MTL - Chronicles of Heaven-Chapter 77 Dashicheng change

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Big Rock City.

Specially drawn out, left to the neighborhood where the deacons lived, in a small medium courtyard, the old white stork in the center of the yard, carefully dripping a few drops of black snake snake into a huge stone bowl.

The bowl of the stone bowl has a diameter of two feet, and it has been filled with a half bowl of light blue translucent juice.

A few drops of the viscous black ring snake venom just dripped in, and the light blue sap spewed out a small foam, with a subtle 啪啪 爆 bursting sound.

Laobai turned his head back and forth, and even rolled out and went out for dozens of meters, and slammed into a room.

Several rats were stunned and closed the door, and the door was blocked with soaked fur.

The light blue juice in the stone bowl quickly turned into a light black, and then boiled up. A lot of juice splashed, and a lot of juice fell on the ground outside the stone bowl. A faint black smoke rose and blended into the air.

Far away, the cold wind was blowing from several huge rumors.

The wind blew through the big stone city and blew through the yard, blowing the light black smoke that the air could not see with the naked eye.

After a full quarter of an hour, the closed door quietly opened. The old white probe explored the half of the head from the crack of the door and carefully walked in the direction of the stone bowl for a long time, which suddenly opened the door. .

Carrying his hands and hands, he walked to the stone bowl in a step-by-step manner. When Laobai walked, he smiled at the dozens of younger generations behind him: "In fact, the preparation of poisons is a matter of daring and most important. It’s going to be a big deal and it’s not messing up...”

As soon as the voice fell, a small blisters in the stone bowl exploded, giving a slamming sound.

Laobai and a dozen of the younger generations turned and ran. A group of people smashed into the house with a roll and a chicken and a dog. The ‘咚’ shut the door.

After another quarter of an hour, Laobai came out with a group of younger generations.

The station looked far away from the stone bowl, and Laobai took a picture of his chest. ‘嘿嘿’ smiled. He turned around and gave a serious lesson to the younger generation: "Walking on the rivers and lakes, safety first... what is the face... Oh, it doesn't matter."

A group of rats and younger generations looked up at the old white, and nodded desperately.

Laobai smiled with satisfaction. He took a group of younger generations to the stone bowl and carefully looked at the remaining half of the bowl of black juice in the stone bowl. He nodded with satisfaction: "Well, success, quality is not Bad... Almost all of you can catch up with your grandfather, the "rotten bones" that my grandfather has deployed."

As he spoke, Lao Baiyu opened his eyes.

He looked at the younger generation around him and reached out and took a picture of a young mouse.

"Old nine, remember that you have just ordered the order of various materials, and the approximate dose... This time, you still want me to mix, the next time, it is you... If you die, it is old Ten...Old Eleven...Old Twelve...Let's go round..."

The old white heart is filled with the helplessness of extreme pain, but it is full of a lightness that completely sees through the world.

The mouse is weak, and if a rat tribe wants to live, it must have a self-protection. Laobai, the ancestral eating technique of the Rat Tribe, is such a poisonous ‘bad bone marrow’ poison.

Even the master of a heavy building, even if it is cut through such a trace of flesh, will directly rotten into the bone marrow, and finally smashed and alive and dying.


The deployment of ‘rotten bone marrow’ is extremely dangerous. Even a veteran such as Laobai has had one or two successes in ten times, let alone those who have never had experience in blending.

There is a great possibility that Lao Jiu will die due to accident poisoning during deployment.

Next, it is likely that several of his younger brothers, that is, the one-on-one son of Laobai, will die one after another.

But... this **** world...

What are the death of a few sons? There are so many dolls in the entire tribe to live.

The old white carefully took the stone bowl and walked into the small building with a group of younger generations.

From time to time, sneaky rats smashed into the small courtyard, and they brought a pack of forged, poor quality, hidden weapons and small daggers.

Laobai directed a dozen sons and carefully applied the rotten bone marrow poison to these weapons.

To ensure that these weapons are sufficiently toxic, but to prevent the waste of venom, these crafts are also fundamental to the survival of a rat tribe.

The old white sighed.

This is also a no-brainer. The materials that are used to formulate rotten bone marrow are not easy to collect. In order to kill a black-necked snake, perhaps more than a dozen people will die. Therefore, it takes a lot of time and effort to prepare a rotten bone marrow poison, and Laobai himself has to take a big risk.

Everything has to be saved, everything needs to be saved.

This bowl of venom looked at a small amount, but there are two hundred people in the life of the people.

Even if the rat's fertility is extremely strong, such loss is enough to make the old heart hurt... It must be saved.

"Our tribe, if you can have a real pharmacist, that would be great." While urging the sons to quench the poison, Laobai whispered: "The legend, the pharmacist dispensed medicine... never lost, and the drug performance Play to the maximum."

"If there is a real pharmacist..." Laobai looked at the busy, busy sons and whispered, "Your brothers, oh..."

Carrying his hands, Laobai was a little uneasy and turned around in the house.

Taking risks and deploying a bad bone marrow is a no-brainer.

The world of rats is a family, Laobai two days, but received very bad winds from various channels.

It seems that some bad things happen inside the stone house.

Always let the children have more self-protection ability.

"Unless a last resort, don't move your nest... It's rare to find a generous rice cooker... The little scorpions have meat to eat every day." Old white sighed and sighed: "For the scorpions, they can eat meat every day... Selling and selling to him is good."

I licked my mouth and took a small piece of dried meat from my sleeve and stuffed it into my mouth. The old white chewed and chewed a bit of dried meat, and nodded satisfied.

"Hey, the little iron deacon actually went to the ghost place... And, the elders of Shijie actually took people there.... Little iron, little iron... You don't have an accident, my old man rarely sees a pleasing eye, not a rat. The little guy of the scorpion."

"Black skin, one-eyed, iron eighty-eight, they are not good things... Only you, my old man is pleasing to the eye."

The old white whispered, and he turned around the house for two laps, suddenly slamming his feet.

He sighed at the shadow of the corner of the room and shook his head: "Go, go, go to a few scorpions, stare at the smashing pit... See what happened there... When you meet a small iron deacon, if he is still alive, he can help one hand and help one hand..."

Spreading his hands, the old white sighed helplessly: "We rat, it is not easy to live... It’s just that, it’s the same thing..."

Looking up, Laobai looked at the ceiling and muttered: "Hey, the legends left by the ancestors, will not lie to our grandchildren? The ancestors of our rats, who once lived on the stars?"

"Stars? Hanging in the sky, sparkling stars? That stuff, is it true?"

"The sacred mouse...the ancestors of our rats are also wide!"

Lao Bai laughed and had pleats on his face, quite a bit sloppy. He took out a small piece of succulent dried meat from his sleeve and chewed it in his mouth.

The shadow that he just said seems to have faded. The small daggers and the fragmented weapon that had been smashed with venom on the table seem to have lost so many dozens.

"It would be great to have a pharmacist... If every baby's claws can be smashed with rotten bones... Hey." Old white sighed and then sighed again.


The long copper bells spread throughout the city of Dashi.

The rats who were busy in the house erected their ears at the same time, and looked around with vigilance.

The old nine who had just passed away was very nervous and asked: "Is there a child who has stolen something? Is it necessary to close the door to catch people?"

Another rat has widened his eyes: "Is it stolen, or has it stolen gold coins? Hey, warned them, don't buy or sell on the Shijia site..."

There was a rat who slammed a hardened dagger and nervously shouted at the old white: "Grandpa, is it coming to catch us? Hurry, scream, go... grandchildren with brothers We are behind the cover, grandfather and uncle uncles go first..."

The old white bite his teeth, and the slap in the face of a group of nervous children.

"The interest, see you this point of interest ... ah? Knocked the alarm must be to catch us? A little bit good?"

Laobai violently opened the door and looked nervously out: "But, it’s not really that the children have committed anything. Isn’t it just to eat and drink and shine? As for this, What about drumming? As for the drumming?"

Heavy footsteps came, and more than a dozen soldiers wearing heavy armor slammed into the yard.

The old white shouted, his hands on the belt, and the claws were full of sharp, hardened iron needles. They were about to be thrown out. The one soldier who led the head had already screamed lowly: "What is the old deacon? How many are your men?" Can you use the green and youth? Take your ethnic group, go to the Wubei library to lead the bow... prepare for war!"

Old white desperately blinked, a group of children and grandchildren stood neatly behind him in a row, trying to keep the bowl of venom and a bunch of messy pieces behind the table.

A group of rats grinned and grinned, trying to make a lifeless expression.

"Prepare... We are going to... Who is it to fight with?" The old voice is shaking: "Longevity teaching? No? Really want to be with them? That is a group of monsters..."

The world of rats is a family, and Laobai naturally heard about the evils and terror of the longevity teaching from various channels.

"Clean up the traitors." A dozen warriors who broke into the small courtyard looked distorted and looked at the old white.

The door was half-opened and half-covered, and a white head sneaked out of the crack in the door. It looked sneaky, and looked cautious, that expression... These fighters really wanted to lick his face.

What Zeimeishuyan, really wanted to hit him a meal!

"Clean up the traitors... This is the order issued by Liu Ye!" The warrior who took the lead turned and walked outside the yard: "Although, you guys are useless, but hiding behind the dark arrows will always be there? Hurry to the military reserve... ...take all the young and middle-aged people you can use."

The old white eyes suddenly lit up.

The eyes of his group of children and grandchildren also became blunt and bright.

"Go to the martial arts library to lead the arrow... Don't you have money?" A son of Laobai sneaked out from the old white scorpion and asked loudly to the group of soldiers who had already left the yard.

The body of a dozen warriors swayed violently, and they looked back at the messy look and looked at the old white.

Laobai hurriedly smiled and revealed two bright big front teeth.

"Of course... don't want money." The leading warrior said with a grin: "You only have to be faithful to sell your life to the six masters... What good things can't get?"

"Don't worry!" Laobai smiled.

"Don't worry!" A group of old children smiled.

After a short half-baked tea effort, more than 2,000 rats swarmed into Dashicheng, and ‘叽叽喳喳’ ran towards the military reserve.

The martial arts library in Dashicheng is open, and the deacons of black skin, one-eyed children, and iron eighty-eighth have taken their own ethnic groups and subordinates to select their favorite weapons in the military reserve.

A pile of piles of armor code is placed in the warehouse, and a pile of weapons is placed on the shelf.

The equipment that can be stored by Shijia, not to mention the pieces are all fine, at least two products.

Lizard skin soft armor, fine iron heavy armor, all kinds of leather boots, as well as a variety of swords and rifles, long bows, and even short knife daggers and so on.

The weapons stored in the military reserve of Dashicheng are enough to arm an army of 5,000 people.

Although Shi Erye recruited so many people in the past few days, the stone warehouse of Dashicheng was enough to arm everyone to the teeth.

Laobai was so excited that all the squirrels that could run and jump in the family ran over and sneaked into the martial arts library.

The arrogant military arsenal suddenly became a smog, and people who had never seen such a scene could never imagine how many more than two thousand tens of thousands of people with a height of about one meter were full of chaos.

How spectacular is it!

"Unfortunately, why didn't there be a hyperthyroidism specially created for the scorpion scorpion?" Laobai stood at the entrance of the martial arts library, watching the piece of hyperthyroidism that was too large for the rat, and sighed helplessly.

The messy footsteps came, and a dozen or so high-ranking cattle warriors surrounded a burly youth.

The young man holding a whip, the wolf warrior under the black leather hand at the entrance of the Wubei library is a chaotic chaos: "Rebel? Rebel? Who let you these despicable savages come here?"

"Rebel? Rebellion? What do you want to do? Who will let you come here?"

A dull scream slammed from the side.

An iron dwarf did not know where to smash it out. When the first axe fell on the youth, the blood was splattered, and the young half of the body was opened by an ax.