MTL - Back Off, Let Me Come-Chapter 24 0: Takajo

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   Chapter 24 024: Xiao Cheng

"I know, I know naturally." Qi Shan was not surprised by Yu Shi Zhongcheng's reaction, and still smiled slightly, "But it's a pity, it's only a one-time relationship, and I'm afraid Master Tian won't remember it. Eight years ago, Xin Guote tried, Tian Shi happened to be the Zhongzheng officer that time."

  Eight years ago?

  Zhong Zhengguan?

   Two prompts made Yu Shi Zhongcheng react.

  I have a little impression.

  The so-called "special examination" is a special trial and assessment in addition to the normal selection of talents. The Zhongzheng official is the chief examiner, and scholars can use this opportunity to enter the official career.

   There are three items in the assessment, family background, character and ability, and the most important literary grade.

  The first two determine the lowest line, or the threshold of officialdom, and the last one determines the ceiling that official career can reach.

   Yushi Zhongcheng has a good memory.

  He has an impression of the scholars selected that time, but he doesn’t remember that there is Qishan in it, so Qishan should be one of the unsuccessful ones?

  As soon as this guess popped up in his head, Yu Shi Zhongcheng's face flashed a little unnaturally - he was the Zhongzheng official, and it was really his fault that he missed such a big fish.

  But after thinking about it, Xin Guo no longer exists, and a large number of Xin Guo's old officials have been liquidated and poisoned by Zheng Qiao.

  In just a few months, there are countless souls.

   It is a good thing to pray for goodness and not become an official.

  He patted his son's arm lightly. The son understood and helped him to stand up. The father and son bowed to Qishan solemnly.

   "Ask for the name of your benefactor."

  Pray for goodness and return gifts one by one.

   "The surname is Qi, the first name is Shan, and the character is good."

  Censor Zhongcheng murmured: "Qi Yuanliang... pray?"

  Qi Shan's surname was too rare, so he had a vague impression that there was indeed a young scholar named "Qi Shan" on the roster. He was only sixteen years old at the time, and he was the youngest among the group of scholars.


  Censor Zhongcheng lowered his eyelids, and glanced at the Wenxin monogram on Qishan's waist without any trace—if I remember correctly, the Wenxin grade of that scholar seems to be—

  Before he searched out that memory, Qi Shan had seen through Yu Shi Zhongcheng's little tricks and opened his mouth.

   "It is the middle and lower of the sixth grade."

  Censor Zhongcheng pursed his lips and remained silent. As the clues increased, he gradually remembered some dusty details.

  At this time, his son looked at Qishan and then at his father, and interjected: "Six-rank Zhongxiaxin? Why wasn't he recruited?"

  Although it is said that the middle and lower grades of the sixth rank belong to the middle and lower ranks, if there is no accident, there is no possibility of climbing up to the three princes and nine officials in a lifetime, but with real materials, it is not a problem to find a small official.

  In the few years before the fall of the Xin Kingdom, there was a shortage of talents everywhere, and the standards were not high. It was impossible not to hire Qishan.

  Yu Shi Zhongcheng didn't speak, but squinted, and silently warned his son to keep quiet, but his son trembled from his stare, and turned off the microphone every minute.

  The son was quiet, so he asked Qishan for proof.

   "Who did the benefactor offend at that time?"

  Qi Shan was banned, and even a small official in a remote place could not be found. Naturally, it was not just because of the lack of Wenxin rank.

   "Well, there is indeed an offense."

  Qi Shan's eyes were slightly curved into crescent moons, and he readily admitted.

   "Father, who framed your benefactor?"

   Yushi Zhongcheng's son has the same temperament as his father, even more straightforward and simple than his father. Hearing that praying for good was punished because he offended someone and missed his official career, he immediately became angry. Unexpectedly, Yu Shi Zhongcheng not only did not answer, but secretly twisted the flesh of his upper arm.


   "Shut up!" Yu Shi Zhongcheng cast a sidelong glance.


"That person is not considered to be framed, but it is my handle that fell into his hands. At that time, it is better to lose the election than to be threatened by others after becoming an official." Qishan was very open-minded, and there was no obvious emotional ups and downs in his eyes, as if to say something Trifles that have nothing to do with themselves.

   "The handle?" The silly son was still upright.

  Qishan smiled suddenly: "Well, forged background."

  The stupid son of the Zhongcheng family: "..."

  Censor Zhongcheng who knows part of the truth: "..."

  "False origin" is nothing compared to the real handle. However, the Kingdom of Xin was destroyed, and the "big witch" at that time was nothing. It's just that the lives of their father, son and several relatives and friends were saved by others, so why expose others' faults?

  Qi Shan asked: "Does Master Tian know where that person is now?"

  Censor Zhongcheng remembered something, and his complexion was gloomy.

   "In Xiaocheng..."


"He is now the governor of Sibao County, and his county is in Xiaocheng. The soldiers of the Geng Kingdom suppressed the border, and he secretly colluded with Zheng Qiao, cooperating internally and externally, and took down several fortresses in the Xin Kingdom... If it weren't for this, at least five more Month, maybe I can wait for a connecting flight..."

  Qi Shan said: "It's not surprising to repeat villains."

   "The benefactor asked his whereabouts to prepare... for revenge?"

  At this time, Mr. Shen Xiaolang's hidden evil voice rolled into his ears: "I am fighting the enemy bravely, and you are here to chat about old times?"

  Shen Tang was drenched in blood, and came over with a loving mother sword to shake people to dispose of the corpse—to destroy the corpse and wipe out any traces, so as not to cause other twists and turns—but he saw Qishan chatting with someone from a distance, and his fist was hardened.

  She feels that it is not the "filial sons" who are queuing up to reincarnate, but Qi Yuanliang, who is always on the edge of OB, who needs the education of the loving mother sword most.

  Seeing Shen Tang coming back, Qishan's eyes flashed with surprise—he knew that Shen Tang could deal with those ten soldiers, but he didn't expect her to move so fast even without the blessing of speech.

"Naturally, I trust Mr. Shen Xiaolang's ability. Are those mobs your all-in-one enemy?" Facing the accusation, he dismissed it perfunctorily without any sincerity. He looked past Shen Tang and looked behind her, "They are all dead." gone?"

  She snorted coldly: "It's all dead."

   Cut the weeds and get rid of the roots, leaving no future troubles.

  Shen Tang shook his wrist, and the blood on the sword was thrown onto the blade of grass along with force, leaving little red marks.

   "What about the poisoned ones?"

   "A kind person like me will naturally not let them continue to be tortured by the machine - a sword in the throat and a sword in the heart."

   Guaranteed to die beyond death.

  Qishan asked and answered with Shen Tang, and also used his spare time to pay attention to the few prisoners who were rescued - Yushi Zhongcheng, as the chief of Yushitai, had a lot of contacts with the Gong family of Xin Guo. If Mr. Shen Xiaolang is "Gong Cheng", he shouldn't fail to recognize it.

  However, Yu Shi Zhongcheng didn't have the reaction that an acquaintance should have when seeing Shen Tang's face, instead he was a little curious and surprised.

  A young man wearing a Wenxin monogram fights more fiercely than a reckless man with a valiant tiger charm. It is indeed worthy of curious onlookers.

  Pray for kindness and reflect on yourself.

  Is Shen Tang really not "Gong Cheng"?

  As soon as he frowned, Shen Tang guessed what the **** was going on in his heart, and resisted the urge to roll her eyes—she knew that Qi Shan's previous sentence "I understand", understood the loneliness.

   If you have time to think about it, why not help her bury the body.

  Who knows—

  Qishan decisively refused.

  The reason is also very nonsense.

   "I'm cowardly, I don't want to see **** corpses."

  Shen Tang: "..."

  She can only roll up her sleeves and work on her own. There is no hope for praying for goodness, and even more so for the prisoners who have died half-lived and still rely on her pancakes, green plums, and caramel. While working, Qishan leaned against the tree trunk and hid in the shade to ask her.

   "Mr. Shen Xiaolang, are you interested in going to Xiaocheng?"

   I moved to a new house today, drank a lot of red wine, got up at 3:00 in the morning, and kept busy until 3:00 in the afternoon. My brain still hurts, and I feel that my thoughts are not very smooth. If there is a problem, I will get a full sleep tomorrow and revise it.

Goodnight everybody.



  (end of this chapter)