MTL - After Breaking Off the Engagement, She Went To the Countryside and Was Pinched By a Rough Man and Pampered-Chapter 68 smash glass

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Chapter 68 Breaking the glass

 In fact, making quilts is very easy to get started, but the male educated youth has never made quilts, so he was clumsy at the beginning and was easily stuck by needles.

 But you can basically become more proficient at making a quilt.

 Xia Zhi and Liu Zhiyan squatted on their earthen kang and made quilts.

The two of them moved very quickly. Even though Liu Zhiyan came from a cadre family, she could still make quilts.

Even cadre families need to cover themselves with quilts, and they also need to take apart and wash quilts. This is a necessary task for every family every year.

 So basically girls know this skill.

 The two of them work quickly and cooperate to make a quilt. Two people work together to make a quilt. One person makes one end and the two ends are joined together. Basically, the quilt can be completed.

 So it’s very fast.

 In one morning, two people had already made two quilts.

When Xia Zhi saw that noon was coming, he asked Liu Zhiyan to take a rest first, and the two of them would cook and finish lunch before starting work in the afternoon.

It’s not like the work can be done in one day. Besides, it’s still snowing outside, so we have to clear the snow.

Just as the two were about to cook, they heard someone knocking **** the door of the diwozi.

Every time this sound came, something bad always happened. Xia Zhi opened the door of the cave with a hint of impatience.

 In the end, I saw Feng Xizhu and several other male educated youths at a glance.

Xia Zhi and Liu Zhiyan opened the door and walked out.

 “What are you doing?”

"What are you doing? Xia Zhi, you are going too far. We are all educated youths. Why do you go shopping for groceries without telling us?"

Feng Xizhu cocked his neck and glared at Xia Zhi, as if looking at an enemy.

Of course, in his mind, it was Xia Zhi that caused him so much misery.

Especially today when he went to the educated youth’s diwozi next door to talk, he saw fresh cabbage, tofu, potatoes, and radishes.

At that time, I suspected that there was something wrong with my eyes.

After asking, I found out that Xia Zhi had registered the items and vegetables needed by the educated youths yesterday and the team went to the county town to buy them back.

 Feng Xizhu and the seven male educated youths immediately became furious.

 They believe that the summer solstice is deliberately targeting them.

So eight people rushed over angrily.

"What you asked is really interesting. We went to buy groceries, why should we tell you? This is our private behavior, and it is not organized by the team.

 And it’s clear that you have no dealings with us.

 Why should I inform people who don’t like me? "

Originally, I thought Xia Zhi would be intimidated by their momentum, but who knew that Xia Zhi opened her mouth and completely stopped them.

No one expected that Xia Zhi was not tactful at all, and these words slapped them in the face again.

"We are just a little educated youth, and what you do is not united at all. What you do is called selfishness, and what you do is called public revenge."

Feng Xizhu couldn’t think of a reason, so he had to make up one himself.

“So what if I don’t unite with you?

You are not willing to come out when we are clearing the snow, so why should we notify you when we are buying groceries?

 We can do it if you don’t unite, but you can’t do it if we don’t unite. Is there such a truth in the world? "

“Yes, it’s really ridiculous. You put a big hat on our heads and avenge private revenge. What is public?

 Can we represent the public?

 Xia Zhi is our captain?

 Or will the summer solstice be responsible for your daily management?

 What responsibilities do I have to take care of you?

 You are really good at avenging personal vengeance. "

 Liu Zhiyan felt that Feng Xizhu was just mentally ill.

 At this moment, she suddenly felt happy for Zhao Hong, glad that Zhao Hong had completely sobered up after this incident. If you are with Feng Xizhu and get married in the future, you may not be sure what kind of punishment you will suffer.

Depending on this person’s thinking, he might not be a weirdo after getting married.

Live as if everyone in the world should pay for him as a matter of course.

"Okay, I can't tell you, okay, let's wait and see, I tell you, don't regret it, one day you will get your retribution sooner or later."

 The eight grown men could not find any reason and could only turn around and leave.

Xia Zhi shook her head and pulled Liu Zhiyan into the house quickly. It was windy and snowy outside, and she felt almost frozen in the doorway for a while.

The two of them made a meal for lunch. After eating, they went together with everyone else, swept the snow again, and then started making quilts in their own ashes.

The two of them had just started making quilts when Xia Zhi heard a bang.

The glass window on their roof was actually smashed.

As soon as the glass window shattered, cold wind and snow rushed into the house.

A stone fell in along with the broken glass.

The size of the stone shows that it was not caused by wind.

 Liu Zhiyan was shocked. She had never encountered such a thing before.

As soon as the glass window was broken, the snow on the roof was swept in with the wind, and the house was suddenly filled with wind and snow.

Xia Zhi stood up in a hurry and walked to the broken glass first. There was a stone lying on the ground, along with shards of broken glass and a pile of snow.

  At this moment, the wind carried snowflakes swirling above her head.

Xia Zhi turned around, opened the door and rushed out. Sure enough, she saw the figure running away quickly. Even if she didn't see it clearly, she guessed that it was probably related to Feng Xizhu and the eight of them.

 Liu Zhiyan hurriedly chased him out.

 “Summer Solstice, what’s going on?”

Liu Qianjin and the educated youths from the neighbors also came out one after another.

Hearing the movement on their side and the sound of someone running, naturally everyone came out to see what was going on.

“Someone deliberately smashed our glass with rocks.”

 When the male educated youth heard this, his face immediately changed.

“Who is so wicked? It’s such a cold day. Without glass windows, it would be so cold in the house.”

“That’s right, who is so wicked?”

Liu Haidong seemed to have a high IQ. He turned around and looked at the area near Feng Xizhu and his family's lair.

“I see, are they these idiots?”

“I just saw a person turn around and run away, but I didn’t see who it was clearly.”

 Xia Zhi cannot easily accuse others wrongly.

"It goes without saying that it must be Feng Xizhu. He has long disliked us. I heard he was making trouble with you this morning."

At that time, Liu Haidong was making quilts in the house and could not catch up with this matter. If he knew about it, he would probably have to beat Feng Xizhu again.

“Okay, let’s not leave. Let’s go find Feng Xizhu and the others. I have to give them a good beating today. Is this such an outrageous thing?”

“Is there anyone who bullies female educated youths like this?”

“A grown man dare not quarrel with others blatantly. People use this kind of dirty trick when they can’t talk, and this kind of dirty trick is too damaging.”

 “Let’s go together! It’s too bullying.”

 These male educated youths who had been particularly close to Xia Zhi and the others recently were filled with indignation.

A few people followed Liu Haidong and were about to leave, but Xia Zhi shouted to stop them.


 (End of this chapter)