MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 21 Yao Jialong

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"It was these dry things in the morning, and a piece of bread was expired!" Yao Jialong frowned and complained. After three or two sips, he went to see Nie Yi and others to kill the zombies. +++ Cardino read +++

Xu Nan's wife glanced at him, leaning on his daughter's hand.

This Yao Jialong is the man who was obviously tall and tall, but asked his parents to kill the zombies, but he was hiding in his family.

Yao ’s father has four brothers in this generation. As a result, all of his life except his father are daughters. Yao ’s grandparents are very patriarchal. Therefore, Yao Jialong was loved from a young age. No matter what he wanted to do, he did not leave him alone. He was even reluctant to let him do some work.

Yao Jialong did not continue his studies after graduating from secondary school. At the beginning, he went to find a few jobs, but later felt that the work was very hard, depending on the face of the people and not making any money, so he just stayed at home and stayed at home with his parents. Already.

Both Yao's father and Yao's mother loved his son. If he didn't go to work, he would say a few words at most, but he was reluctant to make him hungry, and even he was reluctant to let him do it once.

After retiring, in order to make more money, Mother Yao went to work in a small factory to cook. She cooked food for the workers in that factory and immediately rushed home to cook for her son. Enter the room so that your son can eat while playing with the computer.

Yao Jialong is worthless, but Yao's father and mother, Yao, think he's fine. Some prodigals gamble for money and drink, and lose all their money at home. Their bad things like family dragons are nothing. They do n’t spend a penny every day playing games at home. Hundred dollars!

In short, Yao ’s father, Yao ’s mother, felt that his son was all right. He even felt that his 27-year-old son was still young. Many things could n’t be done. Naturally, he would n’t let Yao Jialong kill the zombies. Life for his son.

"Some food is fine," said an old man who wasn't used to Yao Jialong and gave Yao Jialong a glance. "How do you eat so much? Your parents?"

"My parents have a small appetite." Yao Jialong snorted. His parents were too old to kill the zombies, and they were given less food. Now half of the food they have got is already in him. Belly.

In fact, he felt a little bit guilty about his parents, but thought that his parents also said that their yearbooks were too big to eat too much, and he felt at ease.

"What a crime!" The old man said again, but didn't say much. Yao Jialong would be nothing more than his parents' pets. He really wanted to say that Yao Jialong was not filial or something. Maybe Yao Jialong's parents would abandon him. Goofy.

The old man sighed, but Yao Jialong couldn't bear this, and almost jumped up: "What's your matter? There are more people than me, why can't I see you to take care of others?" He said this At that time, he pointed to Qi Jingchen who was not far away and was held in his arms by Nie Yi.

Yao Jialong is not stubborn, but he really has to compare with Qi Jingchen ... that is a master who often does not want to walk!

The old man heard Yao Jialong's words and sighed. Although Qi Jingchen's style was not suitable, but there was a strong person who would like to pet it, at least not let others feed him with hunger.

Parents obviously do n’t have much money. When their children want to get money from them, it ’s called grandma. If parents have a lot of money and are willing to spend some money on their children, they ca n’t be called “mao”.

Nie Yi is very powerful. He does n’t affect Qi Jingchen this or that. It ’s better than Yao Jialong making his parents hungry.

The old man thought very transparently, but didn't want to argue with Yao Jialong, so he stopped talking, and Yao Jialong was proud of himself, but he was proud of it for a while. After seeing Qi Jingchen who had never had his feet on the ground, he was not flat again .

None of Nie Yi's group is a good thing!

The female soil-powered person beats someone by virtue of her ability. She is definitely a dark old virgin. That Nie Yi bullies people with the power and occupies the best room. Sooner or later she will be finished. !!

Yao Jialong thought that these people were partial to those children, gave them more milk, and Qi Jingchen could eat this and that, but they could only get things like expired bread and so on. The more they got angry, they vowed to wait for their own development. Be sure to make these people look good.

Shao Zhenglan didn't know that her countless Bai Fumei, who was a pursuer before the end of the world, had been secretly regarded as an "old dark virgin in the heart". She saw that the zombies had almost killed, and her power had been used up. , Began to tell these families to pack things.

She also saw that Yao Jialong ate more than half of the food that her parents shared. She thought of other family members who could not eat rations because they could n’t participate in the war. He wasted a lot of food because he was too big, and he hated, "Your parents Do n’t you have two bags? Why do n’t you know how to carry them? ”

"My mother said she carried her back." Yao Jialong said, he didn't care about the various things that the mother packed.

"Your mother said it, you really have a face for her backpack!" Shao Zhenglan had just fought, and his feet were inevitably dirty, but he didn't kick Yao Jialong with his feet, but he pulled out the electricity in his waist. Stick, not open, just hit Yao Jialong twice.

She didn't intend to hurt Yao Jialong. It was not a serious warning, but she also beat Yao Jialong honestly. After fangs grinning, Yao Jialong went to carry that backpack.

"Miss Shao's temper is not very good, you don't care too much." The zombies were almost killed, and Yan Zhe returned, helping Yao Jialong pack up when he entered the room.

"This kind of woman must not be able to marry a pervert!" Yao Jialong said.

Although Yan Zhe was also very dissatisfied with Nie Yi and his party recently, when he heard Yao Jialong's words, he was still a little speechless. He insincerely echoed two sentences and packed his package by the way.

Yao Jialong mumbled while carrying his backpack, and suddenly saw a vacuum-packed brown egg on the ground.

Yao Jialong is a meat-loving person. In the past two days, he could only eat biscuit bread. The bird faded out of his mouth. When he saw this brine egg, no matter who dropped it, he opened it and ate it in his stomach. , I feel incredibly powerful.

At this time, all the zombies outside had been packed, and everyone decided to leave.

Nie Yi's truck was out of glass yesterday. He found two pieces of glass from other places, and then took some metal to fix the two pieces of glass with a fire-type power. There was some protection.

He still put Qi Jingchen in the co-pilot position, and then drove the road ahead.

The safety zone of city b has been doing propaganda these days. People who have a radio nearby can receive some of their news. They even found someone to drive a helicopter to broadcast the safety zone in the vicinity, so as to save more. some people.

Of course, some people have not heard these propaganda, but who knows that city b is the capital? After the end of the world, some people will try their best to go home, some will flee to the countryside, but some people will come to such a big city, and they feel that such a big city country will definitely send troops for protection.

Because of this, the road is not easy to go after being close to city B. Many roads are blocked and not to mention, there are still many zombies on the road.

The safety zone of city b has already begun to clear the surrounding roads at this time, but it will still be blocked after the cleaning is finished. Those zombies are all dead. When they see a car driving, they will rush up. Their big truck may be able to After running over, the car may slip or slip after hitting the zombies, and then the car may hit the side rails or the like. Once a car breaks down on the side of the road, the car behind it will be more prone to problems.

Fortunately, they were driving a truck.

Stop and go, from time to time to get out of the car to clear the road, for three or four hours, people in the entire team were already exhausted, and the two trucks were stunned because of several violent road openings.

Fortunately, the broken cars are all stationary, as long as the truck slowly drives over and "pushes away", it will not cause a severe collision and the truck will not be broken.

Just then, they came to a small town near city b.

Their team is huge, seeing them, many survivors in the town are calling for help from upstairs.

Qi Jingchen suddenly said: "I'm tired, let's take a break, you can save those people."

Nie Yi glanced at Qi Jingchen, and then a smile appeared: "I will help you find a safe place to settle down first."

Qi Jingchen blinked and agreed.

Because this town is close to city b, the real estate business district has built a lot of houses. Nie Yi looked around and finally chose an office building.

This office building has just been built, and it looks very towering. The place does not say that the doors and windows are still very strong. Of course, the most important thing is that there is a square outside this office building, which just allows people to park.

The ground floor of the office building is equipped with auto-sensing glass doors. It is no longer available, but it can be blocked with earth walls. There is a large conference room on the second floor just for everyone to settle down. Nie Yi let everyone go Got there.

Of course, although everyone is here, the treatment is different. Others could only sit on the ground, but Qi Jingchen had a lazy sofa where Nie Yi did not know where to find it.

On the way, Nie Yi found something to eat. Now he made an egg soup with an egg and cooked a few vegetables for Qi Jingchen to leave. When he went out, he looked back at Qi Jingchen, but Qi Jingchen did not look at him. .

Nie Yi took Ping Shengchao, Shao Zhenglan, and some people in the team who can persist now to rescue the people trapped in this town, but left two bodyguards to take care of Qi Jingchen.

Qi Jingchen drank his egg soup slowly. After a while, he said to Qi Yaoyao who had not followed because he was exhausted: "Yao Yao, come here."

"Brother, what's the matter?" Although Qi Yaoyao was tired, he came to Qi Jingchen and then smiled.

"Here is the egg soup." Qi Jingchen said, handed the egg soup in his hand to Qi Yaoyao, and pointed to a corner next to it: "You go there to eat, and rest against the wall after eating."

These days, Qi Jingchen Zhiyao Yaoyao has always been very cold. At this moment, he suddenly talked to Qi Yaoyao kindly, and immediately made Qi Yaoyao laugh happily, and then held the bowl of egg soup and drank in the corner.

Qi Jingchen's egg soup did not put any seasoning, but it was still very fragrant. Qi Yaoyao was satisfied with the drink. After drinking, he explained according to Qi Jingchen and rested against the wall.

Qi Jingchen has something to eat and drink here, but Yao Jialong shrank in the corner, but couldn't help shaking.

When he was on the road before, Yao Jialong found that he was not quite right. At that time, he thought he had caught a cold, but over time, he found that things were not so simple.

He may not be a cold, but he is going to become a zombie!

If a person is killed by a zombie, he will immediately become a zombie, but if he is not bitten on the spot but has a wound on his body, there may be a period of incubation.

The larger the wound, the shorter the incubation period. If the wounded person is strong, the incubation period will be longer. In the incubation period, people will have some abnormalities, such as chills, like dark, and bloodthirsty.

People in the incubation period still have reason, but their bodies are actually half-dead, and they are not saved ...

Yao Jialong actually didn't know much about these, but he could still guess his current situation.

"Jialong, what's wrong with you?" Mother Yao looked at her son with concern.

"I'm okay." Yao Jialong said, and then hid aside, that's when he found that his fingertips had turned black.

Yao Jialong has not killed zombies, but has seen the appearance of zombies, are n’t the hands of those zombies black?

How could this be! How could he become a zombie! He obviously hasn't touched those zombies! Isn't that Shao Zhenglan looking at him unpleasantly and trying to hurt him? Only that woman has ever beaten him, hasn't she?

Yao Jialong was uncomfortable in his heart. All kinds of suspicions rolled in his mind. He almost roared. When he looked around, he found that everyone was relaxed. After eating, his heart was extremely resentful.

Not only that, he saw those people around him who had the urge to bite their necks and devour their flesh.

He really wants to become a zombie! Yao Jialong grinned and felt his teeth itch.

"Jialong, I brought the food back. There is a sausage. You can eat it." At this time, Father Yao had already returned from Jiang Huai, who was distributing supplies, and then he brought the few foods he had brought in. The good ones were given to Yao Jialong.

Yao Jialong always eats a lot of food and likes sausages, but this time he saw that the sausage had no appetite, but he couldn't help watching his father's hand swallowing.

"I don't want to eat yet, go for a walk first." Yao Jialong stood with his hands on his chest.

He now looks a bit wrong, but everyone is busy with his own affairs. Few people have time to see him. Even if he sees it, he will not look right until he is scared by the zombies outside.

Yao Jialong walked slowly and then approached Qi Jingchen.

He knew he couldn't live, and he didn't want to live now, but before he died, he wanted to pull a few backs.

No matter Nie Yi or Shao Zhenglan, Yao Jialong hated it, but what he least liked was actually Qi Jingchen. Seeing Qi Jingchen had a good life, he was jealous.

If he bit Qi Jingchen ...

How powerful is this Qi Jingchen? Will he become a zombie if he is bitten? Didn't that Nie Yi grab his room for Qi Jingchen? He would like to see what happens when Qi Jingchen becomes a zombie!