MTL - Dangerous Girls Drag Me Into Danger-Chapter 17

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Why did you suddenly become the master!

Teacher Yang Lili, actually called me master?

Are you kidding me?

I pointed at myself with a bewildered face, and repeated foolishly, "Master called me?"

Then I suddenly remembered that this is a language trap. Generally speaking, when I say this sentence, the other party will use 'Yes, I am your master. ’ This format is just to take advantage of me.

However, Mr. Yang didn't mean to joke at all, and said unsmilingly, "Of course I'm calling you, you are my master, and we have signed a master-servant contract between us."

"Wait, wait! What do you mean, 'We have signed a master-servant contract.' Ah! I don't even remember what contract was signed?"

After I retorted like this, the teacher also showed a horrified expression, covering his mouth with one hand and pointing at me with the other.

" weren't..."

However, before the teacher finished speaking, the door of the library was opened.

He is one of the students who usually study at night in the library with me. It looks familiar, but we haven't actually spoken. The girl with glasses and a short ponytail looked at Mr. Yang and I, who were lying on the ground, put her index finger on the glasses and asked, "Excuse me, what happened please?"

Before I could react, Teacher Yang immediately replied, "Ah, it's nothing, it's just that we accidentally bumped into each other just now."

The response is very timely, the expression changes are very natural, and the lies come casually. It seems that the teacher is very good at dealing with this kind of situation.

"your clothes?"


By the way, my clothes were torn by Teacher Yang...

"I reflexively dragged him when I fell just now, but I accidentally pulled him...Ahaha, the quality of the school uniforms is really poor now..."

"...Well, then let me pick it up for you. Over there, An Juncheng, can you come and help?"

"Uh, oh oh! Come here."

When my name was suddenly called, I stood up nervously, and hurried over to help pick up the documents scattered on the ground.

She... actually knew my name? This is really strange. I thought that for someone with a low sense of presence like me, only the teacher knew my name.

Since the other party knows my name, should I at least know the other party's name?

With this attitude of courtesy, I secretly looked up at the top of the girl's head while picking up the documents. Ignoring those titles, the names under the titles seemed to be correct.

【Reincarnation-type childhood sweetheart】

【Bai Yuhui】


Is it Bai Yuhui... a strange name.

The title is also quite strange, what does the reincarnation type mean? Who is the childhood sweetheart? After all, she shouldn't be in our class. Unexpectedly, outside of our class, there is such an inexplicable title.

And her title is actually blue, this title is really colorful...

Well, if you pay too much attention to these things, nothing good will happen. I should pretend not to see it.

Bai Yuhui put the scattered materials back on the service desk, and I also put the scattered materials on the table.

"Ah, that's alright, leave it to me next. You two go read."

"Okay, I understand. Thank you for your help, Classmate An."

Bai Yuhui didn't mention the teacher's change. Did she pretend not to see it? Or... am I the only one who can see the teacher's transformation? Analyzing the nonsense that the teacher said just now, it is likely to be the second case. Can only I see... like those names.

Did I really awaken some kind of ability?

Go ask Teacher Yang after the evening self-study, she seems to know a lot of things.

"No, it's just a small matter. Thank you for your hard work, classmate Bai."

I also politely greeted me, but I didn't expect that such a courtesy would cause a problem.

In between, Bai Yuhui raised his head abruptly, stared into my eyes with sharp eyes and asked, "You...know my name?"

"Uh uh? Well, it should be called Bai Yuxuan... Did I make a mistake?"

Hey, hey, what's going on with this reaction! Don't tell me I'm like Teacher Yang, it's actually a hidden name!

"No, my name is indeed Bai Yuhui...but why do you know my name? You don't know me at all, do you? No, you have never asked my name in person. That means you are Know my name from someone else? So why did you ask for my name?"

Bai Yuzhuo approached me forcefully, I stepped back and leaned against the edge of the bookshelf, speechless.


Why do both of them have the same reaction? Teacher Yang is like this, so is Bai Yuxuan! Isn't it just called a name, is it necessary to care so much! And I'm not wrong! In the future, it seems that it is not only a title, but even a name can't be said casually...


"Quickly sit down and read a book, and keep quiet."

Just when I didn't know how to respond, Teacher Yang said these words in time.

Bai Yuxuan obviously wanted to say something, but in the end she pouted and left.

Huh~ You've helped me a lot, Teacher Yang.

Before she left, she gave me a deep look, her expression was inexplicable and complicated, and then she turned to go to other bookshelves to get books. I also took out the follow-up to the manga I read last night and took my usual seat.

There are six positions on each side of the long table in the library. I usually sit in the innermost position, while Bai Yuhui usually sits diagonally opposite me...that is, the position farthest from me.

But today she somehow sat across from me for some reason!

Bai Yuxuan casually flipped through a few pages of the book, then picked it up and read it... It's just that his eyes didn't seem to be on the book.

stare at...

I don't know why there are only two people who came to the library for evening self-study today, Bai Yuhui and I. Usually there are four or five people here. Why didn't they come today?

Don't you just not come here today? Although we don't know each other, we are good companions in the library after all!

stare at...

I said to you... Take a good look at your book, why do you want to read me? Do I have anything to look at? Do I still have flowers on my face?

stare at...


teacher! Someone's been watching me!

Why are you looking at me like that! I'm not a rare animal! I'm so sick of this sight! Didn't I just say your name! Is there anything strange about this!

And don't you know my name too! Only allow you to know my name, not allow me to know your name? It doesn't make sense!

Huhu... I'm really **** off!

Ah ah ah! So depressing!

I really want to shout out!

Reveal all the pitiful things that happened today!

Enough is enough! What is this all about!

Of course, if I could really shout out, I would not be An Juncheng.

At most, I just vented it in my heart. If you are stared at, you will be stared at, and you should just be stared at by a puppet.

I was used to being ignored usually, but suddenly being stared at so recklessly, I was also very uncomfortable, and I felt uneasy all over.

She couldn't concentrate, she was very concerned about the other party's gaze. I never knew that people's eyes are so piercing. Maybe it's true that you can kill people with your eyes... or maybe it's because I'm a little nervous, anyway, it's very uncomfortable.

After a while, the feeling of irritability subsided for the most part. Sure enough, time can heal everything... Let go of your head and forget all those messy things. As long as you don't worry about those things, people will be much more relaxed. It is said that stupid people have stupid blessings, I think it is very reasonable.

In this way, as long as you go home and get a good night's sleep, you will be back to your original state tomorrow!

Yes, as long as you have a good night's sleep...Mimi...Sister!

Ah ah ah! Forgot about this one!

Speaking of which, I came to the library because I didn't want to go home! Why forget such an important thing!

If Xinran sneaks into my room again tonight, I will sleep with a ball of wool!

It's over, now I'm really going to have a nervous breakdown!

I hugged my head and let out a silent moan. I was extremely panicked about going home to face my sisters after the evening self-study.

Now I can only pray that my mother or father has come home...

Chaotic thoughts came to my mind again, and I felt that my hair was getting more white... Only then did I realize how happy I used to be in the past, and the most precious thing is the days that are indifferent and carefree! What was I complaining about before?

A note slipped along the table and appeared in my field of vision.

I raised my head and looked at Bai Yuxuan. Right now, there is only one person near me. Of course, she is the only one who can pass the note to me.

80% of them want to keep asking me why I know her name, right? so annoying! Don't bother me any more at this juncture! It's just the name, what's there to care about!

Although I was in a bad mood, I opened the note for the time being.

The result was different from what I thought. It didn't ask me why I knew her name, although it was still a question... But this question left me at a loss.

<Did you dream? >

What the hell...

A headless, clueless question.

Did you dream? What did you dream about?

I didn't sleep at all last night? Hmm... If I have to say, I lost consciousness when I was knocked out by a UFO last night, but I didn't have any dreams at that time...

I frowned deeply and looked up at Bai Yuxuan again.

She stared at me with a serious expression, took off her glasses, and untied her ponytail, her eyes full of anticipation.

Only then did I realize that she was so beautiful... She had the pure temperament of a little girl next door.

She must have been expecting an affirmative answer, but I did not dream of anything. I'm not going to lie, even if it disappoints her.

In the end I had to shake my head.

Bai Yuxuan's face instantly lost its blood and turned pale, her fingers holding the book trembling slightly, her teeth biting her lower lip, as if she was enduring something.

In the end, he lay down on the long table and buried his face in the crook of his arms...

Hey, shouldn't I be crying...

As a result, Bai Yuhui did not raise his head until the end of the evening self-study.

As soon as the bell rang for the end of get out of class, I couldn't help standing up and reaching out to her... I don't know why I reacted this way, but a deep feeling drove me to comfort her.

I walked to Bai Yuxuan's side, patted her on the shoulder lightly and asked, "Are you alright?"


The sound of sniffling sounded, Bai Yuhui raised her head, wiped away her tears hastily, and finally picked up her schoolbag and left the library without even looking at me.

She... really cried...

Although I didn't understand what was going on at all, I felt that my conscience was strongly condemned. Instinct was telling me to catch up, catch up and hold her hand. However, I didn't catch up in the end, I just stayed where I was. I don't know why I feel that even if I catch up now, I will definitely not be able to catch up with her...

Did my answer make you cry? Why do I feel 'familiarity' from a 'stranger' like you?

Bai Yuxuan, who are you?


Chapter 15 Don't Joke

I stood there dumbfounded, looking at the half-open door of the library, my heart was inexplicably complicated.

What's going on here?

Is it because I saw the scene of the girl crying and felt sympathy... I don't understand.

I don't know when Teacher Yang has come to my side, looking at the door of the library just like me, tsk tsk admiringly: "I said master, what have you done? You made Bai Yuxuan cry... That strong girl can actually It's incredible to cry."

"I didn't do anything... eh! By the way, why did you call me master, teacher!"

However, the teacher didn't answer my question. After shaking his body again, he held his forehead and called to me, "Well...! Don't call me teacher yet!"