MTL - Country Weapon-Chapter 281 just...

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   There was a "chi" sound, the sound of the tires rubbing against the ground sharply. Long Gen got out of the car and faced the cold wind, his handsome face slashed by a knife was covered with a sinister smile. After rubbing his hands together, he took three steps and made two steps, and rushed to No. 5 on the third floor!

Thinking of a few women lined up in a row, stripped naked, with white flowers and naked strips, rows of milk hills, lumps of big and white buttocks, the **** in the crotch raised his head, touched it, it was hot, Hard, this is the rhythm of the Japanese!

   "Good comrade, as long as you can bear it, I will let you have enough days today!" Brother Long secretly said, there are seven wives, is it not enough? I'm afraid that the second brother will have to wear a layer of skin!

   "Hi everyone, my name is Yang Ting,"

   "My name is Mo Yan."

   "Yuan Hong."

"My name is Huang Juan. I borrowed it from Xiaolong. I hope all the sisters don't fight with me, hehe..." Huang Juan looked slyly, and touched her satchel, which was stuffed with 30,000 yuan. The business is going well, Huang Juan thought about it, in order to keep the dragon roots, paying half of the money first, wouldn't it be more convenient to do things in the future?

  Huang Cuihua shook his head, cursed the little **** secretly, and was about to introduce himself, when the knock on the door rang again.

   Several women looked at each other in dismay, you looked at me, I looked at you, astonished eyes, as if to say - no way, is there anyone else coming?

  "咚咚咚" the rapid knock on the door rang again, and an impatient but very kind voice came from outside, "Open the door, open the door, Grandpa Long is here, open the door quickly! Ciao!"

  Hearing this, Huang Cuihua ran over with her chubby spindle and opened the door. Who else could it be if it wasn't a little **** outside the door?

"What are you doing, you haven't opened the door after waiting for a long time?" Long Gen was a little annoyed, and looked around, only five wives, and hurriedly asked: "Why didn't Xiaoqing and Xiaohong come? Don't you want to date me?"

  Huang Cuihua closed the door, shook his head and said: "I don't know very well, the phone didn't get through."

   "Forget it, it's barely enough with you guys here." Long Gen didn't care, five would be five, at worst it would be two rounds, and they would be stabbed in a line. It is estimated that there will be a **** battle when I go home at night. Those who celebrate the Chinese New Year are destined to feed the big stick.

Huang Juan quickly stood up, took out three stacks of Grandpa Mao from her pocket, and said with a smile: "Xiaolong, come on, take the money. Pay half of the deposit in advance, and I'll give you another 30,000 yuan when you're pregnant, do you think it's okay?"

  Long Gen took the money happily, without any resistance. Who is not happy with more money? Besides, I don't take money for nothing, so don't I have to exercise?

   "Hmph, this woman is selling well again, isn't it true that she has no money for bullying her?" Yang Ting muttered dissatisfiedly, and the women beside her also muttered to themselves.

Among the wives, Huang Juan is the richest. She is in business, followed by Mo Yan. As the number one gynecologist in Liuhe Township, her salary is definitely indispensable, plus bonuses all year round, it is tens of thousands. After all, she has to support her family To make a living, let Mo Yan throw out 30,000 yuan at once, really reluctant.

   Not to mention Yang Ting, even if everyone in the township buys Viagra, how much money can they make? What's more, Viagra can't be eaten as a meal, at most one piece a week, and the sales volume is far lower than that of wholesale non-staple food.

"What are you doing in a daze? Take it all off, Grandpa Long, let's see who has big tits, buttocks, and whoever is better, let's take pictures in order of size, and lie on the bed, I will come to Japan one by one .” Long Gen took a drag on his cigarette, and sat on the chair, like an emperor.

   "Hey, I'm afraid that the emperor is envious of me. Can his trousers be as good as my own? Blow it!" Thinking of the big stick that he was proud of, Long Gen was full of joy and shuddered.

  Several women looked at each other in dismay, some couldn't bear to hide their faces. They were prostitutes. Huang Cuihua was unusual. The three of them tore off their trousers, squatted on Longgen's lap while shaking their white buttocks, and said with a charming smile:

   "Xiaolong, have you been slow recently? Why do you only think of your aunt now?"

  Long Gen held half a cigarette in his mouth, covered his big chest, rubbed it slowly, and said with a smirk: "Yeah, I'm quite busy. But no matter how busy you are, why don't you buy some New Year's goods for your aunt?"

   As he said, Long Gen straightened his crotch, and there was a bunch of towering sticks there, like a yurt. Huge and unmatched, when fingers touch it, the scalding temperature makes the heart tremble wildly.

   "Hehe, what do you plan to give your aunt for the New Year?" Huang Cuihua held the big guy's hand, his little liver rippling, burning itchy. He couldn't help pinching the seam between his legs, and a flushed cloud quickly appeared on his face.

  Long Gen said: "Don't you hold it in your hand? How about it, do you like it? If you like it, you call it a bite."

   "Xiaolong, why are you so mean?" Huang Cuihua laughed so hard that he couldn't put it down, holding the thing in his hand, and pulled off his trousers, eager to stuff it.

   It’s been a long time since I ate a big guy, and I miss it very much. Seeing the big stick, I wish I could swallow it in one gulp.

"What's the matter? Don't you want it?" Long Gen rolled his eyes and said to the women next to him, "Who of you want it, hurry up, the first shot is very fresh. I'm very motivated, and I'll let you keep it It's enough."

  Yang Ting's wives were eager to try, blinking their peach blossom eyes, covering the seam between their legs, and couldn't help but pick it up by themselves. Don't talk about it? If he hadn't looked at the big stick, who would come out to steal food with a man on his back in the cold wind?

   "Don't, don't, I want, I want." Huang Cuihua shook the big fat spindle, squatted on the ground, and pulled off the big dragon root pants. The **** snake was as strong as ever.

  In the lush black forest, the **** snake stands proudly, like a victorious general looking down on the world, arrogant and majestic. While his head was shaking faintly, a strong smell of urine came over his face, and Huang Cuihua couldn't help but tremble!

   "Hiss, why is it bigger than before? Gulong..." Huang Cuihua swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his body trembled for no reason. The cheeks were pressed together, the red lips parted and swallowed in one mouthful.

   "Zi Liu"

  The lubricated red lips wrapped around the big guy, the little tongue rolled down, sucked suddenly at the big head, and poked it deeply, the small mouth suddenly swelled up, as if stuffed with a few candies.

  Long Gen smiled lightly, smoked a cigarette, spread his legs, looked down from this angle, and happened to see Huang Cuihua's nodding head suddenly, and two large white loofahs that were up and down on his chest.

   "Ba Da Ba Da"

Huang Cuihua held the big stick in one hand, pointed the small mouth at the big snake's head, sucked it in and then pulled it down hard with his hand, the round head was completely exposed, and the teeth were stuck on it, scraping gently. .


  Long Gen frowned, pinching his crotch for no reason, the tingling feeling seemed to seep into the depths of his soul.

   "Ah... hiss!" Long Gen closed his eyes and felt it for a while, restraining his second brother who was almost foaming at the mouth, and slowly calmed down. Stretching out her hand to grab two large white loofahs, rubbing them lightly, teasing the two dark nipples, she said to herself: "After all, professional prostitutes are always a little old, and their skills are quite rich. At the same time Children, there is a big gap in skills and proficiency.”

  Professional prostitutes are women who have experienced countless hand-to-hand combats. They know men like the palm of their hands, what positions men like, and how they are most likely to spit.

   "Sao mother-in-law!" Long Gen cursed secretly. Grabbed the small point on the chest and rubbed it vigorously.

  Pitch-black nipples. Tips, round and firm, without the elasticity of a girl, but with a bit of tenacity of an old lady.

   "Mm..." Huang Cuihua snorted with a big stick in his mouth, squatted Bai Gunlun's buttocks, the chrysanthemums were connected to the small slits, the black fungus trembled slightly, and two drops of white foam slipped out of the hole.


  Long Gen was like an angry bull, he picked up Huang Cuihua and threw it on the bed, his scarlet eyes looked like he was going to eat people, and he roared angrily. Pushing forward, holding the huge human root against the small gap, "Zhi Liu" got into it all at once.

   "Oh..." Huang Cuihua raised her neck and let out a contented call. The moment the big snake entered, all the emptiness and loneliness were swept away.

  The hot giant snake takes away all your worries!

   "Hiss, this... is this going to happen?" The women next to her all looked shocked. The timid Yuan Hong even covered her mouth.

You can see clearly the scene just now, the big stick is not fancy at all, "chiliuliu" pierced it in, and hit it with a bang, the big white spindle was like a white mask, smashed to pieces, and the flowers and branches trembled The two big white pigeons in front of the chest flapped their wings as if they were about to fly away, jumping up and down, shaking like chaff.

   "Hiss, it's too fierce!" Mo Yan shook her head, trembling slightly.

  Looking over from Mo Yan's angle, I just caught a glimpse of the big stick going into the small hole. The small black hole was bulging and pierced in with a "sizzling" sound, and a layer of white foam was blown off the skin!

   "We can't wait any longer. If we wait any longer, we won't have anything to eat." After all, Huang Juan was a businessman, looking at Huang Juan's small size, she was very precise.

  Yeah, my old lady didn’t say anything and threw 30,000 yuan first. You guys, not only didn’t show the slightest sign, but you took off your pants and got up the day before, didn’t you mean to make yourself uncomfortable?

   "Yes, yes, let's go together." Yang Ting and Huang Juan are relatively familiar, and when the two of them exchange expressions, they don't care about the face. They eat a few mouthfuls first, and the serious thing is to get some meat.

  Mo Yan and Yuan Hong looked at each other with fanaticism in their eyes, but they didn't do it for a long time, still a bit embarrassing. The two of them can't compare with Huang Cuihua no matter how casual they are, they are professional prostitutes.

"Hey, how many days are you two? Don't wait until it's overdue. Hurry up and take it off." Long Gen, who was pouting buttocks, said to the silent Yuan Hong, "The more people do this, The more exciting it is, don't regret it if you don't come."

   The two women gritted their teeth, tore off their clothes, and joined the battle. At this moment, the door rang again.

   "Ci'ao! Who the **** is so unjust, you bastard!" Long Gen cursed, and looked out from the cat's eyes, hehe, there are two women again.

  As soon as Xiao Hong entered the door, she saw the stripped Long Gen, holding a **** guy, with an excited face!

   "Oh, Xiaolong, are we not late?"

  Long Gen laughed loudly, grabbed Xiaohong's full body with his big hand, and squeezed hard, "No, no, just in time for the day!"