MTL - Chronicles of Heaven-Chapter 65 Nine products lava grass

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Big Rock City, stone house.

The room was very spacious, with a stone bed in the corner, covered with linen, animal hides and the like.

A stone table and a few stone benches were moved to the corner by Wu Tie.

A few beast oil candles blazed and illuminate the entire house.

Building a foundation, one by one, starting from the beginning, gradually arrived at the first thousand and thirteenth.

In the lower abdomen, the Yuanxiao dynasty is like a river in the Yangtze River. It constantly flows in and out. The heavy and hard Yuanxiao flows through the body. The whole body bones, meridians, muscles, blood vessels, and the internal organs are all bursts of soreness.

Yuanxiao pottery, the body of the qi and blood can be condensed to quench the body, stimulate the power of the blood, improve the body's energy level, and lay the foundation for the next step of cultivation.

As Wu and Iron gradually practiced, the thin elements in the air could be turned into a sparkling stream visible to the naked eye, constantly injecting into his body. The more the Yuanxiao is in operation, the more abundant the Yuanxiao is and the more refined the texture.

The golden light of the eyebrows is also fused with blood, and turned into a golden light rain and fog, and it is tempered with the Yuanxiao.

Where the golden light and rain fog passed, the power of the blood veins boiled and swelled, and there was a trace of awesomeness filling the whole body. With the breath retracting freely, the effect of the Yuanxiao quenching body was increased by ten times.

Take a deep breath and keep the basic style in the thousand and thirteen styles that can be achieved today. Keep this position for an hour, wait until your muscles are sore and painful, and when your lower abdomen is swollen, you will take it out. A bottle of base medicine was swallowed.

A gentle life energy flows through the body.

The sore body is like the spring rain, it is as comfortable as the hot spring soaking, and the lower abdomen is also warm and dry. It seems that there is a flame burning in the lower abdomen, and there is a trace of silk scorpion growing from the lower abdomen, constantly adding to the body torrents.

The eyebrows and golden light also grew a circle, and the awe-inspiring spirit became more and more unstoppable. It was like a big river sweeping the whole body, and there was a burst of sounds of '嗡嗡' in the mind. The eyebrows were like the forging of the hydraulic press, and they continued to shrink. Slowly expand again.

The foundation-based one thousand and fourteen-four breakthroughs.

The total amount of Yuanxiao in the Wu Tie body suddenly soared by about 10%. The soaring Yuan dynasty flowed through every corner of the whole body. It can be seen that the pores of Wu Tie are expanding, and the hot air is rising and the hot ash is visible to the naked eye. Mourning, with a trace of bad smell.

It seems to be stimulated by the soaring Yuanxiao, the first phalanx of the left index finger of Wu Tie shines a dark and radiant light.

Then the skeleton of the whole body of Wu Tie illuminates a layer of dark glory, and a scorpion can continuously flow from the air into the body of the wrought iron and continuously flow into his bones.

A strange heat came out of the bones of Wu Tie, and Wu Tie suddenly sweated all over the body, and the skin became red like the cooked shrimp.

It’s hot, hot, and it’s like a fire that burns a lot of heat.

Wu Tie bites his teeth and resists.

Although it is uncomfortable, it is much more comfortable than the fusion of the four dragon horns, devour the two ancient artifacts and smoldering fire. Moreover, Wu Tie can feel that as the heat erodes the whole body, his muscles, meridians, internal organs and other 'soft tissues' are becoming more solid.

With the constant influx of Yuan Neng, Wu Tie suddenly became itchy.

This itching came directly from the bone marrow, itching him almost crazy.

Almost instinctive, he looked at the wide, stone bed with a hint of metallic cold in the corner of the stone house.

This stone bed is made of metal ore. The metal content inside is extremely high. It is a very good metal ingot.

There was a glimmer of light in the sorcerer’s scorpion, and he rushed up, and his left hand and five fingers grabbed the stone bed.

The sound of ‘噗’, the five fingers violently oscillated, and the stone bed was also violently shocked. It is five meters long and four meters wide. It is enough for the cattle warriors to blast inside the stone bed that has turned over, and large pieces of dust are flying down.

In the dust, the faint light of the stars was absorbed by Wu Tie's left hand.

A stream of heat quickly circulated from the palm of his left hand, and the unbearable itching that came from the bone marrow gradually calmed down. Wu Tie could feel that his bones had strengthened.

Wu Tie silently looked at the thick layer on the ground and lost all the essence of stone powder.

A few times ago, he still passively swallowed foreign objects... Look at this, he will actively look for foreign objects to swallow it later?

Metal essence?

It doesn't seem to be very right, so there is a dragon's horn, but it's not made of metal.

In other words, you want to devour ‘good things’.

As for what is a 'good thing', it is necessary to find a little bit of Wu Tie.

There are not many metal extracts in the stone bed, which is the degree of itching. Wu Tie's body heat rolled for a while, and his body's temperature gradually subsided. He took a deep breath and took a hard shot with both hands.

The muscles of both hands were severe and the phalanx was struck by thin skin. The sound of the bang was actually a loud noise.

Soon, the flesh of the hands began to form a large bruise.

Witch iron helpless smile and shake his head.

The hardness of his bones has exceeded the limits of his own flesh.

That small piece of broken bone, what kind of monster is the transformation of Wu Tie's bones into?

"It's not bad... After the knife is cut over, the skin is very scary, but the bones are not damaged..." Wu Tie is very eager to open. In this case, his defensive power is significantly improved.

And physical strength...

Because of the great strengthening of the bones, his physical strength has at least doubled on the original, 'normal' basis.

Without the increase of the Lantern Festival, can today's physical strength be 100,000 pounds?

Maybe not enough.

Raised his hands and carefully looked at it for a while. Wu Tie saw the nails of the fingers, and under the light of the beast oil candles, there was a faint metal cold. There is no obvious change in the flesh, but the ten-finger nails are as distinct as the bones.

The left hand and the five fingers slid on the wall, and the ‘嗤’ sounded five clear scratches on the wall of the boulder.

This nail is much better than a normal steel knife.

"After, leave some long nails?" Wu Tie squinted, and the scene of his own sharp-pointed nails appeared in his mind. He only felt that he was in a cold, and he had a cold war, and he hurriedly dismissed the idea.

There was a footstep outside.

Witch iron frowned, opened the door and went out.

Wu Tie is a person, so he was arranged to live in a small courtyard. There is a row of bungalows around the small courtyard, each with six houses. This is used to arrange subordinates and followers, but Wu Tie is a loner, no one arranges.

The main building of the small courtyard has three floors. The first floor is the living room and the banquet hall. The second floor is the guest room. The third floor is the place where Wu Tie has just cultivated.

Walking out of the stone house, along a spiral, narrow and steep staircase, walked to the living room on the first floor. Several men in hard clothes were already standing in the living room. One of them was pulling the scorpion and shouting: "Little iron?" Small iron?"

Wu Tie put his weight down and coughed: "Several, what's the matter?"

Several men looked at Wu Tie and looked him up and down for a while. A man came forward and handed him a small scorpion made of fine iron. He handed it over and a thick animal skin. Booklet and a pen.

"Hey, this is the Yuancao you deserve this year. One year of low-grade grass, is this the promise of Shi Erye?"

The man smiled proudly: "However, that is the promise of Shi Erye, our six grandfathers are generous, two low-grade grass!"

After taking a picture of the animal skin, the man said: "You are a savage person... Will you write your own name? Write it, write the name, no, just press the handprint, two low-grade grass, afterwards We still have to record the record."

Wu Tie took over the fine iron box and the tentacle was hot.

This scorpion is like a fire, and the scorpion is hot and unusual. When ordinary people come across it, it will burn the flesh.

A few men with a bad smile, laughing at the iron and iron.

They seem to be expecting Wu Tie to be burnt, and then leave the screaming screaming.

Only Wu Ting was burnt by the heat of his bones several times, and his skin's tolerance to high temperatures increased a lot. The temperature of this scorpion is much higher than the boiling water, but for him, it is just a little 'warm'.

I pinched the scorpion under the armpit, took the book of the animal skin, opened a few pages, found my own name, and fluently wrote the words "I have received two lower grasses today."

A few men squinted, staring at Wu Tie if nothing had caught the fine iron scorpion under his arm, and looking at the line that he had left in the animal skin book, and he was stunned. Pouting.

"No, no, go find the next one." A man took the book of the hide and waved his hand and waved.

"Small iron deacon, remember, this is the grace of Liu Ye... Follow the six lords, do good things, have your benefits." Can not see the Wu iron ugly, several men suddenly lost interest, a man stunned He took a look at Wu Tie and said to him.

"Yes, we don't know who Shijia now, and there is a way out with the six lords... Erye... He is a life-threatening errand." Several men have no **** and shun, and the imperial direction is toward Wu Talking about the bad things of Shi Erye.

Wu Tie smiled and didn't say anything.

Several men shook their heads and went out. They had several fine iron scorpions on their hands. They wanted to come and give them black skin, one-eyed, iron eighty-eight and old white.

Anyway, among the people who were recruited together with Wu Tie, there were few who enjoyed the first-class deacon.

Already at the entrance of the small courtyard, the man with the animal skin book in his hand suddenly turned around and yelled at Wu Ting: "I almost forgot, this time for you, is Jiuyuanyuan grass lava stone... This stuff is medicinal. It’s overbearing, not strong enough, just a small piece of clothing... If it’s poisoned, it’s not our business.”

Jiuyuanyuan grass lava grass?

Wu Tie closed the door of the courtyard and closed the main entrance of the small building and returned to the stone house where he practiced.

Place the fine iron scorpion on the stone table and carefully open the lid. The two plants are half a mile long, and the grass with nine leaves each appears in front of the witch iron.

The lava grass is light red, the leaves are thick, and the interior is like a red juice flowing. Already picked, the leaves are still hung with a little mung bean-sized red ‘drop beads’.

However, if you look at the high temperature and white air that is wrapped around the dewdrop, you will know that this is not a 'dew', but a vision that the meta-energy is highly condensed.

The temperature in the stone house is rising rapidly. The two lava fields are like two big fires. They release a lot of heat, and the long hair on the iron head is a little curved.

"Yuancao, it is extraordinary." Wu Tie's heart ‘嘭嘭’ jumped, staring at two lava grasses.

This is only the lowest nine-yuan grass, the skin is so extraordinary, the energy is so magnificent.

I think this is just the treatment of the first-class deacons that Shijia has brought in...

Their stone family's shackles will certainly not lack the supply of Yuancao. If they do not work well, they will use Yuancao to assist in cultivation.

The only thing that limits them is perhaps their body's tolerance for the energy of the grass? After all, the man just reminded Wu Tie that if this thing is improperly taken, it will be dead.

"How many bottles of base medicine can this top plant grass?" Wu Tie grabbed a lava grass and carefully looked at it. He couldn't help but feel that joining Shijia really is an excellent choice. Otherwise, he is alone in the wild, when can he contact this baby?

"Can give the foreigner Yuancao solicited... Shijia must have a stable supply channel for Yuancao."

"Do they have better babies?"

Wu Tie also remembered the general command of the fog knife.

His age seems to be similar to Wu Tie’s father’s witch war, but the strength of the Wushu’s total command is stronger than the witch war.

Age is equal, the strength gap is so big...

"That guy, wouldn't it be to eat Yuancao as a meal? With the power of the fog knife, it is really possible."

Wu Tie whispered a few words. He pondered for a while and pulled a blade of grass into his mouth.

The entrance of the blade of grass became instant, and it turned into a hot, sap-like sap into the abdomen. Then a terrible heat flow rushed out. The skin of Wu Tie quickly became red, and the sweat on his forehead was immediately flowing.

With his mouth closed, Wu Tie put on a base-based shelf and struck it in one fell swoop.

The sweat is flowing and the sweat is constantly dripping on the ground.

The heat is rising, and the white mist lingers around the body.

The body scorpion is like madness, whistling out of the lower abdomen, madly swallowing the heat flow of lava grass, washing the body over and over again. Yuanxiao is growing rapidly, and in just a quarter of an hour, Yuanxiao has increased the total amount of 20% on the basis of the original.

The whole body is severely painful, and then it is continuously calmed down by the heat flow.

Building a foundation to break through the water, Wu Tie will break through the foundation to break into the thousand and fifteen-fifth style, and then break through to the thousand and sixteen...

The whole body's bones are densely squeaky like a fried bean, and the whole body muscles are creeping.

The total amount of Lantern Festival continues to increase, and the repair of Wutie is also rapidly improving.

In the big stone city, Shi Meng sits in a hall and flips through the thick animal skin booklet, and there is a glimmer of light in the curtain.

"If you want to sell your life, you have to feed it.... Don't pay attention to the conditions that the second child promised... In short, their meat and meat, if they need it, including women, open the supply."

"I have to let everyone in the stone family see it clearly... follow me, have meat!"