MTL - Becoming Stronger Through Touching Treasures, not Women!-Chapter 33 assimilate into

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  Chapter 33 Integration

  Li Qingshan recounted some systems and techniques of practice, and promised to teach them to learn Qi Yan Jue.

   After some communication.

  Li Hanmei understood what was going on.

  She frowned slightly, because her daughter and this kid actually touched each other...

  This is a very private part!

  Li Hanmei was influenced by a bit of feudal thought, thinking that this can only be done on the night of the big wedding, in the bridal chamber...!

  But things have already happened, and even if Li Hanmei tried her best to turn the tide, she couldn't change what had happened.

  Therefore, Li Hanmei's gaze fell on Li Qingshan with scrutiny, sizing up the child.

   After hitting twice, Li Hanmei felt that Li Qingshan's appearance was okay, his conversation was logical, and there were immortals leading the way, and he was surrounded by opportunities.

   This kid seems to be doing well too!

  If he is with his daughter Qingling, that's fine!

   However, this Li Qingshan looks a little thin, a little malnourished!

   "This is impossible!" Li Hanmei said inwardly, "We must let this child eat more, let him grow his body!"

  Li Hanmei silently made up her mind to feed Li Qingshan to be stronger!

   In addition, Li Hanmei is very interested in cultivating immortals.

  She couldn't help asking: "Does cultivating immortality mean longevity? In the future, we can live to be a hundred years old, live to a hundred years old, two hundred years old, five hundred years old, and our bodies are still strong?"

  Li Qingshan nodded and said: "Yes! If you have a high cultivation base, your lifespan will naturally increase accordingly. If you can get some Longevity Pills and Zhuyan Pills, you can also increase your lifespan and keep you young forever...!"

  After listening, Li Hanmei became more interested and said, "That's really great!"

  Everyone has a love of beauty, let alone Aunt Li!

  Li Qingshan let the Zhou family master the knowledge of cultivating immortals after a lot of talking!

   Then, Li Qingshan's expression became extremely serious, and said: "Auntie, Uncle, Tianbaxiong, Qingling. This matter is very important, and it is a big secret."

  "If it is leaked out, it may attract other people's covetousness and lead to being hunted down."

   "So, Auntie, Uncle, Brother Tianba, Qingling, you must not leak your words and leak these things."

  "If someone asks, just explain it as a supernatural power and fool others!"

   "Do you understand! I'm not joking, but this matter is really urgent and important!"

  Zhou Chuanxiong said: "What Qingshan said is very reasonable. Immortal cultivation is a great opportunity. If others know about it, they must also want to cultivate immortality!"

   "At that time, there may be some powerful people who ask us for ways to cultivate immortals."

   "If we can't defeat these supernatural beings, we will definitely become fish and be slaughtered!"

   "So, everyone must keep their mouths shut and not disclose relevant information!"

  Zhou Tianba nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will guard my mouth and won't say anything!"

  Li Hanmei looked serious, and said: "No matter who we are, as long as one person leaks, the others may be in danger. So not only me, everyone must protect this secret!"

  Zhou Qingling said: "I will guard this secret well, only our family will cultivate immortals quietly and develop steadily!"

   There were five of them in a group, and they couldn't help lowering their voices when talking.

  At the end, everyone reached a consensus and said they would keep this secret well.

   Seeing everyone united as one, Li Qingshan was very satisfied.

  He just like this, logically, integrated into this family and became a member of it.

   "Mom, there are a lot of supplies in the van outside. Wait a minute, we have to sort them out." Zhou Tian overbearing.

  Zhou Chuanxiong said: "In this troubled world, all kinds of materials are scarce, so nothing can be wasted."

  Li Hanmei said: "Okay. Now let's eat first, and then go to sort out these supplies after eating."

   "By the way, Qingshan. When Auntie cleans a room for you, you can stay here!"

   "Yeah, thank you, auntie!" Li Qingshan thanked, he now has a home.


  Five people, Li Qingshan, Zhou Qingling, Zhou Chuanxiong, Zhou Tianba, and Li Hanmei, came to the dining area of ​​the big villa and began to have a reunion dinner.

   This reunion dinner was carefully prepared by Li Hanmei for Zhou Qingling.

  The arrival of Li Qingshan is just a matter of buying an extra pair of bowls and chopsticks.

  The dishes on the table are very rich, including crazy chicken head soup, braised carp, spicy fried shredded squid, tender tofu, sweet and sour pork ribs, chrysanthemum sausage and so on.

  Li Qingshan and Zhou Qingling, because of practicing Qi Yan Jue and Dragon Tiger Fist.

   They consume a lot of energy in their bodies.

   In addition, when they were at Li Qingshan's house, both of them only ate instant noodles, which made them fool their bodies.

   Moreover, these delicacies are carefully fried by Li Hanmei, and they are all delicious!

  So, Li Qingshan and Zhou Qingling ignored their image and ate their food!

   This stunned Li Hanmei, Zhou Tianba, and Zhou Chuanxiong.

   "Qingshan, Qingling, you two slow down!"

  Li Hanmei reminded gently, being taken aback by the amount of food both of them had.

  At the same time, she muttered in her heart: "Qing Ling went out for a trip, how did this appetite become so big!"

  Li Qingshan said while eating: "Auntie, I'm sorry, Qingling and I ate a little bit regardless of our image."

   "But Auntie, Uncle and Brother Tianba please understand."

   "Qing Ling and I practice Qi Yan Jue and Dragon Tiger Fist, which consumes a lot of body, so our appetite will increase."

   "Uncle, aunt, Tianba brother, after you start practicing, your appetite will also increase!"

   "Eat enough is a major element of body training. If conditions allow, you need to take a medicinal bath..."

  While Li Qingshan explained, he also popularized the knowledge of body training.

  Zhou Qingling blushed slightly, and said: "Yes, after training, it is indeed easy to feel hungry. Only when you are full can you have the strength to practice."

   "Oh—!" Li Hanmei, Zhou Chuanxiong, Zhou Tianba and others understood.

  But for some reason, the three of them feel that cultivating immortals seems a bit unscrupulous!

  The family finished their meal like this.

  After eating.

  Li Qingshan, Zhou Qingling, Zhou Chuanxiong, Zhou Tianba, and Li Hanmei started tidying up the room and packing supplies.

  Among these supplies, there are some food and some unused items.

  The food contains cooking oil, salt and vinegar and other seasonings, as well as some noodles and flour that can be stored for a long time, as well as some wine and beverages.

  Their family discussed to finish eating some meat foods that are easy to expire in the short term.

   Items that are not needed, such as washbasins, towels, bath towels, scissors, etc., are temporarily stored in the utility room.

  Li Qingshan's room was also tidied up. The room is quite large, about 55㎡.

  (end of this chapter)