MTL - Asking About Longevity-Chapter 65 Liberation Front

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Chapter 65: Liberation

After Mo Hua returned home, he had dinner with his parents, and asked his mother to help prepare some soy beef, snacks and wine. After that, he locked himself in the room and concentrated on thinking about the liberation formation.

He first drew a fire pattern on the paper. After the pattern was drawn, it turned light red and had a slight burning sensation.

 After that, the ink painting followed the method in the book and drew a water formation pattern next to the sill of the fire formation pattern.

 After finishing the painting, the red color of the fire pattern gradually dimmed, and the dense light red aura was no longer visible. When you touch it with your hands, you no longer feel the slight burning sensation.

 This also means that the fire pattern has failed.

 After drawing and then erasing it, the spiritual consciousness will be restored, which means that the spiritual consciousness will not be consumed, and the paper and ink will not be wasted.

 Ink Hua drew another open fire formation, and then solved it completely. Suddenly he realized that his solution was a waste of paper and ink. He had to draw it again and solve it again. Once he solved it wrong, he had to draw it again. It consumes more paper and ink than practicing the formations myself.

"This method is... simple and crude. Even if you don't understand the formation, you can still break the formation... Well, if you don't understand the formation, you can only use this method to forcefully break the formation."

Mo Hua is overjoyed. This Taoist stele is not only suitable for practicing formations, but also for practicing formation elimination.

 While thinking this way, Mo Hua sank his consciousness into the sea of ​​consciousness.


 The open fire formation is composed of three formation patterns and is the simplest type of formation.

 Mo Hua began to rummage through the formation book given to him by Mr. Zhuang, and finally found a page that explained the method of dismantling the spirit-gathering formation pattern. After reading each word of the ink painting carefully, I gained some understanding.

 The next step is the formation. Mo Hua spent some time to draw an open fire formation.

Mo Hua suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

Mo Hua looked at the open fire formation and thought.

 Ink painting will not be considered for the time being.

"This is what is called, 'damaging the medium of the formation and destroying the eye of the formation is called breaking the formation'..."

With just the skill of a cup of tea, an open fire array with standardized brushwork is sketched on the paper.

Mo Hua held his small cheek and thought:

However, it will be said later that this method also has problems. The spirit-gathering formation pattern used to break up the formation can easily accumulate too much spiritual power and cannot be released, causing the formation to go out of control and causing unpredictable dangers.

 The ink painting drew a water array pattern next to another array pattern, and the light on the open fire array disappeared instantly, and the entire array was also abolished.

 The FRELIMO was in effect, but not yet fully effective.

 The spirit-gathering formation pattern does have a powerful formation pattern - the counter-spirit formation pattern.

 “If you destroy the sea of ​​qi, you will also destroy the sea of ​​consciousness?!”

 The problem of spiritual stones is still very serious. Although the family situation has improved due to the income from the restaurant, there is not a huge shortage of spiritual stones for general use, but if you can save it, save it. There will be many places to use spiritual stones in the future.

Besides, these methods are simply impossible.

Records say that the counter-spirit formation is a profound formation pattern, which is mostly passed down within the clans of aristocratic families who are good at formation techniques and is not easily passed on to the outside world.

“The spiritual power in the formation is provided by the formation eye, so the sea of ​​​​qi is the formation eye, and the mystery formation exists in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, so the sea of ​​​​consciousness is the formation media? If you want to break the formation, that is..."

 Ink Hua is a little excited. Then he thought again: "To unravel the fire system pattern, you need to untie two. Then to untie the spirit-gathering array pattern as the eye of the formation, do you only need to untie one?"

 One hundred and seventy-six. Two hundred and thirty. One hundred and thirty-seven. Ninety

 “Sure enough!”

And if the ink painting is correct, the formation eyes of the mystery array in the sea of ​​consciousness are actually your own sea of ​​​​qi. Whether you use another sea of ​​​​qi to absorb the sea of ​​​​qi, or carve an anti-spirit formation in the sea of ​​​​energy to allow the spiritual power to escape, listen to Going up there is a recipe for death.

 After the formation pattern was painted, the open fire formation did not fail, but the luster on the formation was a bit dim.

 In addition, there is another way, which is to use the spirit gathering array pattern to dismantle the spirit gathering array. You only need to draw another spirit gathering pattern near the spirit gathering pattern, and use this spirit gathering pattern to absorb the spiritual power of the spirit gathering pattern as the eye of the formation, so that the eye of the formation loses power, which is naturally equivalent to lifting the Formation.

 The ink painting erased the formation patterns of the formation and the formation, and all the consumed spiritual consciousness was restored.

  In other words, currently the formation cannot be resolved by removing the formation eye.

 Sophisticated formation patterns are both difficult and impossible to learn.

When Mo Guanshi was copying the formations in ink painting, the first thing he drew was the open fire formation. Now it is effortless to draw this formation again.

Mo Hua felt refreshed and tried several other five-element formation patterns one by one. As expected, he could rely on the principle of the five elements to create and restrain the formation pattern and use the formation pattern to solve the formation pattern.

In the vast and empty sea of ​​consciousness, the mystery array woven by the spiritual gossamer is still there. The Taoist monument is also in the sea of ​​consciousness, and it seems not to be affected by the spiritual gossamer.


“The five-element formation pattern can be solved through the conflict between the five-element formation patterns, so what kind of formation should be used to solve the spirit-gathering formation pattern? The formation pattern used for gathering spirits should not have a life-or-death relationship..."

The spirit-gathering array pattern gathers the spiritual power, while the spirit-reverse array pattern causes the spiritual power to disperse in the reverse direction. One gathering and one dispersion naturally conforms to the principle of life and death. But Mo Hua had never learned about the counter-spirit formation pattern at all. He looked through relevant books and found no illustrations of the counter-spirit formation pattern, only some written records.

 The ink painting tore a gap in the formation paper, and sure enough, the formation on the paper was ineffective. The ink painting drew the open fire array again, and then changed the spirit gathering array pattern as the eye of the array. The open fire array was also ineffective.

Mo Hua concentrated on practicing the liberation formation in the sea of ​​consciousness. It was not until Yin that he withdrew from the sea of ​​consciousness. He closed his eyes and meditated for an hour, and then he became energetic.

“Then we can only learn and solve the formations one by one. In the end, the method without shortcuts is the only shortcut. The monastic world has been developing for tens of thousands of years, and there are unlikely to be any loopholes to exploit.”

 Ink painting is an eye-opener. I had never thought of using the Spirit Gathering Formation Pattern to resolve the Spirit Gathering Formation Pattern.

 “Let’s forget it…”

Breaking the formation is too simple and crude, lacks the cultivation of an formation master, and does not reflect the standard of an formation master.

When Mo Hua painted the open fire formation before, he just drew the gourd and the scoop without going into too much detail. Now he looked carefully and found that in the seemingly simple open fire formation, there was indeed one formation used for gathering spirits, and the other two formations. The pattern is an ordinary fire array pattern, used to make the array effective and illuminate.

 The ink paintings were compared one by one according to what Bai Zisheng said.

“Then what does the mystery array in my consciousness sea use as the eye and the medium of the array?”

The spirit-gathering formation pattern is the formation eye, the three directions are the formation hub, and the paper used to draw the formation is the formation medium.

 Ink Hua abandoned his distracting thoughts and drew the open fire array again, and then drew a water array pattern on the edge of one of the fire array patterns.

 Mo Shan and Liu Ruhua also got up earlier. Mo Shan was going to Black Mountain to hunt monsters, and Liu Ruhua had to prepare for the restaurant business.

After Mo Hua had a simple, delicious and warm breakfast, he carried the food box and headed to Mr. Zhuang's place.

Thank you Youyouyou, 991075.qdcn, Haiyue Princess 123 for the reward~(=^_^=)



 (End of this chapter)