MTL - Doomsday Commander-Chapter 307 The end of the naval battle, bombing of bridges and sealing of islands

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Chapter 307 The end of the naval battle, bombing of bridges and sealing of islands

 Hearing the news, Jones and the ambassadors present were all panicked.

Jones' lips trembled even more as he grabbed the messenger: "Do you know what you are talking about? Do you know what the crime of disrupting the morale of the army is? All the river bridges from Sanjiang to here are blocked, and there are no nearby bridges. Without a large-scale fleet, how did the Light Chasing Army come across the river? Did you mistake some of their airborne troops for a large force and exaggerate here? "

The person who reported the news was about to cry: "Director, I really am not exaggerating. The Light Chasing Army did not have a boat and did not go across the river bridge. Instead, they built a pontoon bridge on the river. Those troops came along the pontoon bridge. Now they have The landing has been completed in that villa area, and the defenses are still being deployed there. The follow-up troops have not yet completely arrived, and the landing is still going on. If you can't do it, go and take a look and you will know."

An ambassador next to him was even more unbelievable: "Nonsense! The pontoon bridge can be built overnight? There was no sign of a bridge there a few hours ago."

The correspondent gestured anxiously: "It's not an ordinary pontoon bridge, it's a pontoon bridge. When connected together, the pontoon bridge is completed."

 Hearing this, Jones and others finally believed it.

It is impossible for a correspondent to lie, because the lie will be exposed immediately. If it is a pontoon bridge car, it is really possible to complete a bridge in a short time.

Considering that the Light Chaser military is ahead of theirs in technology, this may actually be true.

 Thinking of the arrival of the large forces of the Light Chasing Army, the Didicui Island may really not be saved.

Jones was a little panicked, but he forced himself to calm down.

 “Are you saying that their landing has not been completed yet and is still continuing?”

“Yes, the landing is in progress, and there are still many people in Jiangbei who have not come over yet.”

"Quick! Quick! Notify everyone and rush to the villa area in the northeast corner. No matter what, we must block the Light Chasing Army there and prevent them from completing their landing on the island."

An ambassador questioned: "Director, if we all go to block the pontoon bridge, what will happen if they divert to other bridges?"

Jones' face turned cold: "Blow it up! Blow up all the other bridges for me."

“But if the bridge blows up, our trade will be interrupted, and our lives will be in trouble.”

Jones said angrily: "What kind of life? If the bridge is broken, we still have sea and air transportation. If a large force of the Light Chaser Army comes over, what kind of **** life can you talk about if your life is gone? Execute it immediately!"

Facing the furious Jones, no one dared to say anything, and they immediately started to perform the task in a hurry.

 About ten minutes later, huge explosions were heard from several river bridges.

In order to protect Didicui Island, they cut off their own retreat and blew up the river bridge. Regardless of whether they won the battle with the Light Chasing Army or not, their future troubles would not be small.

And just when the Jiangqiao was blown up, the battle on the sea also decided the winner.

The black smoke and flames on the battleships of the Light Chaser Army have basically disappeared after all-out efforts to put them out.

 After several hours of **** battles with hundreds of combat units, the battleship did not suffer much loss. Except for some guns that misfired, the rest were still alive and well.

And their ammunition reserves have simply reached an incomprehensible level. The gunboats of Magnolia, which can still suppress the firepower, cannot raise their heads.

At the last moment, the Light Chasing Army actually fired more than a dozen torpedoes in succession. Bai Magnolia's gunboats avoided this one but could not avoid that one, and finally took three torpedoes.

 The gunboat took three heavy hits in a row and finally became unable to bear it any longer.

 The damage to the middle part of the hull was the most serious, with a large amount of sea water pouring in.

 The captain urgently sent people to repair the cabin and make a last-ditch effort.

 A large number of people entered the cabin to prepare for rescue, but another collapse occurred.

Some huge tentacles rushed in at this moment, directly sweeping away the mending people and taking them into the ocean.

Before these people were swept away, they made a last-ditch resistance, but to no avail.

This deep-sea monster is so powerful that it cannot be counteracted. Guns are useless against it. All they can do is shout words like sea monster and Godzilla, and then they are completely pulled into the sea.

 Without the rescue personnel, the gunboat finally couldn't hold it anymore.

 As the water poured in, the ship began to sink rapidly.

Just like when the Titanic collapsed, the hull was severed from the middle, and the sailors on it fell into the sea like dumplings.

 The warship lost power and was completely plunged into darkness.

Gurgling water came from all directions, and the bow of the ship had stood up at ninety degrees.

 The last officers and soldiers stood on the bow of the ship and called for help, but it was in vain.

Not only are they hopeless, there are still some sailors from coast guard ships struggling on the surrounding sea.

 The two parties met in the dark waves.

In normal times, Tang Zheng's light-chasing army would not abuse prisoners of war too much, and they would still save them if possible.

 But not this time, Tang Zheng had no sympathy or pity for these foreigners who forcibly occupied the land of Hanyue. These people only deserved to be buried in the sea.

 Some marine creatures are also attracted by the food here.

From time to time, some huge fish leap up from the sea and swallow people floating and struggling on the water.

There was even a huge great white shark, which was more than thirty meters long. It was as big as a blue whale and swallowed five or six people in one bite.

 The water on the sea was rolling, and screams were heard. The fate of these people was determined.

As for the few remaining planes in the sky, an electric arc was fired from the battleship again, and after shooting down the lucky planes that survived, the remaining four or five planes finally ran away without looking back, and returned to Didicui Island. Airport. This battleship is too terrifying, and it is simply an invincible force.

No, it’s not Xiaoqiang. Xiaoqiang doesn’t have such a strong attack power. This is an unbeatable mantis. Not only is it durable, it can also launch fatal attacks at any time.

  The first naval battle after the end of the world finally came to an end after five hours.

The multinational force of fifty-five coast guard ships, one medium-sized warship, more than fifty helicopters, and twenty fighter jets besieged a battleship of the Light Chaser Army. In the end, they were defeated and only five aircraft escaped. The rest were all destroyed.

Thousands of sailors and airmen, with very few survivors.

Light-chasing warships are world-famous for their powerful firepower, extraordinary bomb load, and high-tech electromagnetic technology!

 The naval battle has come to an end, and the war on the ground has just begun.

 Jones has confirmed the news from the correspondent that a large force of the Light Chaser Army is landing.

At this time, he was not very far from the northeast corner. He almost immediately ran away and then ordered all the troops on the island to concentrate here.

The entire Didicui Island is a huge island with a population of nearly 20 million. After the end of the world, many foreigners from the entire Bulk Province, Zhonghai City, Qianjiang City and other places have come here. It is almost a country within a country.

The number of troops on the island is not small. Each family has at least a few hundred people, and a little more than a thousand people. Large countries such as Magnolia, Zijin, Daliao, etc. all have more than 5,000 troops.

 So the total strength of the entire island is 100,000.

  We had just lost some in the battle, and more than 10,000 people were needed to stay at our embassy and maintain its basic operations. Almost all of the remaining troops rushed to the northeastern region.

 The total number of these troops reached 80,000!

According to their pre-war analysis, the number of troops arriving this time from the Light Chasing Army was approximately 40,000.

Forty thousand people are moving along a pontoon bridge. It is impossible to go too fast. Even if they all take cars, it may take one night to completely cross.

It has only been more than an hour since the pontoon bridge was built. It would be great if 10,000 people can come over there.

 With 80,000 people surrounding 10,000 people, Jones thinks there is no problem.

Even if the Light Chasing Army has strong combat capabilities, it is impossible to defeat one against ten.

 At the very least, he felt that it would be possible to drive the light-chasing army back to Jiangbei.

Furthermore, fighting in the villa area, Jones felt that he also had an advantage.

The villa area covers a large area and does not have many high-rise buildings, making it more suitable for large groups to deploy.

Especially for the armored troops, according to reconnaissance, the troops who came to the island early were all infantry. They probably relied on buildings for street fighting defense to gain landing space for the follow-up troops.

However, this kind of open terrain is more conducive to armored troops fighting. Jones believes that this is a failure of the Light Chaser Army. As long as he sends armored troops there, the Light Chaser Army will definitely not be able to defend it.

So Jones is not discouraged or discouraged at this moment. As long as the large forces of the Light Chaser Army are not allowed to land on the island, he is not afraid.

That battleship is now invincible, but it can never reach the shore.

As long as they can defend the island, they have already asked for help from their own country.

As long as he holds on for a while and waits for reinforcements from various countries to arrive, he will make Tang Zheng, an arrogant and arrogant guy, completely taste defeat!

“Damn Tang Zheng, just wait for me, I will drive you back to that ungrateful place in the Northern Territory, and I will personally lead my troops to defeat you and kill you!”

Jones gritted his teeth and engaged in new command operations.

This villa area located in the northeast corner of Didicui Island is very large, covering an area of ​​six or seven square kilometers.

The people who live here are either rich or noble, and they are all people of status.

 But at this moment, these people with status are escaping from the villa area in embarrassment.

 The Light Chasing Army has landed here!

The first people to land here were, in addition to the regiment and two elite members of the direct battalion, there were also people from the Military Intelligence Bureau led by Ji Yuntian.

People from the Military Intelligence Bureau rode in dozens of jeeps, constantly overtaking other vehicles on the pontoon bridge, passing over military vehicles traveling on the river, and quickly rushed to the bombed-out villa area.

 The soldiers arriving from the front are quickly setting up defenses and quickly driving away the people in this villa area.

 But there are also disadvantages in the defensive operation at this moment, that is, the road ahead is flat, and it is estimated that the armored troops from Didui Island will arrive soon.

Ji Yuntian and the others came here. The first purpose was to cut off the advancing path of the opponent's armored forces.

 Beside Ji Yuntian, there were also several capable young people.

These people were all carrying large packages and were of strong physique.

 These are a new unit of the Light Chasing Army, which were developed and unlocked by He Xue.

 Demolition engineers.

Monthly tickets are almost 500, come on everyone!



 (End of this chapter)