MTL - Chronicles of Heaven-Chapter 25 Pingtian

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On the rock wall of the ramp, the thick moss radiates a faint glow, and the glory is enough for the witch to see everything around him.

Moving forward seven or eight miles, the ramp continued to extend downward.

The **** smell on the front became more and more intense, and Wu Tie and Lao Tie suddenly stopped. In front of them, a cattle warrior leaned against a large stone, and it was cold and cold.

The bones of the cattle warriors are densely covered with deep bone wounds. The dark skin color has become pale, and the blood in his body is almost shed. Within a hundred meters of the nearby area, there are dripping blood everywhere on the ground.

The wheel was axe and the axe was broken. He had a handle that was more than a meter long in his left hand and a broken axe in his right hand. There are deep traces left on the surrounding rock wall, and Wu Tie can imagine the appearance of his roaring weapons.

A straight knife with a broken handle was deeply immersed in the back of the cattle warrior, apparently this shot eventually killed him.

"The cattle family is the most loyal and reliable fighter." Wu Tie went to the front of the cattle warrior and reached for his roaring eyes, helping him close his eyes. Looking at the dead cattle warrior, he inexplicably remembered the savvy, straight, loyal and reliable big cattle guy.

"Old iron, you said... Luo Lin and Shi Lingqing, who are they right?" Wu Tie continued to run forward, running at full speed while asking the old iron.

With this small half-month effort, Wu Tie saw so many people die. In particular, the collusion between Shi Lingqing and Qiao is to subvert the cognition of Wu Tie too much. His young mind is a bit confused.

The old iron body is so heavy, but very strange, when he runs, it is silent, just like a ghost.

After a while, the old iron came back. The scorpion flashed with blood and asked Wu Xing: "Those who killed your father and your brother. If you retaliate against them, you and them, who is right and who is wrong. ?"

Wu iron was silent, and the rifle was subconsciously grasped.

"In this world, there is absolutely no right or wrong." After a while, the old iron was silent: "There is no difference in position, nothing is a dispute of interests... You told me that your family has also slaughtered. There are several neighboring small families... If they have survivors, come to you for revenge?"

Wu Tie opened his mouth.

"So, don't think about the correctness of these questions. If you think about it, you will be enchanted... Who are you? Are you a sage who is a natural and ethical person?" The old iron sneer smiled: "Even Is a saint, who has no selfishness?"

"No right or wrong, just follow your heart." The tone of the old iron became extremely strict: "It is the enemy, it must be destroyed... I believe that my grandfather, my words, can live to the present, my words always have some truth... at least It’s much more reasonable than the cranky thoughts of your little rookie!”

Witch iron sullenly heads and the old iron shoulders rushing forward.

Shi Lingqing and Luo Lin and others have entered the deepest part of the ramp, but this narrow and long ramp has excellent sound reinforcement, and their fighting voices and even faint anger are blowing out with the cold wind. Can be heard clearly.

Gradually, there was a swaying figure in front.

Wu Tie and the old iron quickly approached, and a fierce scene appeared in front of them.

Rollin’s left arm was blown up with the elbow joint, and the wound was obviously hit by a strong current, and the flesh was black.

Wu’s two thighs disappeared. Only one of his right arms was tied to the nail’s shoulder with a rope. He was carrying Wu’s boss and was walking hard around Luo Lin.

The right leg of the nail was swollen and the trouser legs were cracked. I didn’t know what was poisonous. His right leg became as thick as the waist of an ordinary person. The whole leg was dark and the skin was shiny and shiny. It will explode.

A trace of black blood oozes from the pores of the right leg of the nail and continually drops on the ground.

In front of them, Shi Lingqing and his party were also embarrassed.

Shi Lingqing's beautiful face has been ruined by half, and the three triangular nails are deeply tied to her left face. The triangular nails do not know what quirky things have been quenched. Her left face is gorgeous and dripping, and her face looks like she looks like Female ghost.

Her guards only have stone power left.

The entire left shoulder of Shidian disappeared, and the chest on the left side sagged down, and a piece of flesh and blood was blurred.

He followed suit with Shi Lingqing and clasped his wooden staff with his right hand. Every step, there was blood in his mouth.

Only by cleverness and cleanliness seems to have not suffered any harm. He followed Shi Lingqing's side, and the chain knife swayed gently, constantly making a subtle sound.

"Enough, Wu boss, the third child, and the nails... enough!" Qiao is shouting loudly: "I have so many people who died, do you really want to die together? The third child, for your sister, is for your sister." As for?"

Cleverly shouted: "We should talk about it, talk about it. It's not worth it, really... the third... Wu boss, and nails, really not worth it. How is it? Linger said, can give the old Three enough compensation."

‘呸’, Wu Lao Da, Luo Lin and the nail spit on the ground at the same time.

Wu Tie and the old iron ran over and quickly approached the two groups.

Wu Laoda, Luo Lin and the nail hurriedly turned sideways and stepped back a few tens of meters. Watching Wu Tie and the weird old iron.

When I saw Wu Tie, the faces of Luo Lin were slightly relaxed. However, they saw the old iron, and their bodies were tight at the same time. Obviously, they were full of wariness for the old iron of the human head.

Shi Lingqing is also awkward, she quickly glanced at the old iron, and then smiled like a flower... No, smile like a ghost waved to Wu iron: "The son...the son...and the son of the master is the master. Here is On the site of the son, they actually killed the guard of Lingqing!"

Luo Lin did not say anything, just watching Wu Tie and Lao Tie coldly.

Wu Tie clenched the rifle, he looked at Shi Lingqing, and then looked at Luo Lin and others. Although they did not witness the whole process of their conflict, he could imagine that during the time when he was screaming at the ancient **** barracks, the two sides fought bravely and brutally and brutally.

He suddenly smiled. He held the chain knife and carefully walked two steps to the witch iron side: "Dare to ask the son, is this?"

"I am your uncle!" The old iron scorpion's blood flickering, very unkind and stunned: "Grandson, don't put it close, you are the **** behind your brother's knife, put it at the time of Grandpa, you live But for a long time."

The clever face suddenly changed, and the cheeky white face violently twitched.

The front paws were very impatient and took a lot of pictures on the ground. The sound of '嘭' slammed a large pit on the ground, and the old iron said: "Grandpa, I have no time to take care of your group of guys. Enmity, let the road open, the front... seems to have something."

The old iron snorted and walked slowly toward the end of the ramp.

The cold wind is blowing from the end of the ramp. There are large pieces of luminous vines hanging from the top of the rock wall. The rock wall here is nearly a kilometer high. The green, blue and purple luminous vines hang down like a waterfall. Some vines are also filled with tiny flowers like a lamp.

The cold wind blew from behind the vine, and it blew a lot of vines and danced like a rolling waterfall.

In the old iron scorpion, a few tiny red light spurted out, and it was a sweep of the vines. Many countless vines fell and fell, revealing a huge hole with a length of hundreds of meters behind the vine.

A faint ray of light emerged from the mouth of the cave, illuminating the grotto in this square of the people.

The old iron walked to the hole without saying a word. Wu Tie followed the old iron and watched Shi Lingqing, Qiao and Shidian three.

Relatively speaking, Luo Lin three people also let him rest assured, but Shi Lingqing, who once made him feel very good, is now in his heart like the black widow spider, full of threats, and let him have a sense of disgust.

Both Shi Lingqing and Luo Lin did not say anything. They looked at the hole in the rock wall.

They hit the road all the way to death, no one has time to explore the environment here, no one thought that there is such a large cave on this rock wall.

"The son is coming for this cave?" Shi Lingqing smiled and spoke. It seemed that the screaming of the old iron was completely out of mind: "Can the son tell Lingqing, what is there?"

Wu Tie did not pay attention to her, the old iron will not ignore Shi Lingqing.

The two walked into the hole and turned two right-angle bends. After walking a few miles, the front suddenly turned bright.

This is a cave of a hundred miles, the light is amazing, the scenery is even more amazing.

The ground is flat, and it grows densely from a cluster of clusters with a few feet to a dozen meters. Red, purple, blue, green, yellow... colorful clusters radiate eye-catching light, and the air is inexplicable. Powerful.

The rock walls of the caves, as well as the domes of the caves, also grow a large number of crystal clear, colorful clusters. Numerous crystal clusters are put together, and some clusters are like long spear swords, which stretch straight out a hundred meters.

The blurred crystals come together, and the entire cave is bright enough to pierce people's eyes.

In this square, a few kilometers high in the middle of a cave, a sturdy figure stands tall. Even if it is dozens of miles away, Wu Tie still sees him at a glance.

This figure is about a thousand meters high, the whole body is exposed, the black hair is everywhere, and the muscular body is thick and strong. It is like a huge otter coiled around the body, full of suffocating power.

A few dozen miles apart, Wu Tie felt that this figure was like a mountain, and it was heavy in his heart, making it difficult for him to breathe.

The head of the bull, the human body, and the two curved horns on the huge bull's head are like two curved knives, as if to pierce the dome above.

He lifted his hands high as if holding a heavy object, as if he was resisting an attack from the sky.

Dozens of sprites pierced the spear hole in his body, and the spear was embedded in his body, shining with a dazzling light.

This figure is clearly the same as the familiar cattle warrior of Wu Tie, but the ordinary cattle warrior can only grow to more than two meters high, and he is not a few dozen miles away, he is not the big horn of the head, he The height is more than a kilometer.

The surging power rushed out of this horrible body, constantly swaying the air in the cave, turning into a cold wind.

"Who is he? How is it so huge?" Wu Tie stared at this huge, incredible figure: "What is he eating so long? He can eat all my family's harvest for a meal." What?"

The height of the kilometer is so huge.

After dying, I don’t know how many years, the body still continually exudes a huge tide of power, and the air is swelled into an endless cold wind. So amazing, so that Wu Tie only felt bursts of creeps.

Such a powerful and incredible existence was actually killed.

The killings on the spears of dozens of spar crystals are like the essence. They are still not allowed to look directly at the distance of dozens of miles.

"It's him." The old iron's voice became extremely weird.

"Since there is Xiao Xian Sheng Zhenjun Yang Lan, of course, there will be a great day... the hero of the cow." The old iron said: "This guy, self-proclaimed to be a unique hero since ancient times, simply put his own The name changed to a bull hero."

The old iron turned his head, and the blood in the throat suddenly turned bright. He looked at Wu Tie very deeply. "Small iron, don't be as shameless as the two of them. A direct plagiarism of someone else's name... No more."

The weird smile made three sounds, and the old iron murmured: "What about the heroes in the sky? Isn't it dead?"

The blood in the eyelids flashed rapidly, and the tone of the old iron became extremely urgent: "No, why did Yang Lan come here? How can the dog thing die here? The hero of the cow... I remember correctly, he should not Appeared here."

The old iron slammed his legs and rushed to the hero of Pingtian Dasheng, and shouted at the same time: "Little guy, keep up... pay attention to the two groups, who dare to come together... kill!"

The old iron's impression of Wu Tie has always been a little bit of old oil, but at this moment, the old iron's tone is full of Wu Tie's extremely strange decisive decisiveness, a kind of battlefield soldier who Wu Tie has never taught. The violent temper of the blood flow rushed to the surface, letting Wu Tie’s spirits fight a chill.

"Don't get close!" Wu Tie jerked back, and Shi Lingqing and Luo Lin, who followed them to them, warned: "Who dares to come, don't blame me!"

The long gun slammed a little at Shi Lingqing, and the Wu iron leaped and leaped. The invisible force field was fully launched, and the body flew out of the air, bringing a gust of wind to the old iron.

Shi Lingqing's eyes flickered, and the quick and clever eyes looked at each other.

The two nodded slightly and took a step toward the hero of the cow. Luo Lin, who was 100 meters away, had laughed out loudly: "Our things are not finished... Qiao, and Shi Lingqing, what do you want to do?"

Luo Lin held a straight knife and stepped closer to Shi Lingqing.

Shi Lingqing’s face slammed a bit, and he said in a low voice: “Idiot, Wu boss, third child, you haven’t figured it out yet? That guy, that big guy...he is probably the legendary ancient holy!”

"An ancient saint who has been dying for countless years and whose body is not rot... How much benefit can he have? Do you understand?" He whispered: "If we can..."

Luo Lin didn't say anything, and the straight knife brought up a fierce knife, and whistling to the waist.

Old iron and Wutie have come to the foot of the heroes of the cows. They also noticed that behind the heroes of the cows, surrounded by countless clusters, an architectural monument that was almost completely destroyed.

Among the buildings of the size of the land, only one of the main halls remains intact.

A layer of white light is faintly flashing outside the hall.

Look at the posture of the hero of the cow... He seems to be fighting against the attack from high altitude, and he is fully protecting the hall.