MTL - Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds-Chapter 16 The legendary solo lesson

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It's getting late.

Say goodbye to both sides.

There was no in-depth conversation or dinner. Tina didn't talk about her own situation, but only said that the Penguin would stay in Saint Indies for a while, or be disturbed.

This was the first time Kant knew the name of this broken island.

As a modern person on earth, Kant is in the era of information explosion. What novel have you not read? Even if you smell something unusual from this lousy name - **** it, it's not a serious place to hear it.

Most of them are sealed with demons, demons, Miss Changdi or something.

What is certain is that the magical animals must know more about the origin and secrets of this island than Tina, but unfortunately these beasts are full of spirituality, but they can't speak, and they can't understand Kant's words very well, or they can't understand them. Playing stupid... So all this is still hidden in the fog of history.

Fortunately, humans who can communicate have finally come to this island.

He had a lot of questions for Tina.

What kind of world is this world, what kind of country is there, what kind of civilization is there, is there magic, is there a dragon, is there anything strange...

Questions like that.

His mind was about to move, and of course he wanted to see the outside world. Humans are social animals, especially after being trapped on a desert island for a year and unable to return to normal modern society.

Of course, I want to go to a normal society in another world to have a look.

Deal with the people here, and feel the customs and customs of another world - it seems that this is a feudal society with all evils and backwardness. People's thoughts are very feudal, and the social system is also very feudal. This kind of evil place must be criticized and criticized well.

But he was not in a hurry to communicate with Tina, and there was no need for tonight, because although today's conflict was temporarily resolved, the embarrassment and mistrust between the two sides still existed.

With the most basic courtesy and friendship with the landlord, he took the animals to send Tina and his party back to their camp, and showed some kindness.

"There are no particularly ferocious apex predators on the island."

Kant introduced it here and glanced at the magical animals for a while - he guessed that there were originally, but they were all killed by these magical animals, especially the groundhog, who especially liked to eat brain flowers.

"The melons, fruits, wild vegetables, birds and animals on the island, as well as the fish, turtles and sea goods in the water, you can make up for yourself, there is no taboo, but I have never eaten it, and I don't know which are poisonous and which are edible. Be careful to distinguish yourself."

Although the community is rich in materials, he will not come up and say oh my, I have a lot of food, do you want me to provide it to you for free?

The relationship has not yet reached that stage, and taking the initiative to show affection is naturally inferior, taught by Lao Wang.

And the other party may not dare to eat.

He took out a notebook and paper, wrote and drew on it for a while, then tore off the page, "It's just that these animals are best know."

The princess took the paper, and the knight handed over the torches on which sketched animal figures were drawn.

The paper surprised Tina. The mainland is not without such exquisite paper, but it is very expensive. It is made by skilled alchemists and controlled by the big chamber of commerce. She has some of them, all of which are treasures in the collection, sprinkled on them. At the end of the gold, there is a refreshing fragrance, and she is reluctant to use it at ordinary times.

It will not be like Kant who ordered the paper to be cost-effective, and it is so generous that it can be torn at any time.

There are also pens... How did you make such a convenient pen for writing? Magic props?

Compared with this paper and pen, although the modern sketching skills shown by Kant are equally extraordinary in the eyes of Her Royal Highness, they are nothing.

Kant didn't understand Her Royal Highness's expression for a while: "Sorry, I can't write your words."

Only then did Tina come back to her senses: "Ah, no, your painting skills are very extraordinary."

There are animals painted on it. The line skills and brushwork are actually nothing, but the concept and technique are really amazing. This painting is not realistic, but highlights the characteristics of animals. It only relies on a silhouette and simple strokes. Outline it to make people recognize what kind of animal this is at a glance.

The kangaroos and chickens around Kant are among them, which is self-evident.

"Their tempers are not very good, and their skin is rough and fleshy, and their swords are hard to hurt. The consequences of provoking them are unpredictable." Kant said, "But don't worry, we will inform you tonight, they are all shrewd, human beings. The traps won't work for them, it's just a precaution."

Of course, the magical animals on the island are not only the few around Kant, but the kangaroos are the closest to him. Other animals, some like to live alone, some are arrogant, and have a close relationship with Kant, but they are recognized by themselves after all. People, Kant speaks, they can listen too.

These are all prestige.

After all, Mr. Kang once made the feat of chasing the island's first pair of flower red sticks and tusk pigs with five chasing monkeys over the mountains and over the mountains to drive two hilltops. Now he is in the magical animal kingdom of Shengyin Island. It is also a resounding and terrifying Homo erectus.

"There is no danger on the island. The most important thing to be vigilant about is the black beast."

As soon as the danger was mentioned, the knight immediately came to his senses, and he asked, "Black beast? What is that?"

- That's a five-episode Japanese cartoon. I can lend it to you after I see it.

of course not.

Kant gave a general description of the appearance and characteristics of the black beast, including the strange appearance and the black aura it exudes. At first glance, it is known that it is not a normal bred life, with a ferocious temperament, a hobby of killing, and a strong desire to attack all living beings. Not edible, it will slowly dissipate out of thin air after being killed.

Tina nodded thoughtfully: "It seems to be the product of being eroded by some kind of evil force, but it is impossible to judge which kind it is..."

"Just be careful. Arrange people to be on duty at night. They are afraid of fire."

Kant also talked about the weaknesses of a few black beasts, and the knight looked serious and memorized it carefully.

They have been sent to the vicinity of the camp. Someone on the opposite side greeted them with torches. Kant stopped and said goodbye to the princess and the knight. Today's communication stopped at this time.

It can only be stopped, because there is still a gap between the two sides, Kant is still on guard, and the other party has not let go.

This is how people communicate with each other. It is necessary to slowly show sincerity and eliminate guards. This has always been the case.

Tomorrow... how will it be?

Kant looked at Her Royal Highness, her graceful figure outlined a seductive arc under the light of the fire, even if there was a fierce conflict with the knights today, but from the beginning to the end, Her Royal Highness The Princess did not have any hostile actions. Show him kindness and courtesy.

A woman with a beautiful appearance and an excellent personality, who would not have a good impression on her.

He thought of how the other party looked when he was eating snacks at his house during the day.

Even if she is drinking fat house happy water, even eating junk food such as potato chips, she still abides by dining etiquette, moves gracefully and is pleasing to the eyes - but the speed of eating is getting faster and faster, like a cute little hamster, Although it's getting faster and faster, it's still cute and beautiful.

Such an idea popped into Kant's mind, who had no experience in love.

- If I invite her to come to my house for a drink tomorrow, will she agree?

Ah, how should I speak?

If you speak directly, will it be presumptuous and abrupt? She seems to be a princess, the kind with a very noble identity, will she be thin-skinned? Would she feel rude to invite her directly for a drink? It seems that the relationship is not so close, do you want to change it for a more reasonable reason?

Oh yes, I figured it out!

Write! I can't write their text yet! I can ask her to teach me!

Then I can pay tuition! There is nothing else, there are still some food, clothes, medicines and so on! They seem to have drifted here, and there must be a shortage of such things.

Kant organized the rhetoric in his mind.

At this moment, the knight standing opposite suddenly strode forward.

"Mr. Kant, I have a presumptuous request."

He bowed to Kant.

Kant was a little unaccustomed to this knight's manner of doing things in a straight-forward manner and looking like an antique in the Middle Ages to modern people - but there is no way, the Chinese are also a people of etiquette.

He said, "…Please speak?"

"That's right, if you can..." the knight said, "please allow me to visit you tomorrow—don't get me wrong, I have no hostility or malice. In order to express my sincerity, I can wait at your designated place tomorrow. After the meeting, I will Leave the weapon to my entourage and go alone with you."


visit me? you? What are you doing here?

Kant was stunned for a moment.

The knight added: "I found that although Mr. Kant has learned our language because of the function of the ritual, he should still not understand the method of writing. I am not a genius. If I do not dislike it, I am willing to share relevant knowledge with Mr.


The Cleveland Cavaliers teach individually one-on-one.

Such a treatment would probably make most of the girls in the Principality of Goethe faint with joy.

The same is true for some men.

Of course, Kant is definitely not among them.

- I don't want it!

But as I said before, the Chinese are a nation of ceremonies.

The other party still has a big bag on his head. He was beaten like this, and he took the initiative to apologize. Now his attitude is so low and his sincerity is so strong. If he refuses hard, it will be too shameless, and it is equivalent to refusal. The kindness that the other party first handed - it is very detrimental to the subsequent communication.

That's all, that's all, for the sake of communicating with Tina in the future, let's meet you first.

He wanted to know some intelligence knowledge about another world, and it was similar to asking this knight.

And his intuition told him that although Princess Tina looked gentle, beautiful, and pitiful, in comparison, this knight was a better deceiver and easier to obtain information.


PS1: It's really **** evil, why is it easier to write about men than to write about women... (contemplation)

PS2: Damn, I already knew it was written as a female knight, Gan.