MTL - Chronicles of Heaven-Chapter 76 Jia Zhengfeng came to visit

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Da Ding.

Wu Tieshu comfortably opened his arms and legs, just like the noon of summer, floating in the mountains and lakes, the rest of the travellers, carefree, heart filled with inexplicable ease and leisure.

The phaseless reciprocal is merging with the first phalanx of his left index finger.

Some wonderful things are happening, Wu Tie can feel that the phalanx is undergoing a fundamental change...or, is evolution...

Of course, the word 'evolution' is not too precise.

In short, very good, very wonderful, Wu Tie has a kind of weasel shopping, suddenly caught a little hen's sneak and comfort.

In the absence of reciprocity, the essence of the residue is blending with the eyebrows.

Hao Ranzheng tempered the evil power of the essence.

Some of the relics of the original owner of the relics, some of the feelings of life, the world, and the natural universe of heaven and earth are just like the spring rain, and they are absorbed and absorbed by Wu Wu.

In the original essence, there are some memories of suffocating, **** and violent, but these bad and negative spiritual energy have been dispelled by the arrogance, only the pure heart inspiration, the most essential experience of the experience left. Come down.

Compared with the pain of the old iron violent transmission of countless information, the process of absorbing the essence of no reconciliation is very relaxed and comfortable. The flesh and soul are like floating in the clouds. Unrestrained, carefree, relaxed and comfortable. To sing.

A little faint light flowed out of the first phalanx of the index finger of the left hand and flowed to the entire palm, the left arm and the bone, and then the whole body.

This is a little insignificant essence in the reincarnation. After they are merged with the skeletons of Wu Tie, they do not directly bring much power to Wu Tie, what an incredible magical power.

It’s just that the atmosphere of Wu Tie has changed a little.

Just like a seed has been put into a fertile land, this land has not undergone tremendous changes, but there is endless possibilities.

In the enchantment pit, the stone parents and the general commander continued to go deep with the brigade.

Tens of thousands of mutant gnomes continue to strike along the way.

They were slow in action and stiff in movement. Although the bones of the body were hard and abnormal, the body became strong and heavy, but they were restrained by the giant spirits of the stone parents.

Occasionally there are variants of powerful warriors, and the movements of such movements as flying and infinitely appear.

The giant lights spurt a cyan fire, and they swelled and threw them out. The squadrons drove straight in. These variants did not pose much threat to them.

The size of the crypt mine is over a hundred miles, and the hovering mine roads are all the way down. The stone parents and the generals are powerful, and they are moving fast. Even if there are countless variants, five hours later, They also came to the bottom of the pit.

The fire column with a diameter of 100 feet rises up, and the thick fog whirls rapidly. A gray mist pulls a sharp whistling sound in the air, and turns into a gray air column to wrap the fire column.

The terrible heat and the chilly chills flow in the air, and they are clearly smashed and strangled.

At the bottom of the pit, there was a high temperature of smoke, and for a while it was chilly and chilly. On the ground, a thin piece of borneol was formed for a while, and the stone was baked red for a while.

The two terrible forces are deadlocked, the air is violently swaying, and thunderous bangs are heard from time to time.

A few mutant giants, more than a hundred variations of wolves, cattle warriors, dozens of variant gray dwarfs, lizard warriors are full of chaos. They dangled around the pillar of fire, and occasionally screamed of horror.

When the stone parents and the generals ordered the group to come to the bottom of the pit, the powerful fighters of these mutations stopped at the same time, and the green flames flashed in the curtains, and they looked at them.

"Be careful..." Stone parents sighed and sighed.

The voice did not fall, a few stone giants screamed wildly, the huge body tore the air, and a hard burst of life burst into a circle of blasts, bringing a large afterimage to them.

The giant hand lights of the stone parents suddenly lit up, and a group of cyan-sized fires screamed out and smashed into a statue of a mutant giant.

The fire blasted and deafening, and the three or four stone giants were blown up by the bursting fire, but the stone giant with the highest head was able to withstand the bombardment of the fire group and rushed to the front of the team.

A blow hit a heavy punch, punched out like a heavy gun, and the horrible loud noise shook the blood of a dozen or so stone warriors in the vicinity.

The three stone warriors were just in front of the mutant stone giant, and they slammed into their bodies, and their bodies exploded and burst into blood. Dozens of warriors around them suddenly became red, and they were evenly coated with blood.

"Damn!" Stone parents yelled: "The last time they came, they were not so powerful..."

The voice did not fall, and more than a hundred variations of the wolf and cattle warriors also brought a white air wave to fly.

At the same time, the Shijia warriors and the fog knives belonged to each other, and all the weapons were in the same place.

The ‘铿锵’ sounded loudly, and the variants that flew in the air did not dodge at all. They stood up in their chests and let the various weapons slash them on them.

In the harsh cracking sound, one piece of the inscriptions, the 'Yuan Bing' which built the array method, split, and a large number of metal fragments bounced back, tearing open a deep in the body of the Shijia warrior and the fog knife killer. And the wound of the bone.

Then the large group of mad dog variants rushed into the array, they screamed wildly, sharp claws, full of fangs, and more sharp horns on the head of the cattle warrior...

A large piece of blood spurted out, and there were nearly a hundred stone warriors who fell into the ground.

However, the fog knife killers brought by the general command were not correct, and they immediately merged into the dark fog.

They fled fast, but there was no death, but the Shijia warriors in the top tank suffered heavy casualties.

The stone parents yelled angrily, and the scene was in chaos. No one knew what he was yelling. He was angered by the anger of the giant lights, and countless Mars squirted around, falling into those variants, a chaotic explosion.

The explosion of ‘banging’ was endless, and a large number of variants were blown up and the bone fragments collapsed and flew.

Stone parents yelled: "To the fire column... If you come, you can't return empty-handed."

The stone parents are old-fashioned. The soldiers they brought are all his confidants. With his power in Shijia, the total number of people in the early 500s is also preserved. Everyone is elite, and what matters is the loyalty to his heart.

In order to the baby that may appear in the pit, he took so many people into the pit. This has not seen what the baby is, and it has ruined dozens of people...

Nearly a hundred of the soldiers who fell on the ground, were bitten by the bones and broken bones. There were about sixty or seventy people killed, and twenty or thirty people lying on the ground and screaming again and again. It was a wounded person who was seriously injured and rescued in time. .

Stone parents have already taken care of these wounded people.

The fire pillar is not far from the front, he must see for himself what this baby is.

As long as you see it, you will have the opportunity to accept it. Judging by the amazing power released by this pillar of fire, if he can hold the baby in his hands, he even has the opportunity to sweep away the variants in the pits of the Devil...

The treasure that caused the magic pit to change... ‘呵呵’!

The old faces of Shi’s parents twitched and jerked out a finger, biting his finger and dropping a lot of blood into the lamp of the giant lamp.

I got the old blood supplement of the stone parents, and the lights of the original giant bean lights suddenly rose, and the blue-white lights rushed more than a foot high. The heat wave rolled, the sound of the wind screamed, and a large thumb-sized Mars smashed and smashed, and the surrounding soil was splashed. Many variants were blown up and shattered.

"Crushing over!" Stone parents roared with sorrow.

The general command is that there is no blending battle at the beginning.

Under the protection of several masters wearing cloaks, the total palm of the horse was thrown into the ground with a 12-foot-high blood flag, and several pieces of carved complex lines were laid in the middle of the blood flag. Metal plate.

When the old parents of Shi’s parents rushed to the brigade, they always bite their teeth and cut them on their wrists. They used a lot of blood to fill a few metal basins of basin size.

The blood flag violently swayed, and several metal plates spewed out a dazzling flame.

"What are you doing?" Stone parents jerked back and screamed at the general command. He stared at the metal plates that spurted out the glare, and suddenly there were countless thin red bloodshot eyes on his eyes.

He has never seen these metal plates... After all, Cang Yan is just a rural area in the backcountry.

But from the mouths of the caravans who traveled to Cangyan and the Outland, Shi’s parents had heard of this legendary thing... the transmission array, a magical object that can transmit people or objects to the far end.

Even if there is a passage between the two places, as long as the transmission array is set up, even if it is a completely closed desperate, people or things can be easily transferred.

The total commander actually placed a transmission array in such a short period of time, that is, in just seven or eight breaths.

Who is he going to pass?

The stone parents raised the giant lights subconsciously, and a fire rushed to the transmission array.

The light and shadow of the six metal plates of the transmission array flashed, and a tall figure appeared out of thin air.

The figure stretched out a palm, and the five pointed at the thick blue and white light of the bowl.

The sound of '嘭', even the mutated stone giant will be beaten and flew out of the fire, the figure that came out of the transmission array was crushed, and the large pieces of the scattered fire scattered, landed on the nearby ground, burning rocks. '嗤嗤' sounds straight.

"Ishigaki, don't you welcome me?" The figure stepped out of the transmission array.

"Deputy ... deputy leader." Stone parents' old body was stiff, and the lights on the giant lights suddenly shrank to the size of mung beans. His original tall body subconsciously bent forward, but soon, he forced himself straight. waist.

His eyes flashed and his face squirmed. The old stone scorpion of Shi’s parents looked at Jia Zhengfeng with a complex expression. His face looked like a cry, and it looked very exciting.

"How do you... come in person?" Shi Jie straightened his waist and looked at Jia Zhengfeng ‘not humble.’

But when you look closely, you can see that his waist muscles and legs are slightly squatting, and the body tilts forward unconsciously...

Clearly, in fact, he wanted to salute Jia Zhengfeng, but the effort on the dough made him stretch his body and barely stood in front of Jia Zhengfeng.

"Shijia is one of the three major families in Cangyan."

"You are a stone scorpion, one of the six elders of the Shijiazhuang."

"You are a big man in the Cang Yan area..."

Jia Zhengfeng smiled and his fingers almost reached the stone's nose. He smiled happily: "Don't even say that the stone pit of your stone home, these years is also a fierce name... If there is a treasure in the head, what do you think will be the grade baby?"

Shi Yan’s face stiffened.

Jia Zhengfeng was very affectionate on the shoulder of Shi Jie: "Since I have already wanted to rely on my longevity teaching, then don't hesitate, bold, and honest, don't look forward to it. The beauty of my longevity teaching is only you realize. Can understand."

Laughing a few times, Jia Zhengfeng slammed Shi's shoulder and shook a few times intimately: "Don't laugh, say it, frankly, some treasures can help people prolong their lives, especially in ancient times. Some of the strange things at the time, who can guarantee that there is no good life in the life?"

"I am also afraid, I am afraid of the elders of Shi Jie. If you have any strange treasures, you suddenly change your mind. I will teach you the long-term plan of the Cangyan domain. Will you delay it?"

Jia Zhengfeng intimately put his mouth to the side of the stiff stone scorpion, and whispered: "The Cangyan domain is very important to our longevity teaching... So, I have come personally, how can I let the elders of Shijie have you still? What about the chance of change?"

Elder Shi Yan looked at Jia Zhengfeng with a look of embarrassment and embarrassment, and said: "Smile, laugh, I have already promised the assistant teacher, how can I change my heart?"

“Say well!” Jia Zhengfeng picked out a thumb to Elder Shi Yan: “Well, I like you like this kind of person.”

"Everyone is their own, their own! Hahahahaha!"

Jia Zhengfeng laughed and rumbling. In his bright laughter, the light in the transmission line flickered, and the men who were tall and tall, and who were handsome and straight, were born beautiful women, and came out one after another.

After the handsome men and women came out of more than 30 people, the heavy armored soldiers in groups of three and five appeared.

They stepped out of the transmission array, and immediately the whole team greeted the variants that were coming around.

The elite warriors of these longevity teachings are terrible, they form a subtle battlefield, and the formation of three or five people can effectively cope with the variants that fly. The weapons in their hands are also better than the weapons in the hands of the Shijia warriors. They are cut on the mutants and can effectively break the black bones.

Jia Zhengfeng laughed and glared at Shi's shoulder with one hand. He held the palm of his hand in the palm of his hand and walked toward the pillar of fire at the bottom of the pit.

"Come, come, come, let's take a look at this baby, what a good baby."