MTL - Crowned with Pearls-Chapter 1277 Seventy-six. Give you a palace

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   Wei Sanye was very annoyed, he knew that he must have offended Xiao Yuan.

Sure enough, Xiao Yuan looked at him coldly, and then suddenly laughed again: "Listening to what you mean, it seems that you think that I will definitely not be able to fight Xiao Heng, so you are starting to be afraid, and you are afraid that I will make Xiao Heng angry. , let Xiao Heng deal with me, and then you all suffer, right?"

When Xiao Yuan spoke, his tone was not so gentle. After listening to the third master Wei's heart, the third master Wei felt his heart skip a beat, and his whole person was not well. He looked at Xiao Yuan in horror and sluggishness, and hurriedly explained: "No. Your Highness, I absolutely don't dare to have such thoughts, I just feel that there is no need to confront the court so early, not because Xiao Heng has interests, but because the court behind Xiao Heng is powerful."

   No matter how powerful they are, they can't compete with the imperial court. Now that the imperial court knows of their existence, it must be impossible to tolerate them any longer.

   That's why Sanye Wei was so angry just now that he didn't say anything.

   And now, he's completely lost.

   Xiao Yuan is still cold: "Get out!"

Sanye Wei was open-mouthed just now, but now he doesn't dare to say a word. At this moment, he thought of those disobedient people in the family, and thought of those in the Chi family who were against Xiao Yuan in the past. Those people all disappeared without a sound.

   Some of them were handled by Third Master Wei himself, so Third Master Wei knew their fate.

  Because of this, Wei Sanye only felt that his whole body was covered in white sweat. He couldn't help but want to vomit, and hurriedly withdrew before he lost his temper.

   After waiting until he left the house, Sanye Wei couldn't control his hands. He was shaking all over, especially his legs, which were shaking uncontrollably.

Uncle Qiu came out right after him. Seeing him so frightened, he felt a little emotional for a while. He has a good relationship with the Wei family. Said that although the third master Wei had no brains in his work, Master Qiu regarded him as his younger brother.

He stepped forward and patted Wei Sanye on the back a few times. Seeing that Wei Sanye was a little better, Uncle Qiu sighed softly: "You are a person, I have told you thousands of times that you need to do everything. Think about it in your heart and then export it, why can't you change this sloppy mouth?!"

   Wei Sanye doesn't care about his own training now, he just shook his lips and asked Uncle Qiu: "Did I make him anxious? Will he do something to me?"

   Seeing that he was so frightened that he couldn't hold the cup steady, Uncle Qiu held his hand: "Okay, don't scare yourself first, it won't necessarily be that serious."

   Wei Sanye couldn't keep his composure, he fell ill when he got home.

  The Wei family hired a number of famous doctors, but the third master Wei's illness did not improve, and he was so sick that he couldn't get out of bed in a short period of time.

  The news reached Uncle Qiu, and Uncle Qiu came to the door and mentioned this to Xiao Yuan.

   Xiao Yuan sneered, he knew what Uncle Qiu meant when he mentioned this, he raised his eyes coldly: "Don't worry, if you really want to deal with him, he has already died tens of thousands of times, and he is as cowardly as a mouse!"

   Uncle Qiu breathed a sigh of relief.

   As long as Xiao Yuan doesn't get mad and really want the life of the third master Wei.

   He laughed with him and said something innocuous to Xiao Yuan.

   Xiao Yuan said to Uncle Qiu, "The imperial court is going to establish a municipal shipping department."

   Uncle Qiu was stunned.

   He just said that he wants to build a navy, so why did he suddenly decide on the matter of the Department of Shipping?

   He shuddered and said with some embarrassment: "It's too fast, it's clearly aimed at us, we can't just sit back and wait."

  The imperial court is terrifying, but if the imperial court is about to break their jobs, that's not acceptable.

   Uncle Qiu said with a bit of heartbreak: "It really doesn't work, so it's still the same as before. It's not the first time I've done it anyway!"

  There are waves of imperial envoys who come to Fujian, and those who are obedient can go back, and those who are disobedient, there are not many imperial envoys who died in Fujian.

  He will see who can build Shiboji here!

Xiao Yuan finally gave Uncle Qiu a condescending look, and seemed to think that he finally had some guts, and said sarcastically, "I thought you were all waiting for people to break your jobs, and you are still a tortoise. Woolen cloth!"

   This is very rude to say.

   But Uncle Qiu is different from Third Master Wei. He is very mature and serious, so he was not affected at all, but smiled respectfully: "Look at what you said, as long as you are not afraid, the people under us will naturally go through fire and water!"

   He knew the temperament of a person like Xiao Yuan, that is, the temperament of those who go against me and those who obey me are prosperous, and he can't hear any bad words.

   Sure enough, Xiao Yuan was no longer sarcastic, and said lightly: "It's almost time, please welcome His Royal Highness King Min."

  When the sixth prince arrived in Zhangzhou, he was warmly welcomed.

  The local officials and gentry went out of the city thirty miles to greet them, and they had already prepared floats to welcome the princes and princesses into the city.

   The prefect of Zhangzhou gave up the prefect's yamen, and asked the lord to live in temporarily.

King Min has been visited by many ministers along the way. He deeply knew that these officials were all helpless and unprofitable, so the prefect of Zhangzhou had such enthusiasm. King Min only smiled faintly when he saw it. Just laugh.

   After he lived for two days, the prefect of Zhangzhou came with the drawings of the palace and discussed with him the site of building the palace.

  Wangfu is naturally located in a prosperous place.

  King Min picked a location and asked the Zhangzhou prefect: "How much silver taels will it cost to build the palace?"

   The prefect of Zhangzhou smiled, shook his head and said, "I was going to report to the prince, some people wanted to share the prince's worries, but couldn't find a way, so they asked the lower official here, they want to help His Royal Highness build the palace."

King Min was a little surprised. He had already prepared the silver taels for the construction of the palace. Of course, the amount was huge, and he was very heartbroken. However, as he was a dignified vassal, the mansion should naturally match his identity, which was also what he wanted. Where he lived for a long time, he should spend as much as he could, so he was ready.

   However, the prefect of Zhangzhou suddenly said that someone wanted to help him build it.

   He squinted his eyes: "What do you mean?"

   The prefect of Zhangzhou smiled: "Your Highness, these people are local nobles, and they don't know what gifts to greet His Highness to show their hearts. Therefore, they have paid for the construction of the palace."

   is all packaged!

   This is hundreds of thousands of taels of silver!

   King Min was once again shocked. He didn't expect these people to be so generous, and it was a palace.

   He did not agree.

   Discuss with Hong Changshi in private.

  Hong Changshi said: "His Royal Highness will be the king of this place in the future, and it is natural for them to honor you."

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