MTL - Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds-Chapter 15 Mr. Lu Xun will not deceive me

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Different world.

outside the cave.

It was getting late, and because Her Royal Highness the Princess insisted on waiting here, the captain and the maid had no choice but to bring people all kinds of tents and supplies, ready to simply set up camp here.

The princess bowed and said, "Because of my willfulness, I have made you all work hard."

The captain waved his hand and said, "No no no, no hard work, and this is also for..."

Having said this, he looked embarrassed and subtle, and looked in the direction of the hole.

"So..." Captain Oswald asked, "what should we call that... Aurora?"

Tina said sternly: "Kant, his name is Kant, you only need to abide by the etiquette and character of the Goethe people, call him Mr. Kant, and give corresponding courtesy according to his strength, wealth, knowledge and character in the next interaction. And respect, that's enough."

The head maid frowned and said, "That's all? But after the ceremony took effect, in terms of Goethe's law, he was already..."

The princess sighed and interrupted the head maid's speech.

"I read the history books. Part of the disputes and hatred in this world come from irreconcilable demands and greed, while the other part only arises from small disputes and misunderstandings, from self-righteous arrogance and wishful thinking. Everyone, a truly friendly exchange It is not the art of language or the solemnity of etiquette, but thinking from the perspective of the other party.”

She looked at the head maid and the managers on the ship, and said softly: "In your opinion, I have indeed made a huge sacrifice, and you also tend to let Mr. Kant bear the corresponding powers and obligations, which is understandable, but in In Mr. Kant's view, we are just outsiders who came to the island suddenly, and after a series of conflicts, it even evolved into a life-and-death struggle, and even the hostility was not resolved."

"In this case, directly according to your thinking, give him a certain title, force him to a certain identity, and wish him to perform obligations that he seems to be inexplicable, and give him various suggestions. and demands will only arouse his resistance and disgust."

The truth is this truth, but it is not easy to let go.

The captain slowly let out a breath: "The advantage he took is too great. If the matter spreads, Goethe and even the empire's young men will be jealous..."

"Your Excellency Captain, everyone, maybe my words are a little rude."

The princess took a deep breath and said sternly: "Please forgive me, but please allow me to emphasize one more point - please don't communicate with Mr. Kant with such thoughts and feelings, and say something ugly, this kind of cheapness is my own. No one asked me to give it to me."

This is true.

The princess' resolute behavior was not to protect the lives of both parties, but to save her own.

Because even if she didn't do this, with the situation at the time, Kant and his animal companions would kill all the people present, and relying on the geographical advantage, they slowly negotiated to kill everyone on the Penguin Man. —In terms of the fighting power he and those animals showed, it wasn't too difficult.

People simply do not need the princess to sacrifice herself.

So Tina was right.

But... this is really too ugly.

The gauze on the Cleveland Cavaliers' head began to ooze blood again.

For him, who swore to protect the princess, today was the darkest and most humiliating day in his life.

He was originally the sword and shield to protect the princess, but this time he was protected by His Royal Highness.

"Cleveland Cavaliers, please calm down."

Her Royal Highness said: "I know that you are indignant, and I know what the cause of this matter is, but it has already happened, and it is meaningless to investigate right and wrong. I know that the cause of the conflict is that those animals kidnapped me, But this world is not a reasonable world.”

"Those who have power make sense."

She sighed softly: "Just like the Empire won't reason with us, they will only use us, just like the elves won't reason with us, they will only invade us...because they are more powerful."

The crowd remained silent.

His Highness's statement is so true that it makes people feel helpless and angry.

But there is nothing to do.

If Goethe had the power, they wouldn't have to live here at all, and the elves wouldn't dare to offend.

"Okay, don't be so frowning. There was such a big conflict, but it was stopped in time, and there was no irremediable conflict. In my opinion, it is already a very good result."

Seeing that everyone was in a low mood, the princess smiled and cheered: "There is also good news. After my observation, Mr. Kant seems to be a reasonable person, which is also a good thing."

She turned her finger and said, "So, in the current situation, according to business terms, we have suffered huge losses due to mistakes and suffered heavy losses. At this time, a good businessman should not blame the world for this, but Be quick to accept reality and try to stop the loss..."

"Win-win friendly and peaceful in a more acceptable way."

"So, please believe me and leave it to me. The position and principles of getting along with Mr. Kant, just follow what I just said. Please instruct everyone to abide by this."

The princess patted her chest and showed a bright smile: "I always have to sell it for a good price, right?"

Under the smile and urging of the princess, several people went about their own things with the most important things.

Only the princess and the knight stayed here, watching the entrance of the cave.

Waiting for that person to come out.

The night wind whimpered.

Suddenly, the knight said softly: "Your Highness, you are actually... not reconciled."

The princess is like a frozen sculpture.

The knight did not look at her face.

Because it is very rude.

He heard the sound of droplets falling on the blades of grass.

After a while, the voice of the princess sounded, and it was no longer as cheerful as before.

She was just pretending to be cheerful. When everyone was angry and depressed, she had to restrain her emotions, and there was always someone to keep calm and rational.

"Of course... Of course I'm not reconciled."

"After so many years, I have had a lot of fantasies and dreams. I didn't expect this to happen."


The princess whispered: "But for Goethe, for the father, for the brothers and sisters, for all the people who are fighting against the elves, for the people who sacrificed along the way... It is not the time for me to be heartbroken or lose my temper. , I'm no longer a child."

The knight stood silently.

He seems to have made a decision.

Keep the oath, your happiness is my happiness, your everything is my everything.

The loyalty of the knight and the dignity of the knight, if the two conflict, the latter must make way for the former.

Suddenly, there was a commotion among the animals guarding the entrance of the cave.

The two looked excited.

"Looks like we don't need to spend the night here."

said the knight.

The orangutan and the others rushed into the hole together, and then shouted loudly, which was filled with the shouts of various beasts, among which the parrot was shouting in Aurora, which the two could not understand.

Then they heard Kant's laughter and cursing.

"It seems that Mr. Kant has lived on the island of Saint Inner for a long time..." the princess whispered, "Is he the only one?"

The knight said: "I don't think so. How could a Aurora appear on the island of Saint India? And the weapons he used to fight... are not something that one person can make."

The princess seemed to have thought of something, turned her head and asked, "Knight, you used to practice in the Tower of Omniscience. Have you ever heard that Aurora has a flag - the background color is red, and the five stars are embroidered on it?"

Cleveland shook his head and said, "Forgive my limited knowledge. From what I know about Aurora, those Orientals are more accustomed to writing their surnames on the flag."

Tina nodded lightly: "Yes."

She was taken captive to that valley before, and she saw a lot of magical artifacts that she didn't know, and also saw the high-flying flag. The pattern was simple and clear, but it contained an inexplicable power.

Fantastic animals, mysterious altars, never-before-seen flags, and Mr. Kant.

This island is really full of mysteries.

And starting today, in the coming period, she seems to be dealing with these mysteries.

She saw Kant come out.

Full of animals.

There was a simple and clean smile on his face, not as holy as the first meeting, nor as ferocious as he was not long ago, but with a human breath, cheerful and bright, but with a hint of hidden sadness.

It's like someone who has a mind but remains optimistic.

"I knew that you guys are not small... why are you acting stupid now? Let me tell you, I'm still stunned, where is this place? What? You want me to perform? Performing a chicken feather, what are you hiding from me? , hurry up and be honest, I said..."

Kant babbles to his animal companions.

When he walked out of the cave, he saw two people standing not far away.

The two aliens.

One handsome, one beautiful.

The major events in life are only killing and slaughtering. Mr. Lu Xun will not deceive me.

Of these two guys, one was almost killed by him, and the other was almost **** by him. It's so mysterious.

Kant stood on the spot with a slightly subtle expression.

After such a long time, he has calmed down after experiencing the golden finger incident. If he wants to kill someone, that's really not the case, and the other side doesn't seem to want to continue fighting.

Moreover, he faintly felt that the reason why he awakened this golden finger was not only related to the strange altar below, but also to the magic circle that Tina had lit up before.

The other party gave him such a big gift, and it is not very kind to do it again.

But there was still a thorn in my heart.

After all, it wasn't long ago that it was a life-and-death struggle.

After all, he almost died at the hands of these natives.

He didn't know what to say for a moment.

Tina and Cleveland also looked at Kant.

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

Because Aurora seemed to have a straight face, Tina didn't know how to speak.

Suddenly, Cleveland strode forward.

Tina was surprised: "Knight..."

Kant also tensed up when he saw the other party coming over. The guy yelled at him before, and the shot was heavy, so he naturally had to be on guard.

Unexpectedly, Cleveland came closer and bowed deeply.


He said solemnly.

Kant was already able to understand his language.

"I have already asked Her Royal Highness the cause and effect. You entertained her with the most gentlemanly manners, ensured her safety, and did not do anything to force her. I also saw the gifts you left at the scene."

He said slowly: "You came with good intentions, but we used violence regardless of the reason. From your point of view, our behavior was very rude and rude. I hereby express my most sincere apologies and ask for your forgiveness. We were anxious and irritable at the time, after all, we almost lost the masters we were loyal to and followed."

The knight's rhetoric was very aristocratic, and Kant had just learned a foreign language, and it was very difficult to hear it - but he understood it, and even the other party's apology was also understood.

Speaking of which, the reason for this is...

He turned to look at the magical beasts.

Some of the animals walked aside casually, and some looked at the pigeons.

A small group of extrajudicial fanatics headed by Dove showed him a chaotic and evil smile.

Kant sighed.

"Speaking of which, it's the cauldron of these wicked animals. They are used to being lawless on the island. They bully small animals every day... I also apologize to you for them, don't have the same knowledge as them."

Kant paused for a moment, then said carefully: "That, sorry, I'm a little heavy..."

When he said that, the knight felt a dull pain in his head again.

It's really heavy...

He could only say: "It's okay, in that case, you don't need to be merciful."

So cold again.

Tina looked at the two men in silence, suddenly feeling a little amused.

The mood is also a little better.

She couldn't help thinking of his smile, his purity, the Coca-Cola and Lay's potato chips he brought out, and other delicious things when she just met Kant.

In the cool night wind that came slowly, looking at the scene in front of her, Tina suddenly felt that what happened today didn't seem so bad...


PS1: Gan, although we need to control the number of words, this chapter is almost 4,000 words, why can't I control it.