MTL - After Dressing Up As a Stepmother, I Transformed the Whole Family Into Working In the Fields-Chapter 550 Brainstorm ideas

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Chapter 550 Brainstorming

 In the meeting hall, Song Yu and other stewards who could be present were all present.

Qin Yao stepped into this brand new and spacious meeting hall for the first time. It was built in a classical style with brick and wood structure. It was grand and elegant. It was hard to imagine that such a house would appear in a small mountain village.

 Carpenter Liu’s aesthetic is indeed online. Qin Yao was secretly satisfied in her heart and felt that asking Carpenter Liu to come back to help layout the new factory was the most correct decision this year.

 In the spacious meeting hall, there is a huge long table, the top of which is made of a complete ancient tree.

 Surrounded by natural stools made of various wood roots, all uniformly coated with varnish, giving off a very warm and moist wood color.

 Qin Yao sat down on the main seat and went straight to the topic.

“I think everyone already knows the good news coming from the capital. I’m as happy as you are, but I’ll put aside the celebration for now.”

Qin Yao smiled and looked at Yun Niang and others, "The second batch of goods will be delivered to Fulong Trading Company before the year. You can calculate how many ladies' boxes we can make and deliver now."

Yun Niang and the purchaser Liu Zhong immediately calculated in a low voice and finally came up with a more accurate number.

Liu Zhongdao: "Excluding the distance spent on delivery, we still have two full months of October and November for production. Yun Niang and I just made a rough estimate. At our current speed, the entire factory will With continuous rotation, more than 2,600 book boxes can be handed over. "

"But!" Yun Niang added seriously: "I'm afraid the embroidery girls in the embroidery room can't keep up and need to expand their manpower. And in the jade factory, although we have stocked some jade of the same color, we need to unify the same color. Two thousand Among the more than 600 book boxes, I am afraid there will be 30% mixed colors.”

 After hearing what the two men said, everyone present frowned.

They all know the selling price of the Lady's Box. According to general experience, the more the better, the more you can earn, otherwise it will be like the magical book box, which has no follow-up and will be difficult to make money.

 But if the quality cannot be unified and the signboard is broken, naturally we cannot do that.

Liu Qi asked anxiously: "Then how many high-quality ladies' boxes can we hand over?"

Yun Niang said with some regret: "If we don't increase the number of people in the embroidery workshop, then we can conservatively estimate that there will be 1,500 or 600."

 That's it, the embroiderers still have to stay up for a while, day and night.

Of course, the more you work, the more you will get, and you will not be given any less money.

 Everyone looked at Qin Yao anxiously, thinking that she would not be satisfied with this number.

Unexpectedly, Qin Yao held her forehead and let out a long sigh and said, "It's too much."

Seeing his words fall, all the stewards looked puzzled. Qin Yao even felt a headache. They are all honest people.

  She originally wanted to test how strong people’s awareness of the brand was, but to her surprise, there was none.

But Shunzi suddenly raised his hand, indicating that he had something to say.

Qin Yao nodded and motioned for him to say.

Shunzi said a little anxiously: "Everyone should know that there are rare things to live in. If we hand over more than a thousand ladies' boxes at once, will anyone still spend a hundred taels of silver to buy them?"

Everyone present knew that the cost of a lady's box was less than eight taels of silver. Even including the commission for Fulong Trading Company, it was still a huge profit.

 No matter how well they are made, they are still cloth, jade, and wood.

Shunzi said sincerely: "I think we only need to take out five hundred, and we have to do it more slowly and more carefully. We must make every one the best, few and fine, so that people want it but can't get it." , is the long-term solution.” Shunzi has been responsible for external affairs in the factory. From time to time, he would go to Fucheng with Liu Bai’s motorcade to contact the management of Fulong Trading Company, and to discuss Qin Yao’s high-end brand sales model. Heard a little bit.

 He thought the idea was brilliant when he first heard it. Now after seeing the popularity of the first batch of Lady Boxes, he hoped to implement this brilliant idea to the end.

 “Everyone, don’t just think about taking advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune, it’s true that the water will flow slowly over time.” Shunzi thought to himself, I still want to work in the stationery factory for the rest of my life.

"Shunzi is right!" Liu Fei stood up and tentatively suggested: "Manager Qin, I think five hundred is too many. Let's hand over a hundred this time."

"Then we will make preparations for a hundred more, and let Manager Yun think of new colors and make some new patterns, and then put them on the market in the spring, and only in the spring. From now on, we will only put out a batch like this at a specific time every year. It makes people unable to buy even if they want to, and they have to wait.”

Hearing these words, the stewards frowned more and more. How could they make guests wait like this? Who is crazy enough to wait that long?

 But Yun Niang noticed that the expression on Manager Qin's face became softer and softer, and the eyes he looked at Liu Fei were full of surprise.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she thought deeply along the lines of what Liu Fei said, and suddenly felt that people may be very mean, and the more they can't get something, the more they want it!

Moreover, in the past two years, she has met many wealthy businessmen and gentry who spend a lot of money. To these people, spending dozens or hundreds of taels is like ordinary people like them spending one or two hundred taels. They are not afraid of the expense, but are afraid of it. I can't even spend the money I want to spend.

"This is very good." Yun Niang murmured, "How could the variegated jade not be another kind of unique one?"

Once the inspiration came, Yun Niang couldn't wait for a moment, and regardless of whether she was still at the discussion table, she suddenly left the table and rushed towards her workroom.

After Liu Fei finished expressing his thoughts and received high recognition and appreciation from Qin Yao, Yun Niang came back with two fresh and warm manuscripts.

 These days, a carpenter may not be able to write, but he must be a master of painting!

 A lady's box with fresh green and white colors, and a lady's box with brown, gray and black colors, are clearly displayed in front of everyone's eyes as the paper is spread out.

At this time, Yunniang may not have known the concept of series products, but she had already developed such an awareness. She marked the two new manuscripts with the same "one" mark, and after "one", they were embellished with name.

 The first mother-of-pearl black lacquer lady's box sent to the capital was named Yi Dai.

 The names on these two manuscripts are [一.春] and [一.Cang].

 In the meeting hall, a group of senior men couldn't help but feel a little excited when they looked at these two new-color ladies' boxes.

“I think it looks good.” Qin Yao asked everyone in surprise: “What do you think?”

 Everyone nodded in agreement, admiring Yun Niang for coming up with such a color scheme.

Yun Niang said modestly: "Thanks to Liu Fei's idea, otherwise I wouldn't have thought of this."

Liu Fei accepted the compliment generously and continued to express his thoughts with a smile. Anyway, he just said that it was the third sister-in-law's business to adopt or not.

"I think I can draw the story and make it into a small storybook to be included in every lady's box."

 Qin Yao was pleasantly surprised again and looked at Yun Niang.

Yun Niang waved her hand, "I can't draw the pictures in the storybook."

Liu Bai smiled and said: "Aren't there scholars in the village? Why not let them try? We can also earn some silver pen and ink fees."

Qin Yao thought, yes, the resources in the village should be fully utilized!