MTL - Back Off, Let Me Come-Chapter 25 0: good face

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  Chapter 25 025: Good Face

  Shen Tang threw the digging knife to the ground.

   Angrily said: "What am I going to Xiaocheng for? Do I throw myself into a trap? Besides, what is there to do in that poor place?"

   Respect her fugitive personality!

   "Mr. Shen Xiaolang is not worried about other relatives?"

  Shen Tang hesitated when he heard the words.

  Qi Shan's words hit her heart.

  No matter what, she is using this body now, so she should learn about the past of the original owner of the body, so as not to be seen as flawed when meeting someone the original owner knows, and cause trouble. I don't know if the original owner of the body has any relatives. If they have survived the pain of betrothal marriage, they can take care of them in secret.

  The change in Shen Tang's expression fell into the eyes of Qishan, whose brows and eyes were visible to the naked eye.

   It is expected that Shen Tang's choice will be as he wishes!

   "I can see that Mr. Shen Xiaolang has extraordinary potential, and he may make a lot of achievements in the future. Qi is not talented, and he is called a celebrity. Although he is not as good as those famous Confucian teachers in the world, it is more than enough to teach Mr. Shen the basic things..."

  Shen Tang had plans in mind, but he didn't say anything.

  She deliberately said: "I have memorized all those books of Yuanliang."

Qishan couldn't help laughing, raised his finger to point to his own brain, and said confidently: "Mr. Shen, the real precious content is here. If you can master Wenxin after reading a few volumes of words, it would be too easy to steal a teacher. "

"Yuanliang's words are also reasonable, but this place in Xiaocheng..." She spent so much time escaping to escape, but then ran over in a panic. If she was unlucky and bumped into the official who escorted her in Xiaocheng, she would be so embarrassed, " You have to make a promise."

"For example?"

  Shen Tang: "For example, the speech spirit that can change the shape and appearance of the body."

  Pray for goodness: "..."

  He really doesn’t have such a thing here, and in his cognition, there is no such heretical speech spirit—the world’s speech spirit, all of which are used for power, strategy, and martial arts. Why is Mr. Shen Xiaolang’s mind so peculiar?

  Although he has no words, he has something else.

"What's this?"

  Shen Tang caught the small bottle he threw.

  Open the bottle, squint to look inside, a bottle of fine black powder, I don't know what it is used for.

  Qi Shan reveals the answer: "The bottom of the pot is ashes."

  Shen Tang: "..."

   "Smear some on your face, or run more, get more sun, sweat more, and don't shower or wash for seven or eight days, who can recognize you?"

  Shen Tang imagined that he had only sweated for seven or eight days without taking a bath, as if he could smell the indescribable pungent sour smell.

   "Is this a bad idea for you?"

   "How can this be considered a bad idea?" The smile on Qishan's face was restrained to three points, without any emotion, "This is based on experience."

  Shen Tang was slightly surprised.

  Talk from experience?

However, Qi Shan obviously didn't want to get entangled in this point, so he raised his voice again: "Mr. Shen, there is no need to be so worried. The officials escorted are far more 'dereliction of duty' than you. The possibility of fugitives escaping will be reported. It cut off another person's ear to make up for your quota. Therefore, you don't have to worry about seeing your wanted portrait at the gate of Xiaocheng City."

  Even if the official does not "defeat his duties and fool" and report Shen Tang's escape, and the artist draws a portrait of the wanted man, so what?

  Based on the degree of abstraction of the portraits drawn by those painters, unless the face has very obvious features, otherwise the mother will not be able to recognize her when she comes, let alone the city gate where people pass in and out every day. The possibility of Shen Tang's identity being exposed is too small.

  After some rhetoric, Shen Tang took a reassurance.

   "Okay, let's go."

  She dug a huge deep pit, threw all the corpses into it, and then filled it back with soil. Qishan set up a bonfire and baked Shen Tangyan's spiritualized pancakes, and she could eat them hot as soon as she sat down.


   Miscalculated the temperature of the pancakes and almost burned my tongue.

  This kind of pancake has no taste, except that the burnt part is a bit burnt, and the other places are the same. The more you eat, the thirstier you become. Every two bites need to be accompanied by a sip of water, and the mouth is very pale. She couldn't help but wonder why she couldn't add stuffing, such as preserved vegetables with meat.

  For some reason, Qi Shan went to bed very early tonight.

  Neither read books nor practice speech.

  Shen Tang didn't feel sleepy, and stared at the campfire in a daze.

   After an unknown amount of time, she heard the slight sound of grass and trees being stepped on—someone was approaching her carefully, but she didn't care about it because there was no malice.

  The man sat down not far away, and by the light of the fire, he saw that it was Yu Shi Zhongcheng's stupid son, staring at her intentionally or unintentionally, hesitant to speak, hesitant to speak, as if he wanted to confirm something.

   Opened her mouth several times but didn't know where to start. Shen Tang waited impatiently, and finally she took the initiative to provoke the topic.

   "Has Zhongcheng fallen asleep?"

The man was startled, as if he didn't expect Shen Tang to take the initiative to talk to him: "Well... Father, he fell asleep, but he didn't sleep well, and he was a little hot. He suffered too many injuries along the way, and the wounds were red. Gotta find some herbs..."

   As he spoke, the man's eyes turned red.

  Father's health is much better than ordinary people, but he can't stand his age and can't stand big bumps and tortures.

  Shen Tang said: "There should be a village nearby. You can go and get some herbs from the villagers. Speaking of which, I haven't asked Mr. Lang what his name is, so I don't know how to call him?"

   "In Shimoda Zhong, words are righteous."

   "Why is Shouyi just looking at me like that?"

"I feel that you are almost identical to a person I have met, except for your gender. And, I heard you talking to Mr. Qishan during the day, saying that you are..." Tian Zhong swallowed the word "fugitive", "I will I thought you had a relationship with her."

  Shen Tang: "..."

  Good spirits are not bad spirits.

   Did she meet the acquaintance of the original owner of the body?

  Shen Tang asked: "Who is that person? Do you know each other well?"

   Tian Zhong waved his hands again and again: "I'm not familiar with you, I just met once. In terms of relationship, she should be regarded as my niece and daughter-in-law."

  Shen Tang was greatly shocked: "...Nephew, nephew?"

"Strictly speaking, it doesn't count." He explained, "I and Yunchi's father are both classmates and the same year, so I recognized a god-in-law. Yunchi is my nephew. If the two get married, they should also be called according to their relationship. I say 'Uncle Tian'."

   "Who is Yun Chi?"

   "Gong's Gong Cheng, word Yun Chi."

  Shen Tang: "..."

   Good guy!

  She called it a good guy!

  This body is only eleven or twelve years old!

   "Why didn't Li Cheng?"

"On the day of the big wedding, there was not enough time for three prostrations. Before the ceremony was completed, officials broke into the Gong's mansion to take the man. The whole mansion, including that one, were escorted into prison, and sent on the road within two days. I was also a guest at the time... Seriously. Pity."

   He sighed after finishing speaking.

  He used to be busy with the distribution of the Gong family, but he never expected that only a few days later, his whole family also suffered disaster.

  Shen Tang asked: "Where is Gong Cheng now?"

  He smiled wryly: "If you're lucky, you're probably on the road of distribution. If you're unlucky, you're probably on the road to Huangquan."

  Shen Tang suppressed the twitching veins, and continued to insinuate, to extract information: "Which family does Gong Cheng's bride belong to?"

   "She was born in the Shen family, but..."

   "Just what?"

  He said: "It's just that within two days of being assigned by the Gong family, the Shen family was ordered by Zheng Qiao to exile from the nine tribes. It's really miserable."

  Shen Tang: "..."

  Nine tribes of Yi…

   That is to say, in this world, apart from a Gong Cheng who doesn’t know who is dead, what is the current kinship relationship of the original owner—true orphan?

   I spent an hour tossing about 500 words, Gan!

   Gong Cheng is not the hero, not the hero, not the hero!

   Gong Cheng is six or seven years older than the heroine!

   He is not the hero!

   Passers-by, at most they have a role to play.

   The heroine is not married either!

   The heroine is unmarried!

   Will not marry in the future, at most she will marry!

   The male protagonist is six years younger than the female protagonist, so as long as someone older than the female protagonist appears in the text, it cannot be the male protagonist!

   The emotional drama in this article is almost zero zero zero zero!

   Everyone just look at the career line.

   After all, being a boss can have a group of well-off courtiers, and the number is not limited at the same time, but not in love, what does this tell us?

   Tell us that doing business is better than doing people.

   PS: It’s not that I don’t write extra episodes of the boss, but how long is your Empress Kangkang, I’m rereading it, TM is going crazy!



  (end of this chapter)