MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-Chapter 13 Silver Bullet and the Emperor on Harley

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After coming out of the equipment department base, Olivia reached an agreement with him. After he established his own workshop, he would try to cooperate for a while.

Afterwards, he went to the vice-principal to plead guilty, sent whiskey, roasted kidneys and a Western CD, and by the way, he licked a long-term trainee certificate from the equipment department. He didn't miss King Abdullah, the kind-hearted Deputy Director Karl, or the days of cooking with alchemy machines, he just craved the high-end facilities of the Equipment Department.

The laboratory he rented outside the school was 3,000 dollars a month, and the material and labor costs were calculated separately. The equipment department used things that had been eliminated for a few years.

In terms of making money, he signed a one-time buyout contract for the improved version of the Key of Wisdom, worth $150,000. The effect of this thing is not as good as permanent memory, and the upper limit of improvement is not high. As for the Tower of Spirituality and the Stone of Rebellion, he will only hold it in his own hands for a short time.

Of these two alchemy items, the former is a lower-level substitute for the precepts, and the latter can have a fatal impact on the night watchman's management in the school. He couldn't just sell the old cowboy just like that until he figured out the situation at the top of the school. At least in his opinion, the night watchman and the headmaster are much more credible than the school board.

Although the old **** stuffed him into the lunatic paradise, he has really gained a lot in the past month or so. Compared with his "refined glass", the equipment department's technology is a breakthrough in the combination of alchemy and modern weapons.

For example, the warhead of the storm torpedo, he really doesn't think how complicated alchemy technology is used, but that thing can be applied to a torpedo with a speed of 200 knots.

and many more......

The lawbreaker model is suitable for using metal as the carrier, and using cinnabar, blood or sterling silver as the inscription material. Why did he never think of it before...

Use bullets!

The large-caliber bullet of the alchemy revolver itself is shot at extremely close range, even if the engraving of the alchemy circuit will affect the accuracy of the head, it is not a big problem.

However, the surface area of ​​the bullet is too small, and the difficulty of inscription is not low, but the model of the magic breaker itself is not complicated, and it is completely possible to operate.

Luo Yin has an intuition that this special bullet will become a long-term product of his personal alchemy workshop.

In the days of burning liver, reading, hanging out, and spending money, time swayed to the end of August.

He made a few choices and parsed the third word spirit, the King's Attendant, an enhanced word spirit that was not considered high-level. He pretended that he happened to know the words of a certain student, and then in the name of research, he paid the other party to do experiments, collected some data and successfully analyzed it.

The Alchemy Bullet project, which he named "Silver Bullet", has only happened to succeed once or twice so far. Skilled mass production cannot be done, and further research is still underway.

Returning to the bedroom at night, Luo Yin collapsed on the bed. The bedroom is his only good kennel, no pressure, no explosion.

Ye Sheng wore a shiny black suit, carefully arranged his hair and tie, and pretended to wear an exquisite mechanical watch in his right hand.

This guy is really a handsome man. In this dress, 120% is going out on a date with Aki.

Luo Yin quietly opened his mirror pupils. He found that Ye Sheng's hands were full of sweat, the air was full of nervous pheromones, and his legs were shaking a little from time to time, but he pretended to be calm on the surface.

They are both husband and wife, as for what?

Luo Yin suddenly caught sight of Ye Sheng's suit pocket out of the corner of his eye, ah, what did he see? !

It was a small blue square box, a jewelry box.

"So fast?"

"Why so fast? Junior brother, what are you talking about..."

"The legal age of marriage in Illinois is only 18 years old. You are not illegal..."

Ye Sheng: "Is it so obvious? I haven't told Yaji yet.

If successful, the senior may invite the principal of Angers to be our witness. "

"Senior brother, your hands are shaking like a Parkinson's..."

Ye Sheng: ......

"Let me calm down."

After a few minutes.

"Luo Yin, do I look nervous?"

Looking at the bead of sweat on Ye Sheng's forehead, Luo Yin said, "Senior brother, you seem to be in good shape, very handsome."

"That's good."

"wish all the best."

Luo Yin looked at the ceiling of the bedroom, feeling a little melancholy for a while. Brother, you have gained happiness, but I have not only gained money, but also knowledge.

Around nine o'clock, Ye Sheng posted a photo.

The girl's white, slender left hand wears a silver diamond ring on her ring finger. In the reflection of the glass is the girl's dimple, and outside the window are the stars and the moon.

Single dog, single dog, buckle 99 with hot tears.


In Kassel in early September, yawning Luo Yin sat on the steps of Valhalla, watching the people coming and going at the school gate. Obviously, everyone came in through the main entrance by train, without creativity.

Let me keep your words healthy...

The bloodline is Kolo, the bloodline is Kolo, the bloodline... This Po Yanling was renamed kokodayo.

Yin Liu, Tian Yan, Dong, Chi Ri... these things are not good, I need the words of a man like Jun Yan!

Luo Yin felt that she was not affected by the equipment department at all, and it was human nature to like explosions.

Just as he was looking at his future classmates and was bored, there was a huge roar of engines in the air not far away.

A huge black transport helicopter, like a steel monster, landed in the open space outside the school.

The shiny Harley-Davidson fell from the helicopter, roaring like a lion on the grassland, raising a trail of smoke and dust.

A young Italian man, with sun-like blond hair and sea-colored pupils, his shirt was unbuttoned to reveal his strong muscles.

[Caesar Gattuso

Bloodline: A

Attribute: Wind

Word Spirit: Scythe

Word Spirit Effect: Turn the weather into a wind demon and itachi, and collect large-scale sound information. The smaller the domain, the more detailed the information.

Alchemy Item: Diktor (Alchemy Sword)]

This is a good word spirit, and it is very effective in reconnaissance and combat.

Caesar rode a motorcycle to accelerate all the way, holding an A-level student ID card, his golden pupils lit up like two gas lamps, and jumped past the school gate.

The rubber tires screeched harshly against the ground, and the big toy stopped in front of the big fountain in the center.

The arrogant noble boy raised his head and whistled, his icy eyes swept across his territory.

"VENIVIDIVICI (I come, I see, I conquer)."

It's really a middle schooler and a stinky fart. But Luo Yinde admitted that the other party did have some kind of legendary "domineering spirit".

He looked like Caesar, a mighty, mighty emperor like Alexander.

Oh, his name is Caesar, that's fine.

At the same time that Caesar made his debut, Fingal, the paparazzi king, held up the camera to take pictures and video, and he was amazed.

"Senior Brother Fen, who is this stupid slut?"

"Caesar Gattuso. Gattuso is an old-fashioned mixed-race family, and Europe has both black and white. Even in the school board, he is firmly in the top three.

This **** is the proudest heir of the Gattuso family, UU reading www.uukanshu. com their future emperor. "

Fingal made no secret of his admiration for big dog owners.

"I don't know what you think, junior brother, but I'm ready to kneel and lick. The Gattuso family's annual net funding for the school is hundreds of millions of dollars, and just throwing money at it can kill the next generation.

In the afternoon, I have to lick a report quickly, should I choose an Italian nobleman, or an emperor riding a Harley..."

Luo Yin pressed Fingal's shoulder and said solemnly, "Brother, take me with you how you want to lick it."

Fingel: ?


While most of the freshmen were busy getting familiar with the campus, Luo Yin continued to bury himself in the studio.

Carving bullets day and night, adjusting the ratio of circuit fillers, and the discarded bullets piled up into a hill.


[Level 1 alchemy item

Silver Bullet

Effect: Create a small-scale elemental turbulence, temporarily destroying spiritual fields such as Word Spirit and Alchemy from the inside

Inspiration method: After being released from the chamber, he will be subjected to severe physical shocks in the spiritual realm.

Remarks: A mature level 1 alchemy item]

Above the brass warhead, there are alchemy circuits with beautiful shapes and wanton twists and spreads. It is filled with Luo Yin's special material, mixed with cinnabar, silver powder and a small amount of blood, the black and silver inscriptions are strange and magnificent.

This is another landmark work after his permanent memory, which can be directly applied to the killer in the dragon slaying battlefield.

The silver bullet needs to be equipped with a special clip, which is stimulated by a super-caliber alchemy revolver, which is very suitable for the killers of the executive department.

And this time, he is ready to start his own business.