MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 19 Power burst

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More than half a month has passed since the last days, and the number of zombies is increasing. ### 卡蒂诺 手机 读 ###

Although there are zombies in the community, everyone hides at home and is not so afraid, but waits until the road ...

There are many people in their convoy, which has attracted a lot of zombies. Those who followed Nie Yi and others to kill the zombies were fine. The family members who stayed on the truck were frightened. The truck was very tall. The zombies on the road could not catch them at all, but they still hid in the middle of the car in fear, and a group of people crowded together.

To be on the safe side, Nie Yi was leaving Shao Zhenglan and one of his bodyguards on the truck he drove, and Jiang Huai and the other bodyguard were left on the truck behind him. People crowded into a ball and said nothing, but Shao Zhenglan had his eyebrows upright, and was timid by these people.

Especially after seeing the man who was mixed into the family team before, the five-thousandth-thickest man turned on his own strength and squeezed the two children to the ground.

She was the kind of intolerable person, so she simply picked up a stick and hit it on the man's leg: "You give me some peace!"

"You hit me! You ..." The man was shocked and angry.

Before he finished speaking, Shao Zhenglan went straight for a few sticks again, and he couldn't say anything directly: "What if I hit you? If you're restless, I'll throw you out of the car to feed the zombies!" "

The man was just as good as a quail.

"The front is blocked, Shao Zhenglan, you can try to get rid of the car on the road." Nie Yi stopped the car at this time.

Right in front of them, some private cars collided together, completely blocking the road, and gathered a large number of zombies. These zombies lacked arms and broken legs, and there were dry blood on the ground, and they ran out of rancidity. the taste of.

If a few months later, the safety base in city b takes the time to clear up all the roads, but this time ...

A large number of zombies with dark skin and long nails rushed towards this side. Some of the family members on the truck could barely calm down, while others were already crying in fear or practicing gagging with their mouths covered.

The man who was beaten by Shao Zhenglan before because of pushing others, relied on his own high horse and started to hide in the middle.

"You clean up a place." Shao Zhenglan had no regard for the man, and said to Nie Yi.

Shao Zhenglan now has to stand on the ground to use his powers. Nie Yi also knows this. He took a gun, and the continuous sound of gunfire sounded, and a zombie was headshot. Jumping down hesitantly, then a low mud wall was erected in the middle of the road in front, and the car on the road was pushed by the mud wall to fall to both sides.

Her thought was right, but unfortunately her power was not enough to turn all the blocked road into a mud wall, so that at the end her face became white and the power was used up, so she only cleared a short path.

"You get in the car, we rush over." Nie Yi stopped Shao Zhenglan in time. He didn't expect Shao Zhenglan to clear the road, but he just wanted Shao Zhenglan to use his powers more.

Shao Zhenglan nodded, climbed into the compartment from the side of the truck, and took a deep breath before letting himself sit down in the corner.

She didn't actually want to make the mud wall so wide just now, she didn't know how to control it ...

Zombies had gathered more and more. As soon as Nie Yi stepped on the accelerator, he rushed forward, hitting a road stiffly, and many cars blocked on the road were directly pushed forward by the truck he drove.

To the zombies, this truck can be called a behemoth. After being run over by it, it will even become a pool of rotten meat, but they have no wisdom, but they still throw on the car one after another. I was caught under the wheel and my lower body was gone. As a result, I crawled with both hands and wanted to chase it. "Perseverance" was amazing.

The truck was tall, and most of the zombies rushed over and could only be caught by the wheels and rolled to the bottom of the car, but some zombies climbed to the top of the car and rushed towards the truck, but there were also a few caught the back compartment Or hit the front window.

Those zombies who tried to grab the carriage and climb up were killed by Shao Zhenglan and the bodyguards. As for the zombies on the car ...

Instead, someone was sitting in the co-pilot position and separated from the window of the zombies, fearing that it had been terrified, Qi Jingchen was still crooked there, and looked at the zombies outside the window with interest.

When Nie Yi saw this, he was not angry. Qi Jingchen was looking forward to rushing in? Otherwise, why are people who are not even interested in eating interested in those zombies?

Nie Yi had no fire in her stomach, she couldn't send it to Qi Jingchen, she was extremely disgusted with the zombie outside the window who wanted to smash the window.

Many flames appeared on both sides of the truck from the air. While scorching a zombie climbing on the window of the car, both sides of the truck and the car were also scorched.

The flame was not very big at first, but it became more and more vigorous later. It ignited the car oil spilled from the cars, and finally entangled all the zombies within a few meters around.

Such a flame would cause an explosion, but all of this was controlled within a certain range, and it did not affect the car in the middle at all, showing Nie Yi's strong control.

The family members in his car were all shocked and scared when the flames had just risen, but now there is only worship of Nie Yi. When they see the flames on both sides, they ca n’t hurt themselves. Excitement cannot be hidden at all.

Nie Yi's hand is very handsome, but ... although he later controlled the fire formed by burning gasoline on both sides, he initially used the power to deal with the zombies on the window ...

It's probably because of the sudden high temperature outside, the truck's window glass burst, and various glass slags scattered around ... some of them even fell on him and Qi Jingchen.

"..." Nie Yi's control of abilities has always been precise. Although this time it suddenly erupted, he also blocked all the flames, but he did not expect such a thing to happen ...

"Jing Chen, don't move!" Nie Yi quickly said, he slowly lowered the speed of the car, lest the car still drive like this or the brakes will let those glass fragments scratch Qi Jingchen's skin.

Although it was summer, they all wore long trousers for safety reasons, but Qi Jingchen refused to wear it, and now he wore a white short sleeve.

It wasn't until the car stopped that Nie Yi was relieved, first shaking off the glass **** on his body, then carefully picking up Qi Jingchen's body.

After passing the blocked road just now, this place is empty and has reached the outskirts.

A Great Wall van behind caught up, and Ping Sheng in the co-pilot position asked loudly: "Boss, why did you stop?"

He just asked the question, and from the bottom up he saw Nie Yi stooping in the co-pilot position and didn't know what he was doing. He heard his voice and glared at him.

Sitting in the co-pilot position is Qi Jingchen, his boss leaned over like this ... he seemed to disturb his boss's good deeds?

Ping Shengchao felt that way, and Yan Zhe, who was in a car with him, naturally felt the same way. Although Nie Yi didn't want to do too much in the broad daylight, but kissed him ... See this scene, think about it Nie Yi used the power to ignite those cars and turn everything around them into a ash scene.

Ping Shengchao gave Yan Zhe a glimpse, and his impression of Yan Zhe was even worse ... No wonder his boss made him stare at Yan Zhe, and seeing this man was indeed not as simple as he had shown before!

It's Qi Jingchen. Although he lived a short time, he had tossed out a lot of things in order to let his boss give up on him, but he really didn't do any bad things. The fish that he had eaten before was not delicious, actually he wanted to Leave it to his boss?

Qi Jingchen didn't know that Ping Shengchao had changed himself because of some words written by Nie Yi. He finally cleared the glass **** on his body and frowned at the moment: "Playing with fire is terrible. Why? Don't know how to play with water? "

Nie Yi could not help but smile bitterly, and did not know if it was a very good practice method that no one had used before. His fire ability now has been strengthened a lot, and it ’s going to be a second-level look. Now, the water power has no clue ...

"I'll take a bath later," Qi Jingchen said again.

There is a lot of water in their car, but it is a bit extravagant to take a bath, but since Qi Jingchen wants to take a bath, it must not be opposed!

Nie Yi immediately agreed, and then continued driving. The last group settled in a new residential area with few people living in the suburbs.

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