MTL - Back to the Age of Dinosaurs-~ 109th. I am super angry and not good.

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When Oro saw no answer to him, he stopped asking. He stood next to him and wanted to wait until the end of the catastrophe, and then slowly told him after he had time to listen to him.

咕噜 Focusing on the mainland that slowly sinks into the sea in the distance, it is a large piece of coastal continent, even if it is viewed from such a far place, it is still very huge.

In the process of sinking into the seabed, the mainland is also falling apart in speed. There are huge cracks on the ground. The cracks divide the coastal continent into countless giant "cakes" and smash into the sea, causing huge waves.

Because the distance is too far, the dragon on the mainland has not been clearly seen. However, the size of the dinosaurs is generally large, and it is barely visible. Plus, the vision of the ternary dragon is better than that of human beings.

Therefore, I can see many dragons falling into the big cracks and being submerged by the dust and sinking into the sea along with the broken land. I can also see some dragons running wildly on the ever-dividing continent, and some running and running. When I got to the sea, some of them ran a little slower and were swallowed by the big cracks on the ground. Finally, they fell into the seabed with large cracks.

This is only the continent that can be seen on the ground and falls into the ocean. The “geological layer” below the ground will also squeeze the “geological layer” of the ocean along with the division of the continent, leading to large-scale tsunami, submarine volcanic eruptions and other natural marine disasters.

When I saw the mainland crashing into the ocean, the whole sea was raging, and the sea water was poured into the fern plant where they were. Not only was the fern planted, but many seawaters were also poured into the rift, but because The Great Rift Valley is too long and too deep, and this seawater is completely filled with dissatisfaction, so it has not affected the fern land where Mongo and Paddo are located.

The waves are coming and retreating. The huge waves swept away after the fern planted, but the bigger waves swept back and forth.

Fortunately, this fern is very large, and the waves are sweeping over and over again. The sea has not yet passed over the soles of the dinosaurs. Some small dinosaurs are more miserable and directly swept by the waves. Into the sea, all the dragons rushed in the shallower waters and rushed to the mountains where they were, which was their only refuge.

However, after a wave of waves, the water on the fern planted land became deeper and deeper, gradually surpassing the insteps of the dragons, the first joints of the legs, the half of the legs, and the running over the belly. The harder it is, but the buoyancy of the sea is not enough for them to swim, or they can only run.

I saw that the sea water has gradually passed over the heads of some small dinosaurs and dragon scorpions that are less than 3 meters tall. They struggled to make their heads in the water, but the buoyancy of two or three meters of water could not hold their heavy weight. Some of the body has already sunk into the water, and some of them are still struggling to survive.

Many dragons on the fern plantland are squeezing in the direction of the Great Rift Valley, almost running close to the Great Rift Valley to the mountains, because the terrain near the Great Rift Valley is relatively high, the sea is relatively not so deep, and even if the waves are hit A large part of the sea will flow into the Great Rift Valley. The Great Rift Valley is equivalent to a flood discharge outlet. It is relatively easy to be drowned by the Rift Valley.

I saw that many dragons ran in the higher places beside the Great Rift Valley. From the Great Rift Valley to the whole huge fern plantation in the sea, there is a gentle slope. If there is no large rift valley as a “flooding port” The fern plantland should be submerged in an instant, and the fern plant where Mongo is located will be flooded.

Another big wall of more than three meters high rushed to the fern planting land. He saw a loud bang slamming on the big dragon beside the big rift. Some dragons were unstable and were directly hit by huge waves. It fell into the Great Rift Valley, and some dragons were swept by the waves and turned to the direction of the sea. It was impossible to stand up. Only the dragons with a particularly large tonnage of more than ten tons could resist such huge waves.

All the dragons rushed in the direction of the mountains in the water. The farther away from the Great Rift Valley, the deeper the fern planted the sea.

I saw a group of brachiosaurus walking far away from the Great Rift Valley. They might be tempted to take 15 meters high and heavy body shape and would not take the time to run to the big rift valley with a little higher terrain. They want to save time and run directly in the direction of the mountains.

At this time, the group of brachiosaurus was already flooded with water by the sea, which means that the fern planting water near the sea is almost 15 meters deep.

Another three-meter-high wave hit, and after the huge waves hit the group of brachiosaurus, he could no longer see a brachiosaurus.

咕噜 Pay special attention to Tyrannosaurus Rex and Triceratops.

He saw a broken dragon cub that may have been broken for less than three months. His father was on his back and walked on the fern planting land not far from the Rift Valley. The water here is already four or five meters. High, even the special tall and healthy seawater of the Dragon Dragon Daddy has already been submerged on the belly of the Triceratops, and the triangulation waters that are not strong enough are already submerged in their necks.

The triceratops dad walked very hard, and the little scorpion squatted tightly under Dad’s big head shield.

Another wave of big waves hit, many unsuccessful adult triceratops were pushed down by the big waves, and the triceratops dad set to use their best to stabilize their bodies and wait for the big waves to pass.

However, after the big waves passed, the father of the Triceratops apparently felt that the little nephew was swept away. He completely rushed to the direction of the sea regardless of his safety.

It was blindly watched as the scorpion dragon scorpion was swept down by his father's body by the huge waves, and then disappeared.

The triangulation dragon scorpion is also considered to be very strong in survival. After he fell into the water, he tried his best to swim, but his body was completely free from his own control and drifted toward the sea.

I saw the Dragon Dragon dad chasing up to his little nephew.

The triangulation scorpion shouted, "Dad, don't come over, it's too dangerous. I go to the sea to find my mother, my mother is in the sea, she will protect me."

Before the triangle dragon Ma Ma has been involved in the sea by the big waves.

The Dragon Dragon dad desperately ran to the side of the little scorpion and ran and shouted "Don't be afraid, Dad will come to save you soon"

I thought that the Dragon Dragon dad couldn't catch up with the little scorpion. I didn't expect it to catch up. In the deep water, the triceratop dad swam directly and grabbed the little scorpion.

The triangular dragon scorpion kept shouting "Dad, Dad"

Suddenly another big wave hit, the Triceratops dad and the little nephew disappeared.

I know that the dragon on the fern plantland will die. No dragon can survive. At least the scorpion dragon scorpion died when his father was in his mouth. There is a strong father at his side, and the little scorpion will not be afraid.

Then I saw a tyrannical dragon numb with a tyrannosaurus cub running to the side of the Great Rift Valley.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex is higher than the Triceratops. The general Tyrannosaurus Rex is five meters high, so the seawater just floods the strong hind legs of Tyrannosaurus Rex.

But this little scorpion dragon has been very big, at least one year old, nearly a thousand pounds, it is almost impossible to hold such a heavy scorpion in the mouth for a long time and can not bite, I don’t know this. How does the tyrannical dragon mother do it.

Probably at the moment of life and death, both humans and dragons will be stimulated to unlimited potential. If the mother of the king does not take advantage of the small scorpion, the current height and weight of the scorpion will have been drowned.

Tyrannosaurus Rex is too tired, and his mouth is constantly flowing down the water. The Tyrannosaurus Rex is also very sensible. Although he is very scared, he is always motionless to avoid placing an extra burden on his mother.

I know that Tyrannosaurus Rex can't hold on for a long time, because she can't bite because of the heavy weight for a long time. Her jaw has been severely dislocated. It must be very painful and painful. I don't know how Tyrannosaurus Rex is suffering from severe pain. Still insisted that no small scorpions were left behind.

Tyrannosaurus Rex also knows that he is such a heavy scorpion, and his mother is unmoving, but her mother has been licking him for a long time. My mother is far from running as fast as other tyrannosaurus. He does not want to drag again. Mom's hind legs.

So Tyrannosaurus Rex said, "Mom, let me go down, I am going to swim by myself, you are so tired, you are like this, we will all die."

The king of Tyrannosaurus did not pay attention to the little sister-in-law, and continued to run forward with pain.

A big wave came over, and a loud bang was hitting the head of Tyrannosaurus Rex. The jaw of Tyrannosaurus Rex was already painful and unconscious. He couldn’t bite the scorpion, and the scorpion fell into the water. In the meantime, as the huge waves were rushed to the Great Rift Valley.

Tyrannosaurus Rex ran to the little scorpion, and bit the bite when the scorpion was about to be rushed down the Great Rift Valley, but the tyrannosaurus numb was unable to stand because of the rushing, and the mother and son fell together. The Great Rift Valley.

I don't look at the horror below. There are so many dragons on the fern plain. They are running and swimming.

Suddenly, I saw a huge wall of "walls" on the distant Haiping line. This huge wall of darkness is like a connection between the sky and the ocean. It seems to have the power to swallow everything.

Fortunately, the mountain where they are located is far from the wave wall, otherwise such huge waves will be hit and they are very dangerous on the mountain.

Many dragons standing on the hills are running backwards and unconsciously than the giant waves. They are very scared and afraid. They are afraid that the huge waves will hit them. Some of the more courageous dragons are scared. Humming and roaring.

He still stood still. He knew that the huge waves couldn’t get here. Even if he knew that the huge waves couldn’t hit them, he was still scared and soft. This is a close-up look at this large nature. Disasters, naturally, will give rise to the awe of nature and the powerlessness of a small human or dragon in the face of natural disasters.

The dragons on the fern plantland across the Great Rift Valley were not too worried to see the sea water flooding them, but they saw such a high wave wall first, then all went in a more inland direction. .

Soon the wave wall of this sky rushed to the fern plantation along the coast. The place where the wave wall passed could no longer see a dragon. The wave wall was too fierce and ran across the Great Rift Valley to the opposite side. The fern planted land, and the slightly slower dragons running on the opposite fern planted near the Great Rift Valley all swept into the Great Rift Valley.

He was lucky, and he was fortunate to be glad that he had made the people of Pado and the ethnic groups of Mongo go up the mountain, otherwise the people of Pado and Mongo could be caught in the Great Rift by this big wave, because Mongo and Pa In order to facilitate the opposite, they are always resting in the place close to the Great Rift Valley.

After the huge waves faded, the Great Rift Valley was filled with a lot of seawater. The seawater of the coastal fern plantation was at least 10 meters deep, and no dragon could be seen anymore.

The fern plantation opposite the Great Rift Valley is a mess. Although there is no seawater left because of the flooding of the Great Rift Valley, it is full of various marine life on the fern planting land. It will die soon. .

There are of course many carnivorous dragons across from the Great Rift Valley. They all want to eat these leftover marine creatures, but none of them have dared to go. They are afraid that the waves will come again. They are afraid of being brought to the Rift Valley by huge waves. Eat it.

After this huge wave, there was no particularly big wave to fight, but the dragon group on the coastal fern plantland had all died.

The dragons who went down the mountain last night did not go far below the mountain. They left their own way back. If the sea was flooded with fern, they would go up the mountain immediately. If the earth moved, they would run away from the mountain.

However, the inundation of fern in the sea is a matter of moments. Although the sea was not deep in the beginning, many smaller dragons and dragons were attacked into the sea, and the rest of the dragons ran to the mountains desperately.

Looking down the mountain, he could see that the place near the sea at the foot of the mountain had been flooded more than ten meters high, and the shadow of the submerged mountain in the sea was dark.

Although there are no big waves, the sea is still rough.

Suddenly, a loud bang, I felt that the mountains where they were located were shaken a few times by the earthquake.

Then, I saw the distant sea rising and igniting the "mushroom cloud"-like strong smoke. At first, the smoke was still grayish, and soon it became black. At the same time, the range of black smoke expanded sharply, and gradually the surface of the sea They are surrounded by black smoke.

I immediately thought of it, it was a submarine volcanic eruption.

There are also volcanoes on the sea floor and may explode because the volcanoes are distributed in the crustal fault zone, where the plate movement is fierce and the mantle plume is active. The sea's bottom has the longest fault zone and also gathers more than 90 mantle hot columns. The oceanic edge is also the most active part of the crustal movement.

Therefore, not only volcanic eruptions in the sea, but also many volcanoes in the sea will always be in the state of eruption.

The volcanic eruption on the bottom of the sea is like “squeezing toothpaste”. From the volcano, the huge “toothpaste” is continuously squeezed out. These lavas will freeze in the cold water, but the interior is hot.

After a long address era, the magma erupted by these erupting submarine volcanoes formed a magnificent seamount, and many small islands were formed by the long-term accumulation of submarine volcanic eruptions.

In the active part of the submarine volcano, you can see the magnificent spectacle, the huge "black chimney" formed by the volcanic eruption, the hot magma sprayed out, the outer layer has been frozen into black lacquered ice, but it can be clearly seen Black smoke and rock ice wrap the flowing red and hot magma.

The red magma can also be seen in the sea, but these red magma is surrounded by frozen hard rock, which looks like a purgatory under the sea from a distance.

The "submarine volcanic eruption" that can see smoke on the sea is too little. The speculation must be that the submarine volcano is erupted by the strong compression of the mainland address plate after the mainland sinks into the seabed. .

I saw the spread of black smoke on the sea more and more, the black smoke rushed into the sky a few hundred meters high, and even the smoke gradually spread to the fern planting land. Of course, the mountain where they lived also had an influence, and the smoke was floating. Some come, though not many, but still very embarrassing.

I don't know how long it took, the smoke at sea did not continue to spread, that is, the big volcanic eruption of the seabed was over.

There is silence around, as long as the sea makes a huge sound of waves.

The sun in the sky in the east is still so bright. From time to time, there is a breeze blowing. The wind on the mountain where they are located is relatively large. The black smoke from the volcanic eruption of the sea bottom is quickly blown away by the wind.

I saw the volcanic ash in the black smoke falling on the fern planting ground and paving a thin layer.

The volcanic ash erupted from the submarine volcano is not as much as the volcanic eruption of the mainland, and they are far away from the volcanic eruption of the submarine volcano. There is even less drifting, so there is almost no impact on the sunshine. This small amount of volcanic ash quickly falls to the ground, black smoke. It was completely dissipated by the wind.

At this time, the mountains are still sunny and breezy, and they are very comfortable.

The large-scale disaster film ended, and all the herbivorous dinosaurs on the mountain bowed their heads and began to eat fern plants. The carnivores were ready to hunt.

He asked Nassau to fly around the two mountains. He wanted to see if there were any other hazards. He was afraid that the explosion of the submarine volcano would affect the plate structure under the mountain. If the plate structure is no longer strong, the mountain will It is easy to collapse and crack.

Nassau flew with the donkey to the mountains for several laps, and flew to the higher sky to overlook.

In the sky, I saw a very shocking landscape.

The two mountains are used as the dividing line. The fern plants behind the mountains are completely submerged by the sea. They are running from the fern planting land to the mountains. The fern plants in front of the mountains are not flooded at all, but some coastal areas have The traces of sea water wash, that is, the fern planting in the direction they are going to continue is not flooded.

At this time, the sea gradually recovered its calmness, but it was also the mountain as a dividing line. On one side of the sea, the sea was black and gray, and the sea was full of volcanic ash. Although it was no longer a huge wave, the sky was choppy, while the other side of the sea was blue and clear. Calm and calm.

The sun is also very eccentric, the mountains are bathed in the sun, and the fern plants that are submerged by the sea next to the mountains are gloomy.

He returned to the fern plantation on the mountain, although they can go down the mountain right now, because the fern planting land they walked forward was not flooded, but he decided to go down the mountain a few days later, and then go on after the sea is stable.

Oro also stood in the place where he had just stood. After he came back, he looked far away and ate the fern.

After the small earth movement occurred last night, many ethnic groups went down the mountain overnight. In fact, the ethnic groups of Oro were also very flustered. All the dragons of the Oro group wanted to go down the mountain and immediately went down.

At that time, all the male triangle dragons around Oro advised Oro to immediately take the ethnic group down the mountain.

Oro is the leader of the ethnic group. Of course, he must guarantee the safety of his own ethnic group. He can't really put his own ethnic group in danger of being destroyed. He will listen to it before, because he knows that he can always predict. accurate.

Just as Oro was preparing to take the group down the mountain, he ran into the Oro ethnic group and rushed to Oro's side like a whirlwind.

Hey, panting and saying, "Oro, believe that I don’t want to take the ethnic group down the mountain."

The male triangle dragons around Oro are very angry, they say it is hard to hear.

"You little nephew, you almost killed us, do you know that we still don't let us down the mountain, do you want to kill us? Believe it or not, I will kill you right away."

"Oro, don't listen to him, he thought he could predict the quasi-small dragon with **** smell every time."

"Small smelly dragon, you give me out of our ethnic group"

Even at the beginning, I knew that Oro really liked Otto and said, "My brother is probably crazy, I will listen to this little stinking dragon that helps the Tyrannosaurus to hunt."

I don't care what these dragons say about him. He wants Oro to promise not to bring the people down the mountain. He said, "Oro, you believe me, if you go down the mountain, you will be eaten by the sea."

Oro is actually hesitant, but he feels that there is no reason to lie to him, and he has to live. He is so fond of his younger brothers that his brothers are in danger.

After thinking about it, Oro finally said, "I believe in you."

咕噜 "You promise me that you will never take the ethnic group down the mountain"

Oro "I promise."

咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜 咕噜

This morning, Oro saw the ethnic groups that went down the mountain last night. Many of them were eaten by the sea. When the sea rushed over, they were desperately running to the mountains. Some seemed to survive, but the cubs in the ethnic group. Almost all died.

After waiting for the meal, Oro walked over.

I don't know when Oro came outside the blunt and awkward ethnic group. Oro's ethnic group is still far away from the blunt and awkward ethnic group, and it is not tied together.

Oro walked to the side of the beggar and said very sincerely, "Hey, you saved my ethnic group. Every dragon in my ethnic group is very grateful to you. You can be the leader of the ethnic group with me, your brother of the Tyrannosaurus You can also live in the community."


Oro "If you don't have you, we will definitely not go to the mountains so quickly. Without you, I will go down the mountain last night and I will be eaten by the sea."

I never imagined that he just helped the Oro ethnic group by the way. Oro let him be the leader and could not understand this brain circuit.

He stepped back and said, "Oro, I not only told you, but I also told other dragons."

Oro "That is not the same, you personally told me specifically, the other dragon groups have heard of it, and yesterday you only told me not to go down the mountain, did not tell other dragons."


Oro "Hey, now my ethnic group is waiting for you to be the leader."

I thought for a while, mainly because he knew that Oro was very proud. He couldn’t refuse it too much. He said, "Oro, I am still a Triceratops cub, and the Triceratops cub can't be the leader."

Oro "You can already change color, not a cub, a Asian adult triceratops, I am a triangulation dragon of Asia, I am a leader, you can also be a singer."

He shook his head desperately and said, "Oro, you are going to be an adult soon. You are already 7 years old. I am less than four years old. We are half the difference. I can't be a leader, although I have already changed color, but the triangle. The dragon entered the Asian adult age when he was about five years old. I just changed color in advance, I am still a little bitch."

Mongo paid attention to Oro from the beginning. He saw that Oro had been watching it. He was carried out by Nassau. Oro also stood in the same place. He came back to eat the fern, and Oro kept watching. Hey, when he said this for a long time, Meng Ge was very angry, but he could not fly to eat Oro, only to be anxious.

Oro listened to what he said, and finally said, "Hey, no matter when you want to come to my ethnic group, I will let you be the leader with me. You can still bring your three brothers of Tyrannosaurus."

You can only say politely, "I will talk about it later, Oro."

Oro head turned away without returning.

Looking at the back of Oro’s departure, he felt that this Oro was really shaking. Before he was good to Oroto, he still tried to please Oro. Oro was very angry with him. Now, he is very good for Oro. Fierce, Oro chased him and wanted him to be the leader.

After returning to the ethnic group, Oro was surrounded by a group of very strong male triangle dragons, all of whom were the most powerful male triangle dragons often around Oro.

These male triceratops know that Oro is looking for 咕噜 to want their lord to be the leader, they also want the squad leader, they also want to immediately apologize for the verbal injury last night, have asked Oro

"When are you coming to our ethnic group?"

"Oro, will you really come with three brothers of Tyrannosaurus?"

"As long as I can be our leader, I can accept the three little Tyrannosaurus."

"But the three little Tyrannosaurus must not harm any Triceratops of the ethnic group."

"I shouldn’t say that last night. He wants to hit me. I don’t move. I will call him."

"Me too, me too."

They talked very hotly, thinking that they would be their leader. In the end, Oro said coldly that "咕噜 will not be our territory for the time being."

All the male triangle dragons were very shocked and asked in unison, "Why are Oro, why are you not willing?"

Oro made a roar to these noisy male triangle dragons, and they spread out. They were still afraid of Oro.

At this time, the dragon group that went down the mountain last night also climbed to the mountain, but these dragon groups suffered heavy losses.

The Oro group looked at these dragons passing by their ethnic groups. They knew several triceratops here. There was a ternary dragon with more than 500 triceratops. Now there are only one hundred and less, and one The Triceratops group left the other two Triceratops all dead, and a Triceratops group was the last to go, with the least loss, but none of the more than two hundred nephews in the Dragon Group survived.

These dragons returning to the mountains are very sad. They are silently eating ferns, and a small number of dragons are almost dead. Only a few dragons are looking for new dragons to join.

Oro unconsciously took his ethnic group away from the blunt and squatting places to rest and eat fern plants.

He asked Nassau to fly with him to the opposite side. He went to the ethnic group of Pado first, and let Pado see them down the mountain and then went down the mountain together before going to the ethnic group of Mongo.

After Mongo waited, he said, "Hey, I want to talk to you alone."

Of course, I followed Mongo to the lush grove next to me, where the people of Mongo were far away, and there were lush ferns covering them.

Mongo "Hey, you become human."

Of course, it immediately became a human being.

Mongo looked at the red marks that had been wiped out by the storm in some places on the body. He was very distressed. He was only known yesterday, and Nassau encountered a hurricane in the sea.

Of course, I won’t tell Mongo that they are in such a dangerous situation. Mongo will ask Nassau every day what happened to Nassau. Nassau accidentally said that he missed his mouth yesterday, and Mongo knew.

Meng Ge gently licked the red mark on his body with his own head and said, "Hey, I won’t be holding anything for me anymore, I won't allow it."

I felt that Meng Ge’s huge breath hit my skin and it was a little itchy. He said, “What am I doing with you, Mengo, what happened to you?”

Mongo "Canneso told me yesterday, you and he met a hurricane in the sea"

I’m so mad in my heart, it’s not that you are not allowed to tell Mongo and Pado. What happened to your Fengshen pterosaur was put out by Mongo, and when did Mongo become so smart? Ah, I have learned how to set up Nassau.

Meng Ge’s tone has become very strict. “Hey, I heard no, I said I can’t lie to me again”

In fact, I am still very afraid of Mongo. Just like I’m afraid of Pado, he quickly said, “Mongo, don’t be angry, I know, I will never look at you any more, no, don’t be angry. it is good"

Meng Ge said with a distressed sigh, "When will these injuries be good?"

These injuries in the human body are only minor bruises. They are completely invisible on the body of the dinosaur. In fact, even if you don’t pay attention to it on the human body, you can’t find it. He said, “These injuries are very small, just like you. The lining film was scratched by the branches, it was not painful at all, and it could not be hurt."

In fact, Mungo also knows that he is still very distressed by his little sister.

Of course, Mongo also remembered the triceratops. He said, "Hey, the ternary dragon that told you for a long time and a long time today, the very strong triceratops, what is his name, what he said to you. ”

I immediately told Mongo about the whole process of knowing Oro.

Mongo "You are still a little bitch, why should you be the leader of his ethnic group, not allowed to go"

Hey, "Mongo, don't I say it, I won't go."

Mengo nodded and thought, this Oro's meat must be delicious.

In order to make Mengmeng happy, he said, "Mengo, if you sit down, I haven’t slept on your stomach for a long time. I want to sleep on your stomach."

Mongo sat down against a big tree, and stepped on Mongo's strong hind legs and climbed onto his stomach.

When Mongo sat down, the stomach was just tilted and it was very comfortable to sleep.

Lying on the huge belly of Mongo, the afternoon sun casts a mottled tree through the lush forest, and a circle of light is softly hitting them, quiet and peaceful.

The lining on the belly of Mongo is slightly beautiful against the five colors of light under the sunlight.

This Tyrannosaurus leather sofa is very comfortable whether it is lying or lying, and you can't sleep, just rolling over and rolling on Mongo's stomach, rolling and rolling and actually falling asleep.

When he woke up, it was already in the evening. After he and Mongo said goodbye, he asked Naso to take him back to the blunt and awkward ethnic group.

Of course, there is no blame for Nassau saying that he missed his mouth. Nassau also naively thought that Mongo really did not tell Mengmeng that they had encountered a hurricane.

After returning to the blunt and awkward ethnic group, he discovered that Oro’s ethnic group was not far away, and he did not have it before, but he did not pay attention to it.

Instead, Paige has been watching Oro's ethnic group, because he saw the little nephews who followed him before being bullied again, being bullied and miserable, he and sad.

He walked to the side of Pach and comforted his younger brother, "Pach, who will definitely become very powerful in the future. They will certainly be able to protect themselves without worrying about them."

Paige nodded and said, "Well, my brother, they will definitely become very powerful in the future."

I also basically know the little scorpions who followed Patrice. The little scorpions lost a lot when they left the ethnic group. They were hurt everywhere. I can see that they were bullied after Paige left. .

But this is also a no-brainer. They are not members of the Oro group. They can't help those little sisters.

In this way, they stayed on the mountain for three or four days before going down the mountain. The downhill is much slower than the mountain, because the other side of the mountain is steep, they have to go down the road.

After walking in the mountains for seven or eight days, they finally came to the bottom of the mountain. At this time, the sea was completely calm, and even the sea area where the volcanic eruption occurred was re-blue.

On the third day after going down the mountain, I saw that Casey flew over the Haiping line and found Nassau. It looked very anxious. He guessed what might have happened to Nassau’s ethnic group.

But no matter how you ask, Nassau and Cassie said that the ethnic group did not encounter anything. Nassau and Cassie wanted to return to the ethnic group. Nassau left the six pterosaurs to the cockroaches and let the six Fengshen pterosaurs Bring the meat over for the three tyrannosaurus scorpions.

Of course, Nassau does not care whether the tyrannosaurus and the scorpion will starve to death. Nassau does not want to take the risk of hunting for the tyrannosaurus and the scorpion, but Nassau and Kathy are just leaving, so let the six Fengshen pterosaurs Followed by chasing Naso and Cassie.

I know that Nassau’s ethnic group must have done a lot of things, maybe what happened when Nassau just found him, because Nassau often looked in a direction in a daze.

Thinking of this, I blame myself for not asking Nassau any more, why not let Nassau go back earlier, he feels that he is too selfish.

After Nassau left, he would have to re-hunt for hunting. The main place is the fern plain. There are no forests and there are not many small dragons. The bigger dragons are dangerous for them.

The tsunami and the super-submarine volcanic eruption in this piece of water have been very dangerous. It is impossible for the dark warehouse and deep to come back so soon, and the big seafood brothers can't eat it.

愁 Every day, you have to worry about hunting.

The Tyrannosaurus scorpion had not eaten for three days. They were dizzy and humble, and they couldn’t do it.

Mongo is also very anxious, Mongo's ethnic group still habitually more hunting every day, but there is no Fengshen pterosaurs to the other side.

I don't know why, he came to the beach with a small donkey without knowing it, even though he knew that the dark warehouse and the deep must have not returned.

The three Tyrannosaurus brothers were already hungry, and they sat down on the beach.

He was kneeling on the beach for a while and was preparing to go back. The calm sea suddenly burst into a huge wave. He thought it was a dark warehouse and deep, and he was happily yelling at the huge waves.

The huge waves swept a big-eyed fish dragon that had been bitten to death and just ran aground in the footsteps.

Looking into the sea, there are a group of big-eyed fish dragons, and the huge waves seem to be the big-eyed fish dragons.

The three brothers of Tyrannosaurus were too hungry. They had eaten big-eyed dragons before, knowing that this fish was particularly delicious, and ran over and started eating wildly.

He looked at the gorging brothers and looked at the fish dragons in the sea. He fell into meditation.

Not long after, there was a huge wave, and there was another spearfish at the foot of the donkey. It was a group of spearfish that sent this spearfish.

Then there was another rod of ammonite, one more bananogi fish, and one more prehistoric squid and these were sent to the shore by a group of them.

The three Tyrannosaurus scorpions, all kinds of fish, squid, and ammonite, all eat, and they feel that they are not all delicious.

咕叽 "Brother, why the sea will send so many fish to us to eat, eat well."

咕嘎 "Because my brother is a sea god"

咕咚 "The right pair is definitely because my brother is a sea god"

After a while, there were a lot of big fish and big dragons in the sea, and the little scorpions couldn’t eat them.

Look at the sea

I don’t know what’s going on here. He wants to ask these ethnic groups in the sea. “Why are you doing your own fish, dragon, give me, why?”

However, the words of the younger brothers reminded him that perhaps these ethnic groups in the sea really regarded him as a "Poseidon", just like the sacred human sacrifices to the sea gods and river gods, they will send the children and boys in the village, or young women. The child gives the sea god, the river god.

I really want to yell, "I am not a sea god, I don't need you to sacrifice."

Of course, he didn't shout, and every day after that, he took his brothers to the beach. As long as he went to the beach, he would surely get all kinds of fish and dragons.

A few days later, in order not to waste, he would communicate with the "believers" in his sea. He screamed and said that the food was enough, no need for more.

I am inexplicably, I really became a sea king.

The tyrannosaurus brothers are no longer eating, and there is more time to see the Mongo and Pardo on the other side.

At noon this day, I saw that Mengo and a female tyrannosaurus had been talking for a long time, and the female tyrannical dragon did not know, never seen.

He was very angry. He immediately wanted to rush to ask Mengge. Who is this female tyrannical dragon? You are not saying that even if you want to be with the female tyrannosaurus, you should like my female tyrannical dragon, you don’t tell me today. Clear, I am, I am so angry that I am not angry.

At this moment, I saw the pterosaurs of the Nassau community come back.