MTL - Doomsday Commander-Chapter 308 Big explosion in front of the villa area

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Chapter 308 The big explosion in front of the villa area

These people have recently joined the Military Intelligence Agency and are performing special tasks.

When Ji Yuntian and others rushed to the island, the large multinational force on the opposite side had not yet arrived.

Ji Yuntian drove the car himself and pulled the four young people in the car. They wanted to step on the fuel tank with their feet. At this moment, they were racing against time.

 Because the Light Chasing Army wants to occupy the position as soon as possible, the more people who come up at the first time, the better, so the ones in front are infantry transport trucks.

 The armored troops were behind and did not catch up in the early stage.

The position of the Light Chasing Army is the villa area on the shore. This area is not small, but if you want to live defensively, you cannot let the opponent's armored troops in.

So Ji Yuntian's task is also very important, and the road must be blocked as soon as possible.

The way to block it is also very simple, that is to blow up the four skyscrapers across the road in front of the villa area!

It would be difficult to use the air force to blow up these four buildings, because not only does the opponent have air defense forces, but the air force's bombing is impossible. Maybe a few missiles will hit the building, but you don't know where it will collapse, and you won't be able to lift it up. The effect of blocking roads.

Fixed-point blasting is different. It can control the direction of the collapse of the building. This is the technical research conducted by He Xue, and thus the blasting engineer appeared.

 These four people all carried large backpacks, which contained relatively special bombs.

Ji Yuntian drove the jeep and rushed outside the villa area. At this moment, the villa area was already in chaos.

A large number of celebrities living here all ran out crying.

The Light Chasing Army strictly implemented the plan to land on the island. Of course, they would not let these foreigners delay their progress. Everyone left immediately, even if you were taking a shit, you had to stop.

Those who refused to cooperate would be hit by the soldiers with their rifle handles. If they were still stubborn, they would be killed on the spot.

These celebrities also tried to make trouble with the country behind them, but unfortunately, the soldiers of the Light Chasing Army did not take this approach at all.

 Since they have all arrived at Didui Island, who cares about the country behind you?

These celebrities had no choice but to escape from the villa area in embarrassment.

Ji Yuntian drove the jeep and rushed out of the villa area. He even knocked over several people on the road and attracted a lot of curses.

Ji Yuntian snorted disdainfully and ignored these guys. He rushed out of the villa area and came to the vicinity of the first tall building.

The car slowed down. A soldier opened the door and jumped out. He rolled around on the ground and then quickly stood up. He rushed straight to the tall building.

Ji Yuntian turned on the loudspeaker in the car and shouted at the theatergoers on high buildings.

“Everyone in the four buildings on the roadside here is allowed to leave within five minutes. Those who are still in the building within five minutes will have to be buried with these buildings.”

  In fact, it takes nearly ten minutes for demolition engineers to blow up a building.

 But Ji Yuntian only shouted for five minutes, which would make these people faster.

Some people were scared and chose to leave the high-rise building, but some people didn't care and pointed at Ji Yuntian's jeep upstairs and cursed.

 They are all foreigners and have regarded Didicui Island as their own territory. They will definitely not welcome the Light Chasing Army.

Ji Yuntian just snorted, he really didn’t know how to live or die.

It is true that they are unwilling to kill civilians, but if the civilians do not know the interest, that is another matter.

 He continued to put down the remaining three demolition engineers, and several of them ran towards their respective targets.

Ji Yuntian drove here for a while, and about ten minutes later, he picked up four demolition engineers.

The backpacks of several people have been emptied, and the bombs for fixed-point detonation have been placed. With the push of a button, these four buildings will be wiped out.

Jones and the others did indeed let the armored troops clear the way as the Light Chaser Army expected.

 With the mobilization of ambassadors from various countries, almost all the tanks and armored vehicles on the island came.

 There were thousands of tanks and chariots in the darkness, converging from all directions on the island towards the northeast corner.

Jones personally directed the armored troops to advance, and he was gnashing his teeth, angrily cursing Tang Zheng and the Light Chaser Army.

As long as his armored troops entered the villa area, he vowed to kill all the light-seeking troops and throw these invaders into the sea to feed the fish.

The chariot roared, and the metal tracks crushed the concrete pavement, leaving cracks in the road.

“From now on, these things will be paid for by the Light Chasing Army. This is all the damage they have caused.”

Jones cursed as the armored troops approached the neighborhoods near the villa area.

Overhead, the TV station’s drone was still filming.

Ahn'Qiraj, a female reporter, was hiding somewhere and broadcasting live, and she kept shouting.

“Look! Our armored forces are on the scene, while the Light Chasers are only some infantry who landed on the island. They will pay the price for their stupid behavior.”

“We would rather be broken than destroyed, so we blew up the river bridge. This forced the Light-Chasing Army to take risks and land on the island in this way, but they didn’t know that they were digging their own graves.”

“Look what these barbarians did. They drove out the people in the villa area. Oh, the cake sellers are really crooked. They are so rude and impolite.”

“Stupid Tang Zheng and stupid Hanyue people will soon be driven back to the sea, where they will end up.”

Jones heard the live news broadcast of Ahn'Qiraj and was quite satisfied with her performance.

As long as the Light Chasing Army can be defeated, this is actually not a bad thing. He can take the opportunity to sweep away the power of other countries and turn this Didicui Island into the hall of the Magnolia Empire.

 Otherwise, the Law Enforcement Bureau Council was meeting all day long, and what he said was not particularly true, which also made him very troubled.

 It seems to be a good idea to use the hands of Han Yue people to eliminate some disobedient forces.

Of course, the prerequisite is that he must win the final victory in this war.

The armored troops also advanced against the clock and soon arrived near the villa area.

 After passing the ring road in front, we are near the beach in the villa area.

Before the armored troops could reach here, they saw a large number of people swarming in front of them. This made Jones feel a little dazed for a moment, as if he had returned to the beginning of the end of the world, when a large number of corpses were chasing people.

 But soon he discovered that there were no zombies here, just some ordinary people running over.

"What's happening here?"

The adjutant learned about it and immediately reported: "It seems that Han Yue people appeared in front and asked everyone in the building on the road to leave. The building will be blown up soon."

 “What? Blow up the building?”

Jones was shocked, and immediately notified the air defense forces to be on alert to prevent aircraft from the Light Chaser Army from coming over for air strikes.

 But as soon as his order was given, an accident happened.

Amidst the tremors of the earth and the mountains, I saw the four buildings in front of me began to explode violently close to their roots!

Those who were tired and wanted to stop immediately screamed and continued running.

At this moment, they were extremely happy. They made the wisest decision in their lives, which was to leave the building.

There were still some people inside the building who had not left. When the building collapsed, they even saw someone jumping from the windows of the tall building.

There is no difference in the result. If there is a difference, it is the difference between smashing and smashing.

 The foundation of the first floor exploded with white smoke at the same time, and the entire building immediately began to collapse on the spot!

The crashing force of the collapse was like an earthquake. In an instant, the whole area was covered in smoke and dust!

Two of the buildings collapsed and directly blocked the nearby entrance to the ring road!

 The other two buildings collapsed directly near the two gates of the villa area.

Of course all this was revealed later, and now the sky is full of smoke and dust.

People were screaming like crazy. This scene of four buildings collapsing together was something we had never seen even before the end of the world.

 Some people cried, some screamed, some collapsed, and some were completely dumbfounded.

 The cruelty of war was fully demonstrated at this moment.

 They thought that Didicui Island was powerful, but in fact it was not that powerful.

The navy was defeated and the air force also suffered heavy losses. The next step is to block the landing of the Light Chaser Army. Can they really do it?

Compared to the rest of the crowd, Jones was filled with anger and fear at the moment.

He knew very well the purpose of the Light Chasing Army in blowing up these four buildings.

 That was to block the path forward of the armored forces, and it was obvious that they did it.

 The rubble and garbage brought by the four buildings will probably take several months to clean up.

What's more, the location of the bombing by the Light Chasing Army was very clever, just blocking the road and the gate of the villa. It would be difficult for the current armored troops to enter the villa area.

Maybe he can find a way in elsewhere, such as a detour, and then find a place to knock down the courtyard wall, then break through the green belt and find a path to enter.

 But that will undoubtedly take a lot of time, and it is easy to be targeted by the Light Chaser Army.

Time is the most important thing now. If it takes too long, the Light Chaser Army will land on the island, and I'm afraid everything will be irreversible.

He was even more frightened. The more he learned about the Light Chasing Army, the more terrifying he felt about this army.

This kind of fixed-point blasting technology is so beautiful. If he were not standing on the enemy's side, Jones would almost want to applaud the Light Chasing Army.

 But now he can't, he has no choice but to make a desperate move.

 The armored troops had to stop and began to retreat, taking detours and looking for other breakthroughs.

 The large infantry force behind them quickly followed up.

 “Soldiers! This is the highlight of your lives!”

"The light-chasing bandits have landed on the island, and they are afraid of us and want to stop us in this despicable way. Behind us is our home and relatives."

"You have also seen that they did not hesitate to blow up our high-rise buildings, and at least thousands of people died tragically. This is what the Light Chasing Army does! They are demons!"

"We must ignore life and death now, crawl through this ruins, and immediately attack the villa area. Our goal is the northeast corner of the villa area. Even if it is filled with people and lives, we must blow up the pontoon bridge. !”

 “Push it to me~~~!”

Jones let out a hoarse roar. Tens of thousands of soldiers from the multinational force began to abandon their vehicles and use their own feet. They rushed through the ruins and the smoke-filled ring road and headed towards the villa area.

   500 monthly tickets are coming soon, everyone, keep going!



 (End of this chapter)