MTL - Being Scolded As a Loser? All the Big Guys In Beijing Are Rushing To Pamper Me-Chapter 628 Let your family reunite

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 Let’s talk about the other side.

The three boys from the eldest family of the Yin family hid in the secret passage for a few days. They ate half of the food prepared by their grandmother and counted the time before going out.

 The other end of the secret passage is outside the city.

To avoid being discovered, several people came out late at night.

The loyal servant protecting the three boys opened the lid, and the soil from the entrance of the cave fell, covering their heads and bodies.

 “Young master, please forgive me.”

The eldest of the three grandsons of the Yin family is only nine years old, and the next two are seven and six years old.

 They are not at an age when they are ignorant.

 Knowing that the Yin family is in dire straits, my grandfather, parents, uncles, father and mother may be beheaded.

The oldest boy sniffed, and instead of shouting and killing over trivial matters like before, he said: "'s okay."

Seeing that his brothers looked unhappy, he gave them a warning look.

The two younger ones did not dare to make any mistakes, so they bowed their heads obediently and stopped glaring at others.

 The three loyal servants of the Yin family looked at each other with complicated expressions.

 …I didn’t expect that the young master would ever be sensible again.

 “Young Master, I’m offended.”

A loyal servant leaned over and picked up the young master, stepped onto the wooden ladder, and climbed up.

 The light was very dim, and every step I took was extremely slow.

 Fortunately, the moonlight is good tonight, and we can barely see. A group of people climbed up with difficulty.

"Brother, where are we going?" The seven-year-old boy nervously grabbed his brother's arm.

The sky is dark, surrounded by weeds, and occasionally you can hear the creepy rustling sound, like the sound of crawling animals...

 Don’t say that children are scared, adults are also feeling numb.

The young man whose hand was grabbed did not pull away his younger brother's hand. He was also afraid.

 “Don’t be afraid.”

 While comforting his brother, he also comforted himself.

With a bang, the cover of the secret tunnel was closed, and the last person who came out filled it with soil and put some weeds on top to cover it up.

 After finishing everything, say: "It's time to go."

The eldest boy of the Yin family took one last look at the exit of the secret passage, as if he wanted to remember this place in his heart.

He turned around and handed over to several loyal servants, "I'm sorry to trouble you three uncles. If I have a chance to stand up in the future, I will never forget your great kindness."

Regardless of whether it is meant to be a painting or not, these words always make people happy to hear them.

“This is what the three subordinates should do!”

 Tacitly avoided this topic, only lit a very small torch to light the way, and walked cautiously down the mountain.

Not long after walking, the person leading the way stopped.

 If you look carefully, you can see that his back is stiff, as if he is frozen in place.

“What’s wrong?” the fugitive young master of the Yin family asked worriedly.

 The person in front hasn’t spoken yet…


 Torches lit up all around.

They are all human beings.

They were upright, with murderous intent in their eyes, and they could see blood at a glance. They were officers and soldiers.

General Huo came out from behind, yawned, and said calmly: "You can't run away, so be smart and capture them quickly, otherwise don't blame me for being shot into a sieve."

The nine-year-old young master of the Yin family felt that these people were playing tricks on them and became angry, "Are you playing tricks on us?!"

"You're talking about joking, it's really ugly. You can understand that this general is in a hurry." General Huo said disapprovingly.

The young man of the Yin family's eyes were red with anger, "You're going too far!"

General Huo was not in the mood to quarrel with a child. He raised his arms and several officers and soldiers stepped forward and captured the fugitive who had finally escaped.

 The two little ones were frightened and started to cry.

 “Bad guy…wow…Grandpa! Grandma! Dad! Mother…!”

General Huo stopped, turned his head and smiled, "Don't worry, you will be reunited with your family soon." The two younger ones didn't understand, but the older one thought about what Mrs. Yin said, touched his head, and his lips turned white.

 …Will he also have his head chopped off?

The cell is dark and quiet.

Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps, which suddenly woke up the Yin family who had finally fallen asleep in the middle of the night.

He stood at the door of the cell and looked at him.

 Did someone come to rescue them?

With the expectation of escaping, my numb eyes were filled with light.

 It was cold at night, so General Huo lightly folded his cloak and came over leisurely.

He was not surprised when he met a pair of eyes. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you guys welcoming me? There's no need to be so polite."

 He looks dignified and upright, but the expression on his face is not so pleasant.

The Yin family didn’t really want to see him.

Men and women are divided into two cells. They cannot see each other but can hear each other's voices.

Mr. Yin: "Why did General Huo come so late at night? The Yin family today cannot afford General Huo to condescend to you."

 “Come and see a few people off.” General Huo said calmly.

Looking across the people in the prison, he smiled slightly and said, "A family should be reunited wherever they go."

Mr. Yin’s heart tightened.

 What does this mean? !

 When he thought of the three grandchildren who were sent into the secret passage by him and his wife, Mr. Yin's heart almost stopped beating.

 The three boys sent out are their only hope...

Various thoughts flashed past, but Mr. Yin didn't show them on his face.

“What do you mean, General Huo?” He smiled bitterly, “Aren’t all the 145 members of the Yin family here?”

General Huo didn't talk nonsense and clapped his hands.

The officers and soldiers holding the three boys from the Yin family let go.

 The three boys hurriedly ran towards their grandfather. The fear they had accumulated along the way burst out, and the ends of their eyes turned red for a moment.


Mr. Yin was greatly stimulated when his guess came true. His normally straight shoulders slumped, and he aged more than ten years in an instant.


Feeling that the Yin family was about to be destroyed, he raised his head and two lines of turbid tears flowed from his eyes.

In the next cell, Mrs. Yin heard the voices of her grandchildren. She stood up suddenly and stretched out her hands. Her voice was louder than before.

 “Cheng’er, Bai’er, Yuan’er, but you?!”

 The three boys heard their grandmother’s voice and ran to the next cell.

 “Grandma!” they all called.

Unexpectedly, her worries came true. Madam Yin's eyes were on fire, "How could it be possible? How could you be captured?"

She was confident that no one knew about the secret passage. Although she was worried about her grandson being captured, she was also quite confident that they could escape smoothly.

 “How could anyone know?”

General Huo walked over slowly and kindly answered her question, "Of course... I already knew it."

 He even paused in a bad way.

"Already known? How is it possible! What's going on?" Mrs. Yin bit the meat in her mouth and asked bitterly.

Seeing that the Yin family wanted to know, General Huo simply stopped talking and let them guess as they pleased.

Seeing the three boys from the Yin family being pushed into the cell, he nodded and said, "It's late at night. Let's all go back. We all have a day off tomorrow."

 It was a great pleasure for the officers and soldiers.

 Who doesn’t want paid vacation?

Before leaving, General Huo told the people on duty with a serious expression, "Keep an eye on the people. Even I can't save you if something goes wrong."

 “Yes!” Everyone responded.

As soon as General Huo left, the cell immediately became quiet.

Mrs. Yin broke through her defenses, and her hatred for the Queen Mother Yin reached its peak.

 “Harmful spirit!” Mrs. Yin grabbed the Queen Mother Yin’s hair through the block of wood that Rong put an arm through.

 (End of this chapter)