MTL - Beast Taming: I Can Bestow Attributes-Chapter 183 "Xinghai" 20

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  Chapter 183 "Xinghai" 2.0

  After Xiaojiu released the wishing technique, the surroundings were lit up with a bright white light like a bright moon again.

  The second wishing technique!

  【Urban Strange Story: The Wishing White Fox】entry effect—it is possible to make a wish every month, and the wishing spell attached to the entry effect is much better than the wishing spell released by Xiaojiu itself.

  Chen Mo originally planned to use it for refreshing the monthly entries next month, but now he can only use it in times of crisis.

   Life-saving is the most important thing, he must ensure that the power of the "Xinghai" space-based weapon is maximized this time!

   "Run! Come to me!"

  In the snow-covered valley, Chen Mo suddenly shouted.

  Everyone in Snow Emperor City was stunned for a moment, and then remembered what Chen Mo had told them before the battle started.

  Without hesitation, everyone quickly took their spirit beasts back into the spirit space, and then entered the heart of the sea.

   "Little Blue Bird, use your strongest defensive moves to protect the spirit beasts in Xuehai Forest!"

   Immediately afterwards, Chen Mo shouted again to Bing Lan in the sky.

   "Clang!" (Good!)

  Accompanied by the clear phoenix cry, an ice crystal barrier rose in midair.

  Although the little blue bird didn't know Chen Mo's intentions, it chose to do so out of trust in Chen Mo.


  At this time, a deafening roar suddenly came from the sky above the valley, just like the sonic boom produced by a fighter jet flying at high speed and violently rubbing against the air!

  In the heart of the sea, everyone in Snow Emperor City saw a huge object falling rapidly from the sky.

  With the support of [Big Mac Lovers], [Sunshine Fat House] and Transfiguration, Xinghai's body length has reached an astonishing 800 meters at this moment!

   Xuenv, who was still in a fit state, parted her red lips slightly, with a rare expression of shock on her cold face.

   She is no stranger to Chen Mo's Island Spirit.

   But why can it become so huge now! ? It's just like a prehistoric giant beast! Compared with it, even the giant jade cedar in the middle of the valley looks a bit petite.


  The black dragon on the crown of the tree naturally also discovered the unknown giant creature in the sky.

   On this giant whale that was falling fast, it felt some kind of deadly threat. Although there is no regular power, it is full of pure and extreme destructive power.

  The black dragon turned into "black water" again and poured into the pitch-black jade cedar.

  It was temporarily unable to leave the tree body of the first Snow Sea Spirit, so it could only resist this blow.

   Soon, the surface of the blackened jade cedar spewed out mist-like corrupted energy, forming an arc-shaped protective cover.

   In just two breaths, the island spirit, like a giant fortress, has crashed down.

  Xinghai slightly adjusted his position in the air so that he could completely hit the black dragon and the fallen jade cedar in the center.


  The spirit of the lonely island hit the black mist barrier transformed by the fallen energy first, and the powerful impact made the black mist barrier completely shatter like glass.

   And the body of the island spirit hardly stagnates at all!


  The spirit of the lonely island showed excitement in his blue eyes.

   This time, it will kill God! !

  The huge body like a hill continued to fall downward with an unstoppable momentum.

  The trunk of the jade cedar is broken.

  However, after falling tens of meters, Xinghai suddenly felt something was wrong.

  The feeling of physical objects colliding and crushing disappeared, and the jade cedar beneath him became like an illusory light and shadow, which could be seen but not touched.

   From Chen Mo's perspective, the spirit of the isolated island unstoppably "penetrated" the fallen jade cedar, but the jade cedar was not crushed, but continued to stand in the valley like a mirage.

  It seems that at a certain moment, the jade cedar has changed from a real thing to an illusory thing.


   Before I had time to think about it, the next second, an indescribable loud explosion echoed in the valley. In an instant, the landslides and the ground cracked, and the ground sank tens of meters down out of thin air. The powerful impact spread to the surroundings, causing the surrounding cliffs to collapse and crack.


  The little blue bird manipulates natural energy to protect the spirit beasts in the snowy forest while trying to restore the collapsed boulders and soil to their original positions.

  In the heart of the sea, everyone in Snow Emperor City was completely dumbfounded after seeing this scene.

   Originally thought that the little fox who killed the quasi-monarch in a flash was outrageous enough, but the power of the island spirit's blow shattered their three views.

   Xue Nu looked at Chen Mo suspiciously.

   Could this guy be some old monster in disguise?

  Chen Mo looked at the front with solemn eyes, and the fallen jade cedar in the middle of the valley was still standing there!

   This means that the fallen evil **** has not died!

   Immediately afterwards, Chen Mo saw that the jade cedar had started a crazy distortion mode. Countless black branches that looked like tentacles were pulled out from the tree body of the jade cedar, and dense scarlet pupils also appeared on the trunk.

   "Roar!" (Bugs, I want you to pay!)

  A familiar roar came from the body of the fallen jade cedar.

  In order to resist this blow, the fallen evil **** completely abandoned the original "black dragon body", completely integrated his own will and the power of rules into the body of the first generation of Xuehai Spirit, and then used blur to avoid the damage at the very moment.

   "Black Dragon" is the projection incarnation of the fallen evil **** that descended thousands of years ago, and it is also the condensed law of the fall. However, under the seal for thousands of years, it has become extremely weak.

  Originally, after the fallen evil gods seized the spirit of the first generation of Xuehai, they planned to let the "black dragon" "eat" the spirit of the first generation of Xuehai little by little.

   The high-level totem of the first-generation Xuehai Spirit is enough to restore its strength.

  But in the face of a deadly threat, it can only choose Plan B—abandon the "black dragon body" and completely integrate with the first generation of Snow Sea Spirit!

   "Isn't this dead?"

  Chen Mo frowned.

   Equipped with [weak enemies are strong] [heavenly man], and the blessing of double wishing, the power of Xinghai's "Heavenly Justice" strike has even reached the strength of a high-level overlord!

  However, even so, the projection of the fallen evil **** was not killed.

   Even looking at the current state of the evil god, it seems that he is unscathed.

   "It is a super-level move that blurs, transforming one's body into nothingness in an instant, and can avoid and immunize any physical attack."

  Yue Nu explained.

  Hearing this, Chen Mo turned pale.

  Even the 2.0 enhanced version of the "Xinghai" space-based weapon cannot cause damage to the evil god.

   Is it really necessary to sacrifice?

   Right at this moment, a dazzling white light shone on the blackened jade cedar tree trunk.

  Originally there were a few scattered points, but soon they became dense like stars, reflecting the originally dark valley like daytime.

  These white light sources come from the spirit patterns on Yu Cedar’s body. If you look closely, you can see that the patterns of these white spirit patterns are mysterious birds and phoenixes flying high!


   Bing Lan let out an excited cry.

  In these white spirit patterns, it felt a familiar breath.

   is the spirit of the first generation of Snow Sea!

  (end of this chapter)