MTL - Ci Jinzhi-Chapter 56 guest

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  Chapter 56 Guest

  He Qingxiao was just busy with a case, and when he spared time to go to Qingsong Bookstore, he found that the bookstore had changed drastically.

  It was a good place for him to read a book quietly, but it was crowded with people, so it was very lively.

  He Qingxiao thought for a moment that he had made a mistake, so he turned his head to look across, and saw Gu shopkeeper standing alone at the door of Yaxin Bookstore.

   It's not wrong, it is indeed that the business of Qingsong Bookstore has improved.

  He Qingxiao didn't want to join in the fun at first, but when he turned to leave, he heard the people going in and out of the bookstore discussing it, and only then did he know that Qingsong Bookstore's new story book "Painted Skin" has started selling.

  He Qingxiao doesn't like to read story books, but thinking of that girl who is indifferent to everything she faces, she decides to buy a book as a compliment.

  He Qingxiao was at the end of the queue who came to buy the storybooks. When it was his turn to check out, the clerk Liu Zhou thought he was dazzled.

   "Master He, do you want to buy this book?" Liu Zhou was worried that he took the wrong book, so he couldn't help but confirm it.


   "Oh, oh, you take it."

   Waiting for He Qingxiao to walk out of the bookstore, Liu Zhou jumped up to shopkeeper Hu: "Shopkeeper, this is really strange today, Mr. He bought "Painted Skin"!"

   Shopkeeper Hu glanced at the young man, with a calm expression on his face: "Be careful, what's wrong with Mr. He buying a copy of "Painted Skin"?"

   Liu Zhou looked at the sky silently.

   It's okay, it's just the first time I saw Mr. He pay for a book.

  If it wasn't for the Jinlinwei Town Fushi who was so big and a marquis, he couldn't help but suspect that Mr. He was too poor to let go of the pot.

  At this time, the shopkeeper Hu suddenly called out Young Master.

  A young man walked in the door, it was Shen Ning, the former owner of Qingsong Bookstore.

  Shen Ning shook the folding fan lightly, and corrected Shopkeeper Hu's words: "I'm not a young master anymore. Shopkeeper, call me Mr. Shen from now on."

  Well, from now on he will be a pure writer.

  What standpoint, what kind of backbone, it has nothing to do with him, he can buy whichever bookstore has a good reputation.

   "Master Shen..." Shopkeeper Hu adapted to the new title, "Are you here to buy "Painted Skin"?"

   "I sent someone to buy it earlier. Shopkeeper, I came here today to ask quietly, do you have the lower part of "Painted Skin"?"

   "Already stereotyping."

  Shen Ning's eyes lit up suddenly: "Shopkeeper, then you must have read the following content, right? Tell me about it—"

   Shopkeeper Hu refused without hesitation: "This must be kept secret."

   "Shopkeeper, you can't be so ruthless!"

   At this moment, Shen Ning regretted selling the bookstore for the first time.

  If he is still the owner of Qingsong Bookstore, he can read it however he wants, even if Mr. Song Ling has not finished writing, he is not afraid, and he will shut Mr. Song Ling in the room, and he will not be given food if he cannot finish writing!

  After listening to the thoughts of the former owner, shopkeeper Hu gave a ruthless blow with the facts: "Mr. Songling was excavated by the owner."

  If there is no rich owner to buy horse bones, how can there be a horse like Mr. Song Ling?

   "Indeed, your new owner is unusual." After saying this, Shen Ning left the bookstore with regret.

   Shopkeeper Hu was at a loss for a moment.

   Could it be that Mr. Shen also knows that his master knows physiognomy?

   However, Liu Zhou echoed Shen Ning, and shopkeeper Hu finally became suspicious: "Tell me, what's unusual about the boss?"

   "The shopkeeper also said that the owner is not ordinary."

  The shopkeeper and the buddy looked at each other.

   "Why don't you tell me all about it?"

   What can't you say about the shopkeeper and the buddies?

  Liu Zhou said it first: "Actually, the owner only spent 10,000 taels to buy our bookstore..."

What? Partnership fooling around, mutual benefit, earning 10,000 taels of difference?

   Shopkeeper Hu's eyes were straightened when he heard it, and finally thought of one thing: No wonder the owner said that he should rest assured to engrave boldly, and he is not short of money.

  When shopkeeper Hu also revealed the secret, Liu Zhou also stared blankly.

  My boss knows physiognomy!

  He also thought of something: "Shopkeeper, do you think Mr. Song Ling was discovered by the boss with physiognomy? The boss saw Mr. Song Ling's face and figured out that he was destined to become a story master?"

   Hiss—makes sense!

   After exchanging secret shopkeepers and buddies, seeing Xinyou again, his eyes became even more enthusiastic.

  Following in the footsteps of the owner, the future of the bookstore is boundless!

  Xin You looked puzzled.

  Why do shopkeeper Hu and Liu Zhou look at her a little like Xiaolian occasionally?

  Different from the happy atmosphere in Qingsong Bookstore, the atmosphere in Yaxin Bookstore opposite is not so good.

   "The people who bought "Painted Skin" on the opposite side have never stopped. Even Mr. He came out with a copy of "Painted Skin" in his hand."

  After listening to the report from the man, shopkeeper Gu's expression was gloomy.

  He is not blind, can he not see anything on the other side?

   It won't work if it goes on like this.

   "Go and display the reprinted "Butterfly Fairy"."

  With the orders of shopkeeper Gu, "Butterfly Immortal", which was supposed to go on sale some time later, was displayed in advance, and even like Qingsong Bookstore, a notice was posted on the outside wall.

   ""Butterfly Fairy" has been added to the sale? It's a pity, I saved the money to buy "Butterfly Fairy", but I heard them say how beautiful "Painted Skin" is, so I couldn't resist buying "Painted Skin"..."

"Me too."

   "Ah, me too."

   "Don't be a pity, I heard from a friend who bought both scripts that "Painted Skin" is much better than "Butterfly Fairy"..."


   "We who often buy scripts, can we talk nonsense on them?"

   "Then I'm going to buy "Painted Skin" right now. I almost couldn't hold back before, and I want to save my money to buy "Butterfly Fairy"..."

   Shopkeeper Gu saw the notice surrounded by many people who were secretly happy, but soon saw that the people who had read the notice not only did not enter their bookstore, but rushed to Qingsong Bookstore, and when they came out, they were holding "Painted Skin" in their hands.

   "Why is this?" The shopkeeper Gu, who had suffered a huge blow, murmured.

  He doesn't understand, doesn't understand, doesn't understand!

  But there is one thing that shopkeeper Gu is clear about. If Yaxin Bookstore does not come up with a countermeasure, it will be over.

  After much deliberation, Shopkeeper Gu still couldn't make up his mind, so he had to ask his boss for instructions.

  The owner of Yaxin Bookstore is a young man who is about the same age as Shen Ning, and he seems to be much more reliable than Shen Ning.

After listening to shopkeeper Gu's report, the man smiled coldly: "Don't get confused, shopkeeper. Qingsong Bookstore has developed so many famous books, and it's taking advantage of our bookstore's new book to be released, people will inevitably come up with something new, "Painted Skin" The next part is still uncertain. Let’s give Mr. Ping’an a little more money to write a new book as soon as possible. With Mr. Ping’an’s momentum, can he be compared with an unknown book writer?”

   "My boss is right." Shopkeeper Gu immediately invited Mr. Ping An and urged him to write a new book.

  Mr. Pingan just wrote "Butterfly Immortal" not long ago, when his mind was empty, and he wanted to take a good rest for a few months, but he still couldn't resist the temptation of the high price of Yaxin Bookstore, so he racked his brains to write.

  Yaxin Bookstore’s new action was silent. For a while, all the talk in the capital was Qingsong Bookstore’s new storybook, and even many storytellers in teahouses began to talk about "Painted Skin".

   There was an endless stream of people going to Qingsong Bookstore to buy "Painted Skin", and the dusty "Peony Tale" was finally waiting for patrons on this day.

  (end of this chapter)