MTL - Attack Stream of Life-Chapter 114

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The game is over, as usual, it is a return coupon, there is no surprise, but other people's gift packs have given out very good props, the grade is indeed much higher than the low difficulty, with all kinds of magic skills. Many of them are reusable and very practical.

He also knew what the rest coupon was about.

It turned out to be a ticket to a leisure community, with a stay time, mostly three days, and a month long.

There are many modern entertainment facilities that can be seen everywhere but are now unavailable, which can make everyone take a breath for a while and not go completely crazy.

But there are also people who are abolished because of this short break. The nerves that have been tense for a long time are suddenly relaxed, and the inertia and weakness make it impossible to face the endless game challenges.

Everything has two sides, whether it is good or bad, mainly depends on the player himself.

In addition, players are also there to exchange information and exchange information to increase their chances of survival.

Qingchuan presented the stand-in props to fifteen people. His local tyrant style surprised these high-end players. He was surprised that there are such powerful and humanitarian people in this world, like A superhero in the comic book world.

The people who got it were rejoicing, and the two who were excluded were like mourning concubines, they couldn't believe what they missed.

"I don't know how to repay you, Qing." The black girl's eyes were red with emotion, she wiped the tears from her face, "I know some game information, it may not be useful, at least you There is a preparation."

After she almost died, she seems to be no longer obsessed with the privacy of information, but chose to share: "You can share this information with others for free, I hope that more people will be because of this Information survives."

"Maybe I can't be as selfless as Qing, but at least I should live like a person."

The second is the big guy who partnered with the black girl before. He also has a lot of news, a lot.

"I have been to the rest community and have exchanged a lot of information. There is no guarantee that it is correct. You can use it as a reference."

Affected by this atmosphere, everyone exchanged a lot of news that they had paid for before. This may be their biggest takeaway from this game, a lot of information, and the value of unity.

Unscrupulous competition with each other will only make the game harder.

The two excluded people were so far apart that even if they pricked up their ears, they couldn't hear much, and the expressions on their faces were so black that ink dripped.

Qing Chuan saw it and let them get closer.

"I don't like you, but I hope you live."

Qingchuan comforted everyone: "Don't give up no matter what, we'll see you in the real world in the future."

"Qing, I want to know, how many people are like you in this world?" one person asked, dancing and dancing, "That's it, hehehe (imitation of hitting), it's amazing. There are mysterious powers, superpowers."

"Yes, a lot." Qing Chuan said naturally.

"All as good as you?"

A dozen pairs of eyes of different colors stared at him, all looking forward to his answer.

This is not an easy question to answer because one accidentally caused an international dispute. What if everyone thinks that Huaxia Yiliu is a powerful warlock, and then advocates the threat theory again?

At the critical moment, Qingchuan thought of the strategic flickering game.

"I can only be regarded as ordinary among them. There are more powerful ones, but this is probably similar to nuclear weapons, and generally does not occur. You are like American imperialists, corrupt countries, and Dongying. There is such a great organization."

In the face of everyone's attention, Qingchuan began to blow his face without changing his face: "Especially the US emperor, the industry is very famous and very powerful. Of course, they are generally not known to the public, and some secret funds flow. ... In short, you understand. I am an unorganized wanderer, but my personal strength is still too weak. I hope those powerful organizations in the world will notice this soon."

Qingchuan said it so sincerely that everyone believed it.

They all discovered the appearance of the new world. In addition to being surprised, their faces were suddenly enlightened. Then they remembered many mysterious events in the real world and some unconfirmed rumors.

"So those witches, werewolves, vampires...and many of those superpowers are real? It seems that I have encountered unexplainable events...but I ignored it at the time , they fooled me with other psychological explanations. My God, I'm such a fool!"

"Yes, I did hear about it, but I didn't believe it at all. My God, have I brushed past that mysterious world?"

"Because it will cause social unrest, generally this kind of power will not be exposed. You don't have to worry too much, no matter what special power it is, there is an agency similar to the police station to manage it. Unsupervised power and power are huge hidden dangers.”

"Everyone wants the world to be better, not worse."

Qing Chuan continued to explain, he almost believed it himself.

"Then how do we find you?"

"I am an artist ready to debut in the real world, remember to support me then."

Everyone laughed, "What? Entertainer? Really?"

This contrast between the strong and the weak made the vigilance they just raised all dissipated. I didn't expect that people with this kind of strength would have to work hard and live, and life is not easy.

"Unbelievable, maybe there are mysterious people hidden around us. Just like Qing, on the bright side, he is an artist who is ready to debut, but he has great power..." This setting is simply too catchy , making the blood boil.

"Qing, please tell me your stage name, I'm going to support you!"

The local tyrant in the Arab turban even said that he would mobilize all the employees of his family to support him, buy all albums, watch all movies, and give away limited luxury cars and villas.

"Even if you give it to me, I can't afford it." It is easy to buy a car and difficult to maintain.

"Of course, life-long maintenance and insurance will be included, as well as an unlimited fuel card. By the way, I have two oil fields." The local tyrant exudes pride.

"Hey girl, can I chase you at that time?" the hip-hop youth asked loudly, looking at Qingchuan with bright eyes, "You are so cool!"

"emmm...First of all, I'm not a girl, I'm a boy. It's a personal preference. Second, you can chase it, but I won't accept it. My little prince is somewhere in this world right now Waiting for me to split the dragon to save him, I love him."

Although it was a bit unexpected, the black buddies still wished him, "Wow, that's really lucky. Good luck."

"Thank you."

They make the most of the twenty-four hours to get more information and organize.

Qingchuan still competes with paper-cutting. In fact, his craftsmanship is already very good, with a score of ninety-nine, which is beyond reproach from the technical and artistic levels, but the system still judges 'ninety-nine'. He was a little confused about what the 'emotion' needed by the system?

It is clear that the artistry and emotional expression of the object are fully considered when paper-cutting, but it is still not possible.

The rest time was over, he crossed the portal, and the white mist receded in front of him, and what appeared in front of him was a stormy night.

The bean-sized lights on the square table flickered on and off, and the broken eaves and moss-covered walls were looming in the storm.

He was standing on the edge of a window sill, and the cold and wet wind mixed with raindrops was blowing. Looking out, a few pedestrians in long coats hurriedly walked with umbrellas. A bunch of small flowers protruding from the gap on the bluestone plate lowered their heads.

The style changed so quickly, it took him a while to get used to it.

Is this a game scene of the Republic of China?

Qingchuan looked back and saw a lot of people sitting on the square table, and some came one after another. At the end, there were no more than eighteen, men and women, young and old, Chinese and foreign, north and south, and others. It's a high-end game with a very high mortality rate.

I always feel that the boss behind the game wants to kill him.

"Hello everyone, I'm Ah Qing, from China." Qing Chuan introduced himself to them with a smile.

Among the 18 people, 4 are Chinese, and the other two are Eastern Ying people, and the rest are European and American. Europeans and Americans do not have an advantage in this kind of game with an obvious oriental style, so there is a tendency to clique subconsciously.

"Let's analyze it before the game starts?" Qing Chuan said to himself.

He is like an enthusiastic silly girl who doesn't know the rules of the game, with a sweet smile on his face, harmless to humans and animals.

"You can take a look at this scene. First of all, we analyze the place where we are, it is an inn, and it is not a good inn. Oh, an inn is a hotel. We are on the second floor now, can I can see the residential houses not far away - a typical Jiangnan style southern courtyard."

Qingchuan analyzed their generation in the Jiangnan water town from the eaves, patios, water urns below, bluestone slabs, and residential buildings.

Looking at the old and new clothes and patches, the conditions in this county will not be too bad.

Contact the nearby environment and the abnormal hurried footsteps of pedestrians, ruling out the possibility of escape games.

It's either a puzzle game or a game of eliminating someone's obsession.

If it is a game of obsession elimination, they should be in a specific scene, unless it happened in this room on the second floor of this inn.

He tried to open the door, but the door could not be opened. Before the game officially started, they could only stay in this humble room, which was not in line with the setting of the game to eliminate obsessions.

"So, it should be a puzzle game. This is a team game that requires everyone to cooperate. The more clues you provide, the higher the score, so there is no need to guard against each other like this, we are not enemies, even In a way, a partner of destiny."

The kindness released by Qingchuan is obvious, and no one can turn a blind eye.

A brown curly-haired woman spoke for the second time. She said that she had studied behavioral psychology. She could learn from the hurried footsteps of those people, the deliberately lowered umbrella, and the complexity and panic of eye contact get some information.

These people are avoiding something they can't understand that will hurt them, or has hurt them.

After she finished speaking, a middle-aged Chinese man raised his hand, "I can speak a little bit of lip language, they speak a certain dialect, which happens to be a dialect I know. There is a word in ten Twice in a few different conversations, Paper Man, and in other conversations, there's a reference noun that appears six times—that thing."


Qingchuan came a little more energetic.

People who have some knowledge of East Asian culture have a change in expression, but those who do not understand are confused and do not understand what is scary about 'people made of paper'.

Qingchuan and the others explained in detail the derived meaning of the custom culture of paper people.

There are two kinds of paper figures, one is a three-dimensional paper figure, and the other is a cut paper figure, but no matter which one is, once it appears in the horror world, it is a terrible opponent. The most important thing is that this thing is easy to mass-produce, and it can also change the camouflage.

Similar to puppet art, but much more convenient than puppet art.

"In traditional supernatural stories, paper figures have several taboos, one is that they are afraid of revealing their identities, and the other party will have two reactions, one is to lock in hatred to trouble you, and the other is to be afraid of running away So, if you are not sure, even if you see the identity of the other party, don't say anything."

"The second is daylight, that is, the rooster's crowing means that it is dawn, and creatures like them must be hidden and cannot appear. So at a critical time, maybe learning the rooster's crowing has a miraculous effect."

"Third, fire. Because the body of the paper figurine is paper, it is instinct to be afraid of the flame. As long as it is not extinguished, the flame has a deterrent effect."

Qingchuan gave the European and American people with no concept a typical example of the Asian horror culture - the common attack methods and common solutions of paper people.

"If you follow the horror plot in the past, the paper figurines can go in two directions. One is that there is a mastermind behind the scenes, that is, the manipulator. Similar to the Eastern Warlocks manipulating the shikigami, there are warlocks who are manipulating the paper figurines. It was formed by chance, because this kind of thing itself has mysterious elements, so it is easier to live."

A big red-haired man who tied his beard into a braid and tied a red bow couldn't help rubbing his arm, "Eastern horror likes this kind of psychological blow. If it is Real swords and real guns, I'll do it right away, but this kind of thing is really troublesome."

"I remembered, I saw a movie in Dongying before, in which there was a magician who used a paper man to become a maid." Another blond man also remembered, he It seems to have a little concept of Oriental Paper Man.

"It's an Onmyoji, not a magician." The boy from Dongying corrected him.

The first two gongs and the last one long tone, this sound is once a moment, from far to near.

The sound came so suddenly that everyone was startled and almost jumped out of their chairs.

"What's that sound?"

"I know!" A white-skinned young man was pleasantly surprised, "I usually like to watch Huaxia, this is the update, now it's a update. A update... When is a update? Why do I suddenly think Can't get up? I even lined up a common time pronoun... Oh! I remember it, it's seven to nine o'clock in the evening, two hours."

It's really a fetish, and it can make a crooked nut memorize an ancient time scale.

"The rain has stopped, and there is still the sound of the clock. These will not come together for no reason. Let's push the door and see."

They pushed the door, and sure enough, it opened, indicating that the game started.

"Who has experience with supernatural horrors? Or, do you have any means to deal with them?"

No one spoke, all looked at Qingchuan.

"Okay, we can work in groups of three, six groups of people, spread out to collect information. We came here before the third watch for about three hours. The reason is before the third watch, Because after the third watch is the moment when most of the horror stories start to happen, gathering together can guarantee the survival rate. I hope that each group has an experienced player.”

"By the way, I have experience dealing with supernatural horrors."

Although Qingchuan suggested this, it is up to everyone to discuss the specifics.

So the final grouping is not a three-person group, but a random arrangement of three to six people. Qingchuan has a restraint method for self-destruction and has always shown self-confidence. People who are not very good at this join his team.

Now his team has five players, two white people, two Chinese players (including Qingchuan), and one Dongying player.

is the largest group.

People still prefer a few actions.

"Huh? Do you believe me?"

"I think you are very confident. Chinese people generally don't admit that they are very good, unless they are really special, I think you are." The big man with a red bow on his beard said so.

This is a muscular man with thick arms and thighs, just don't know why the aesthetic is so girly.

The girl in the colorful scarf smiled at Qing Chuan, "My card told me." She took out a stack of tarot cards from her pocket. It turned out to be a tarot card girl obsessed with divination.

The young man who is also Chinese raised his glasses, "I have some research on murder cases, but this kind of game that is difficult to explain with science and logic is very unfriendly to me. So, follow An experienced person is the best option."

"Intuition, it's intuition!" Dongying player emphasized, "I have relied on it several times to escape my life."

A group of five came to the street, the others had gone. Qingchuan took a few steps and searched for a while on Qingshi Road. He found a circular piece of paper that was wet with water. "This is the paper money thrown at the funeral."

"What's the use of finding this?" asked the big man with a bow.

Really a qualified cheerleader, answer in time to avoid embarrassment.

"One, it means that people have died recently, meaningless details rarely appear in the game, and the high probability is related to our game. Two, we can find this family in the opposite direction. Because when we throw paper money Everyone still likes to use the right hand, that is, the right hand, and they can tell their direction by the traces. In a funeral, that is, carrying the coffin from the home to the grave, so if you go in the opposite direction, you can find the family. Of course, it is also possible that we are unlucky enough to meet a left-handed person …”

They turned several corners against the direction of the paper money and finally came to a street. This street is full of big families, with long walls of blue bricks, high thresholds of logs, a pair of stone lions in front of the door, brass nails on the gate of cinnabar, and plaques hanging high.

The family was very recognizable, it said 'Song House', and there were white paper lanterns hanging on both sides, with 'Sacrificial' written on the lanterns.

"Shall we knock on the door?"

Qingchuan shook his head, "What are you knocking on the door for? If you knock on the door at this point, you have to be beaten out. Besides, this family has just done something for nothing, so they don't have the time to pay attention to us." Knowing what came to mind, he reached out and grabbed his hair aside, untied the slender black bow ribbon from his shirt, and tied his hair.

"I have an idea." Qing Chuan changed to a soothing male voice.

His team members were taken aback by him.

"This is you?"

"Personal hobbies."

Qingchuan didn't explain much, he walked a few steps into an alley, turned around and said to the team members, "Wait a minute, I'll be right back."

I saw him quickly disappear at the entrance of the narrow alley, and within two minutes, when the team members began to worry, he came out.

Holding her shirt and skirt, she wore a cyan satin gown, black vintage leather shoes, her hair was tied up, and her expression was no longer so soft.

Just like a man.

He stretched out his hand to catch a little water from under the eaves on one side of the fence, combed the bangs back on both sides, and then borrowed a pair of gold-rimmed glasses from a teammate to wear, coughed lowly, and then The opening was a lower baritone voice than before, "I'll take you to a place."

, It seems that he is completely a wealthy boy who follows the Western-style line and does not know the hardships of the world.

His teammates looked at each other, not quite understanding the meaning of Qingchuan's sudden gender change.


"I was originally a boy, don't you know that women's clothing boss? ... Let's take you to make money. What do you do to make money? Of course, it's to buy news."

Qingchuan followed the lively sounds in the distance and went all the way to a red-light district full of people. There are many Qinlou and Chu halls, as well as pawnshops and casinos.

He turned to the big man with a bow and said, "Lend me your gun."

The big man handed the gun to him, looking excited like watching some western cowboy action movie.

He walked directly into the casino with the most people, looked left and right for a while, and found a small table. The other four came in as well, obviously dressed in strange looks, and when they didn't speak, no one noticed them.

The dice-rolling man squeezed in at the sight of Qingchuan, such a handsome young man, looked up and down with his small eyes, estimated the price, and then narrowed his eyes, "This guest official is new? Do you want to try it?"

Qingchuan glanced at him, turned his wrist, stretched out his hand, took off the watch and placed it on the stage, "I originally bought it for one hundred and fifty Yingyang, and it counts as one hundred Yingyang. Bet big or small, how about a game?"

One Hundred Eagle Ocean is not a small amount of money, but the watch Qingchuan unwrapped is really beautiful. The man rolled his eyes and asked a younger brother to bring a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man picked up Qingchuan's watch and looked at it carefully, then nodded to the little eyes.


The value will do.

Small eyes smiled very kindly and enthusiastically, "One game determines the outcome? Then you can see it." , and finally slammed on the stage with a 'pop', "Buy and leave!"

Qingchuan pressed his watch on the 'Leopard', and some people around him pressed down on the big ones.

The little eyes smiled brighter and brighter, he blew the rainbow fart at Qingchuan, "This guest, you are really discerning, if you win, the money on the table will be yours. It's just one bet to one's life and one bet to die. People who don't have the guts dare not play like this. I've never seen such a bold guest like you in the past."

"What do you say? Can you open it?"

"Open!" He shouted loudly, with a greedy excitement on his expression, but as soon as his eyes saw the dice in the Gu, his entire expression froze.

Three six, especially clear and obvious, this is a leopard.

"Leopards, eat them all. Accept, accept." Qingchuan stretched out his hand and piled a roll of silver coins on the table into a hill in front of him. There were also some gold jewelry and other valuables. Objects, no matter what, are worth three or four hundred silver dollars. He looked at the pale little eyes, "Thanks to you, the novice really has some luck..."

He put on his watch again, filled a pocket with bulging silver dollars and was about to leave, and turned back to let a row of tall men stop him.

It looks like a **** in a royal robe.

The atmosphere was tense, Qingchuan's team members almost wanted to take action, but they were stopped by a gesture behind Qingchuan.

"It's fine to play another game." Qingchuan took out the gun directly, opened the safety, loaded it, aimed at the middle-aged man's forehead, smiled like a spring breeze and said: "What is it? Why don't we bet How long can you live? How many minutes do you bet?"

The gambler who was in full swing fell silent, cold sweat broke out from the middle-aged man's forehead, he laughed dryly, "Just kidding. Gui, why don't you open the door to see the guest away? Send? Why don't you wink at all?"

The crowd around Qingchuan separated from each other.

Qing Chuan walked to the door and suddenly turned around, "Why don't you ask me to come again next time?"

The one named Agui shivered, "Guest, guest officer, welcome to come again next time."

He smiled and left, while the others left behind.

"Come on, I'll take you to a drink."