MTL - Asking About Longevity-Chapter 64 weird

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Chapter 64 Weird

 “This is not for educational purposes.”

 The old man didn’t know when he appeared, so he said silently. Then he looked at Mr. Zhuang, hesitated slightly, and added:

 “At least to normal people.”

Mr. Zhuang frowned slightly, "Have you ever seen this kind of skill?"

The old man shook his head slightly, "I've seen weirder techniques, but I've never seen anything as weird as this..."

"I have seen bottlenecks in spiritual stones, spiritual roots, spiritual objects, meridians, and blood vessels. I have even seen techniques that require killing people, killing monsters, killing demons, and even techniques that require the blood, spiritual power, and spiritual consciousness of living people. But the bottleneck is the Sea of ​​Consciousness Mystery Formation, which is the first time I’ve seen it.”

Puppet Lao said calmly: "This kind of ancient and unpopular technique is only available to the ancient sects like you who have not changed it."

Mr. Zhuang sighed slightly, "This is troublesome."

"I told you a long time ago that there is no need to be different and learn some techniques that no one else has learned. Mo Hua is not good at all. Now that he has learned such an unknown technique, his practice will be hindered and his progress will be much slower. "Puppet Lao's tone revealed a trace of reproach.

 “You have to start everything well and end well, I will find a way.”

"How are you doing? Don't forget that you can't stay here for too long." The old man's eyes were slightly cold.

"We must teach him how to solve the formation, so that he can penetrate and decipher the mystery formation in the sea of ​​​​consciousness on his own." Mr. Zhuang said, "It shouldn't take too long to understand how to draw with ink. After that, we can only depend on his fate. …”

"What about the two children of the Bai family? You don't care about them anymore?"

"Accepting them as registered disciples is already an exception. It is impossible to accept them as direct disciples. My junior sister is too thoughtful and has plotted against me all my life. I can't let her plot everything."

“Also, you have always had poor taste in choosing disciples, and the same goes for choosing martial arts.”

Mr. Zhuang wanted to retort, but when the words came to his lips, he felt that Mr. Puppet was right, so he could only swallow the words himself.

 Mo Hua got the jade slips from Mr. Zhuang and couldn’t wait to read them.

"The formation method is derived from the literature and science of heaven and earth, describing all phenomena, and has the ability to change the heaven and earth, and has the unpredictable power of ghosts and gods. If you are familiar with the way of heaven and earth, and the principles of formation, you can both form and dissolve the formation."

“The formation media, formation patterns, formation hubs, and formation eyes form the formation. Damaging the formation media and destroying the formation eyes is called breaking the formation; unraveling the formation patterns and going against the formation core is called dismantling the formation.”

“All things have life and restraint, and the same is true for array patterns. Yin and Yang restrain each other, the three talents are inverse to each other, and the four phenomena control each other. Among the five elements, metal overcomes wood, wood overcomes earth, earth overcomes water, water overcomes fire, and fire overcomes metal..."


 The jade slips contain a lot of eloquent information about the liberation of the formation.

 Ink Hua seems to understand it a little bit, but if you think about it carefully, you don’t quite understand it. While frowning and thinking, Bai Zisheng secretly stretched his head over: "Hey, why are you reading a book about Liberation Front?"

   "Mr. let me see it."


 “Can you break up the formation?” Mo Hua asked.

 “I know a little bit, but I’m not very good at it.”

 If you know a little bit, you can be considered good at it, at least better than yourself.

Mo Hua pointed to a place in the book and asked humbly: "What is the difference between the broken formation and the dissolved formation mentioned here?"

Bai Zisheng did not hide his secrets and explained:

"Breaking the formation generally refers to using force to destroy the formation media and the formation eyes that the formation relies on to operate, and forcibly break the formation. Without the formation media, the formation cannot exist, and without the formation eyes, the formation cannot operate. , the formation was naturally broken..."

"Dissolving the formation is troublesome. It depends on the understanding of the formation patterns in the formation. Draw the formation patterns to unravel the formation patterns. When the formation patterns are offset, the formation will naturally be resolved. Generally, only the formation master can solve it. The ability of the formation.”

"Don't you know how to break up the formation?" Bai Zisheng asked again after finishing speaking. "No," Mo Hua said sheepishly, "I don't quite understand the difference between the formation eye, the formation hub and the formation medium..."

Bai Zisheng said "Wow", "Why don't you know this?"

Mo Hua asked back: "If I knew everything, would I still ask you? If I didn't ask you, how would it appear that you know a lot?"

 Bai Zisheng touched his chin, "It seems to make sense."

Turning around, he saw a faint smile on his sister Bai Zixi’s lips. She reacted and shouted again:

 “It’s still wrong, I can’t teach you in vain!”

 “Then I’ll bring you a plate of beef tomorrow?”

Bai Zisheng snorted coldly: "Who do you think I am? I am a direct descendant of the Bai family, the proud son of heaven, and you want to send me away after just a plate of beef?"

 “Two sets?”


“What is the difference between the array eye, array medium, and array hub?”

Mo Hua took the opportunity to ask.

 Bai Zi won two plates of beef and was satisfied, explaining:

"The formation eye is the core of the formation's operation, providing spiritual power for the formation's operation. Generally speaking, the formation eye of a single formation is a spirit-gathering formation pattern, and the formation eye of a complex formation composed of multiple single formations is a spirit-gathering formation. , the more powerful the formation is, the more spiritual power the formation eye requires. Some sects’ protective formations even use an entire spiritual mine as the spiritual power supply for the formation eye..."

"The center of the formation is the hub of the formation, and it is also the pattern of the formation. There are many things to pay attention to here. Generally, we pay attention to the round sky and the square, the two rites and four images, and the eight trigrams directions. The formation patterns with different attributes must be drawn in the corresponding directions, otherwise The array pattern cannot take effect..."

“Different schools and different inheritances have different formation hubs. It’s too complicated to talk about. Don’t think about it. With our current experience in formations, it’s impossible to use the formation hub to break the formation..."

"The formation medium is the medium for the formation. Formation paper, stone tablets, copper and iron, earth and wood, and other objects that carry the formation pattern, become the formation medium after the formation is painted on them. When some spiritual weapons need to be attached with the formation, they can also be used. Considered as a matchmaker..."

Seeing that he seemed to understand the ink painting, Bai Zisheng gave an example:

"Simply speaking, the formation eye is like a heart vessel. The formation hub is the main vein through which qi and blood flow. The formation patterns are the branches of qi and blood. The spiritual power is supplied by the formation eye. With the formation pivot as the hub, it is injected into the formation pattern, just like Qi and blood flow out from the heart and pass through many blood vessels in the human body to unblock the human body..."

Bai Zisheng chatted for a while, then felt thirsty, so Mo Hua poured a cup of tea himself and served it.

"Are these... very basic formation knowledge?" Mo Hua asked weakly.

"That's right, at least in our Bai family, these are common sense for learning formations." Bai Zisheng said proudly.

 Fortunately, I asked in advance, otherwise it would be a bit embarrassing to ask Mr. Zhuang about ink painting with these simple things.

 “I’ll bring you a pot of osmanthus wine tomorrow.”

 “Yeah!” Bai Zisheng was overjoyed and kept nodding.

Mo Hua asked some other things, such as how the formation is usually solved, how to break the formation, what are the specific schools of the formation pivot, etc.

Unconsciously it was getting late, Mo Hua said goodbye to Bai Zisheng and Bai Zixi, packed up his things and prepared to go home.

"Mo Hua," Bai Zisheng suddenly stopped Mo Hua and said solemnly, "Don't forget the most important point..."

 “What?” Mo Hua looked at him doubtfully.

 “Beef must be spicy!”

Bai Zisheng said with a serious face.

 (End of this chapter)