MTL - Chronicles of Heaven-Chapter 26 Broken bone

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Basin, big river.

The current in the river water flashed rapidly, and a power of nearly 30 meters in length was madly releasing current. A giant hippo in the shoal of the river made a sorrowful sorrow and twitched and fell in the river.

Two black shuttle-shaped objects were blocked by the bones of the dead beast, and they slanted and stopped on the river beach.

In the distant stone crevices, the waterfalls rushed down, and there seemed to be foreign bodies in the dense water mist.

After about a quarter of an hour, in the section of the river where Shi Lingqing, Luo Lin and others landed, a large, black-headed, one-horned big fish rushed out.

The big fish is full of black smoke, and the huge fisheye ash is full of dead air, and the action is stiff and abnormal. It opened his mouth violently, and several figures rushed out of the fish mouth. One of them grabbed the backhand, and the big fish with a length of more than ten meters slammed down, turning into a black light that fell into his palm.

Wearing black tight-fitting leather, the head also has a fully enclosed headgear, a straight knife in the back, and a leather pocket around the waist. These people are dressed in the same way as Luo Lin.

Just compared with Luo Lin and others, the seven people who rushed out of the big fish mouth were many times stronger. After they appeared, the inexplicable chills and suffocating envelopes swept around, and the electric power that is fully outputting currents instinctively converges. The breath, quickly sinking into the deep river bottom dodge.

The place where the pedestrians rushed out of the big fish mouth was more than 20 miles away from the river bank. They just glided over the river surface and slid across the river, and easily fell to the river bank.

One of them swayed, and took a few faint afterimages to fly into a fern forest dozens of meters away. After searching for a while, he cut a small branch from the fern forest and returned.

Brought back with it, there is also a palm-sized iron plate with a **** straight knife on the top with a fine blood color. From time to time, the iron plate swayed gently, constantly spreading out the slight fluctuations.

"Nine the secret letter left by the nails." Both hands adorned the dozens of weird lines, and the man dedicated the branches to a man in the middle of a burly body with a stronger breath than others.

Nine palms took over the branches, squinted carefully and looked at the lines left on the branches, and shook his head and smiled: "A group of small scorpions who think they have hard wings... What does this mean? The rules of the fog knife are not I don't care? I voluntarily shot and timed out... oh!"

Nine palms said in a low voice: "It’s just a slap in the face, and it’s still not dry, muddy, and letting a little girl escape.... If it’s passed out, what about the other altars of the fog knife? Look at me?"

"When I am in this order, is it a display?" The black gas rushed from the fingertips of the nine palms and quickly wrapped around the delicate branches.

The branches shrink and dry, and the breath turns into a little black ash.

A group of people did not say a word to the afterimage, and then integrated into the wind.

After a while, it took about two quarters of an hour, and a black shadow flashed through the waterfall in the cracks. Not long after, a smog of blood on the river surface rose.

The river turned over, and a black wooden boat with a length of 20 meters came out. The wooden boat was carrying a mast of more than ten meters high. The black sails were written with **** fluorescent paint and two large letters of blood were written. — 'Longevity'!

An old woman wearing a **** robes, a child's face and a blushing light, and a smooth and smooth skin like a child, stood on the bow of the boat. She looked around and looked around for a while, and smiled happily.

"Ling Qing, this girl, found a good place. This secret is enough to build a secret hall, good, good, good." The old woman suddenly giggled: "I have to look, dare to I have a long history of teaching the temple, what kind of heroes are a group of heroes."

The old woman stood behind a dozen young men and women.

Both men and women wear black robes and a **** belt around their waists. And the handsome man is handsome, the woman is beautiful and beautiful, and the spirits are all very rich, far more powerful than normal people.

The feelings of these young people are like a bean sprouts that is over-fertilized, and the vitality is so full that it will spew out from the body.

After listening to the old woman, these young people laughed at the same time.

The old woman also laughed and laughed, and the dark wooden boat left the water and flew to the shore with a gust of wind. Searching around the nearby area for a while, the old woman pointed her hand, and a piece of mud on the ground split, and a small bead that was flashing with faint blood flew off the ground and fell into the hands of the old woman.

The old woman swallowed the small beads, and an abnormal blood tumbling on her face, she suddenly laughed a few times.

"Hey, it’s the group of killing embryos that like the knives behind them... Linger is just killing a little girl who is destined to be short-lived. As for such a big move?" The old woman smiled very slyly: "Poorly seeing Lingqing is also... hardworking and hardworking for my longevity, and being annihilated, this is to provoke my longevity teaching..."

The **** sails of the wooden boat were windless and automatic, and there was a loud noise from the ‘哗啦啦’. The wooden boat took a madness and quickly flew in the direction of the big pit in the distance.

Looking at this speed, the wooden boat can be much faster than the one who ordered the party.

In all directions, there are clusters of high and low, and these clusters emit a strange atmosphere, which makes Wu Tie feel very uncomfortable. This feeling is like throwing people into the water or catching the fish on the shore.

These clusters control this huge cave. Under their influence, the environment in this cave does not seem to be suitable for human survival.

Standing at the entrance to the grotto, after coming to the hero of the cow, the temperature here became extremely high, the humidity became extremely great, and Wu Tie felt that his body was heavier than ten times, and the air gave him the pole. Great pressure.

High temperature, high pressure, high gravity, and it seems that oxygen is still missing.

Witch iron is not clear, so I look around, I don't understand the distance of just a few tens of miles, how can the environment here become like this.

The old iron stood at the foot of the bull hero. He looked up and stared at the bull hero for a while, swearing a few words, bypassing the huge body of the cow hero and walking to the building site behind the cow hero.

"Do you know the origin of the title of "Heavenly Holy Day"?" The old iron walked and asked Wu Xing who was with him.

Wu Tie looked at the old iron and shook his head.

"So, read more. Pingtian Dasheng Niu Devil... That's a mythical legend." Lao Tie walked and said: "The cow hero, this guy, probably not yet the power of the devil, is hard. Give yourself such a nickname..."

Wu Tie stunned, he subconsciously looked back at the victorious body of the hero of the cow up to a kilometer.

In this way, is there still the ability of the ‘牛魔王’? How powerful is that demon king deity?

"Hey, who is the demon king?" Wu Tie asked the old iron very seriously.

"When grandfather is free, and I am in a good mood, I will tell you again." The old iron lifted the appetite of Wu Tie, but he was very irresponsible to open the question: "However, this is a very interesting story. , related to a monkey."

Wu Tie hates tooth itch, monkey? What is a monkey? He has never seen a monkey... How is this story related to monkeys?

He and the old iron walked into the ruined architectural ruins, and the ruins were broken and dying, but through the remaining architectural details, Wu Tie could imagine the exquisiteness and grandeur of this building.

Very weird, this piece of a hundred miles of grottoes is ruled by numerous clusters of large and small, only the ruins of this building are clean and without any traces of crystals.

The ground is even more clean and the pieces of blue bricks are neatly laid out.

Along the green paved road, I walked forward for a while, and there was a large pond with a radius of 100 meters in front.

There is still a pool of clear water in the pond, and there are several large leaves without wind and automatic, and several long flower stems provoke a few white flowers of the size of the basin. A touch of fragrant scent, this is the smell that Wu Tie has never smelled.

Whether it is the common mushroom of witch iron since childhood, or the luminous vine, they have no aroma.

This fragrance is so refreshing that the whole of the witch iron is in the same place.

An unprecedented kind of beautiful touched inexplicable attack, he stared at the flowers, those leaves, this is not the beauty of this dark world.

"What do you want to do? A few worthless lotus flowers." The old iron-clad words quickly broke the feelings of Wu Tie: "This kind of bad street stuff... is not a rare species, what is so good?"

Wu Tie opened his mouth and stared at the old iron with anger.

He seems to suddenly understand some of the anger of the gray master.

Bypassing the pond, walking through a short blue brick road and walking a few steps, is to preserve the roughly intact hall.

The red walls, the red pillars, the golden tiles shimmered with faint light, and the entire hall was surrounded by a faint white light. The size of the hall is not too big, and there is a smell of simplicity, heavyness and peace of mind.

In the ear, it seems that someone is singing something softly.

Far away, it seems that there is a bell ringing.

Solemn, solemn, with the ruins of the surrounding buildings, Wu Tie's inexplicable sorrow, two lines of tears inexplicably flowed out.

The old iron snorted, and he lifted his front paws and shot a paw on the closed temple door.

A soft bang, the temple door opened, the white light shrouded in the hall was like a bubble of soap, and it exploded into countless white spots.

A thick incense scent emerged from the open door, and the hall was brightly lit. Several large lanterns on the large lampstands of Jin Yicai swayed with hundreds of arms and thick lights, and the whole hall was as bright as white.

The hall is facing the back of the table for the gate. The faint light and shadow of the three groups blew open silently at the moment when the gate opened. Numerous gold powders were scattered and scattered. These extremely small gold powders fell on the ground and actually made a very bright one.叮 'Sound.

For the table, there are 18 futons on the ground of the main hall.

Each futon is facing the main entrance of the main hall.

At the same time, the three groups of light and shadow behind the table were shattered. Eighteen people also exploded, and the blood of the blood flew up, and then gently landed, and also issued a subtle 叮叮.

The flesh of these figures exploded, leaving eighteen golden skeletons on the futon. They are still sitting cross-legged, with a faint skeletal texture similar to the lotus in the pond outside.

The golden bones are slick, and there is no flesh and blood, but they are not obvious. Instead, there is a kind of peaceful meaning.

After countless golden and blood-colored spots landed, they listened to the sound of ‘咔咔’, and the eighteen golden skeletons split a pattern of different thicknesses at the same time. There are cracks on each skeleton and each bone. There are several skeletons that are densely cracked, and the whole body is broken into smaller pieces than the soybean beans.

The bones are broken like this, and there is still a flexible force wrapped around these skeletons to keep them intact.

Wu Tie looked at the scene in the hall with horror.

The moment when the three groups of bleak light and shadow burst, Wu Tie saw that it was three statues with several meters high. The singularly shaped statues are dignified and gentle, with an inexplicable warmth and breath.

And the eighteen figures, before the flesh and blood burst disappeared, Wu Tie also saw their faces.

Their expressions are almost identical to those of the three statues, dignified, gentle, and full of warmth and kindness.

"Old iron, who are they? And, the three guys in the light... big guy?" Wu Tie patted the old iron's hind legs.

"A group of people kept their voices neutral... but they couldn't help but intervene." Lao Tie's tone is very complicated: "They have our allies, but there are also some, which are very bad for us."

"However, these things are too far away from you... Little guy, the rookie is not qualified to know too much." The old iron snorted, his eyes suddenly spewed out two blood, shrouded in eightteen sittings. One thing in the middle of the golden skeleton.

It is a lotus flower with a diameter of more than one meter and a golden body.

The golden lotus is also full of cracks, and a trace of golden light and light constantly rushes out of the petals, barely forming a faint light curtain on the lotus.

In the middle of the light curtain, a piece of thumb-sized gray flutter is floating.

The edges of the bones are rugged and rough, and they look like a small piece of broken bone that has been removed from a bone with violence.

The old iron's body was violently stunned. His huge eyes slammed out from the deep eyelids for three inches: "This... Yang Hao, the cow hero, and the roaring dog. Dog stuff, they... here, for this?"

"This, this..." The old iron jerked his head up and looked at the position where the light and shadow of the statue of the three groups exploded.

"Oh, oh, huh..." The old iron smiled a few times, and then he suddenly stood up. The two front paws caught the witch iron and then slammed the golden lotus flower over. .

The tight-fitting armor fell off from the witch iron like a running water. Wu Tie smashed a very light golden light curtain. His forehead slammed into the gray broken bone suspended in the air. The broken bone cut open his forehead skin. Tightly adsorbed on his wound.

The blood is squirming and is used rapidly toward the wound.

The broken bones are like vampires. The crazy extraction of the witch iron is bloody, the witch iron is violently twitching, and the heavy fall falls to the ground and makes a painful roar.

Half of the blood was sucked in between the fingers, and the front of the witch was black, and almost did not faint.

Broken bones seem to be full of blood, it flies up, the body emits a faint blood, hovering around the hall for a week, and slowly flew outside the hall.

The old iron's eyeballs once again found half a foot long: "When you are full, go away? Bastard... Still face?"

There was a heavy footstep outside the hall, and a low voice came: "The ancient treasure? This baby, I am all owned by the fog knife."