MTL - Chronicles of Heaven-Chapter 64 Human feelings

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It is said that the Shi family has a giant blood.

Wu Tie believes.

On the road ahead, a sturdy man nearly three meters tall stood proudly, carrying his hands and disdainfully looking at Wu Tie and his party.

The man is burly, the clothes are tightly stretched, and the majestic muscles are unobstructed.

His breath is even more terrible, hard and heavy, just like a big mountain standing in front of him, giving people an indestructible feeling.

Behind the man, standing on the left and right, stood two stone giants with a height of ten meters and gray skin.

The two stone giants wore a skirt made of nails around their waists, with thick leggings on their legs, heavy metal boots on their feet, and the upper half of the body, just like the witch iron, wearing a protective mirror. .

They held a tower shield that was almost as tall as the body in their left hand, and a heavy axe with one hand and a heavy axe in the right hand. The breath was as hard and heavy as the man.

Compared with the stone giants that Wu Tie has seen and the fog knives, the wild spirits of these two stone giants are more intense, and the strength seems to be stronger.

Especially when they blinked their eyes, the gray-white scorpion was so brilliant that it gave people a very terrible heavy pressure. These two big guys should activate the blood and the same power as the iron eighty-eight, or they have the same inheritance as the black skin.

The stone was carefully placed in front of the man. He was round and touted. He was only one meter seven or eight in height. He was as weak and pitiful as a child in front of a man.

He accompanied the laughter and made a difficult bow to the man: "Six Ye, this is the second man..."

The man slaps on the head of Shi Quan, and the fingers are gently twirling. The stone is turned like a ball. A heavy force wrapped the body of Shi Quan, forcing him to spin involuntarily.

Shi Quan exclaimed, and the rapid rotation made him open his mouth, his tongue spit out for an inch, and a saliva sprayed out along the tip of his tongue.

"The second brother recruited ... just like you are all stone, it is waste." While teasing Shi Quan, the man smiled: "However, waste is always useful, um... my stone family's rice, can Not so easy to eat in your mouth."

The man grinned, his fingers stopped, and his feet were on the stone belly.

Shi Quan screamed, like a ball spinning rapidly, the '咕噜噜' ran down the flat street paved with boulder and slammed into the wall of a small building dozens of meters away. Come down.

Wu Tie and others did not say anything.

They have no friendship with Shi Quan, and this seems to be a struggle within the Shi family.

When they first arrived, no one would offend Shijia people for a person who did not have a friendship.

The man walked slowly to the carriage of Wu Tie and others, and several Shi family members who were in charge of the car had bowed their heads and quietly retreated to the side.

"I am Shi Meng, I am ranked sixth in the generation of Shijia." Shi Meng stretched out his thumb and compared it to his own nose: "Second brother Shi Fei... Hey, I always suggested that he change his name to Shifei. He is really fat enough..."

"Remember, I am Shijia Liuye, Shi Meng. Shi Fei is responsible for running outside. To put it bluntly, it is a errand."

"And I am fierce, Shijia has 40% of the soldiers, listen to my orders." Shi Meng proudly embraced his chest, and looked at the height of the heights overlooking Wu Tie and others: "especially, the giant tribes with the family Only recognize me alone."

"Why? Because of the generation of Shijia, only I have revived the blood of the ancestors of the ancestors." Shi Meng said: "So, the Giants and I are self-family, so they only recognize me, Shijia Giants, only listen to my orders."

The two stone giants smiled low and licked their teeth to Wu Tie and others, and then made a loud roar at the same time.

The stone giant's lungs are extremely large, and a gust of wind slams, blowing the black skin and the long hair of the one-eyed child.

"Since you have been recruited, it is a bit of power... In the future, listening to me, there are benefits for you." Shi Meng reached out and pointed at the nose of Wu Tie and others. His fingers touched and seemed to use This way, keep their looks in mind.

"Remember, in the future, listen to me...the orders of others, you are not allowed to obey, you can only listen to me." Shi Meng grinned: "Listen to me, it is good, for example... I will reward you today. Good wine and good meat..."

"You haven't eaten well in your wilderness in this wilderness. Have you had a good drink?"

Shi Quan stood up from the ground with difficulty. He had a big **** blood on his head, and his eyes were smashed with flesh and blood. He looked at this side with an angry look, but he did not dare to come over.

Wu Tie and others did not react. Shi Meng brought a group of people. They arranged Wu Tie and others to live in Dashicheng.

They all have their own subordinates and ethnic groups. They were arranged to live in a large courtyard.

Wu Tie is a loner, so he got a small courtyard with a single family and arranged several rock gnomes to serve him.

Shi Meng fulfilled his promise. After Wu Tie and others were stationed, they really sent them an extremely luscious banquet. There are barbecues, dried meats, smoked mushrooms, and salad salads.

What's amazing is that Shi Meng actually sent people a cheese and butter!

That is, Wu Tie has the knowledge of the old iron heritage, and has corresponding knowledge in the shallow memory, he recognizes cheese and butter!

And the black skin is also good, the iron eighty-eight, or even the oldest and most widely-known one-eyed children, where have they seen such things?

In addition, Shi Mengguo really sent them spirits.

In the fields outside Dashicheng, Wu Tie saw corn and several other food crops.

Shijia has enough fields to grow food, so they must have enough grain to make wine.

Unlike the bad wine brewed by the roots of the starchy roots of the witch family, Shijia’s grain wine is mellow and mellow, without any odor.

Wu Tie's inexplicable likes this magical liquid, especially the slight feeling of drinking after drinking, this temporary forgotten feeling of pain, let him inexplicably like the 'wine'!

"It's really good." Lifting the two-pound small jar, Wu Tie shook the wine jar hard and poured the last few drops into the mouth.

A white shadow smashed in, and Wu Tie and other people who were recruited at the same time were sneaked into the courtyard of Wu Tie.

"Old white?" Wu Tie put down the wine jar, grabbed the last bacon, and quickly put it in his mouth.

The reputation of these rats is not so good.

Wu Tie still remembers that when he was young, there were a group of wandering wild rats passing by the Wujia Stone Fort. The food in their witch house was inexplicably less than half.

He chewed the dried meat vigorously and stared at the old white.

The old white smoked his nose and glanced at the wriggling mouth of the witch iron. Then he spread his hands and sighed: "It’s so stingy, when the guests come to the door, are you a little entertained?"

"I am also poor myself... Where is there something to entertain you?" Wu Tie was vaguely screaming.

"Okay, okay, you have a reason." Laobai walked in front of Wu Tie, grabbed the empty wine jar, put out his tongue, and pushed into the mouth of the wine, and slammed the wine in the jar. Stains.

After working hard for a long time, Laobai will clean up the wine jar near the mouth, and then put down the jar, laughing and sitting in front of the witch iron.

"Which, there is a message..." Lao Bai smiled at Wu Tie.

"I am poor, I have no money to buy your news..." Wu Tie patted the linen gown on his body. This linen was still donated by Shi Erye, and Shi Erye gave it. Otherwise, Wu Tie is really a yarn.

The old white face was pumping, the smile stiffened, and then he laughed again.

"Any, first owe, you owe me a favor, can you?" Laobai smiled and looked at Wutie.

"You have just come to Dashicheng, can you have any news?" Wu Tie looked at the old white with his head.

"The world of rats is a family... The Shijia family also raised a group of rats and scouts. I have just met with their leaders. We are still relatives..." Laobai smiled very brightly.

Wu Tie is speechless.

The breeding speed of the rats is extremely terrible. As long as there is enough food, they can almost multiply on the order of geometric order.

And they are naturally arrogant and prosperous.

Really speaking... 'The world is a family,' is really a bit of a truth. If you are willing to go close, they can always find a few rare blood relationships, saying that they are relatives.

"What did he say to you?" Wu Tie looked at the old white.

It must be acknowledged that the news of the rats is extremely sensitive. They have magical talents and can always collect messages at the fastest speed and spread the news with the fastest efficiency.

Whether it is a rat who is supported by large and small forces, or a rat who is swaying in the wild, there are always numerous channels to exchange information between them.

This is almost a kind of natural awakening of their blood.

Lao Bai smiled at Wu Tie, and both hands flicked his fingers.

"I owe you a favor." Wu Tie looked helplessly at Laobai: "Or, when I make money, I am willing to pay a reasonable fee... Shi Erye said, we have a salary."

"Shi Erye now speaks no matter what, Shi Liuye...the status in Shijia is higher." Laobai quickly corrected the words of Wu Tie: "I don't have any friendship with Shi Erye anyway? Who gives money, to whom? Is life selling not?"

Wu Tiezhen looked at the old white, this guy with no bottom line and no fucking.

After hesitating for a while, Wu Tie nodded.

Anyway, he joined the Shijia, just for the cultivation resources that Shijia can provide. As for the other... Laobai’s words are a bit shameless, but it is true that there is not much friendship between Wu Tie and Shi Erye.

“Do you know why Shijia suddenly recruited people? Even the wild rock gnomes have been collected?”

The old white squinted at Wu Tie: "The longevity teaches to enter the Cangyan domain, the fog knife is the first unlucky... Although the specific process has not been explored, it can be confirmed that the fog knife always shuns, other high-rises The dead and wounded, the first knife of the fog knife with a group of high-level, has already invested in the longevity teaching..."

Hesitated for a while, Lao Bai Shen said: "My relative said that in fact, the first knife of the fog knife, he was already a longevity teacher many years ago... So this time, the fog knife lost very much. awful."

"The fog knife group kills the embryos, but they are the strongest group of killing embryos in the Cangyan field."

"They are relying on the longevity teaching. They are the local snakes in the Cangyan domain. What are the good things in the Cangyan domain? What are the good treasures? They are all clear...have the fog knife and the relatives of my family? Their news, too Very sensitive."

Wu Tie slammed his mouth... The fog knife certainly has its own intelligence system, and it is estimated that it is also a rat...

‘The Rat of the World is a Family’... This is listening, how do you want to laugh?

"The longevity teaches this time, I don't want to leave." Laobai long sighed: "Listen to several relatives in my family, said Jia Zhengfeng, the deputy teacher of Changsheng, has asked the three families..."

"The eight caves in the Cangyan area are half the length of the longevity."

"And Lujia, Yanjia, Shijia, all their annual income must pay half of Changsheng."

"The warriors of the three major families must also choose half of the elite, dedicated to the longevity teaching for them to drive."

"The most terrible thing is that the longevity teaches that all young people of the three major families must join the longevity."

Wu Tieyan’s eyes wide open, and he looked at Laobai incredulously: “They are too greedy?”

Laobai took a slap and slammed hard. "Isn't it? It's too greedy... If it's just like a fog knife, every year from the three big families, get some oil and water, how good is everyone?"

"But the longevity teaching is different. This is to swallow half of the Cangyan domain."

"Especially, the young people of the three major families have joined the longevity teaching... I don't say how bad the reputation of the longevity religion is. Look at the female apprentices they teach, one by one."

Laobai said with a subtle smile, whispered: "If you don't get it, when you go in, you will still be a big niece. When you come out, you will have a baby... This kind of thing, who wants?"

"The little girls are not happy, those male dolls... If they have become faithful disciples of the longevity, will there be three big families in the future?"

Wu Tie looked at Laobai and asked him seriously: "So, is this going to prepare for the war?"

Laobai looked at Wutie. After a while, he sighed heavily: "When the war... The three big families are reluctant to use their own elites to fight directly. We are... they bought it hard. scapegoat."

Shaking his head, Laobai looked at Wu Tie and smiled: "I am old, but there is still some eyesight... Little iron is deacon, you are not simple... So, please take care of it, take care of it... You owe me a favor. ,remember?"

Wu Tie grabbed his head and nodded thoughtfully.

"The three big families have to fight with the longevity teaching..."

"Very good, old white... rest assured, as long as I can take care of it, I will definitely take care of you."

Wu Tie smiled very brightly: "The Rat is a family. In the future, I still have a lot of things to bother you."