MTL - After Dressing Up As a Stepmother, I Transformed the Whole Family Into Working In the Fields-Chapter 588 Celebrate New Year together

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“Madam, it’s settled, will we go to the old house to celebrate the Chinese New Year with our two families this year?” Liu Ji winked at Madam in anticipation.

Qin Yao stretched out **** and pushed away the corners of his eyes in a figure eight shape, fixing someone's wildly blinking eyes.

 Looking at how filial he is, he nodded lightly and said, "Okay."

"But I'm going to say something ugly first. I just want to eat and drink. Don't expect me to do anything for you."

Liu Ji immediately agreed: "That's natural! It's too late for our whole family to serve my wife, so how dare we work for you, my wife?"

As habits become natural, Liu Ji bent down to help her brush the cold air off her clothes, opened the door and let her in.

Turning his head, he shouted into the kitchen: "Serve the food, let's eat!"

A Wang and Mrs. Li brought the whole pot up, and Yin Le then brought the rice and put it on chopsticks.

  The lid of the pot was opened, and the aroma filled their nostrils. The mother and son's eyes lit up, and they all looked into the pot. They saw a pot of fish with pickled cabbage, tofu, and green scallions and coriander leaves on top. It made people drool.

“Have you gone fishing?” Qin Yao looked at the children at home in surprise.

Dalang nodded, "It has been sunny these past two days, and there are many fish looking for food in the mountains and streams. They have been hungry all winter and have lost weight."

The aroma was so strong that Qin Yao was already hungry. Seeing everyone sitting down, she immediately picked up her chopsticks and started eating.

 The dishes throughout the winter were monotonous, either with various kinds of bacon or pickled vegetables. The only fresh vegetables were frost-resistant radishes and vegetables and pumpkins that had been hidden since early winter.

The wild vegetables are all frozen to death after the snow falls. Occasionally, a few bushes of fish hidden under the straw in the fields can be dug out, which is not enough to make a sacrifice.

You have to go to the city to buy fresh meat. The roads are frozen and the butchers can't bring in many pigs. It's not easy to get fresh pork every five days.

 With comparison, look at the delicious fish in the pot today. It is simply a delicacy in the world.

At the dinner table, everyone was eating fish. No one spoke, there was only the sound of chewing.

 After dinner, Liu Ji asked Dalang Erlang to get a pen and paper to write down a shopping list for new year's goods.

Qin Yao held Siniang in her arms for warmth, leaned on the chair, squinted her eyes lazily to eat, and calculated the distance in her mind. Gong Liangxiao and his party should have arrived in the capital.

The three Dalang brothers said that they would go to the city with Liu Ji tomorrow to do shopping. Liu Ji thought they were in the way and didn't want to take them with him. The father and son argued for a long time. Finally, Awang said that both of the family's cars were driven in. Then he stopped.

Qin Yao could no longer hear what was said later and fell asleep leaning on the back of the chair.

  She had been too tired these past few days, and she finally managed to arrange everything today. She relaxed completely and fell into a drowsy sleep until dawn.

Liu Ji seemed to have helped her back to her room on the way. He wiped her face and feet, stuffed a heating bag into her body, rolled up the quilt, and slept until daylight.

 When I woke up, the house was very quiet. The five father and son, plus Yin Le and Awang, had all gone to the city. The only sounds coming from the backyard were the childlike chatter of the little chicken playing with the chickens.

The stationery factory started its annual holiday on the 26th of the twelfth lunar month. Now everything in the factory has been arranged, and Song Yu is responsible for everything. Qin Yao really stayed at home for two days, feeling the lively atmosphere of the new year.

The people in the village have become rich this year, and five families have bought pigs to kill separately. From the 24th to New Year's Eve, the sound of pig slaughtering has not stopped.

Every household killed a pig and invited the village chief to eat the meat. Qin Yao refused and did not want to go out for a while. Liu Ji took his four children and went around to make a living. If he couldn't eat, he could bring some back to Qin Yao.

Today it’s braised pork with pickled cabbage, tomorrow it’s stewed pork with pickled cabbage, the day after tomorrow it’s steamed pork with rice flour, and the day after tomorrow it’s braised pork. In short, the villagers of Liujia Village are living a prosperous life this year.

 On New Year's Eve, there is still no need to open fire at home - the whole family goes to the old house to eat and drink!

Dalang said that this was the first time since he could remember that the two families had spent the New Year together. The atmosphere was so good that it was unreal, like in a dream.

Qin Yao glanced at the man who was surrounded by children writing couplets, lowered his head and said to the young man: "Da Lang, you may not believe it when I tell you, but this year it was your father who proposed that the two families celebrate the New Year together."

What? Dalang's eyes were full of disbelief. He thought it was his stepmother's suggestion.

Qin Yao shrugged, after all, she was also surprised.

 So, a great Confucian is a great Confucian, and Gong Liangliao taught his apprentice, who was not a human being, to become more and more like a human being.

“Aniang.” Dalang looked up at Qin Yao and said uncertainly, “Dad seems to have changed a lot.”

 Speaking, he raised the toe of his shoe, which had a conspicuous patch on it.

 “I don’t know when Dad sewed it for me.” Dalang said. This happened three days ago, but it doesn't feel real to him now.

As for why the young man is so sure that this shoe must have been sewn by his biological father, rather than Senior Sister Yue, Uncle Awang or Aunt Li, it depends on the poor craftsmanship of the centipede legs on the shoe.

"And this." Erlang came closer at some point and took out a hairband from his arms. It was a bit old, but the big words "Wenquxing protect me" were clearly visible on it.

Qin Yao recognized it at a glance. This was the one Liu Jichen carried on his head when he was reading.

Erlang said with a complicated mood: "My father actually gave me his hair, saying that it will be blessed by Wenquxing and will ensure that I will be able to go to high school in the future."

 Before the mother and son could discuss Liu Ji's changes in detail, the twins and Da Mao, who could already run very fast, ran over.

"Third aunt, three aunts, post couplets!" Da Mao grabbed the hem of Qin Yao's skirt and pulled her away.

Qin Yao had no choice but to wave her hand to signal the older brother and the younger brother to leave first, and followed the three youngest ones to the table.

Liu Ji dried the ink and handed over the two written couplets, "One is posted on the door and the other is posted in the main room. Oh, it's my lady. Please come in and sit down. I won't bother you with such small things." ”

He has not forgotten the previous agreement between the two of them that she would not do any work. He glanced at the three little ones angrily and asked you to find someone to post the couplets. Why did you find this big Buddha!

The three children blinked innocently, huh?

Qin Yao curled her lips and smiled, reaching out to take the couplet, "Give it to me, it's boring anyway."

With a big wave of her hand, a group of dolls followed her out of the courtyard, carrying paste, stools, and brushes, all in perfect condition.

Qin Yao only needs to wait for the children to tear off the old couplets, apply paste on them, set up stools, step on them and paste the couplets flat.

The main door is shorter. Dalang has grown a lot this year. He can now serve his mother even if he steps on the stool.

The handsome young man took the couplet and pasted it directly. Qin Yao stood on the ground with her arms crossed to help check the flatness.

The smell of rice wafted up, and the chefs Awang and He shouted that it was time to start the meal. Qin Yao and a group of children rushed to the water tank to wash their hands, and then rushed into the main room in a swarm. They were the first to grab seats and sit in a row to wait for the New Year's Eve dinner. table.

The two families put together three tables, with eight children occupying one table, one table for the women and one table for the men, filling the small main room of the old house to the brim.

 Although it’s a bit crowded, the atmosphere is high due to the large number of people, making people feel closer to each other. (End of chapter)