MTL - Dangerous Girls Drag Me Into Danger-Chapter 18

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After Mr. Yang pinched the person, he calmed down and said, "I just felt that way... Master, aren't you just an ordinary person?"

"What does it mean to be wrong? Correct me! Your words are very rude! If you want to say who I am, An Juncheng..."

"Huh? So..."

"I'm an ordinary person through and through!"

"Ha... I'm telling you that's what I look like."

Teacher Yang, like a deflated ball, rolled his eyes, the corners of his mouth slumped, showing an expression of extreme disgust.

Hey Hey hey! Teacher, are you looking down on ordinary people? I tell you this world is built by ordinary people! Ordinary people in the world account for 98% of all human beings!

This time, the teacher simply believed me, touched his chin and started chattering.

"However, where did you learn my real name? Only my mother knows my real name... She can't reveal my real name, how did you know it? Could it be that you can read Mind art? That's not right, ordinary mind reading shouldn't have any effect on us... and you don't have any magic power at all."


I looked at Teacher Yang with blank eyes, and let out a long questioning voice.

Of course, it's not that I didn't understand Teacher Yang's words, I just feel that the worldview I've established in my life has suffered a second devastating impact...

Mind reading?

Magic power?

Does that unscientific thing really exist?

Although I really wanted to deny these things in my heart that would fundamentally destroy my daily life, but with Mr. Yang's pointed ears and horns in front of me, I couldn't deceive myself any more.

The names and titles that I saw...are all...really...

This terrifying fact makes me chill.

Now that what I have regarded as delusions and mental illness has really been identified, I am at a loss.

"So, if you are an ordinary person, how do you know my name?"

"Well, I don't know anything..."

I hate things that I don't understand. Don't destroy my common sense!

"Stop joking, how could you not know! Didn't you just ignore my illusions, see through my true colors, and even tell my real name! You tell me now that you don't know anything? See what I look like , how dare you say you don't know! Tell me, what do you see me like now?"

"Uh... succubus?"

"Don't you know!"

I just read that title out... I didn't expect it to be true...

Teacher Yang... is really a succubus.

This means that the titles I have seen are most likely true.

Then the facts built on that foundation will be completely different. Teacher Xiaozhen is really a human clone, Ji Lianbing is really a necrophilic murderer, the classmates are really a bunch of weirdos, and the most important thing is...

My sisters...really brother control!


I covered my head, stretched out my palm towards the teacher, pulled away a little and said to her, "Wait, I'm a little confused right now, let me sort it out..."

According to what the teacher said just now, it is because I called the teacher's 'real name', so there is some kind of contract between us.

Indeed, in some western fantasy novels, there are often plots in which the devil obeys the protagonist after being known, which means that Mr. Yang, as a succubus, has similar characteristics.

"So, is it because I called your real name that I became your master?"

"Yes, you called my real name in front of me, and then I heard your name, and the contract was established. Didn't you feel a headache just now? That's what happened when the contract was established. , it is only because the mental power gap between you and me is a bit large that the situation of forcibly balancing the loss will happen..."

"Forcibly balance the loss?"

"Yes, it is to tear off a piece of my mental power and stick it on your mind. Generally speaking, only the one with strong mental power can dominate the one with weak mental power by relying on his real name. So even if you know my name, contract It won't be established either... But the contract was established, and I gave half of my mental power to you... woo woo woo..."

While talking, Mr. Yang probably felt that he was too wronged, so he burst into tears.

Why are you crying again... Please, stop crying! You are a teacher! Is it really okay to be so gaffe in front of students?

"Wait, don't cry! How can I give you my mental power back?"

"...You want to give it back to me?"

"Of course! I never thought about taking anything from you!"

Teacher Yang wiped away the tears with his fingers, sniffed and said, "Hiss... Our spirits are already connected and we are not separated from each other, so even if you want to give it back, you can't give it back. Unless you die. After that, the contract will be released naturally, and the part of my spiritual power will come back, are you willing to die for me?"

"Uh, it's a bit difficult..."

"So, I was your servant before you died... By the way, just call me Lili in the future, or you can call me Lilith, that's my real name."

"Then, Teacher Lili?"

"Um...don't! Don't call me teacher!"


I just called you teacher, do you need to make a strange sound with your face flushed red...

"Now I'm your slave, so you can't call me a teacher like an elder. As soon as you call me teacher, my side will... get some punishment, so just call me by my name. You'd better. Change my name from now on, in my heart too! Once you get used to it, you won't call it wrong again!"

"Oh, I see... Mr. Yang..."

I nodded my head in response, and almost accidentally said the words 'Mr. Yang'.

After being glared fiercely, he temporarily corrected himself.

"Cough, I see, Lili."

It's scary to get used to this thing... It seems that I really want to change my name to Lili in my heart. In order for the teacher not to be punished indescribably, it is better for me to get used to the new name as soon as possible.

"Don't expose my real name to other people! Although I have already recognized the Lord, if others know my real name, my power will be weakened, and I may be cursed! So don't tell me again. Others!"

"Don't worry, I promise I won't tell anyone! I won't say it if my mouth is torn!"

"Also, if you ask me to do those shameful things, I will fight back with you... ah ah ah!"

Before the words were finished, Yang Lili trembled as if she was insane. She sat down on the ground with a thud, hugging her body and twitching.


Lili fell on the table with her chest on her side, exhaling heavily, and her chest also went up and down. The sweat on his forehead flickered under the light, and the red tide on his face had not faded.

wow... so sexy...

How... wow...

Is this the power of succubus...

I forcibly stabilized my mind, turned my head away from looking at Lili, and said a little embarrassedly, "Didn't I swear just now, don't worry, I won't do anything to you."

" swore just now that if you violate it, you will explode..."

"Eh? Will it really explode?"

"Of course! You made a 'oath' to me, and this oath will be strictly enforced by the 'contract'!"

This is really dangerous. Fortunately, I only mentioned explosions. If I said five thunderbolts, wouldn't they die on the spot? No, the explosion is also very serious!

Forget it, I really didn't plan to do any scumbag behavior anyway. Hmph, this kind of oath certainly has no effect on a gentleman like me!

"Since that's the case, you don't need to be so wary of me."

Lili pressed her chest, looked a little relieved, nodded and thanked me.

"Well, thank you... Master."

"I said Yang, bah... Lili, can you not call me master? We are still in a teacher-student relationship..."

Are you going to call me master in the future?

Although I really wanted to experience the feeling of being called a master by the maids, but being called a master by a teacher or something, uh, is too strange.

"I don't want to call you master either! But because of the contract, I have to use the honorific title for you."

Oh, no wonder. But calling the master is still too bad, isn't there an alternative? other honorifics or something...

"Well... there is. You can try to call me 'Chengjun' and see."

I suddenly remembered the situation when Ji Lianbing called my name upside down.

The word "Jun" can also represent an honorific title, so calling me Chengjun shouldn't be a problem.

"Sincerely... ah, yes."

Lili tried to call, but this time she didn't get punished or made an H sound. It seemed that the name was barely within the safe range.

Although it's a little uncomfortable to be called the wrong name, but it's better than being called the master.

Thinking about it, if one day I met Lili in the teaching building, Lili habitually called out, 'Master! '... That picture is not too beautiful. The next day, there will be rumors that 'ghost students train female teachers'.

"Anyway, old man, ahem, Lili, just call me Chengjun."

After solving the title problem, I started to ask the teacher something.

I tilted my head to the left and asked in a puzzled way, "Then, Lili, what's the matter with you?"

Lili tilted her head to the right and answered in confusion, "Huh? What's going on?"

I tilted my head to the right and asked a more specific question: "That's it... Why is the succubus in the school?"

Lili made synchronous movements like looking in a mirror and replied, "Why, I'm a teacher in this school..."

"...In other words, why is the succubus being a teacher!"

"I graduated from Normal University, so of course I'm here to be a teacher."

"Why are the answers so normal! Aren't you a succubus!"

Shouldn't it be more magical? Now suddenly such a common answer is what kind of trouble.

"I am indeed a succubus, but it's no big deal, right... It's like the difference between a white race and a yellow race, it's just a little bit different from you, so there's no need to make a fuss."


Did I make a fuss? !

The succubus turned out to be a special kind of human being!


What the **** are you kidding!

Obviously, even the species are different!


Chapter 16 The charm value has increased

"If I want to say it, I want to say it more like an ordinary person... This body is too troublesome, hey..."

Lili let out a long sigh, showing a troubled expression.

I can often see this kind of expression. Every time my mother comes home after work, it is this expression. She would also rub her shoulders and say that she was really tired, wink at me, and imply that I would rub her shoulders or something.

Li Li is the same now, squinting at me secretly, as if she really wants to talk about her troubles.

Well, then I'll listen to it, although it may not be of much help.

"What exactly does this refer to?"

"Because I'm a succubus, male creatures will have some very rude reactions when they see my true face, so I have to use some small spells to hide my true face on weekdays."

It turned out to be the case, that's why the ugly girl I saw before was all for the sake of others. After all, it's really shameful to put up a small tent in public.

"However, if you just look at it, it shouldn't matter, right?"

"Just looking at it is very serious! When I was in elementary school, I didn't know how to use illusions. As a result, an uncle stared at me while driving and got into a car accident. Fortunately, no one was killed..."

"Does it have its own charm effect..."

Did he already possess that level of lethality when he was in elementary school? It's really scary.