MTL - Crowned with Pearls-Chapter 1278 Seventy-seven, never seen in my life

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   Having said that, but this is a very huge sum, even if King Min is a prince, he is still a little undecided.

His father was very strict. When they were still princes, they all lived in the palace. They had no time or opportunity to cultivate their own power. As for things like silver, they didn't give much. Therefore, for such a The pen was almost one-third of the bribe given by the imperial court when he came to join the vassal. He only felt that God had given him a problem.

   Whether to accept it or not, he is still undecided.

Zhao Qingye lives in the prefect's yamen. At first, she was not dissatisfied with the prefect's yamen, but as the time of living extended, she noticed a lot of inconveniences. The regulations between the prefect's yamen and the palace are too different. The building is spacious and atmospheric, and it is very convenient for her to do whatever she usually does.

   But the prefect yamen in one place in Zhangzhou is too far away.

   Her life was very awkward.

   After hearing about this, she asked the sixth prince, "Why can't you accept it?"

  King Min himself was also very upset, sighed and said, "If the royal father knew, he would definitely blame him."

   Zhao Qingye thought about it for a while, but didn't dare to say it again. She didn't know much about political affairs. Although she didn't like to live in the prefect's yamen, she didn't dare to give King Min an idea, for fear that King Min would blame her.

  King Min's hesitation As soon as he hesitated, it was August, August was here, and the Mid-Autumn Festival was coming soon. He didn't know what gift to send to the capital, and it was very difficult.

   At this time, a large merchant in Zhangzhou came to the door and sent a coral that was almost as tall as a person. The coral was red like blood, which made people fall in love with it.

   King Min was overjoyed and wanted to give silver taels as a reward, but the merchant did not dare to accept it, only saying that it was a piece of his heart.

   King Min took it and asked who the merchant was.

   The prefect of Zhangzhou smiled and said, "It's going to sea, doing business at sea."

   King Min understood immediately.

   Hong Changshi told him before that, although the imperial court banned maritime trade, there are still many people doing maritime business, selling things to those places at sea, and then returning many things in exchange.

   King Min's own fief, of course he has to know something about his own fief, so he knows it specifically.

   And Hong Changshi also suggested that he also get involved in this business.

There is no other reason, Hong Changshi said it very clearly: "If your Highness wants to achieve great things in the future, how can you not have your own strength and army, and these all require money, and you need a lot of money. Is there any way to get more money than sea trade now? This is a business of picking up money!"

   As long as you can get back from the sea safely, this is almost a lucrative business.

   King Min was actually moved.

   At this time, a top-quality coral from this merchant had completely moved him, and he knew in his heart that this was just the beginning.

   He accepted the coral, and at the same time, the matter of building the palace was also handed over to the prefect of Zhangzhou.

   His money was given on the book, but in fact, he did not give a penny.

   And the construction of his palace is in full swing, and it will soon have a preliminary appearance.

   King Min and Zhao Qingye went to see it in person, and they both thought it was very good and very satisfied.

   And two months later, the prefect of Zhangzhou said mysteriously to King Min: "Your Highness, it's winter, the sea is windy, and some friends from the sea want to visit you."

   This friend from the sea actually refers to the mansion for him.

   Take people's money and fight disasters with others. King Min still knows this principle. He happened to have something to see them, so he nodded and agreed to the arrangement of the prefect of Zhangzhou.

   King Min met the Qiu family.

   He also learned from this that the Qiu family is one of the nine great families, and one of the first families to start doing maritime business, and they account for a very good share of the maritime business.

Uncle Qiu was very good at talking and held King Min everywhere: "There used to be no vassal kings in this place in Fujian, everyone said that we are a fishing village and look down on us here. It's time for Xiami to follow His Highness."

   King Min listened very well. Seeing that he was in high spirits and looked very broad, he asked him, "What do you want?"

   The big gift they gave has been accepted, and now King Min feels that we should talk about the conditions and hear what they are asking for.

Uncle Qiu was very frank, he said cautiously: "His Royal Highness should know our difficulties, to tell you the truth, we don't dare to ask for anything, we just hope that after His Highness is in Zhangzhou, he will still allow us to go to sea, and we are willing to give Thirty percent of the profits will be given to Your Highness."


   There is no need for King Min to pay the capital, and there is no need for King Min to do anything. As long as King Min can keep his mouth shut, turn a blind eye, and do not report the matter, these noble families plan to give 30% of the profits to His Royal Highness King Min.

  King Min once again knew the benefits of being a vassal.

   No wonder everyone says that the fief is the best place to go, and everything can be decided on the fief.

I see.

   He didn't answer right away.

   After I went back, I mentioned it to Hong Changshi.

  Hong Changshi and other aides and vassals all agree with this point. After all, they need money to live, to operate the palace, to live a comfortable life, and they need money everywhere.

   King Min himself was actually tempted.

   He finally agreed.

   And, he got his first rake a year ago—a full 200,000 taels.

   Two hundred thousand taels of silver! That's only three percent!

  King Min's hands trembled with excitement. With the money, he could privately recruit more guards. As long as the officials didn't report it, he himself didn't want the court's salary. Who would have found out? This is simply a good thing that fell from the sky.

   On Zhao Qingye's side, the gifts she received were piled up like a mountain.

   are all gifts from local officials and merchants.

   These things are even more dazzling than the rewards she received from the palace.

   When she was jealous of the gemstones before, Su invited more and more, but when she arrived in Zhangzhou, the gems she received were almost the size of a baby's fist, the rubies and sapphires sparkled, and the spices from the sea made her dazzled.

   She even thought about Xiao Heng a little less.

   Such days are simply fairy days.

  I really can't pick out what's wrong.

   She asked King Min if he could accept it.

  King Min nodded, and everything went smoothly as it started.

   He said: "Look at which families gave the heaviest gifts, and write them down. This king has other plans at that time."

   King Min was no longer satisfied with only 30% of the profits.

   Such a good way to make money, as a feudal lord, why didn't he take advantage of it himself?

   He gestured to Uncle Qiu, he also had a boat to go to sea.

   Uncle Qiu seemed a little embarrassed at first.

   But soon Uncle Qiu agreed.