MTL - Demon Slayer Starts From the Proficiency Panel-Chapter 40 [040] One hundred thousand proficiency

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   Chapter 40 [040] One Hundred Thousand Proficiency

  【Kill monsters, get general proficiency +500】


   Pulled out the iron cone from the body of the fish demon in front of him, and the turquoise blood immediately spewed from the wound and splashed on the ground.

   "This is the last cell."

  Ning Xiu took a breath and looked at the general proficiency displayed on the proficiency panel with satisfaction: 106800.

  106,800, this is the most common proficiency Ning Xiu has ever obtained.

   Once these general proficiencies are completely consumed, one's own strength will be greatly improved.

   There are more than 200 cells, almost all of them are evil monsters and monsters with the strength of ninth-rank or higher. If there is no place for holding evil monsters, such as the Demon Suppression Prison.

  It is absolutely impossible for Ning Xiu to kill so many evil spirits in one go, unless he goes to the frontline battlefield.

   Executed the evil spirits in more than 200 cells in one go. No one had ever done such a thing in the Demon Suppression Prison.

  Once the torturers are unwilling, their physical strength and ability to resist the entry of evil qi into the body cannot keep up. The old torturers will only execute a maximum of twenty evil spirits a day, and if there are more, it will be laborious.

  Secondly, there are very few subduing demon captains who would take the initiative to come to the Demon Suppression Prison to do such dirty work, because there is no benefit or benefit in doing this kind of thing. If someone does it, it is purely a volunteer act.

   Therefore, the feat that Ning Xiu accomplished today will definitely become a legend in the circle of demon-suppressing prisoners in the future.

   'A certain iron-horse subduing demon captain suffers from a quirk and takes pleasure in executing evil monsters. ’

   Put the **** iron cone back on the torture table, Ning Xiu pushed open the prison door and walked out. His general proficiency was enough, it was time to go back to the realm of opening up martial arts.

   walked to the hall and greeted the head of the jailer, Ning Xiu quickly left the Demon Suppression Prison.

   Looking at his back, the head of the prison guard couldn't help but say, "More than two hundred cells have been executed? What kind of hobby does this kid designate."


   After returning to his residence, Ning Xiu called out the proficiency panel.

  【Pure Anode Fist: Nine Layers (45/5000)】(+)

  【Golden Bell Jar: Nine Layers (30/5000)】(+)

  【Spiritual Observation of Qi: Five Layers (34/3000)】(+)

  【Great Sun Mysterious Scripture: Tenth Floor (1/6000)】(+)

  【Tianwang King Kong Gong: Second Floor (6/3000)】(+)

  【Five Hammer Strength: No Flow (0/100)】(+)

  General Proficiency: 106800


   When he was reading "The Great Sun Xuanjing" in the Sansheng Temple, Ning Xiu learned that this practice has only ten layers, and above ten layers is perfect.

   Inner strength is the key to whether or not to open up a Martial Aperture. The deeper the martial artist's inner strength, the greater the success rate of opening up a Martial Aperture every time he hits it.

   First, elevating the Great Sun Mysterious Sutra to the perfect state is of great help in opening up one's own martial orifices.

  6000 general proficiency points are added all at once, and the Great Sun Mysterious Sutra is instantly complete.

  Ning Xiu immediately felt that the internal force in his body became more and more solid, and it had become almost indistinguishable from liquid.

   Inner strength transformation liquid, this is the ultimate performance of the seventh rank of martial arts, just need to open up the martial arts, and the sixth rank will be a matter of course.

   "Hmm!" Ning Xiu trembled, and he could clearly feel the internal force all over his body rushing towards his chest along the meridians, forcibly squeezed into a ball.

   In his body, there seems to be a place that is slowly being torn apart, and all the internal forces are pouring into that place, gradually filling up the torn place.

  Ning Xiu hurriedly took off his robe, and saw a transparent white light lit up from the inside of his chest area, and at the same time, blood-red thin lines covered the entire chest.

  Wuqiao belongs to a closed body orifice. Humans are born with it, and it contains infinite potentials belonging to the human body.

   But if you don't open your martial arts, those potentials will not be released, and ordinary people are still ordinary people.

   After closing the body aperture for so many years and tearing it apart, the pain caused by it cannot be endured even by a martial artist of the seventh rank of martial arts.

   After a few breaths, Ning Xiu was already sweating profusely, and the cold sweat constantly overflowing from his body exacerbated the pain, making him want to faint at any time.

   But this step is extremely critical. It is necessary to maintain a clear consciousness, otherwise, once you are in a coma, your previous efforts will be forfeited.

  Ning Xiu could only endure the discomfort of his body, sitting on the ground and running the Great Sun Mystery Sutra, and at the same time spent 11,000 general proficiency points to raise the golden bell to the eleventh floor.

  The golden bell hood is a horizontal practice and also has the effect of forging the body. At this time, improving the golden bell hood can help Ning Xiu to open up martial arts.

   Sure enough, when the golden bell hood was raised to the eleventh floor, Ning Xiu felt the tearing pain in his chest eased a little, allowing him to concentrate on running the Great Sun Mysterious Sutra to hit the body aperture in his chest.

   Closing his eyes, Ning Xiu immediately threw himself into the development of martial arts.

   Cultivators will emit aura when cultivating. According to the strength of the aura, others who can perceive it will recognize the strength of the other party.

   There have always been three major grades in the ninth grade of the Great Dao. According to the theory of nine small grades, the three major grades are the upper, middle and lower grades.

   Therefore, when a cultivator is attacking a great grade, it is also called a cross-grade.

   When the cultivator crosses the rank, the aura that the practitioner unconsciously emits is the strongest. Those with extraordinary talents or extraordinary skills may even have a divine breath, and the vision hangs in the sky.

   After Ning Xiu closed his eyes and meditated, the breath in his body continued to spread, and a red Phnom Penh sun gradually appeared over the yard.

   These spectacles quickly attracted the attention of the nearby demon subduing captains, who all stopped and looked up.

   "What is that, how come there are two suns in the sky."

   "The breath is manifested, someone is crossing the product."

   "What a strong talent, I heard that it is a good vision to manifest holy birds and beasts, flowers and trees, this person actually conjured a second sun in the sky."

   "Where is the holy place?"

   The demon subduing captains were curious and wanted to visit the residence of the cross-grade person for a while.

   As long as you don't disturb the other party, it doesn't matter if you stand outside and watch and wait.

   But just when the Phnom Penh Great Sun appeared in the sky, several bronze leopard subduing demon captains flashed directly from the Hall of Fifth Instance. They quickly went to the courtyard of the cross-grade person and blocked all the entrances and exits.

   Many of the Iron Horse Demon Commanders who had just arrived were blocked by them and were not allowed to enter.

   "Co-workers are different, don't get close to the noise."

   "Back off, be less curious."

   "You're all free, right? If you have a task, hurry up and do it. If you don't have a task, go to the Demon Suppression Prison to help execute the evil spirits. Don't stay here."

   A bronze leopard demon subduing captain guarded the gate of the yard and shouted loudly. Under their scolding, it was easy to control the situation at the scene.

   But the aura is manifested, and the vision hanging in the sky is extremely rare. How could the big guy give up witnessing such a scene so easily, they all hid in places where their boss couldn't see, and looked at the sky and talked a lot.

   "Hey! Look, the vision has changed again!"

   "Eh, it seems to be true."

   As several people exclaimed, everyone saw it.

   The Phnom Penh Sun in the sky began to emit red flames in all directions, and these red flames burned the sky and eroded the clouds.

   Soon the sky above the Demon Demon Division turned into a splendid scene of fire and clouds, not to mention the Demon Demon Commander at all levels in the Demon Demon Division.

   Even the people in Chaotiandu responded with curiosity and ran to the heights to look at it.

   "What a beautiful view, what's the matter?"

   "It's picturesque, fast, the lady is grinding it for her husband, and I want to paint this beautiful scene."

   "Today is definitely a good day. Looking at the scenery, it is really beautiful."

   Chaotian was agitated by it, and the inside of Fumo Si was also restless.

  Su Qianqian walked out of the Fifth Trial Hall, stood at the door and looked in the direction of the sky, and muttered uncertainly, "That place seems to be the residence of this kid Ning Xiu."

   Qin Daorong was making a copy in the courtyard of Fu Mo Si. When the sun was burning, he raised his head and smiled and said, "There is another talented person, and Fu Mo Si will have a good luck."

   Fire clouds burn the sky, and the sun hides in the clouds.

   These double visions are already shocking and emotional.

   But what everyone did not expect was that after an hour, the vision regenerated.

  In the middle of the big sun, a red-faced, angry-eyed king stepped out, and saw his long hair like fire, tiger-eyed majesty, raised the Phnom Penh sun with both hands, and stepped on fire clouds like an immobile king, standing high in the sky.

   This time, everyone was silent.

   triple vision, who is this person?

  The Angry-eyed Heavenly King was at least ten feet tall and stood out in the sky, but within five breaths, all the visions dissipated abruptly.

  The sky returned to its original appearance.

   The vision dissipated, and the cross-product was successful.

  Ning Xiu didn't know how much impact his opening of the martial orifice had had today, he was completely immersed in the insights after the opening of the martial orifice.

Within the    Wuqiao, it is like another vast and boundless world. What is contained in it is the infinite potential of the human body, and how much can be tapped out of it depends entirely on the individual's creation.

   "Fu Mosi is a saint in the daytime, I don't know which Master Fu Mowei broke through again."

   "Every time a strong person appears in the Fumo Division, it is my great business luck."

   "Such a huge difference, I have lived in this Chaotian Capital for more than 30 years, and this is the first time I have seen it."

  The whole Chaotiandu, the atmosphere of Ning Xiu was talked about throughout the day. Teahouses, wine shops, inns, and alleys were everywhere, and the heat was extremely high.

   And the Demon Demon Division was not calm. Although the disparity disappeared, many Demon Demon Commanders planned to visit the cross-grade colleague.

   This person has three different appearances, and has the qualifications to achieve the third grade. This is a thigh.

   But the Fumo Division has already taken measures, and has been sending the bronze leopard Fumowei to guard the compound and prevent anyone from entering.

   This battle shows that he really takes Ning Xiu seriously, and he must keep his identity a secret.

   One day later.

   Qin Daorong walked into the courtyard. At this time, there were already two bronze leopard subduing captains waiting outside Ning Xiu's room.

   "Has he not woken up yet?" Qin Daorong asked.

   "Sir, there has been no movement."

   Qin Daorong said: "The perception time of a person with a vision is generally longer than that of other cross-grade people, but it is understandable. When he wakes up, remember to arrange for him to change his residence, and don't let others know who the person who caused the vision is."


  I don't know how long it took, but Ning Xiu slowly got out of that state of concentration and meditation.

   It's like he fell asleep when he was the most tired, Ning Xiu only felt that he was refreshed and his whole body felt at ease.

   The only thing that might be a little unusual is that I am very hungry.

   "How long has it been?" Looking at the angle of sunlight outside the house, Ning Xiu was a little puzzled.

   But now is not the time to be concerned about this, Ning Xiu felt the changes in his body in his heart, and could easily find that there was a body orifice in his chest that was slowly turning like a vortex.

Once the    internal force enters the body aperture, it will be instantly transformed into strands of silver light and fed back out.

   In terms of purity, this ray of silver awn is at least worth three times the original internal force.

  The internal force changes from the atomized liquid to the silver glow. This qualitative change is the biggest difference between the third-rank and the lower third-rank of martial arts.

  Ning Xiu clenched his fists and performed a pure anode fist, and saw that a three-inch thick silver light suddenly appeared on the surface of his fist, wrapping his entire fist like a layer of armor.

   Internal force is released, one of the three characteristics of martial arts.

   From now on, Ning Xiu can add internal power to the weapon, or pour it into the body of others to cause huge damage.

   "The martial orifice has been opened, and now I am a sixth-rank martial artist." Ning Xiu said happily.

After   Xiaoxiao tried the use of internal force, Ning Xiu retracted his mind and focused his attention on the proficiency panel.

   After upgrading the Great Sun Xuanjing and the Golden Bell Hood, his general proficiency is still 89,800 points, and he is still very rich.

   Next, you need to accompany the monk Zhengwu to Yunxia Mountain, which can be far away from Chaotian Capital. The influence and protection ability of Fu Mosi will continue to decline as it is farther away from Chaotian Capital.

   It is impossible to say what powerful evil spirits or monsters will be encountered along the way. Naturally, strength is not too much. The higher the better.

   "Golden Bell Hood has the highest 12 levels of horizontal training. It is very important to me. It should have been improved to perfection long ago, but I have been suffering from the scarcity of general proficiency."

  Ning Xiu looked at the 11th floor, and only needed 7,000 general proficiency points to be able to upgrade to the twelfth floor of the golden bell, and he was about to increase his proficiency.

  In an instant, the words in the column of the golden bell jar changed.

  【Golden Bell Cover: Twelve Layers (Into the Body)】

   After reaching the twelfth floor, what appeared on the panel was not the evolution that Ning Xiu envisioned, but the word 'into the body'.

   This is beyond Ning Xiu's expectations. What effect does this entry have, please follow him.

The practice of   Golden Bell Jar immediately began to dim on the proficiency panel, and finally disappeared completely.

  【Supernatural Power: Admiralty Bodyguard】

  Ning Xiu's mind suddenly came up with a mysterious magic formula. As his mind moved, a golden bell between the real and the illusory instantly appeared all over his body.

   This golden bell is three feet taller than Ning Xiu, just enough to wrap his entire body inside.

   No one could have imagined that after incorporating the Golden Bell Cover Cultivation Technique that had been cultivated on the twelfth floor into the body, it would actually evolve into this kind of instant martial arts magical power.

   This is much better than the original golden bell.

  Ning Xiu put away his martial arts supernatural powers, and immediately began to improve Pure Anode Fist. At this time, Pure Anode Fist was at the ninth level, and Ning Xiu directly added 5,000 general proficiency points.

   Originally, when he used the pure anode punch, the redness of his body would only spread from the palm to the arm, but as it rose to the tenth floor.

   This scarlet skin came to his shoulders, and from a distance, Ning Xiu's entire right arm was red, quite miraculous.

   These scarlet reds are all due to pure anode boxing, which will enhance the blood energy in the warrior's body. Even the body becomes full of blood energy, and the skin turns red, which shows how strong Ning Xiu's blood energy is now.

   The general Lonely Soul Ye Chong, I am afraid that the soul will be scattered by the evaporation of blood just as soon as he approaches.

   Consumes 6000 general proficiency points, the eleventh level of pure anode punch.

The    red skin expanded again, this time filling Ning Xiu's neck, face and chest, a red blush.

   Black pupil and red face, if anyone who doesn't know it sees Ning Xiu's appearance when he is performing pure anode fist, it is estimated that he will be regarded as a ghost.

   consumes 7000 general proficiency points, the twelfth level of pure anode punch.

   The left arm became red, and the skin below the waist also changed.

   "Could it be that this pure anode fist has no upper limit? How come it's already on the twelfth floor and still hasn't reached the perfect level..." Ning Xiu couldn't help muttering.

   He really consumed a lot of general proficiency in pure anode punching, and this place is like a bottomless pit.

   The other exercises are also waiting for you to improve them.

   "Finally, go up one more level. If you still don't see Consummation, you have to stop." Ning Xiu made a decision in his heart, and once again used the 8000 points of general proficiency on pure anode boxing.

  【Pure Anode Fist: Thirteenth Layer (Into the Body)】

   Seeing that the suffix finally lost his proficiency, Ning Xiu breathed a sigh of relief, this bottomless pit was still filled by himself.

   Into the body!

The words    Pure Anode Fist slowly faded like a golden bell, and finally completely disappeared on the proficiency panel.

  【Supernatural Power: Blood Oven】

   Once this supernatural power is exerted, Ning Xiu's whole body will instantly turn into a red skin, radiating scorching blood like an oven.

  The two exercises are incorporated into the body and transformed into supernatural powers.

The    proficiency panel suddenly became much deserted.


  【Spiritual Observation of Qi: Five Layers (34/3000)】(+)

  【The Great Sun Mystery Scripture: Tenth Floor (Evolution)】

  【Tianwang King Kong Gong: Second Floor (6/3000)】(+)

  【Five Hammer Strength: No Flow (0/100)】(+)

  General Proficiency: 61800


   "The Great Sun Xuanjing does not enter the body after it is completed, but evolves. Pure Yangquan also evolved from Yuanyangquan. At present, only the golden bell hood has not been evolved and directly entered the body.

   Could it be that different exercises have different potentials. Those with great potential can evolve once, while those without potential can directly enter the body. "Ning Xiu secretly said.

   immediately chose the evolution of the Great Sun Xuanjing.

The Great Sun Xuanjing, as an internal skill, is very important to Ning Xiu. If he loses the Great Sun Xuanjing, then if Ning Xiu wants to continue to improve his strength in the future, he must go to the Three Sacred Halls to find a higher-quality internal skill. Row.

   Fortunately, the Great Sun Xuanjing can further evolve, but it saves him the time to go to the Three Holy Temple to find new internal strength.

  Because the inner strength of the lower third rank and the inner strength of the middle third rank are very different, so after crossing the rank, it is necessary to change the inner strength to cultivate.

   The inner strength cultivated in the third rank will be purified by the martial arts and transformed into the inner strength of the new inner strength, which will not have any impact on the warrior at all.

   Soon, the Great Sun Xuanjing completed its evolution.


   What is the name of the evolved new internal strength? Does anyone have a suggestion?

   I can't get it out of the cultural desert for a while.


   (end of this chapter)