MTL - After Being Kicked Out of a Wealthy Family, She Became a Fake Daughter and Shocked the World-Chapter 540 I met a girl when I was five years old

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Bo Yuting took away the tray with blood vessels and medicines.

 When I went back two hours later, the little girl was already asleep.

 The sky outside has also darkened, and it is extremely cold at night, causing the temperature in the room to drop a lot.

Bo Yuting took a cold shower before coming, and when the chill on his body had almost dissipated, he went to bed quietly. Even so, Lin Wu still woke up a little, but when he saw him in a daze, he continued Fell asleep.

Bo Yuting leaned over to hug her and did nothing else. He closed his eyes contentedly and caught up on his sleep.

I don’t know how long it had been, but there was a vague noise outside, like the sound of a helicopter’s propeller landing.

Lin Wu was woken up. She suddenly woke up when she thought of something, sat up and looked out the door.

 The next moment, he was pulled back by the man beside him.

Bo Yuting hugged her and said vaguely: "It's okay, it's my fourth uncle, he's leaving."

Lin Wu looked back at him and asked softly: "What about you?"

 “Tomorrow morning.”

 “Are you still there when I wake up?”


Bo Yuting also woke up and opened his eyes to meet the little girl's clear black eyes.

He came closer and kissed the little girl gently between her eyebrows.

 Lin Wu closed his eyes subconsciously.

"I'm sorry, my boyfriend has to leave early. Around four or five o'clock." He said in a low voice, "But before I leave, I will make breakfast for you. You can eat it when you wake up. What do you want to eat? ?"

Lin Wu thought for a while, "The wontons are stuffed with lotus root. But are there lotus roots here?"

Bo Yuting smiled and said, "Yes, my boyfriend can do it."

Lin Wu nodded.

Bo Yuting asked: "Is there anything else you want to eat?"

Lin Wu shook his head.

Bo Yuting said: "Then go to sleep, it's still early."

 Ke Lin Wu was no longer sleepy.

Seeing this, Bo Yuting kept chatting with her: "Actually, my boyfriend has been very curious a long time ago and wants to ask why you like wontons stuffed with lotus root and meat so much? I just think it's delicious and suits you." I just like it because of my appetite, or is there another reason?"

Lin Wu said: "It's delicious. And -"

She paused, seemed to be hesitant, and did not continue.

Bo Yuting asked: "What else?"

“When I was five years old, I was taken away by human traffickers. After returning to the Lin family, the first meal I ate was wontons stuffed with lotus root and meat.” Lin Wu said.

Bo Yuting was slightly startled.

"But we didn't eat at the Lin family." Lin Wu added calmly, "The Lin family didn't notice that I was missing, and they didn't have any special reaction when I showed up when I went back. Or maybe they were vaguely aware that something was wrong with me, but they didn't care. Too lazy to care."

"So on the day I went back, they went out to attend a banquet and didn't take me with them. The Lin family's servants didn't care about me either. In addition, the Lin family didn't come back that night. It seemed that they went to some resort to play with the partners and came back three days later. . When they are away, the servants are also given a holiday."

"I was so hungry for a few days, and there was nothing to eat in the Lin family. Finally, I climbed out of the backyard wall by myself. But at that time, the wall was too high for me, and I fell dizzy."

Bo Yuting immediately felt a stinging pain in his heart, and hugged Lin Wu tightly.

Lin Wu remained calm: "But my luck has always been pretty good. Although I almost fell unconscious when I climbed over the wall, I met a kind-hearted girl. She took me away and sent me to the hospital for examination. She found that I was fine, and Take me to dinner.”       “I remember she asked me what I liked to eat.”

 “I said I don’t know.”

“She said she likes wontons stuffed with lotus root and meat. This one is quite delicious. I will definitely like it too.”

“So she took me to the Bajiao Pavilion in the west of Beicheng City. I ate lotus root meat wontons there, and I ate three whole bowls at once.”

Bo Yuting's throat spasmed and hurt when he heard it, and he could hardly speak. After a long while, he managed to squeeze out a smile and asked softly: "What happened next? Do you still have contact with this person? She is a nice person, and you should become friends later. Alright?"

Lin Wu shook his head: "She and I only met that side."

 After dinner, the man sent her back to Lin's house.

Shortly after that, people from Killer City found her and took her away.

When she went back, Lin Wu thought about finding that girl to repay her. She didn't want to owe her any favors.

 But no matter how she searched, she could not find him, and there was no whereabouts at all. The other party disappeared as if he had evaporated.

“Actually, I went to Bajiaoting later and wanted to eat the wontons from that time. But it was strange that the wontons didn’t taste the same when I ate them again.”

"But when I was about to leave, I met the owner of that store. He asked me if I had been here with a girl before, and accurately told the time when I came with her. I said yes. The owner asked me to sit back. He served me a basket of soup dumplings and said a few words to me."

"It turns out that girl also went back to that store. Please remember me and tell me something when I come here. Not only the lotus root wontons, the soup dumplings are also delicious. I hope I won't be trapped by the past. Stay and try new things.”

With these words, Lin Wu did a lot of things that she might never have done before.

 Slowly, he became a new Lin Wu and got rid of many difficulties.

"But I think she was wrong." Lin Wu blinked and said, "I have eaten a lot of delicacies from the mountains and the sea, and I think the lotus root wontons are still delicious and not boring. The soup dumplings are just okay. "

Bo Yuting lowered his head and kissed her, and said hoarsely, "Well, my boyfriend also thinks lotus root meat wontons are the most delicious."

Lin Wu laughed instead, pinched his face and said, "You don't have to feel sorry for me, everything has passed. The longer time goes by, the less I care. It's better to look forward, and you can see more and more What a different scenery.”

"Oh, no, I'm still a little concerned about one thing." Lin Wu frowned again, "I can never find that girl. And I clearly remember that she is very good-looking and a very special person, but she I completely forgot what he looked like. I can’t even remember him.”

 “You know, I have a good memory. But I don’t remember her. It’s so weird.”

Bo Yuting followed her and asked: "Where is the owner of the Bajiaoting store? Does he remember? Is there any surveillance in the store?"

Lin Wu said: "The boss said he had seen too many customers and couldn't remember it. At that time, Bajiaoting was still a small shop and there was no surveillance system. Later, when the city was renovated, the shop was almost forced to close down. I found out about it and asked someone to buy it. After obtaining the development rights of that urban area, we kept it and turned it into the signature old store it is today.”

She said she was a little proud and in a good mood: "So if I go to that restaurant to eat again, the boss will not charge me any money, and the portion he serves is always the largest."

Bo Yuting stared at her eyes that were bright even in the dark, and leaned in for a deep and deep kiss.

 The breath of both of them gradually became confused.

"Thank you, little girl." Bo Yuting said softly.

Lin Wu was a little confused: "Huh?"

Bo Yuting kissed her and said with a low breath: "Thank you, little girl, for taking such good care of yourself before and for letting your boyfriend have such a good girlfriend now."

Lin Wu blinked and said, "Maybe it's because I'm so lucky. I always meet noble people of this kind and they teach me a lot."

 The girl she met when she was five years old was the first noble person to teach her, and the first person to let her know how to save herself and move forward.

 It would be nice if I could see her again.

 After all, the other party has never seen her when she is not embarrassed.