups of Dayan and Orochi blew up the air defense position of Yunjing. From then on, the sky of Yunjing was undefended.

 Overnight, the streets and alleys of Yunjing Base City were reduced to a sea of ​​flames.

Yunjing is in emergency!

In order to prevent the fall of the Yunjing base city, Li Haocheng ordered the Yunjing army that was in the border area and confronted the Dayan troops to withdraw.

 This is a stupid order. When the Yunjing troops retreated to rescue the capital, Orochi and Dayan, who had been prepared long ago, came from behind to cover them up.

The fighter group that was bombing Yunjing also suddenly turned around and killed a carbine, giving the Yunjing troops a fatal blow from the sky.

Yunjing's 200,000-strong army fought a fierce battle with the opponent's more than 300,000-strong army plus air force in a plain area called Tianhe Plain.

The battle lasted for a day and a night, and the Yunjing troops, which lacked air defense capabilities, finally collapsed under multiple blows.

Overnight, more than 170,000 of the 200,000-strong army were killed in battle, and more than 10,000 people were missing. In the end, more than 10,000 people were captured, almost all of whom were captured by Chen Hongchang's troops.

There are no casualties in this battle!

  The people of the Orochi Empire were extremely cruel. They brutally killed more than 60,000 surrendered soldiers and wounded on the grounds that during the war, the prisoners were just a burden.

 This cruel method inflicted heavy losses on the Yunjing troops.

The total number of troops in Yunjing is only more than 300,000. Now the entire army of 200,000 has been wiped out, and it has reached the point of breaking out.

 Chen Hongchang and the Orochi people, who had won the war, did not stop. They almost killed all of Yunjing's 200,000 troops, and then continued northward, heading straight for Yunjing City.

Li Haocheng, who made the wrong order, regretted it at this moment. He regretted rejecting Li Wuyou's joint proposal, and also prohibited the Royal Guards from approaching the border of the Yunhua Empire. As a result, it was now too late for Li Wuyou to rescue him.

Facing the opposing coalition's troops approaching the city, Li Haocheng was almost frightened. He did not dare to hold on to Yunjing anymore. Instead, he abandoned the city and fled to the north of his territory.

Before leaving, he announced that he would abandon Baishan Province, Yunjing Province, the eastern part of Prairie Province, and the eastern part of Lianghe Province, and return all these areas to the Han Yue Empire.

The remaining hundreds of thousands of troops were also mobilized from various base cities under his order and retreated to Blackwater Province together.

His troops fled in embarrassment and gave up millions of square kilometers of land. Dayan and Dashe were not polite, and marched northward with overwhelming force, carving up the territory that Li Haocheng gave up.

 The eastern part of Prairie Province and the eastern part of Lianghe Province all belong to Chen Hongchang's Dayan Empire.

As reward, Chen Hongchang gave up the entire Ningbei, Yunjing, and Baishan provinces, and these areas all fell into the hands of the Orochi Empire.

This battle, which can be called a blitzkrieg, only lasted five days.

 Li Haocheng's tactical errors, lack of preparation, and improper command led to heavy losses for the troops.

 After that, his remaining troops were routed and fled thousands of miles to Heishui Province, the northernmost part of the Han Dynasty, where they reorganized their defenses and survived.

 The remaining several million square kilometers of territory were divided between the two families.

He failed in this battle, but it also made everyone around him realize the wolfish ambitions of Chen Hongchang and the Orochi.

 The war came so quickly and suddenly that no one was prepared.

Originally Li Wuyou planned to send troops to join the war, but Tian Mingfei, southwest of Beijing, suddenly showed up at the border, forcing Li Wuyou to send troops to defend, which made her unable to participate in the war.

 Tian Mingfei's move completely cut off the vitality of Li Haocheng's tribe, and also made Li Wuyou and Tang Zheng realize how deep the collusion between these parties was.

On the surface, Chen Hongchang is now in alliance with Orochi's people, but behind the scenes, Tian Mingfei may have also quietly established a line with them.

 Li Haocheng’s fiasco also brought about a chain reaction.

 The people of Orochi acquired large areas of land in the two provinces, which further aroused their enthusiasm for immigration.

 They organized a large number of people into new territories and rapidly expanded their troops within the occupied areas.

 The captured weapons and equipment troops were recruited on the spot when there were insufficient soldiers. Anyone who disobeyed would be shot.

 Under the high-pressure policy, new troops were constantly released, and their expansion was extremely rapid.

  Chen Hongchang also followed the same example and continued to expand the strength of his troops.

 In the northern region, their vicious expansion is like a snowball, and their strength is getting stronger and stronger. The total number of troops on both sides has exceeded 800,000.

 If this continues, Li Haocheng's remaining troops will be defeated soon, and will soon threaten the surrounding areas.

 And at this time, another piece of bad news came.

There is another country on the border with Ningbei Province in Hanyue, and its name is Tiger Country.

This country is not too big, but its national power is not weak. It especially believes in the power of tigers. Before the end of the world, its relationship with Han Yue was not very good.

 This country is sending special envoys to contact Orochi's people and Chen Hongchang's party, and there seems to be signs of joining.

If they succeed in joining forces, and add Tian Mingfei to the southwest, then a huge war group will be completely formed.

 The situation in the north has already shown signs of deterioration in just ten days!

   It seems that book friend xxij225522 gave me a reward of 700 coins. Thank you, old friend.

It seems irreplaceable_EB book friends’ reward, thank you!



 (End of this chapter)